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CDS Exam (i), 20701 DO NOT GPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL ¥OU ARE TOLD TQ DO 50 TAC. : DZOLA-LKE Test Booklet Serieg Serial Nu. TEST BOOKLET 0230493 ENGLISH Time Allowed + Tw Hours Mexium Marks : 100 —e_a__ ee ecrionssme Marks: 100 INSTRUCTIONS i. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD ‘CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOESNOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. [F SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Ficane mote that 1 is the candidate's responatbilty to encode wad Gl ix the Rell Number and ‘Test Booklet Sertea Code A. By C or DF carefully and without say emalztlom oF Aincropancy at the appropriate planes la the OM Auswer Sheet. Amy omigslon/diserepascy wil erader the Amrmer Shee! Hable fet fejoction, You hive te entet your Roll Nombcr on de Test Booklet im the B6x provided eloopide, BO NOT erie anpeking ete on thy Test Boole, ‘Taiz Test Booklet cxatsina £24 items (questions), Eaciy jtew compris Faw seipontas (anawer) ‘You will seleet the rexpoasc which you want to miark on the Answer Sheet. In case, you feel that these ig Tore than Oné cored response, mark the response Whuch you eahsidec the boat. te any. ase, eboose ONLY ONE response for each item, You have to coark alll your responses ONT on ihe sepavite Answer Sheet provided. See directions i the Answer Shest All itoms carry equal wiarks, Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Shett the response to various items in the Test Booldet You have to fill in some particalars in ihe Answer Sheet as per insiractions scat ta you with yoy ‘Adoiission Certificate ‘After you have completed filling it all your rexoasce on ike Answer Sheet snd the examination has ‘concluded, you should band. over ta tie Invigilatot only she Answer Skeet. Vou eve permitted ta take away wich you the Test Booklet Shoots for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet al the cod. Tenney tr wrong AAzterg: THERE WILL BR PENALTY FQR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN ‘THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (i) There are four aimemanives for the answer to cvery question. Far each question for whigh « wrong pawer bax been givéa by tbe candidate, amecchied of the marks aisigned chal question will be deducted MB pecalty. (Tha conidate gives move than one answer, it will be tried as a WPODL. sierrer oven if one of the given answers happens to be comect snd there will he ame penalty 9 abore to thal ‘nuestion. Gi) [Es question is left Mink ic. 0 answer in given by the candidate, there will be mo penalty for thik question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD 70 DO SO COMPREHENSION Direcsions Tn this scelian you have hwo short passages, After each passage, you will find some items ‘based on the passage. Read che passages and answer the items based on them. You are required to select your answers hated an the content of the passage aid opinian of the author only. Passage - 1 Post colonial cultural analysis bas been conecmed with the elaboration af theoretical structures thet contest the provious dominant westem ways of seeimg things. A simile arialogy would be with feminism, which has involved a comparable king of project: there was @ time when-any book you right read, any epezct you might bar, any film thal you saw, Was alsrays told from the point of view of male. The woman was there, but she was always an object, never a subject. From what you would read oc the films you would se, the woman was always the one who was looked af, Shs was never the observing eye. For centuries it was assured that women were jess intelligent than mem and that they did not merit tse sare degree of education. They were fot allowed a yote in the political system. By the seme taken, any kind of knowledge developed by women was regared a5 non-serious, trivial, gossip or altematively as knowledge that had been discredited by science, such a5 Superstition or traditional practices. of childbirth or healing. All these attitudes were part of a lager system in which women were dominated, exploited, and physically abused by mex. Slowly, but increasingly, fom the end of 8h century, fernitsists began Co contest this situation. The more they contested it, the more it became increasingly obvious that these attieudes extended into the whole of the culture; social yelations, polities, Jaw, medicine, the arts, popular and acédamic knowledge. 2 What does *... she was always am ebjcct, mover & subject” mean 7 4 contestation of the then existing fa) Women were given and dominant westem proctices a we respect Pree > wdlsbipped a contestation of western practices: in colonial stuies {by Wotten were not given any right equal to men a contestation of the superstitious {8} Women were treated at par with practions men (@) an approval of indigenous prac (4) Women Tiked to be treated inferior ties: to men DZOL-U-LKE - A 3. Why was ‘she never the observing oye? {a} She wos beautiful, ae she was observed by tien 4b) She liked to be observed by men. te} Women were assumed tp be less inelligent than men (4) Women were assumed to be more inteltigent than ten ‘The contestation io dominance of the ‘male resulted in () participation of women in social felaions, politics, law, medicine, the arts, popular and geademic knowledge Passage — How wonderful is the living world! The wide extraordinary habitats in which we find living (b) participation of men in social relations, politics, law, medicine, the arts, popular and academic kmowiedge {@) penticipation of women in social Movements (@) comestations with males in life leading to divorce 5. Which word in the passage is opposite Of ‘contrast? 2 (a) Contestations (8) Trivial {ce} Discredited (@) Analogy range of the living types is amazing. The organisms, be it cold mountaing, deciduons forests, oceans, fresh water Jakes, deserts or hot springs, leave us speechless. The beauty of @ galloping horse, or a migrating bi rd, the valley of flowers of the atiacking shark Svolies awe and a deep sense of wonder. The ccological conflict and cooperatien among members of a population and among populations of continuity or even a molecular Baffic inside a cell make us deepiy reflect on — whal indeed i life? This question has two implicit questions wi The first is a technical one and secks answer to what living is as opposed to the’ non-living, and the s6cond is the philosopbiea! one, and seeks answer to what the purpose of life is. ‘What is living? When we ary to define characteristics exhibited by living orga ‘living’, we coaventionally look far distinctive nisms, Growth, reproduction, ability to sense ‘savizoument and mount a suitable tesponse come to our mind immediately os unique features of living organisms. Ome can add a few maré features like metabolism, ability to selFreplicate, scifeorganize, interact and esiergence to this list A- DZOL-U-LKE (b) Meaning of life could be reflected as to haw living organisms Tive and non-living organisms exist & Way are the living types amazing ? (@) The exuvocdinary diversity of habitats makes it amazing (c) Meaning of life could he reflected {o) The living organisms are acting as to where thé life begins sod fas per their interests where it ends (6) The bursen thinking makes the {d) Meaning of life could be reflected living types amazing on how various Hiving ongasisms differ (@) The evolution of Tife makes it amazing 9. Distinctive characteristics exhibited by organisms indicate that 7. Why does the audhor say, ‘ecological eonflict and coopécation’ 7 (a) hey are living organisms (a) Because fiving organisms are structured this way (b) they are nac-living organiams (8) Because coalogieal mechanism ay ha i " yy can be aither living onge- yore with conflict and cooperi- isms ot non-living organisms (oh Because bumars want to fight and {d) they know the purpose of life live together {@) Because living organisms same- 10. Which word in the passage moans fimses fight and sometimes Live ‘unique’? together (a) common @& Which of the following statements is rue of the passage 7 (b) characteristics {a) Meaning of Tift could be reflerted dictineti as fo what living 48 as opposed to (2) distinctive the nontiving and what the purpose of Life is (4) general DZOL-U-LKE - A SPOTTING ERRORS Directions + Boch item in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts igbeifed ap (a), (b) and (c), Read each sentence to find out whether there is any ertat in any underlined part and indicate your response on the Answer Shect against the corresponding letter, i.¢., (2) or (b) or (e). If you find no error, your responce should be indicated as (d). HL, Hethas beet one the inost revered member of the comiinittee of enquiry, No error, @ @ © @ 12 Rahul asked me whether I was interested 10 joining the group for the trip. No error. @ oy @ @ 13, “Where there is a will then there isa way’ is anold epithet, Na error, @ & ®) @ 34. Indian feminism grew out of the Women's movements of the late nineteenth century, fay by yeached full mamcity in the early twentieth century. No errar. Tesched Cull manurity in the early twentieth ofitury. No errar. . @ id) 15. The greatest merit of democracy is that everyans feels free 7) iby sand can pursues his/her interest, No error. e} @ 16 All stake holders of education have the-right to ask for accowitability te} &) in every aspects of ita implementation, No error. «) @ 17, Learning many laagusges promotes linguistic, culiyral and social barmonies @ by among peapic speaking different languages, No error. fe) co s A= DZOL-U-LKE 4B. One should not aét according t@ one's whims and fancies on public places, day a fc) Noerror. @ 18. Boanechists believe that India bad taken a new turn in 1990 fa) oe) with the liberalization to hereconomy, No ezzor. &) tay 20. Irrigation works havea special importanec in an agricultural countries like India, @) th) where rainfali is unequally distributed throughout the seasons, No erro (ch @ ORDERING OF WORDS IN A SENTENCE Directlons + Each of the following items in this section consists of a scnlence, parts of which have been jumbled. These parts have been labelled 35 P,Q, RB and & Given below cach sentence are four sequences namely (a), (b), (c) and (d) You are required lo re-arrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and mark your response accordingly. 21. history of life evolutionary Biology is forms an garth he study of F a Rr 3 The correct sequence should be f SFQR by QSPR @RPQS @ FSQR DZOL-U-LKE - 4 6 life is considered the origin of the history of universe a unique event in F Q r s ‘The correct sequence should be @) QPSR ® Psar @ SQFR @ RSPQ 22, productive resources is how we manage and competitiveness P Q R critical 10 ctrategie growth s The correct sequence should be f@ FORS fh) RSPQ @ SkFQ @ QPsR 24, inservice firms operations strategy from the comporale stuategy P Q R is generally inseparable § The comrect soquence should be (@) SROPF &) QPsR @ RSPQ () PSOR 7 A- DZOL-U-LKE 25, are travelling, a recent survey has cevealed that they are worriod about their safety P Q R ‘even as more und more Indians s ‘The correct sequence should be &) SFOR &) QSRP @ PRESQ (@ RPEQ 26, the imagination of children stories.can exercise more than the stories P Q R because they tell & The correct sequence should be i QRSP SPOR i) QPSR (@) RSQE 22, asmresoniof and suffering of bumans th F 2 history is considered The correct sequence should be () SERQ O) RQSP @ PQRS @ QRSF DZOL-U-LKE - A g 28. 29, 30. sane invented it sppears hus been invented that all that Q R 5 The correct sequence should be @ QSeR @) QRSP f) RSQP @ SPOR during the Inst century Indian social, political and cultural life as a testimony of PB Q Rk Indian cinema stands § The correct sequence should be @ SPQR QRSP © Fors @ sRQP ‘of all searches for knowledge should be the beginning af exploration into truth ¥ Q R and experiments of li s The correct sequence should be (@) ROQOPS ) SPOR () RSPO (a) RP ° A— DZOL-U-LKE IDIOMS AND PHRASES Directions Given below are some idioms/phrases followed by four alternative meaning? to each, ‘Choose ihe response (2), (6). Ce) of Cd} which is the most appropriete expression end mark your response in the Answer Shest mocordingly. SA. Get the jitters 35, Cut the cord. {a} Fecling anxious {a} To stop needing your parents foc (b) Feeling happy o money To stop needing someone else 1 (¢) Stammering Took afer you and start acting (d) Feeling exposed independently {e) To be safe 02 your own at ch bear French leave 4d) To be a married perso (2) Absent from work without asking for permission in French 36. Cupboard love (b} Asking for permission before (a) Loving someone to get something leaving wort fom the person {c) Work fot permission to get leave (>) Loving the cupboards (4) Absent. from work without asking (c)_ Lanocent love for permission (&) Loving to be free of all eanditions 33. Tuke a stand 37. Around the comer (To publicly express an opinion (a) & thing which is at the end of the about something comet (b) To make a stand for owe to sit (8) An event or thing which is going fe} To be firm on your work to happen stan (6) Anevent that eomers someone far (¢) To be part of the work his wrong M4. (6) Aneventthat happensin the comer Con and cut of powecful place (a) To avoid a difficult situation by leaving suddenly 38. With Heavy Heart (b) To avoid an event suddenly (a) With heavy weight (0) To meat some danger euddenty (b}. With joy and humour {d) To ask for sudden meeting with (©) With sense of share someone (@) With pain and regret DZOL-U-LKE - A o 39. Cost a bomb (@)} To be very arrogant (Bi) To be with rich people te) To be very expensive (4) To be atingy 40. Roll your sleeves up (a) To prepare for wrestling (b) To prepare: For bard work {e} To make somnsone work for you 1d) To wack with others ORDERING OF SENTENCES Dineceions = Tn this section cach item cansists of six séstences of a passage. The first and sixth sentences are given in the beginning as 57 and $6, The middle four seatencss in each have been jumbled up and labelled 35 FQ, R and S. You are cequired to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the Answer Shoct, 41, Si; 86: ‘The couitry’s economy is grewing and would continue grow at a mpid pace im the coming years, The market shate of clectcical vehicles increases with increasing availability of intrastracturc, + [also provides us an opportunity ‘Ww gTOW a8 iamufacturer of elee- tric vehicles, > According to NIT] Aayag (2019), if India reaches a electric: veh eles sales penetration, mi and oil savings can be athioved. ti R ; Given the commitrnents tat bidia has made oa the climate font as a nation aad on cnvironmental aspects, it is Tikely that larger and larger share of aullomobile: sector would be in the form of electic vebicles. 3: This presents 6 great opportunity for the automobile indusay as the demand for sutomotiles would only increase. The correct sequence should be @) SRQP () RQOSP (@) QF&R @ OSRP A— DZOL-U-LKE 42. SL: Central government receipts can broadly be divided into nomdebt and debt receipts. 86; This is also evident from the com- position of non-debt receipts. P : Debt roceipis mostly consi of market borrowing and ¢ther liabilities which the government is ‘abliged to repay in the future. Q: The nondebt receipis compeise ‘of tax tevenue, non-tax revenue, gecovery of foans and disinvest- nent ceceipts. R : The outcomes ag reflected in the Provisional Actual figures is lower than the budget éstitnate owing 10 reduction in the net tax revenue. 3: Tho Budge 2018-19 targeted significantly high growth in non- debt receipts of the Central Government, which was driven by robust growth, ‘The correct. sequence should be 4a) SRPQ &) RSQP ) PQRS @ QPRS DZOL-U-LKE — A az a. $1; Palaeontology is the study of the remains of dead organisins over enormous spans of rime, $6: Faunal analysis gives information about the animal people hnorted and domesticated, the age of acrimal at death, and the diseases Guat afflicted them P : Bones provide a great infomation. Q : The distribution of faunal resins (animal boaes) at a silt can indicate which areas were used for ‘butchering, cooking, eating, bone fool making and refuse dumping. R : Within chis discipline, molecular biology and DNA sindies have been used to understmd hominid evolution. S : Hominid evolution answers the questions boul what anciont people looked like, and to plot paticms of migration. The comect sequence should be @ QERS ) SPOR f) RSPQ @) PQRS 44, SL: Hormones have several functions in the body, 36: The two hormones together regu- atc the glucose Jevel in the blood. P : They belp to maintain the balance of biological activities in the body. Q; Insulin is celeased im response to the rapid rise in ‘blood glucage level. RiQa the other band hormone Blucagon tends to increase the glucose level in the blood S : The role of insulin in keeping the Hood glucose level within the narrow limit is an exanpls of this function, ‘The correct sequence should be @.PSRQ @) RSPQ (€) SROP @ QRSP 45, SI: All living things affect the living and nonlivicg, things around ther, $6: This interdependability needs to be understood when we, humans consume much more then required and abuse nature. P : This can also affoct the population af fox, if fones depend on tubbits for food. Q: For cxample, earthworms make burrows and Worm casts. R : This act of earthworms affects the seil, and therefore ihe plants growing in B 3: Rabbies fieas cary the virus which causes myzomatosis, 69 they can affect the size of the rabbit population ‘The correct sequence should be fa) RSQP fo) PSRQ @) QRSP @ SQRP. 46, 1: The ecosystem of water is come plex and many environmental factors are intricately linked. 86: The trocs slowly transier rainwater ‘inte the sub-soil aad this is critical for sustaining water for months after the rains, P ; Thick forests anake for excellent catchments, Q: The problems we sea art bocause we have undermined these links over decades, R: First, rin and snowfall are dhe enly sources of water — about 99%, 3: In the four months of monsoon, there are about 30-35 downpours and the challenge is te hold this water in systems that cart last a3 over 365 days, The correct sequence: should be @ QRSF @) PSRQ ) SROQP f@) RQOSPF A DZOL-U-LKE 47. SI: ich 18 exciting because people disagree. 86; Tt is not solitary people who make politics and a goad society; it is the people together which make good politics and society. P : Foc Aristotle polities is an atvernpt to create 2 good society because politics is, above all, a social activity. Q: They also disagree about bow such matters should be resolved, ‘how collective decision should br made and who should have a say. R : They disagree about bow they should live. $: Who should get what? How should power and other resource bbe distributed ? Should society be based on cooperation or conflict ? ‘And 90 on. ‘The enrrect sequence should ve @) RSQP ) PQSR (©) OSRP (4) RSPO DZOL-U-LKE - A “4 48. 51 Regular exercise makes many of the organ systems become more efficient ‘86: Different activities require differ ent levels of fitness. Po: it can improve your strength: make your body more flexible and less likely to suffer Grom sprain. Q: 1k con also improve your endur- R : ft also uses up energy and helps 10 prevent large amounts ‘of fat teuilding up in the body. 5: Exervise can increase your fitness in threx: Ways. ‘The correct sequence should be @) QRSP bh) RSPQ &} FSQGR fd) SQRP 49. SI: On increasing the tempersure of solids, the kinetic ‘energy of the particles increases. 86: The temperature at witich a solid melts to become 4 liquid at the atmosphere prisure is called its ‘melting point. P 7 A stage is reached when the solid mneits and is converted t0 a liquid. Qi Due to the increase in kinetic energy, the articles start vibrating with greater speed. Rei The particles leave their lixed Positions and start moving, more realy. 8: The energy supplied by heat overtonits the Forces of attraction between the particles. ‘The correct sequence should be f) QSRP ) QRSP () PRSQ (4) SPRQ oy 50. SL: Things are often not what they seem. $6: This happmned without you even knowing it So imagine the changes that oecur to this carth and humanity. P ; But you are really nit, because the Milky Way galaxy, of which you area part, is moving through space st 2. million Kilometre on hour. Q : So in roughly twenty second that it would have tuken you to read this paragraph, you have already moved thousands of kilometre. Ro: And that is without taking inte account Ge effects of erth’s rotation on its own axis, its orbiting around the sun and sun's Journey around the Milky Way. S 1 AS you tead this sentence, perhaps siting in @ comfortable chair in your shidy, you would probably ‘consider yourself at rest, The correct sequence should be f@) QRPS @) ROQOPS () PORES i) SPRQ A= DZOL-U-LKE $1, FT FILL IN THE BLANKS Directions + Each of the following sentences in this section hes # blank space and four words or group of words are given after the séafence. Sefect the mst appropeiale word or group of words for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheel accordingly. a good match T would. bave got married, (a) bad found (b) have found fe) found (@) have 32. The lady has been declted as one of the wp ten strony, (=) sore powerful members {b} most powerful members (©) mnost powerfull member {d) chore powerful member of the cam- |. When I visited the villoges nearby the city many water bodies intact. (a) came across {b) come acress fo) carne @) carte in 1. He bas lost all bis investi and be is - {9} broke (by broken (¢} discredited @ defunct DZOL-U-LKE - A 55 57, A specch is a He whether he could get any cerfificale for the course. (a) said () told {eh thought of (d) asked 1 farporell to all my course mates last yeu @ bid (h) bade @ said (&) tod Very few of the texts from very carly Vedic period are nom, (a) exwant ) exit (3) exempt (4) redundant address, delivered 10 an audience thal reeks 10 convince, persuade, inspire or inform. @) formal {b) informal {) humorous (@) polinigal ss. all thai is not gold. fa) glitter () glitters (6). slttering td} gliding SYNONYMS Directions : Bach item in this scction consists of a sentence with an underlined word(s) followed by four words/group of wards. Select the option that is nearest in moaning 10 the undeslined word and mack your response. on the Answer Shect accordingly. a. Emboldened by its success, the leader gow plans to go ahead with ibe pian and implementation. 4a) Encouraged 4b) Disgrentled (2) Succeeded (A) Failed It is encouraging to sec India’s indigenous cinema ig going places. (@) homogenous (®) classical () home-grown (qd) Non-native language |. The ability to imagine and conceive a common good is inconsistent With what is imown as ‘pleonsxia’ is a najoe struggle for a good democracy to realize, 7 4, Having been in politics for sbovt 40 years, the party slow tnésty bin Tike fa) a have-bees 4b) a had-been 46) a has-been {d) would have been (a) Greed to grb everything for oneself Greed 10 aecumulate more and more wealth Dislike for others ‘Over ambitious B), © ® He tied to avoid saying semething that would implicate him further (a) reward ® © ta inceiminale encourage incite . The ststulory corporate tax which forms the major income of the govern- ment has not changed this year. (a) legistame &b) unlawsul (8) goverument (d)_ legal A > DZOL-AU-LKE 66. He has been part of the all dissident (©) anger activities, (@} whims (a) rebellious {b) supportive 6, There is a teadeney to treat social - changes as mere development in terms (©) conformist of accumulation of wealth, (@) legal - fa) position $7. Advocacy is ane majar component of {®) predisposition any new programme. | (©) thinking (a) promotion (d) idew (b} opposition () sridique 7. During the ancient period poets were (@) Tiking patronized through various instirutions. (a) Supparted 68 People avoided hima for his high mindedness, (b) respected 4) toughness fc} opposed {@) strong. principles {d) scoldedt ANTONYMS Directions : Each item in this section consists of sentenoes with an underlined word followed by four ‘words or group of words. Select the option that ip opposite iu meaning lo the wderiined sword aul tark your response an the Answer Sheet accordingly. ‘TI. Thearchaig thinking teads to unfounded 72, Police bad to resort to tear gas to beliefs. diffuse tension among the crowd, (@) antiquated (@) concentrate } oumoded (0) scamer (@) beyond the times. fe) disperse €2) modern . @) sew DZOLU-LKE - A 1B 73, Unrest im some poskets made the city dwelicrs confine themselves at home. (0) Turbulence (©) Unease (6). Apprehension fd) Calm 4. Peace and tranquility are imstrumenis which would boos the developmen of society. ia) uproar {b} calm fe) serenity (4) sound 7 Barting a decision of such disputes, ‘other matters relating to the election of President or Viec-President may be regulated by law made by Parliament. fa) excepting (b) without (c) including @ excluding 46, His sprech was full of emotions and it wag at extempore. (} propared (b} Teady made (©) unrehearsed (@) 0d Hb 7h The tescher asked her students 10 midéstand the enguing problems and address them suitably. (a) subsequent (b) consequent {eo} retrospective {db om suite 78, All the allegations against the actor were expunged by the committer of inquiry. fa) got rid of ¢o) part of {0} accepted (@) rejected 78. His relatives guaded him for ziving vp the job. (@) porsuaded (b) discouraged {c) advised against (d) deter BO, He is one of the confidants of the leader and cam influence the decision of the gurvernment {a} opponents {b) intimate: (€) close friend {d) colleague A= DZOL-U-LKE PARTS GF SPEECH Directions = Esch af the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. Read the sentences carefully and find which pant of speech the underlined werd is, [ndicale your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly, at. All the pilgrims tested for a while kinder the banyan tres. fa) Advert (b) Place value (0) Preposition (a) Verb 8% The wonderful statue of the leader weleames all penple 10 city. (a) Object (b) Adjective {e) Noun phrase (@) Noun pen. (@) Postessive pronoan. () Possessive adjective ©) Advert (© Veb 34. When people found thas the jewel wag in records of Rahim, Bey igevc it to him. (3) Pronoun (o) Nomainative 46) Nowa (@) Adverb DZOL-U-LKE - A 85. If is eleven O'clock naw and all of us should retire to bed, fa) Personal pronown ib} Relative pronowa (©) Lmpersonal pronoun td) Vorb 86. The flower is very beautiful. (@) Adjective {b} Adverb {c) Prepesition (4) Conjunction. 87, This boy is stronger tan Ramesh. @) Pronoun (b) Adjpctive {c) Antiele (d) Adverh 88 f burt myself. (a) Noun @) Pronoun, (eo) Demonswative preposition (@ Adjective 89, The ants faught the wasps, 90. U can hardly believe it, 4a) Intransitive verb (@) Adjective ) Transitive verb (0) reposition {ep Demonstrative verb ©) Adverb 4d) Adjective td) Verb CLOZE COMPOSITION Directions : Each of the following sentences in this section has « blank space with four words-or group. of words given, Select whichever word or group of wards you consider the most appropciate fer the blank space and indicaic your response on the «Answer Sheet accordingly. ‘The difficult thing about $1. (9) studying the science of habits is that () study studies (d) ae studying most people, when they hear sbout this field of research, 9% (a) wanting 4b) waned © wants (@ want to icnow the secret formula for quickly changing any habit. If scientists have discovered how 93. (a) those patterns work, then it stands Lo reason thar they ) this (2) these {dy that ‘M4. (5) must have also found a recipe for rapid change, right 7 if only it (b) will © could (d) might 95. (0) arc that otdy. I's Hat, 96. (a) these formulss don't (b) were {b) this © was {o) that @ willbe (@) which, mn 4- DZOL-U-LKE ‘exit, The problem is chat there isn’ one focmula for 37, (a) changing ) Ghumyed (©) having changed (@) changes for habits, There are thousands, Individuals and habits are 9B. Ca} full (b) all (©) complete (4) most different, and so the specifics of diagnosing and changing the patterns in our Fives differ ‘from person 10. 99. (a) people amd behaviour to behaviour. Giving up (b) persons (6) personnel {@) person ‘sigatettes 8 different 100. (a) from curbing overeating, which is different 4b) since {sh to @ into from changing how you communicate with your spouse, IM. (a) it () this (ec) what @ which a different trom how you prioritize tasks at work, What's more, each potsor's habits are 102. (a) broken by different cravings. As a result, this bouk does net (b} given (©) driven ®) ‘one prescription, Rather, Lhoped to deliver something £4) contoining else: a Gamewore fr understanding 104, (a) how — habits work and » (h) what (} where (whose guide to experimenting with bow they 105, (a) might change, Some (b} would (e) will (4) must DZOL-U-LKE - A 2 habits yield easily to analysis and influence, Others ara 106. (3) quiet 107, a oD ‘) {b) most te) better td) moce complex and obstinate, and require prolonged stdy, Amd for others, change is = process Gut ever fully concludes. But that does not processing processed processes 108, @ @ ob i a means if can’t accut. Each chapter in this book expiains 4 diffetent aspect of why habits exist and how they function, The framework 109. 1. ab ob) ce) @ @ () @ @ deseribing deseribad will describe: daseription a very basic way, the tactics chat researchers have found any the rather in this section is an attempt to distil, in for diagnosing and shaping habits within our own iives. Directions : SPELLING MISTAKE In this section a word ig spelt in four different ways, Identify the one which is correct. Choose the correct cesponse (2), (b}, (¢) ar (4) and indicate on the Answer Shect accordingly. EL. Which one of the followirig alrernarives 112. Which one of the foliowing alternatives: has the correct spelling? hhas the correct spefling ? (@) Mounraneous (6) Mountenoos (8) Mountaineous: (4) Mountainous (0) Etiquece ) Bsquete (e) Btiequete (2) Brequise B A - DZOL-U-LKE 113, Which one of the following altematives 117. Which one of the following alternatives ‘has the correct spelling 7 bas the correct spelling ? @) Curiculm (a) Snobbery 6) Curiculum (b) Snoberry (@) Curicaleam © Snabbery 4d) Curriculum: (a) Snabbory 124, Which one ofthe following alternatives. 118, Which ong af the followingaltematives has the correct spelling 7 has the corneal spelling ? fa) Magnificent (a) Neurasis ®) Magnificant (b) Nuroesis (©) Magneficemt (2) Neurosis (@) Megenticient 4d) Neuresis, 115, Which onc ofthe following alternatives 19. ‘Which ong ofthe following alemauves bas thr correct spelling ? ‘has the eoerect spelling 7 (a) Felecitation (a) Dipthteria (b) Feliciation (o) Diptheria fe} Fabicitation (©) Diphtheria {d) Feticitasion (@) Digiahria 116. Which one of the following alternatives 120, Which one of the following alternatives hhas the correct apelling ? hhas the correct spelling ? @) Tweith (a) Meagre (b) Twelfth. } Megare (© Twetuth (©) Meagr (@) Twelthe (@) Megear DZOL-U-LKE - & 24 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK ry A-DZOL-U-LKE SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK DZOL-U-LKE - A 26 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A- DZOL-U-LKE SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK DZOL-U-LKE — A Bs

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