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Ocular Rosacea: Recent Advances in

Pathogenesis and Therapy.

Author: Alejandro Rodriguez-Garcia, M.D.
Director of the Immunology & Uveitis Service
Senior Ophthalmic Research Coordinator
Instituto de Oftalmología y Ciencias Visuales
Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud
TEC Salud. Tecnológico de Monterrey. México

Instituto de Oftalmología y Ciencias Visuales
Centro Médico Zambrano Hellion (1er Piso Oriente)
Av. Batallón de San Patricio No. 112. Col. Real de San Agustín
San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León. C.P. 66278. MEXICO
Tel. 52(81) 8888-0551 y 0552
Fax 52(81) 8356-1799

Ocular rosacea forms part of the clinical spectrum of rosacea. It is characterized by a
chronic and recurrent inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctiva and cornea. Approximately
50% of rosacea patients present ocular manifestations, and the condition is most
frequently diagnosed when cutaneous signs and symptoms are present. However, in 20%
of patients, ocular manifestations may precede the cutaneous disease. Most frequent
ocular symptoms are: red eyes, burning, foreign body sensation, photophobia and blurred
vision. Chronic blepharitis with meibomian gland dysfunction is the most frequent ocular
manifestation of the disease, and produces evaporative dry eye with consequent ocular
surface damage. Corneal inflammation and scarring may be a cause of severe visual loss.
In addition to therapeutic strategies for the cutaneous disease, ocular rosacea treatment
involves, lid hygiene, topical macrolides and tetracyclines as eyelid gels or ointments,
lubricant eye drops, and short-term topical steroids, depending on the severity of
blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis. Prognosis and visual outcome depend on the
severity of the disease, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Ocular rosacea is defined as the clinical spectrum of ocular manifestations considered
subtype 4 rosacea by the National Rosacea Society.(1) The syndrome is characterized by
chronic inflammation involving the eyelids and to a variable extent, the conjunctiva and
cornea.(2,3) Its clinical course is one of exacerbations and remissions over a long period of
time with poor correlation between the occurrence of ocular manifestations and the facial

The ocular manifestations of rosacea were recognized much later than the dermatologic
ones. Rosacea was probably first evoked by the famous British writer Geoffrey Chaucer
(1387) in his description of the Summoner’s face in “The Canterbury Tales”(6) and painted
one century later by the Florentine renaissance painter Domenico Ghirlandaio (1490), in
“The Old Man and his Grandson”( Musée du Louvre, Paris), where he portraits a
grandfather with a prominent rhinophyma.(7) The first person known to describe rosacea
as a medical condition was a prominent medieval French surgeon, Dr. Guy de Chauliac
(1300-1368) who called it “goutterose” which means “pink droplet”.(8) In the 18th century,
the dermatologist J.J. Plenck (1738-1807) called it “gutta rosacea”.(9,10) Later on, these
terms were replaced in the English literature by Batemann (1778-1821) who first called it
“acne rosacea”,(9,10) a term that was later discarded due to the lack of evidence of a
relationship between acne and rosacea.(11)
The first scientific description known of the ocular manifestations of rosacea came from
Arlt (1864), who first noted conjunctivitis and keratitis in patients with facial disease.
(12,13) Sir W. Stewart Duke-Elder (1898-1978) first stated that ocular rosacea is more
common than reported, and is frequently undiagnosed,(14,15) and affirmation that
unfortunately is still valid today.(16-18). Only few case reports or literature reviews were
written before 1980 in ophthalmology journals.(3,13,15,19-21) But on the last two
decades of the last century, the number of publications in both ophthalmologic and
dermatologic journals started to raise, showing an increase scientific interest for the
ocular manifestations of rosacea.(2,5,22-27). Finally, from the last decade until present
time, many reports reviewing particular aspects of ocular rosacea like, quality-of-life,
pathophysiologic mechanisms and treatment modalities have increased the awareness,
and improved our knowledge of the disease.(28-37)

Approximately 50% (range, 3 – 58%) of rosacea patients present ocular manifestations.
(19,38,39) Ocular rosacea is most frequently diagnosed when cutaneous signs and
symptoms of the condition are present.(40,41) However, it may persist undiagnosed for a

long period of time when cutaneous manifestations presented earlier in the course of the
disease and are not prominent at the time of ophthalmic examination.(14,18,42) It is
important to note that in 20% of patients, the ocular symptoms may be the initial
manifestation of the disease, and in 27% of them, the cutaneous and ocular
manifestations may occur simultaneously.(2,19,39)
Even though r
osacea has been more commonly described in populations from the north
and west of Europe, and in countries with a large European descent, particularly the
United States,(11) there are no precise data on the prevalence variation among races.(5) It
appears like rosacea may occur less frequently in other ethnic groups, particularly in dark-
skin individuals.(25) Previous reports have found that approximately 4% of rosacea
patients are of African, Latin, or Asian descent.(43)

In general, women without ocular involvement are more frequently affected than men,
(13,44) and although ocular rosacea appears to affect both sexes equally, the ocular
manifestations tend to be more severe in man.(2,35,45) Ocular rosacea can appear at any
age, including childhood.(31,46,47) Pediatric rosacea is a poorly defined condition, and it
is probably underestimated as flushing and facial erythema are frequently confused with a
“healthy glow” in children.(11) Ocular manifestations of rosacea in children are similar to
adults, but sight-threatening complications are more frequently found at this age group.
(47,48) Children are likely to have a family history of rosacea, and the condition may
persist through adulthood.(49,50) In general, rosacea flushing usually initiates during the
second decade of life, becomes troublesome at the third decade, and may continue to
progress thereafter.(51) The peak incidence of the disease occurs later, between the fifth
to seventh decades of life, when most cutaneous and ocular morbidity occurs.(52,53)
There appears to be a strong correlation between the degree of ocular involvement and
the tendency to flush.(54) Finally, ocular rosacea significantly affects the quality of life of
affected patients.(4)

Clinical Manifestations.
Ocular manifestations are mainly present in the eyelids and the external ocular surface,
comprising the conjunctiva and cornea,(2) and they can precede skin changes in a minority
of patients; develop a the same time; develop later than skin manifestations; or occur
independently from skin flushing.(55,56) Most frequently, ocular manifestations occur
after skin flushing, or coexist with an advanced cutaneous stage (subtype-III -phymatous)
of rosacea.(35)(Figure 1)

Figure 1. Patient with subtype-3 (Phymatous) rosacea showing a prominent rhinophyma,
and severe ocular involvement OS>OD.

Problems range from minor irritation, dryness, and blurry vision to potentially severe
ocular surface disruption and inflammatory keratitis.(35,46,57)
Ocular rosacea symptoms usually present bilaterally, but asymmetry or alternate
inflammation is not uncommon.(58,59) As would be expected, reports from
ophthalmology clinics indicate a higher prevalence of ocular manifestations than
dermatologic ones.(2,5,29,45,60) The most prominent symptoms of ocular rosacea are
redness, tearing, foreign body sensation and irritation.(5,35,56) Other symptoms equally
important in these patients are: eyelid margin redness and pruritus, swollen eyelids,
visibly dilated conjunctival vessels, mucus and/or watery discharge, grittiness, pain and
burning, dryness, photophobia, blurred vision, recurrent hordeolum or chalazion, among
others.(2,5,42,56) Symptoms most typically worsen early in the morning after awakening,
but also by hostile environmental factors such as, air pollution, air conditioning and fans
air flow, dry and hot climate, among others.(58,59,61,62) These aggravates are related to
meibomian gland inflammation and dysfunction (MGD), which typically worsen overnight
to became more symptomatic early in the mornings, and to tear film instability causing
evaporative dry eye.(53,55,60,62-64)
Chronic blepharitis and conjunctivitis are most common signs of patients with ocular
rosacea.(31,57,59) Signs may be divided according to the adnexa and ocular structure
affected by the disease.(Table 1) Eyelid findings include, chronic anterior and posterior
blepharitis, MGD, hordeolum and chalazion, eyelid margin erythema, crusting, scales,
telangiectasias, meibomian duct obstruction with keratinization, squamous metaplasia,
and lid border irregularity.(2,5,58)(Figure 2)

Figure 2. Inferior eyelid margin of a patient with ocular rosacea, showing grade-3
meibomian gland dysfunction with meiboum stagnation in most gland orifices.

Chronic blepharitis with associated MGD has been recognized as the most important
feature of ocular rosacea.(28,53,65,66) Meibomian gland dysfunction is seen in up to 78
to 83% of ocular rosacea patients,(5,35) while approximately 60% of patients with
chalazion have rosacea.(67)
The reported prevalence of most relevant signs of ocular rosacea is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Ocular Rosacea Manifestations and Prevalence

Eyelids Manifestations Prevalence Range References
Blepharitis 47 – 93% [5,13,35,42,55]
Meibomitis or meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) 4 – 83.7% [5,42,55]
Secretions (collarette, sleeves, crusts, scales) 56.3% [35]
Telangiectasias 63 – 81% [5,35,42]
Meibomian duct obstruction with keratinization NA ---
Margin erythema NA ---
Lid border irregularity NA ---
Margin squamous metaplasia NA ---
Hordeolum and chalazion 7.3 – 71.4% [5,31,35,55]
Conjunctival Manifestations
Hyperemia 45 – 86% [5,13,35,42,55]
Papillary / follicular reaction 10.9% [35]
Phyctenula 0.7% [5]
Nodule NA ---
Granuloma 0.7% [5]
Bacterial conjunctivitis 16.3% [35]
Cicatrizing conjunctivitis 9 – 20% [5,57,69]

Corneal Manifestations
Sicca or tear film instability 26 – 62.5% [5,28,32,35,55]
Superficial punctate keratitis (SPK) 15 – 50.9% [5,35,42,55]
Interstitial keratitis 28.5% [31]
Pannus formation 20 – 65.2% [31,35]
Vascularization and subepithelial infiltrates 6.5 – 67% [5,13,35,42,55,63]
Vascularization and stromal thinning 7.2 – 10% [35,42]
Recurrent epithelial erosion 5 – 12% [5,42]
Ulceration 5 – 14.2% [5,31,35]
Peripheral ulcerative keratitis (PUK) 9 – 19.4% [35,42,63]
Scarring and leukoma formation 21 – 56.5% [5,35,63]
Perforation Case reports [5,35]
Other Manifestations
Episcleritis 8 – 8.1% [5,63]
Scleritis 0.7% [5]
Iritis 2 – 10% [5,13,55]
NA = not available.

The conjunctiva frequently shows bulbar and tarsal hyperemia, a mixed follicular and
papillary reaction, and to a lesser extent, phlyctenula, nodule and granuloma formation.
(13,35,42,68) Some patients may also experience from acute bacterial to chronic
cicatrizing conjunctivitis.(57,69)
Although site-threatening corneal findings are not common in patients with rosacea, the
cornea has been involved in up to 50% of patients, and may vary from superficial punctate
keratitis to severe corneal ulceration, scarring with dense leukoma formation, and even
globe perforation.(5,35) (Figure 3)

Figure 3. Large central corneal leukoma and stromal vascularization, obstructing the visual
axis of a patient with chronic ocular rosacea.

Other important corneal findings are: pannus formation, recurrent epithelial erosions,
sub-epithelial infiltrates, interstitial keratitis, stromal thinning, vascularization, and
peripheral ulcerative keratitis.(35,53)(Figure 4) As mentioned before, some of these
corneal changes may produce serious visual impairment.

Figure 4. Inferior peripheral ulcerative keratitis with multiple corneal stromal infiltrates
and vascularization in a patient with severe ocular rosacea.

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca associated with rosacea has been reported in as many as 40% to
56% of patients.(55,70) This finding is due to a mixed form of lacrimal dysfunction (aqueo-
mucinous deficiency and increased tear evaporation).(64,70) The evaporative part is
directly related to chronic blepharitis and MGD seen commonly in these patients, and is
responsible for symptoms exacerbations and aggravation of the ocular surface disease.
(5,28,35) Other less frequent but not least important ocular manifestations of rosacea are
episcleritis, scleritis and iritis.(5,40,58)

Clinical Course, Stages and Grading.

Ocular rosacea is considered subtype-4 of the disease by the National Rosacea Society
Classification Committee, and the different subtypes do not necessarily follow one
another in a consecutive manner.(1) Like the cutaneous disease, ocular rosacea is
characterized by a chronic inflammation of the eyelids and ocular surface that waxes and
weans throughout the clinical course of the disease.(5,45) The role of known cutaneous
triggers on ocular rosacea exacerbations is uncertain. In general, triggering factors are
taken into account by ophthalmologists when following and managing the ocular
inflammation.(2,5) Ocular inflammation may last from weeks to months, and the longer
the uncontrolled inflammation, the eye becomes more prone to sight-threatening
complications due to corneal involvement.(2,58) Skin manifestations may or may not be
present at the time of ocular disease, and severity of skin flushing does not correlate with

ocular manifestations.(31,59) The National Rosacea Society has divided the clinical course
of rosacea into one pre-rosacea stage, and 3 progressive stages of the disease.(71) Ocular
changes are part of the second stage, along with cutaneous features like, persistent,
spreading erythema; edema, papules, pustules; and enlarged pores.(71)(Table 2)

Table 2. Stages of Rosacea*

Stage Symptoms and Signs

Pre-rosacea Frequent flushingIrritation caused by topical preparations

Stage 1 Transient facial erythema that becomes more persistent

Slight telangiectasias

Increased skin sensitivity

Stage 2 Persistent, spreading erythema

Edema, papules, pustules

Enlarged pores

Ocular changes

Stage 3 Large inflammatory nodules and furuncles

Tissue hyperplasia, fibroplasias


* Standard classification of rosacea: Report of the National Rosacea Society Expert

Committee on the Classification and Staging of Rosacea. [1].

The severity of ocular manifestation of rosacea has also been analyzed by the National
Rosacea Society Expert Committee on the Grading of Rosacea(71,72) (Table 3) The
purpose of grading the severity of the ocular manifestations is for specific
recommendations on adequate therapeutic intervention.

Table 3. Grades of Ocular Rosacea*

Grade 1: Mild itch, dryness, or grittiness of eyes; fine scaling of lid margins;
telangiectasia and erythema of lid margins; mild conjunctival injection
(mild congestion of conjunctival vessels).

Grade 2: Burning or stinging of eyes; crusting or irregularity of lid margins, with

erythema and edema; definite conjunctival hyperemia or injection; formation of
chalazion or hordeolum.

Grade 3: Pain, photosensitivity, or blurred vision; se- vere lid changes, with loss of
lashes; severe conjunctival inflammation; corneal changes, with potential loss of vision;
episcleritis or scleritis; iritis.
* Standard grading system for rosacea: report of the National Rosacea Society Expert
Committee on the classification and staging of rosacea. [71].


The pathophysiology of rosacea and its ocular manifestations is complex, and involves a
closed interaction among innate immune defense mechanisms, innervation, adaptive
immunity, and vascular biology.(73) Despite recent advances in our understanding of the
complexities of neuro-immune communication, acute and chronic inflammation,
immunity, and tissue repair mechanisms, the pathogenesis of rosacea remains
inconclusive.(74-80) Both, vascular dysregulation and altered immune system responses
and consequent inflammatory changes have been majorly involved in the skin and the
ocular surface.(81) Recent research has shown an upregulation of pro-inflammatory and
vasoregulatory genes in rosacea patients.(80,82,83) The concept of an altered vascular
function or a vascular hyperreactivity, is supported by the characteristic facial flushing,
persistent erythema, and telangiectasias seen in these patients.(83) More recent studies
point toward a vascular endothelial growth factor (VGEF)-mediated angiogenesis and
lymphangiogenesis.(83,84) Since IL-17 mediates the induction of VEGF in fibroblasts in
vitro, there is a potential role of this cytokine in rosacea-associated angiogenesis.(85,86)
Interestingly, increased vascular densities were correlated with the papulo-pustular and
ocular rosacea subtypes.(87) Different chemokines have been shown to exert bimodal
functions on the vasculature. Whereas interferon-inducible and CXCR3-binding
chemokines such as CXCL9, CXCL10, and CXCL11 have been classified as angiostatic, CCL2,
CCL11, CXCL1, CXCL8, CXCL12, and CXCL1 promote angiogenesis.(88) Nevertheless, the

role of these chemokines in the vascular dysregulation, angiogenesis or lymphagiogenesis
in rosacea remains to be elucidated.

On the other hand, alterations in the innate immune system responses include an
overabundance of cathelicidin (an antimicrobial peptide), along with kallikrein-5 (KLK5), an
enzyme involved in processing cathelicidin.(78) There is strong evidence for the role of
proteases in rosacea, in particular, KLK5 which is able to activate signaling pathways,
leading to the production of inflammatory mediators, cytokines, and LL-37.(78) Kallikrein-
5 also activates several matrix metallo-proteases, which cause shedding of several
epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligands. These EGFR ligands may also induce more
LL-37 production. However, the mechanism that enhances KLK5 in rosacea is not fully
understood.(78) In addition, it has been shown that toll-like receptor-2 (TLR2) activity of
the innate immune system is upregulated in patients with rosacea.(89,90) TLR2 activation
leads to the expression of abnormally high levels of cathelicidin-LL37, which promotes
leukocyte trafficking through the induction of CXCL8, and induce angiogenesis.(77,91) In
this respect, immunohistochemical staining for a variety of vascular markers and for toll-
like receptor-4 (TLR4), performed to eyelid biopsies of ocular rosacea patients, and normal
controls has shown a statistically significant staining for ICAM-1 and CD105 among
arterioles but not venules on ocular rosacea patients compared to controls.(34) And the
correlation between the number of TLR4 positive cells and each vascular marker was also
statistically significant.(34) These findings suggest that ICAM-1 and CD105 mediate the
vascular abnormalities seen in the eyelids of ocular rosacea patients, and that the innate
immune system may govern the cutaneous effects of ocular rosacea.(34)

Ocular surface inflammation in patients with rosacea has also been related to increased
levels of interleukin-1 (IL-1), matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8), and gelatinase-B
(pro-MMP-9) activity in the tears of these patients.(24,27,92) Gelatinase-B activity
correlates with a delayed tear clearance and tear fluid concentration of interleukin-1, a
pro-inflammatory cytokine that has been reported to increase the production and activity
of certain enzymes of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family, including collagenases
and gelatinases, like MMP-8 and MMP-9.(27) These enzymes degrade extracellular matrix
and may contribute to the development of eyelid and ocular surface irritation, recurrent
corneal epithelial erosions, corneal vascularization and persistent epithelial defects, as
well as corneal ulceration seen in some of these patients.(27,92,93) In addition, delayed
tear clearance, a common feature of MGD present in almost all ocular rosacea patients,
has shown a strong correlation with decreased corneal and conjunctival sensitivity scores.
(64,94) Although the cause of decreased ocular surface sensation has not been
established, the inflammation of the ocular surface that develops in these patients is a
possible cause.(95) Inflammatory factors, including IL-1 have been reported to alter

sensory neural threshold.(96) The importance of a reduced ocular sensation is a decreased
stimulation reflex to the lacrimal glands for tear production, which further decreases tear
clearance rate, creating a vicious cycle.(97,98) More recently, impression cytology
combined with flow cytometry performed to samples from eyes with active ocular
rosacea, showed a significant increase of HLA-DR and ICAM-1 expression by epithelial cells
compared to normal eyes.(28) Both markers were well correlated with each other and
inversely correlated with the tear break-up time (TBUT) and Schirmer test.(28) Also, the
percentage of goblet cells in the conjunctiva was significantly decreased in rosacea
patients compared with the normal group, with a significant negative correlation with
both HLA-DR and ICAM-1 markers.(28) The goblet cell deficiency has been further
corroborated by significantly lower levels of the peptide core of the conjunctival mucins
(M1/MUC5AC), as compared to normal controls.(28)
A variety of rosacea triggers have been described including eyelid colonization with
Demodex mites(99,100) and Staphyloccocus epidermidis.(101,102) A recent study looking
at the concentration of cytokines and chemokines in tears of patients with Demodex
blepharitis demonstrated increased levels of IL-2, IL-7, and IL-17 as compared with
Demodex-free blepharitis, suggesting that specifically IL-17, may play a role in the
inflammation of the lid margin and ocular surface.(99) Helicobacter pylori is well
recognized as a causative factor for gastritis and duodenal ulcers, and rosacea has long
been associated with gastritis.(103) The prominent English ophthalmologist Sir Stewart
Duke-Elder stated, "digestive troubles have frequently been cited as a causal factor of
rosacea."(14) However, the proposed link of H. pylori to rosacea is intriguing but unproven
so far.(103,104) Few studies have been carried out to clarify this controversy. In an
uncontrolled, non-comparative study of a short cohort of patients, eradication of
Helicobacter pylori improved rosacea in some patients. Based on these results, it was then
suggested that the organism may play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease.(105) On
the contrary, a further well-controlled, comparative clinical assay was not able to establish
a direct relationship between the organism and rosacea.(106,107) Finally, the eradication
of Helycobacter pylori from seven patients with ocular rosacea, whom at the same time
had clinical and serological evidence of systemic infection with H. pylori, resulted in
improvement of ocular symptoms far better than the cutaneous response, raising again
the possibility of the pathogenic role of this microorganism in the disease.(108)
The role of well-established clinical cutaneous flushing triggers such as, microbes, cold,
heat, alcohol, coffee and caffeine-containing beverages, tobacco, spicy foods containing
Capsicum, vasodilating medications and emotional stress, has not been well studied for
ocular rosacea.(79,109) However, it is generally assumed that they all can also contribute
to the exacerbation of ocular signs and symptoms of rosacea. The same is true for UV-light
exposure, which directly decreases the competence of already dilated vasculature,

increasing persistent erythema and telangiectasias. UV-irradiation also induces the
expression of IL-1, IL-6, IL-10, TNF, and CXCL8 in a time and dose-dependent manner.
(110) In particular, IL-1 and TNF are known to induce the expression of a subset of pro-
inflammatory chemokines (CXCL1, CXCL8, CCL20, CCL27) in keratinocytes.(110) CXCL8 may
induce neutrophil recruitment.(111) However, the specific role of these cytokines and
chemokines in the pathogenesis of rosacea and its ocular manifestations is unclear at the
present time.

Ocular rosacea is frequently undiagnosed because of its large diversity of non-specific
clinical manifestations; the lack of specific diagnostic tests; and the difference in timing
between the appearance of cutaneous and ocular signs and symptoms.(16,17,32) Indeed,
ocular rosacea is most frequently diagnosed when cutaneous findings typical of rosacea
are also present at the time of diagnosis.(2,45,59) The problem arises when the patient
experiences skin flushing much earlier in the course of the disease and by the time ocular
manifestations occur, facial flushing may not be prominent or even absent. In such cases,
a definitive diagnosis of ocular rosacea becomes a difficult task to the ophthalmologist due
to the lack of specific ocular manifestations of the disease.(16,17) Moreover, in many
cases of ocular rosacea, the severity of ocular symptoms does not correlate to cutaneous
findings, and skin manifestations are not a prerequisite for the ocular diagnosis.(1,3,45,56)

To complicate even more the diagnosis, many other ocular surface disorders may mimic
ocular rosacea.(Table 4) According to the Report of the National Rosacea Society Expert
Committee on the Classification and Staging of Rosacea,(1) the diagnosis of ocular rosacea
should be considered whenever the following signs and symptoms are present in both
eyes of any patient regardless of cutaneous manifestations: ocular redness, watery
discharge, foreign body sensation, burning or stinging, dryness, itching at the palpebral
margin; photophobia, blurred vision, swollen and erythematous eyelids with scaling;
telangiectasias, eyelid margin irregularity, and chronic blepharitis with MGD; recurrent
chalazion or hordeolum; keratitis, episcleritis, scleritis, and iritis.(3,11,29,72,112) In
summary the diagnosis of ocular rosacea is established clinically and is often aided by
dermatologic findings.(58,59) There are no laboratory tests directly related to the
diagnosis, but in some cases, eyelid margin scraping and culture for Staphylococcus aureus
and coagulase-negative, Demodex folliculorum, and other potentially involved
microorganisms can be performed.(2,3,99)

Table 4. Differential Diagnosis of Ocular Rosacea
Ocular Disease Similarities Differences
Chronic blepharitis Identical eyelid changes Facial flushing and skin changes
Staphyloccocal blepharitis Collarette secretion, eyelid erythema; Facial flushing and skin changes. Phlyctenula
conjunctival hyperemia. formation
Seborrheic blepharitis Crusts and scaling, eyelid margin and Foamy conjunctival discharge. Scaling,
conjunctival hyperemia, MGD, eczematous changes of paranasal,
telangiectasias. nasolabial, and extrafacial distribution.
Sebaceous gland carcinoma Recurrent chalazia, MGD, eyelid margin Tendency to invade periocular region;
erythema and irregularity, yellowish pagetoid infiltration of the conjunctival
secretion. epithelium or skin epidermis.
Meibomian gland Obstructed meibomian ducts, turbid or Indistinguishable, apart from facial skin
dysfunction paste meiboum secretions; increased tear changes.
film break-up time, SPK.
Recurrent chalazia Identical hordeolum or chalazion Indistinguishable, apart from facial skin
characteristics. changes.
Allergic conjunctivitis Conjunctival hyperemia, papillary Ocular pruritus, Horner-Trantas dots; tarsal
reaction, watery discharge giant papillae.
Bacterial conjunctivitis Conjuntival hyperemia, mucopurulent Indistinguishable, apart from facial skin
discharge, sticky eyelids. changes.
Viral conjunctivitis Conjunctival hyperemia, follicular Conjunctival pseudo-membrane or
reaction, watery discharge membrane formation
Chlamydia conjunctivitis Chronic conjunctival hyperemia, Follicular reaction, tarsal fibrosis, Herbert
mucopurulent discharge. pits, trichiasis.
Ocular mucous membrane Chronic red eye, foreign body sensation, Subepithelial fibrosis, fornix foreshortening,
pemphigoid graining and stinging. symblepharon formation,
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis Chronic red eye, foreign body sensation, Pruritus, photophobia, tarsal papillae,
graining and stinging. subepithelial fibrosis, corneal
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca Chronic red eye, foreign body sensation, Filamentary keratitis, low tear meniscus,
graining and stinging. reduced
Schirmer test
Recurrent corneal erosion Red eye, watery discharge, photophobia, Facial flushing and skin changes
foreign body sensation
Bacterial keratitis Conjunctival injection, mucopurulent Facial flushing and skin changes
discharge, corneal stromal infiltrate,
photophobia and blurred vision.
Peripheral ulcerative Crescentric peripheral corneal ulceration, Indistinguishable, apart from facial skin
keratitis ciliary injection. Foreign body sensation, changes
Episcleritis Episcleral edema and vasodilation; ocular Indistinguishable, apart from facial skin
hypersensitivity. changes
Scleritis, autoimmune Scleral edema, vascular ingurgitation, Indistinguishable, apart from facial skin
related ocular pain. changes
Acute iritis, idiopathic or Ciliary injection, photophobia, pain and Indistinguishable, apart from facial skin
autoimmue blurred vision. changes
SPK = superficial punctate keratitis.

From the ophthalmological perspective, the diagnosis of ocular rosacea can also be aided
by careful examination of the eyelid margins looking for signs of chronic blepharitis, like
secretions (collarette, sleeves, crusts and scales), telangiectasia formation, and posterior
displacement, keratinization and/or inspissation of the meibomian gland excretory
orifices.(66) Also, manual expression of meibomian gland ducts need to be done, looking
at the amount of functional glands, and the appearance of meiboum secretions for
grading severity of MGD.(66,113,114) Meibography can also be performed with halogen
trans-illumination, infrared light or confocal microscopy in order to measure meibomian
gland atrophy and dropout.(115-118) Patients with ocular rosacea frequently experience
an aqueous deficient type of dry eye.(55,70) The Schirmer test, although unreliable
because of its variability,(97,119) and lack of repeatability,(120) has been used to
demonstrate an aqueous tear deficiency in patients with ocular rosacea.(55,60) Using
fluorescein dye, the tear break-up time must be assessed, as wells as corneal staining in
order to measure tear film stability and corneal damage.(121) Other vital dyes, like
lisamine green may be used to detect the amount of conjunctival cell damage due to
dryness.(122) The typical staining pattern of the inferior interpalpebral quadrants seen in
chronic blepharitis may also be considered for the diagnosis in patients with ocular
rosacea.(114)(Figure 5)

Figure 5. Positive inferior lisamine green staining pattern typical of chronic blepharitis with
meibomian gland dysfunction associated to ocular rosacea.

The first histopathologic analysis from the conjunctiva of patients with ocular rosacea was
performed by Brown and Shahinian in 1978.(3) They found that 6 out of 12 conjunctival
biopsies stained positive for IgG, IgA, or IgM by direct or indirect immunofluorescence,
and 5 out of 6 biopsies also stained positive for C3. At that time, they concluded that the

significance of their findings was unclear postulating that possibly, local autoimmune
mechanisms were responsible for at least part of the initial inflammatory signs or were
the result of prolonged inflammation, and that these eyes might respond more violently
to further episodes of the disease.(3)
Although there are not specific immunohistopathologic features for ocular rosacea, the
conjunctiva is frequently infiltrated by inflammatory cells. The conjunctival epithelium is
attenuated and significantly infiltrated, mainly by lymphocytes-T (CD4+), phagocytic cells
and antigen presenting cells (CD14, Mac-1).(23) In the stroma, there is increased vascular
dilation and large sub-epithelial infiltrates of chronic inflammatory cells with
granulomatous changes, resembling a type IV hypersensitivity reaction. All cell types are
present in larger proportions than normal controls, but especially T-helper (CD4+)
lymphocytes. There is a 3.5-fold increase in the lymphocyte-CD4+ to CD8+ ratio in the
conjunctiva of patients with rosacea.(23)

Differential Diagnosis.
The differential diagnosis of ocular rosacea is related to most common forms of chronic
blepharitis, and/or ocular surface inflammatory diseases.(Table 4) Most frequently, ocular
rosacea is misdiagnosed in patients with chronic staphylococcal and seborrheic blepharitis
with meibomian gland dysfunction. Meibomitis-related keratoconjunctivitis (MRKC),
characterized by sub-epithelial cellular infiltrates and superficial vascularization of the
cornea associated to Propionibacterium acnes needs also be considered in the differential.
(123,124) Another very important diagnosis is sebaceous gland carcinoma, a disease
frequently misdiagnosed as recurrent chalazia which needs to be biopsied for
histopathology confirmation.(58,125,126)
Other causes of infectious conjunctivitis with chronic or recurrent conjunctival hyperemia,
as well as cicatrizing conjunctivitis may resemble ocular rosacea, like mucous membrane
pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris, lichen planus, and atopic keratoconjunctivitis.(127-129)
On the other hand, many disorders resembling cutaneous rosacea may also exhibit ocular
manifestations in a diverse clinical presentation. Diseases like acne vulgaris, seborrehic
dermatitis, steroid rosacea, contact dermatitis, photodermatitis, systemic lupus
erythematosus, dermatomyositis, mucous membrane pemphigoid, and pemphigus

Ocular rosacea remains incurable and disease stabilization remains elusive despite its
relatively common nature and its severe potential consequences.(131) Our limited
understanding of the pahogenic mechanisms responsible for the onset and development
of rosacea has resulted in an array of non-specific and less than optimal therapeutic

strategies to minimize ocular damage.(89,131,132) Therefore, no precise treatment
algorithm has become the standard of care, and ocular management remains empirical
and limited to symptomatic control and resolution of complications only.(132)
The treatment of ocular rosacea may be divided into three main categories: 1) avoidance
of triggers to reduce exposure of the eyelids and ocular surface to the disease; 2)
conservative measures to minimize the damage caused by rosacea and alleviate active
symptoms; and 3) therapies to revert the damage that has already occurred.(131)
Avoidance of known triggers of rosacea exacerbation such as, prolonged exposure to UV-
sunlight; intake of alcohol and caffeine-containig beaverages; and physical or emotional
stress among others, should be recommended to all patients with ocular rosacea.(133)
Because most ocular rosacea patients suffer from chronic blepharitis and MGD,
conservative measures intended to unclog the meibomian gland ducts, improve the
outflow of meiboum, and stabilize the tear film through the application of warm
compresses to the eyelids and lid hygenie (scrubs and massage) are mainstay therapy for
these patients.(66) It is very important to instruct the patient to warm the eyelids with a
hot-humid compress in order to liquefy the solidified meiboum in the gland ducts and to
dilate the ducts. Then, the patient must massage the lids to mechanically force the
meiboum and debris from the plugged or stagnant ducts, and to clean the eyelid margins.
(5) Massage can be done by rubbing with the fingers or with special eyelid pads design for
that purpose.(66,134) Topical antibiotics such as bacitracin and erythromycin ointments,
as well as fusidic acid viscous eyedrops, may be effective to control bacterial overgrowth
and reduce staphylococci colonies from the eyelid margins.(5,135,136) Conventional
management of chalazion and hordeolum with warm compresses, and incision with
curettage when necessary should take place if these lesions occur.(5,67)
According to the National Rosacea Society Comittee, topical medication should be
reserved for grade 1 (mild) disease; systemic medication for grade 2 (moderate) rosacea;
and all patients with persistent grade 1 or 2 disease, or suspected to have grade 3 (severe)
disease should be referred to the ophthalmologist.(71) From the ophthalmological
standpoint, this therapeutic strategy is difficult to follow if we consider that the evaluation
of the ocular manifestations of rosacea needs the expertise of an specialized physician,
the use of a biomicrosocope for detailed assessment of the eyelid margins, the
conjunctiva and the cornea, and the clinical tests like fluorescein and lisamine green
staining, as well as the Schirmer test, among others.(35,72) Since the ocurrence of ocular
rosacea has been documented prior to cutaneous manifestations, and the severity of the
ocular disease does not correlate well with the cutaneous findings, we recomend that all
patients with rosacea who experience ocular signs or symptoms, regardless of the grade
of disease progression, be referred to an ophthalmologist for a thorough evaluation and
adequate management.(35)

For patients with moderate to severe MGD and ocular surface disease characterized by
lacrimal dysfunction with conjunctival and corneal epithelial irregularity or defects, appart
from lid hygiene and topical management to the eyelids, patients also need artificial tears,
gels, and lubricant ointments.(28,63,70) Since ocular rosacea patients suffer from
decreased numbers of goblet cells, decreased tear production, and increased tear breakup
time, which are all clinical features of chronic dry eye, lubricants are applied frequently
and for prolonged periods of time therefore, preservative-free eyedrop formulations are
preferred.(70,131) Also, medications containing hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate,
aprotinine, and dexpanthenol, which are intended to reestablish and heal epithelial
defects are frequently needed.(137,138) Additionally, nutritional supplementation with
fish oil and flax seeds containing omega-3 fatty acids has been reported to improve the
symptoms of blepharitis, MGD, and dry eye.(135,139, 140-142)
If the ocular surface inflammation is significant, particularly in patients with rosacea
keratitis, a short course of topical corticosteroids should be considered.(133,143)
Formulations like, preservative-free dexamethasone phosphate 0.1%, loteprednol
etabonate 0.2% and 0.5%, and flurometholone phosphate 0.1%, are adequate for these
patients when used for short periods of time and at the lowest possible concentration,
under close monitoring of intraocular pressure.(135) It is important to note that patients
with rosacea are prone to rapid corneal melting at high corticosteroid concentrations.
(135,144) Topical corticosteroids are also useful in managing episcleritis and iritis
associated to rosacea.(2,3,131)
Other topical anti-inflammatory medications can also be used as adjunctive therapy for
severe ocular rosacea. In a double-masked, randomized, comparative clinical trial,
cyclosporine 0.05% showed a significant improvement in the ocular surface disease index
(OSDI) scores, corneal staining patterns, tear break up time, and tear-production levels in
patients with ocular rosacea and secondary chronic inflammation of the ocular surface
and dry eye.(145) Moreover, a retrospective clinical study of chronic active ocular rosacea
patients who failed to respond to various combinations of traditional therapies, showed a
significant improvement in the ocular signs and symptoms in 31% of patients, and
resolved the inflammation in 18% of them, after treatment with topical cyclosporine
0.05% and low-dose oral tetracycline for 6 months.(146)
The indirect ocular effects of facially applied metronidazole, was prospectively studied in
20 patients with ocular rosacea. After 8 weeks of facial metronidazole 0.75% gel
application, there was improvement in ocular signs and symptoms and the tear break-up
time in ocular rosacea patients as compared to normal controls.(147) In another
prospective study, metronidazole 0.75% gel was applied topically to one eyelid margin,
while lid hygiene alone was perfomed to the fellow eye of 10 patients with ocular rosacea.
(26) There was a significant improvement in the eyelid score, but not in the ocular surface

inflammation of both the treated and control groups. When the pre-treatment and post-
treatment eyelid and ocular surface scores were combined, there was a significant
improvement in the treated eyes but not in the control eyes. No adverse effects on the
metronidazole treatment group were encountered in this study.(26)
Another alternative of topical therapy for ocular rosacea is azythromycin 1.5% eyedrops.
In a propective and comparative study, a significant improvement in tear break up time,
meibomian gland plugging, and Oxford score associated with symptom reduction was
reported by all patients after one month of topical azythromycin therapy.(148) Except for
mild burning after instilation, azythromycin 1.5% eyedrops were well tolerated by all
patients.(36) In another retrospective trial, 16 children with ocular rosacea and
phlyctenular blepharokeratoconjunctivitis were treated with lid hygiene plus azithromycin
1.5% eye drops: 3-day treatments (1 drop twice a day) every 10 days, reduced based on
efficacy to one treatment every 15 days and then to one treatment per month.(149)
Ocular inflammation was controlled by azithromycin alone in 15 patients; bulbar
conjunctival hyperemia resolved completely within one month in all eyes, whereas
phyctenules and keratitis took longer to improve, with complete resolution within 3 to 10
months post-therapy. Therapy was stopped after a median of 6 months (range, 4 to 10
months) without recurrence of inflammation.(149)
Despite these promising results with different therapeutic modalities, a Cochrane
Database Review of interventions in chronic blepharitis found no strong evidence for any
of the treatments in terms of curing.(150) According to this analysis, commercial products
are marketed to consumers and prescribed to patients without substantial evidence of
effectiveness. The review suggests that further research is needed to evaluate the
effectiveness of such treatments. Medical interventions and commercial products should
be compared with conventional lid hygiene measures, such as warm compresses and
eyelid margin washing, to determine effectiveness, as well as head-to-head to show
comparative effectiveness between treatments.(150)

More advanced and severe cases of ocular rosacea generally require oral antibiotics which
remain the mainstay of therapy, even though the mechanisms of action of these
medications are unclear and often non-specific.(131) Considerable controversy still exists
of whether the improvement in ocular surface inflammation is due to the antimicrobial
effect of these agents or their anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic properties.(151,152)
In either case, oral oxy-tetracycline, minocycline or doxycycline, initiated at full dose for
several weeks, and then gradually decreased (titrated to clinical response); a combination
of a 30mg dose of standard doxycycline and 10mg of sustained-release doxycycline, or a
40mg slow-release dose of doxycycline alone, have all shown to be effective in the
treatment of ocular rosacea and chronic blepharitis with MGD.(22,37,153-161)
Nonetheless, these medications require prolonged use and may be associated with side

effects including, infections, allergy, multi-drug resistance, gastrointestinal distress,
photosensitivity, among others.(151,155) These inconveniences, rise the necessity for
targeted therapeutic strategies with safer profiles, that can be well tolerated for
prolonged periods of time. In this respect, a comparative study of the effects of
tetracycline and doxycycline on ocular rosacea patients showed that tetracycline
alleviated the symptoms faster, but doxycycline caused less gastrointestinal side effects
and hence showed better compliance.(162) Another study showed relatively similar side
effects of both tetracycline and doxycycline.(5)

One small cohort clinical trial showed some clinical benefit of oral metronidazole (20-
30mg/kg/day for 3 to 6 months), as adjunctive therapy in ocular rosacea children with
MGD, keratitis, and corneal ulceration.(163)

A recent Cochrane Database Review found that the majority of assessed rosacea
treatment trials were at high or unclear risk of bias however, there was some evidence to
support the effectiveness of topical metronidazole, azelaic acid, and oral doxycycline
(100mg or 40 mg) in the treatment of moderate to severe rosacea, and cyclosporine
0.05% ophthalmic emulsion for ocular rosacea.(164) The review concluded that further
well-designed, adequately-powered randomized controlled trials are required to elucidate
the efficacy of different topical and systemic medications in the management of rosacea.

As we expand our knowledge on the pathogenic mechanisms that govern the ocular
manifestations of rosacea, new and more specific therapeutic strategies with fewer side
effects will emerge. Ideally, new therapies would focus on tackling the biochemical and
immunological alterations that ultimately lead to chronic inflammation and damage to the
eyelids and the ocular surface.

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