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TITLE –Pharmacy Management System

Name- Rekha Regmi
Roll no.
REG no.
Submission Date:
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_______________ ________________
Mr. Ananta Shrestha Mr. Dipendra Thapa
Obligated to :DDRSS
Proposal for Pharmacy Management System

Student Name: Rekha Regmi

Program: DCOM, CTEVT
Institution: Dhaulagiri Deaf Residential School, Baglung
Project Supervisors: Mr. Aananta Bijaya Shrestha, Mr. Dipendra Thapa Magar

1. Introduction
The goal of this project is to create a pharmacy management system that makes
managing pharmacy operations easier. This system will allow users to manage
medicines, customers, suppliers, and sales efficiently. The project will use web
technologies like HTML, PHP, and CSS, with XAMPP for the database and local
host environment.

2. Problem Statement
Pharmacies in Nepal often face challenges in managing inventory, sales, and
customer information using traditional methods. This can lead to errors,
inefficiencies, and difficulty in tracking important data. There is a need for a
simple and effective pharmacy management system that helps streamline these
processes. This project aims to create such a system to improve pharmacy

3. Literature Review
Pharmacy management systems have become essential in modern healthcare by
helping pharmacies manage their operations more effectively. Studies show that
using technology in pharmacies can reduce errors, improve inventory management,
and enhance customer service. A good user experience (UX) design is crucial for
such systems to ensure that users can navigate and use the system easily.

Many existing pharmacy management systems use technologies like PHP and
MySQL for server-side scripting and database management because they are
reliable and easy to use. HTML and CSS are standard tools for front-end
development to ensure web pages are well-structured and look good.

Despite these advancements, there is still a lack of user-friendly and accessible

pharmacy management systems in Nepal. This project will try to fill this gap by
using best practices from existing research and focusing on making the system
easy to use and accessible to everyone.

4. Objectives
 To create a user-friendly pharmacy management system.
 To build a secure and efficient database for managing medicines, customers,
suppliers, and sales.
 To let users manage inventory, sales, and customer information.
 To provide tools for administrators to manage pharmacy operations

5. Methodology

5.1 Planning and Requirement Analysis

 Gather requirements from potential users and supervisors.
 Define the system requirements and functionalities.
 Create a project plan with timelines.

5.2 Feasibility Study

5.2.1 Technical Feasibility

The project will use widely available and well-supported technologies such as
HTML, PHP, CSS, and XAMPP, making it technically feasible.

5.2.2 Operational Feasibility

The system will streamline pharmacy operations by automating inventory
management, sales, and customer information, making it operationally feasible and
5.2.3 Economic Feasibility
The project will require minimal financial investment in software tools and
development time, making it economically feasible for implementation.

5.3 System Design

 Design the user interface using HTML and CSS.
 Design the database schema using XAMPP.
 Create wireframes and mockups for the user interface.

5.4 Implementation
 Develop the front-end using HTML and CSS.
 Implement server-side scripting using PHP.
 Set up the database and integrate it with the application.
 Develop the functionality for user registration, inventory management, sales,
and customer management.

5.5 Testing
 Perform unit testing for individual components.

 Conduct integration testing to ensure all components work together.

 Perform user acceptance testing with a group of potential users.

5.6 Deployment
 Deploy the system on a local server using XAMPP.
 Provide documentation for installation and usage.
6. Gantt Chart
July August September November



Integration and

7. ER Diagram
8. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

12. References
Anish Manandhar(S.N: 18080260)Biplab Neupane(S.N: 18080267) Sailendra
Sapkota(S.N: 18080287) Sudarshan Sharma(S.N: 18080294. (2020). Scribd.
Retrieved from
Chatgpt. (2024, 07 02). OpenAI. Retrieved from

Mikkelsen, B. (2012). Daraz. Retrieved 07 01, 2024, from

Prepared by:
Rekha Regmi
Date: 7/3/2024

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