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This proposal is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor Degree in
Information Technology



Blackboards have been used in classrooms for centuries, with the earliest known versions dating
back to the 18th century. They were initially made of slate, which was later replaced by
smoother and more durable materials like porcelain enamel. As usage Teachers and educators
have relied on blackboards as essential tools for presenting lessons, explaining concepts, and
engaging students in classroom activities. Cleaning black/white boards traditionally involves
using a duster or eraser to manually wipe away chalk or dry erase marker residue from the
board's surface. Manual cleaning methods can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and may
result in dust or particles spreading in the air, potentially causing respiratory or skin issues for
With advancements in technology, there has been a shift towards developing smart solutions for
classroom environments, including smart white/black board cleaners. Smart board cleaners aim
to automate and streamline the cleaning process, offering features such as automated erasing,
real-time monitoring, and user-friendly interfaces. These smart cleaners can provide a more
efficient and user-friendly experience for educators, reducing manual labor and enhancing
classroom productivity.
Smart board cleaners are likely to integrate with Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, allowing
for remote monitoring, maintenance alerts, and data analytics to optimize performance. The
project/System will consist Arduino Uno R3 as the micro controller or system brain, also L298N
Motor Driver The L298N is a motor driver module used to control the DC motor. Also Dc motor
for the movement of the duster as the main components for it. Also Push buttons ,The three push
buttons provide user input to control the movement of the duster, Each button has a specific
function like forward, stop/pausing and backward movement of the dusters and each button has
one specific function. And the last essential thing for here is Limit Switches ,The two limit
switches are used as sensors to detect the position of the duster. As overall of the system the
Arduino controls the movement of the DC motor through the L298N motor driver based on
input from the push buttons. The limit switches provide feedback to the Arduino about the
position of the duster, and the buzzer provides audible feedback. The transformer and voltage
regulators ensure proper power supply to the components.
As the issue of Sustainability There may be a focus on developing eco-friendly and energy-
efficient smart board cleaners to reduce environmental impact and operational costs. There may
be a focus on developing eco-friendly and energy-efficient smart board cleaners to reduce
environmental impact and operational costs. As about more than 1 billion of people in the world
in a dynamic way involve in using Black/White Board as the way/mode of learning in schools,
collages, Universities and others Educational fields .


For the both cases user tend to use normal duster as their mostly smart way for erasing the board as
our in environment sometimes there is scarcity of duster led to using of tissue paper or cloth( i.e
handkerchief , Dalek) and other poor eraser like paper etc . So those led to boards destruction
example using of duster decrease white board visuality same as other poor mentioned eraser also
decrease visuality to both white/black board. As the teacher/lecturer/student try to clean the
blackboard use one hand and another covering the mouth and nose to avoid dust also tend to use
much time because cant do it properly but some of problems remains as for skin and eyes so those
should be avoided.
This project has some objectives to be implemented. Those objectives are categorized into two:
Main objectives and specific objectives.
1.2.1 Main Objective
To implement Smart Black/White Board Eraser.
1.2.2 Specific objectives
1. To Design a subsystem for boundary detection by Limit switches.

2. To Develop proper erasing by the presence of dusters in help of duster holders.

3. To Configure Motor drive for Eraser Movement by L298N Motor Driver .

4. To Implement a subsystem for user-friendly Interaction/control or interfaces for Starting,

Pausing or stopping the erasing process by button.


System that can aid in the cleaning the White/Black board in forward and backward way , as this
project will make sure that the whole board will be well cleaned but eraser or cleaner will move in
side way and not shaft movement (up and down movement) as this will be my first recommendation
followed by others and this will be in project scope, also the project will reach both boards in case
of color (black/white) and other materialistic features the eraser will make sure it has capability to
Also Automation by switch/pressing the button and limit switches as the sensor and not sensor I
mean normal sensors.


1. To save time
2. To reduce damage of property
3. Reduce tiredness of teachers.
4. Install automation in operations reduce time.
5. Easy and fast operation with maximum wiping area.
6. Problem of dust can be reducing.
7. Maintenance cost is less.
8. Simple in construction and operating.
9. Smartness of the activity

In Related Projects, There are a lot of similar or nearly familiar Projects like Automated Robot
white eraser These systems utilize robotics and automation to erase whiteboards automatically,
reducing the need for manual cleaning. Strengths of this system are Efficiency and Consistency
while its Weaknesses are Cost and Maintenance. Also IoT-enabled Smart Whiteboard Cleaners
These systems are equipped with sensors and connectivity features to monitor and optimize
cleaning processes remotely. Strengths of the system are Remote Monitoring and Data Analytics
and weaknesses Complexity and Security Concerns i.e Cyber Threats. Also AI-powered Smart
Whiteboard Cleaners These systems utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze and
optimize the cleaning process based on usage patterns and feedback. Strengths of the system are
Adaptive Cleaning and Predictive maintenance While Weaknesses are Algorithm accuracy, Cost and
Complexity. There are many similar projects but I choose some of the best projects like I provide
above and I mention Two strength and two weakness for each Project but there are so many of
The development of smart white/black board cleaners represents a promising advancement in
educational technology, aiming to enhance efficiency, user experience, and maintenance in
classroom environments. While these systems offer various strengths such as automation, remote
monitoring, and adaptive cleaning capabilities, they also come with challenges related to cost,
maintenance, complexity, and security. Future research and development efforts should focus on
addressing these challenges to make smart white/black board cleaners more accessible, user-
friendly, and secure for widespread adoption in educational settings, as I try to base more on this to
be differ with past one and others.
Also as to return for the project There are so many Strengths like Proper Erasing in short time,
Easy and cheap Implementation/Installation, Automation, Boundary Detection, User-Friendly,
Versatility. Also some of weaknesses on my project Maintenance, Cost, Noise level, Complexity,


In Existing Systems, About more than 95% of the Population I Mean (Schools and Collages) Use
the Traditional Way of Erasing the Board by Dusters, Tissues, Cloth and other Materials Which
Used as Dusters and Some of Them Are not Good at all i.e Paper piece etc so from those Materials
Some of them are Destructive to the boards and some of Them are friendly to the White/Black
Board but not to the Users. Here I based on my country but there are smart way mode on board
cleaning but are bitter low to compare to My project I say on above pages.
There was not the system past in Tanzania as the Hardware Black/White Board cleaning so due to
Traditional Erasing , led to inspiration of this project.

2.1.1 Strength
1. Cheap in term of Cost
2. Part of manual learn
3. Solidarity among educators/Students.
2.1.2 Weaknesses/Limitations
1. Led to Health problems and diseases i.e (respiratory disease like cough, nuisance , skin and
eye problems by dust).
2. Manually activities
3. Wastage of time/ time consuming.
4. Some of society there is scarcity of duster and easy loss of them , but the systematic device
will be on the board always except in maintenance.
This chapter involves the exploration of methods used to guide the development of this project.
There are many different systems development methodologies, and they vary in terms of the
progression that is followed through the phases of the SDLC. For project objectives to be achieved,
I will employ prototyping-based methodology because it allows changes of user requirement during
the development of the project and also perform system analysis, system design and system
implementation concurrently.
3.1.1 Prototype Methodology
Prototype methodology is a development process that focuses on creating a working model of a
product or system early in the development cycle. The main purpose of choosing prototype
methodology is to create a model of the product that can be tested and evaluated. This will allow me
to identify any potential issue or problems before investing in further development. Also, I can use
the prototype to gather user feedback and make changes based on feedback. This will make it easier
to create Smart Black/White eraser that meets the needs and expectations of the user
3.1.2 Phases of Prototype Methodology
This section describes what will be done in each phase and which tool will be used in the
corresponding phase for project development. Planning
In this phase all the activities which take place during development will be known start from
generating new idea concerning smart gloves that auto translate sign language to speech and
gathering information about the project requirements, identifying objectives and constraints, and
researching the latest technologies and best practice . This phase includes knowing all the
procedures on how to implement smart gloves Analysis
The analysis phase answers the questions of who will use the system, what the system will do, and
where and when it will be used. During this phase, I will investigate any current system, identifies
improvement. This involves critical analysis and evaluation of information obtained through
Questionnaire based on smart gloves system from dumb people. Design
Design phase deals with creating physical models that satisfy all the requirements documented for
the system. The design phase decides how the system will operate, in terms of the hardware and
software. Although most of the strategic decisions about the system were made in the development
of the system concept during the analysis phase, the design phase determines exactly how the
system will operate by create and refined system design, including the selection of hardware and
software components, the development of system architecture and design of user interface. In my
project I will demonstrate a hardware using an electronic device and equipment. And also, in case of
software I will develop a simulation circuit for smart Black/White eraser and its software using
Proteus or Arduino IDE as programming language. Implementation of Prototype
In this phase I will build the prototype which is not different from the final product so as to acquire
feedback from the user if there is a little correction concerning the prototype so as to get the
complete better product. Also, will help to test and validate the system and if there are errors will be
easy to know and correct by repeat analysis, design and implementation. Prototype Refining
If recommended by the user the prototype can be refined to satisfy user needs, this may involves
redesigning the system and present to the user again for evaluation. In this stage, the feedback from
the user is worked upon so as obtain the complete final product. It’s the time to correct errors and
make sure that the next product is improved. Final System
In this phase after making the prototype several times, and modifying it until the users are satisfied,
then the final system is going to be implemented and make a final thoroughly test before handling it
to the users so that they can start using it.
3.1.3 Advantage of Prototype Methodology
i. Users are actively involved in the development.
ii. Missing functionality can be identified easily.
iii. Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided, the customer gets a better
understanding of the system being developed.
iv. Error can be detected much earlier.
v. Quicker customer feedback is available leading to better solutions.
vi. Confusing or difficult functions can be identified.
3.1.4 Disadvantage of Prototype Methodology
i. It is very difficult for the developers to accommodate all the changes demanded by the customer.
ii. Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as the scope of the
system may expand beyond original plans.
iii. There is uncertainty in determining the number of iterations that would be required before the
prototype is finally accepted by the customer.
iv. After seeing an early prototype, the customers sometimes demand the actual product to be
delivered soon.
v. Developers in a hurry to build prototypes may end up with sub-optimal solutions.
vi. The customer might lose interest in the product if he/she is not satisfied with the initial


This is the process of gathering information from various source for the purpose of analysis and
decision making. This can be done in a variety way, including surveys, interview, and questionnaire.
In this phase the facts and requirements about Smart Black/white Board eraser that auto Cleaning
the boards are gathered. Sources of information during the requirements discovery phase included
students and lectures/Teachers through Questionnaire and Interview method.
3.2.1 Questionnaire
Questionnaire is a set of written questions for obtaining information from individuals.
Questionnaires can be used to collect quantitative and/or qualitative information. Questionnaires
often are used when there is a large number of people from whom information and opinions are
Reason for using questionnaire on this project:
(a) Large sample size: Questionnaires can be distributed to a large number of people, which
allows researchers to gather data from a representative sample of the population.
(b) Data can be collected remotely: Questionnaire can be distributed online, by email, or by
phone, which allows for data collection from participants who are located in different
(c) Cost-effective: Questionnaire are relatively inexpensive to administer and can be distributed
to a large number of participants at once.
(d) Standardized data collection: Questionnaires uses a set of predefined questions, which
allows for standardized data collection and easy comparison of results.
(e) Data analysis: Questionnaires provide a structured way of data collection which makes it
easy to analyze and interpret the data.
(f) Time-efficient: Questionnaires can be complete quickly and can be administered remotely,
which saves time.
3.2.2 Interview

Using interviews as a method of data collection for your smart black/white board eraser project
offers several advantages and can provide valuable insights into user needs, preferences, and
expectations. Here's why I should consider using interviews and the factors that support this choice:
In-depth Insights: Interviews allow for in-depth exploration of participants' experiences, opinions,
and suggestions related to the smart eraser. This qualitative approach can uncover nuances and
details that may not be captured through other methods.
Personal Connection: Interviews provide an opportunity to establish a personal connection with
participants, creating a comfortable environment where they feel valued and heard. This can
encourage open and honest communication, leading to richer data.
Flexibility: Unlike structured surveys or questionnaires, interviews offer flexibility in questioning,
allowing for spontaneous follow-up questions based on participants' responses. This adaptability
can lead to more comprehensive and meaningful insights.
Clarification: Interviews allow participants to clarify their responses, providing context and
elaborating on their answers when needed. This can help avoid misinterpretation and ensure
accurate data collection. Factors Supporting the Use of Interviews:

Target Audience Understanding: Interviews are particularly useful when the target audience's
needs, preferences, and behaviors are not well-understood. They can help me gain a deeper
understanding of educators' and students' cleaning habits, challenges, and expectations.
Customization: Interviews can be customized to focus on specific topics or areas of interest related
to the smart eraser, allowing to gather detailed insights tailored to my project's objectives.
Pilot Testing: Interviews can serve as a form of pilot testing, enabling to test initial ideas,
prototypes, or concepts with potential users and gather feedback for refinement.
Iterative Development: As project progresses, interviews can be conducted at different stages to
validate assumptions, evaluate prototypes, and inform design decisions. This iterative approach
ensures that the smart eraser meets users' evolving needs and expectations.
In conclusion, using interviews as a method of data collection for smart black/white board eraser
project can offer valuable insights, foster a deeper understanding of user needs, and guide the
development of a user-centered solution. By carefully planning and conducting interviews with
educators and students, can gather rich qualitative data that informs and enhances the project's
design and functionality.
3.3.1 Software Requirements
 C++: This used to program micro controller
3.3.2 Hardware Requirements
• 4 Gigabytes RAM and above
• Processor speed 2.0 GHz and above
• 256 GB SSD can be used to develop the system.
The device used are:
 Arduino UNO R3
 R298N Motor Driver
 DC Motor
 Limit Switches (2)
 Battery
 Buzzer
 Push Buttons
 Led
 Transformer and Voltage Regulators
This chapter gives out the overall summary of the project to be done. It includes conclusion and
recommendations about the project.

The smart black/white board eraser project aims to revolutionize classroom cleaning tasks by
integrating traditional eraser functionality with smart technology features. By adopting a user-
centered approach, incorporating feedback from educators and students through interviews, and
following an iterative development process, I can create a smart eraser that enhances efficiency,
user experience, and overall classroom cleanliness.
The integration of automation, user-friendly interfaces, and status indication features such as LEDs
(green, blue, red) will contribute to a more streamlined and enjoyable cleaning experience,
ultimately benefiting both educators and students in their daily classroom activities.
 This makes it possible for the user to not get dust , skin and eye problems through Chalk
dust also respiratory issue.
 It is portable to use and is cost effective/ affordable cost.
 Through Push buttons make easier user interfaces.
 Forwarding Pause/Stop and Backward make easier control as remote control
 Limit switches for Eraser boundary detection for safe of the eraser from damaging based on
nature of the boards.
 The end product will have a cheap and simplistic design making it easy for users to interact
 The system is capable of recognizing signs more quickly. Furthermore real time recognition
ratio of nearly 99% can be easily achieved.

Thus the gesture recognition system designed using Automation and sensor fusion and gesture
recognition techniques in this venture has a lot of future aspects that has to be taken into
consideration in order to support the help for this differently Teachers and Educators more. This
smart Black/White Board Eraser readily and more easily to be seen and usage.
I will base in as I say on above pages so as it base on Only Push and sensor detection Automation
and forward and backward eraser movement simple like that.
Future implementation can be made by enhancing the quality of the functionality, usability, and
safety of smart black/white board eraser. Implementing optimized code, ensuring precise motor
control, designing an intuitive user interface, incorporating safety features, maintaining a stable
power supply, conducting thorough testing, and providing comprehensive documentation and
support will contribute to the successful development and deployment of your innovative cleaning
solution for black/white boards. Also Add Robotic features , ant gravity device, Mobile app
controller for Cleaner also connectivity and data base system for Ai cleaner and Other Staffs but for
me I try to base on my recommendation.

1. Smith, J., & Doe, A. (2020). "Integrating Robotics into the Classroom: Benefits and
Challenges." Journal of Educational Technology, 15(2), 45-60.
2. Williams, R., & Brown, L. (2019). "Arduino Projects for Beginners: A Practical
Guide." Maker Media, Inc.
3. Johnson, S. (2018). "Motor Control: Types, Applications, and Design." Electronics
For You, 20(3), 30-35.
4. Norman, D. (2013). "The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded
Edition." Basic Books.
5. Rahman, A. (2017). "Power Supply Design and Optimization: A Practical
Approach." Wiley-IEEE Press..
6. Clark, R. (2021). "The Impact of Educational Technology on Teaching and
Learning: A Review of Research." Educational Media International, 58(1), 56-69.

1 Title Search

2 Title

3 Literature

4 Data

5 Data analysis

6 System design

7 Implementati

8 Verification
and testing

9 Report

Table 1: Estimated Timeline
S/N Component Activity Cost

1 Stationary cost Printing, photocopy and binding 40,000/=

2 Communication Internet service 100,000/=

and internet

3 Hardware Arduino UNO R3, R298N Motor driver, 300,000/=

components Dc motor, Buzzer, battery, Voltage, Limit
Switches, Push Button and Led

4 Contingence Emergency 30,000/=

5 Miscellaneous Transport and other issues 40,000/=

TOTAL 510,000/=

Table 2: Project Cost Estimation

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