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Disasters and what to do

A flood happens when water covers land that is usually dry, because of heavy rains, snow
melting or a tsunami.

What to do?
Stay out of the water. Go to the highest place you can find. Take things you might need. Don’t
drink water! It could be dirty, and you could get sick.

Wildfire is an uncontrolled fire that starts in nature, but it can also damage houses and fields.
Four out of five wildfires are started by people! We have to be very careful, especially in the
summer, not to cause it.

What to do?
There isn’t much you can do. If there is a wildfire, the best thing is to find a safe place to go and
let fire-fighters do their job.

Earthquake is the shaking and rolling of the earth’s surface. There are more than a million
earthquakes around the world every year.

What to do?
Drop, cover and hold on! If you are in a house or car, do not go out. Stay away from the
windows. You can also cover your head with a pillow. Outdoors, don’t stand near buildings,
trees and power lines. Fall to the ground and protect your head.


 Which of these disasters is the scariest? Why?

 Which one can we prevent? How?
 Which ones can we prepare for? What can we do?
 How is advice for floods and earthquakes different?
 Why can’t you help with a wildfire?

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