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Crit B: Crafting a Melody

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Components Question/Checklist

Introduction on 4/4
Noteflight Select Instrument
add 12 empty measures in total
Key Signature
Alto Saxophone (G major)
Flute, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba (Bb major)
Trumpet, Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone (C major)

ABA Form What is an ABA Form in Music?

An ABA form in music, also known as ternary form, is a three-part

musical structure that consists of three sections: a section (A), a
different sounding middle section (B), and a repeat of the first
section (A). This form can be represented as ABA.
ABA form in Music is when you split a piece of music into 2
different sections. Part A should not be the same as Part B, but
Part A should repeat 2 times. Part A should not be the same as
Part B.

A What is your idea for A (4 measures)? What do you want it to

sound like? Describe.

Since I was doing an advertisement for McDonalds, I wanted to

make a song that sounded happy, and entertaining. To make it
entertaining, I made it start off slow, and then gradually get louder
as it goes into the scale to get to the climax. The Beginning of part
A made me imagine the explanation of what Mcdonalds is.

B What is your idea for B (4 measures)? What do you want it to

sound like? Describe.

Measure B was where the climax was at its highest. As it was

getting ready to the end, I made the climax climb down so it isn't as
intense getting into part A. In my mind, part B was where they were
introducing a lot of the different food products, discounts and

Notes All the notes from the scale at least once (8 notes)

Rhythms Whole note

Dotted half note
Half note
Quarter note
Two eighth note beamed together
Four sixteenth note beamed together
Two different rests

Articulations What would you like to add? Justify.

I think that I can add a bit more variation in the way my notes
are played. As of now, I think that it is a bit basic. Adding
more variety of rests would be nice because in my opinion, I
use a lot of air to play the flute. So maybe I can add a bit
more areas for where I can breath

Dynamics What would you like to add? Justify.

In my opinion I could definitely add more dynamics. This is

because right now I only have a little bit in the beginning of
part A. I can maybe try to fit some into part B.

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