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hes Carousel : Breakcold sales CRM 44 tools to help you go from 0 business idea to cash exit (a fictional story based on true stories) ea Naacelere Retire [e] The ideation #1 Micro SaaS Ideas It's been a while now that Eric and David have been subscribing to Micro SAAS Ideas. After getting access to exclusive insights, they want to start their SAAS to repurpose video content into blogposts & LI/Twitter posts. Micro SaaS Idea Newsletter for techies and * elt ToBI marketers looking for their next eee profitable Micro-SaaS Idea 1000+ validated Micro SaaS ideas with deep-dive research done for you. #2 4 Day Week Eric and David want to start part-time their Micro Saas. Fortunately, 4 day week allowed them to find a nice remote software job to focus on their project the 3 remaining days of the week. Find 3 a 4 day week job. n 100k+ people getting weekly aler #3 Emojipedia They don’t want to think to create a logo for their Saas called Repurposly. Thanks to Emojipedia, in 5 minutes found an emoji to use as logo: Emojipedia @ #4 Typedream While Eric is coding the MVP of Repurposly, David is building a landing page and getting the first users. He uses Typedream, which he thinks is easier to use than Webflow. Es Oe on a Launch your e-book in minutes oer oaiy #5 Crisp After building the website, he installs Crisp live-chat software. The free version is more than enough to start with. Give your customer experience a human touch The all-in-one business messaging platform that gathers teams, conversations, dat <— and knowledge, around one place Use Crisp for free #6 Zero to Sold Obviously, they want to bootstrap Repurposly. To avoid mistakes, they read Zero to Sold to understand the game they put themselves into. [ABOOK BY ARVID KAHL Zero to Sold How to Start, Run, and Sell a Bootstrapped Business From your frst idea to successfully selling your business for ife-changing amounts of money, this book will help you, become a world-class entrepreneur. Zero to Sold is a comprehensive and actionable guide through the four stages of a bootstrapped business: Preparation, Survival, Stability, and Growth. The book tells the story of FeedbackPanda, a sustainable, #7 Zero to marketing Eric and David know nothing about marketing so they step up their game with real case studies thanks to zero marketing. Their conclusion is that they should start to sell directly before trying some marketing. Learn marketing from case studies ~~ a I'm Andrea, a marketer with over 10 years of experience growing new websites Andrea Bosoni, Founder of Zero to Marketing #8 ColdlQ On Linedin, they saw Michel Lieben’s post about sales tech stack. They use ColdiQ tools list to find the perfect softwares to sell the first version of Repurposly. Implement outbound systems that sell for you We build your prospecting systems to generate opportunities on autopilot, You book more meetings, get more leads... And ultimately, More Sales -/ #9 Google workspace They want to validate fast, so they buy a couple of domains to send many cold emails per day. They choose to use Google Workspace to manage about 8 domains to send 200 emails per day in total. MBO6OOa How teams of all sizes connect, create, and collaborate. A flexible, innovative solution for people and organizations to achieve more. #10 To build their prospecting list, they choose Apollo for its reasonable price. They focus on leads who are in the creator economy by using various keywords. They build lists per segment (eg. Linkedin people, YT people, etc) #11 Findymail To find more B2B valid email addresses and enriching Apollo’s data, they use Findymail. They also use Findymail to find emails of high profile individuals that they found with manual search on google. #12 For meetings, they choose to use the free version of They think it’s better than Calendly these days. 12/44 infrastructure for everyone. #13 Smartlead After building lists of leads, Eric and David use Smartlead to automate their cold email outreach. They enjoy sending cold emails at scale for a subscription under $40/mo. (EJ Products» Solutions» Pricing Integrations Resources Convert Cold Emails To Consistent Revenue Scale your outreach confidently with unlimited mailboxes, unlimited warmups, a limitless multi-channel infrastructure, and a unibox to #14 Pabbly They set up webhooks to push the positive replies of Smartlead into a sales CRM. They want to automate as much as possible to focus on what matters. They chose Pabbly because of its price compare to Zapier. Powerful Applications to Scale & Grow Your Business. 4 a Get access to business-critical applications like form creation, email marketing, billing, automation, and many other enhanced features at just one single price. 14/44 #15 Breakcold CRM The positive replies from Smartlead are pushed inside Breakcold CRM. From there, their 3 positive replies/day and work hard on them before and after the sales call to close them via email & socials. Sales CRM & Sa The simple sales CRM for email & LinkedIn power users | 4 Nurture B2B contacts effortlessly in less than 30 minutes per day using email & socials to close deals faster #16 trumpet After each sales calls, they send to prospects a sales pod using the free version of trumpet. This strategy, from #9 to #16 helped them to close their first 1OO customers. Se Colao ECU ce digital sales rooms. #17 Senja With these first 1OO customers, Eric and David started to collect testimonials using Senja. From there, they added social proof on their landing page and used it in their sales email follow-ups, which boosted their results. Tectimoniale Made Easy Collect twice as many video and text testimonials x Wake up to an inbox full of new testimonial alerts, Share them everywhere in seconds. Get more visits, convert more, and close more deals. Senja makes it 17/44 easy. #18 Product Hunt With their first 1OO customers, they realized that LinkedIn people & Youtubers were the 2 most performing buying personas equally (50/50). They decided to do a quick Product Hunt to see if they could attract other types of customers. It attracted the wrong audience. e Product Hunt Search (26 + k Products Categories Community Ma! 18/44 Welcome to Product Hunt! ‘The place to launch and discover new tech products. Take a tour The growth @ phase #19 Rewardful In their first 1OO customers, they managed to get big Linkedin & Twitter names. They loved their product and were asking for referral programs so they built one using Rewardful. Product started to spread like wildfire. unch Your Affiliate Program) x-— With Ease 19/44 #20 Guideflow With the feedback of all the new customers and existing ones, they upgraded their Crisp free plan to the last tier to get the knowledge base too. They also used Guideflow to build an interactive knowledge base which reduced support a lot. GUIDE USERS INTO THE FLOW Create interactive demos to supercharge your sales Create interactive demos & step-by-step guides in seconds with Guideflow, the interactive product demo platform. Capture, customize, share & analyze your #21 Chart Mogul They're now at $5K/MRR, things start to get serious for them. They track their MRR performance using Chart Mogul. nlock the Full Growth Potential of your SaaS Business inect ChartMogu!’s Subscription Analytics Platform to your billing system and empower yo team to make data-informed decisions for faster, more efficient growth. #22 Bentonow Before $5K/MRR, they had zero email nurturing sequences. They picked Bentonow for its ease of use and by nurturing sign-ups, they jumped their conversion rate. relies Perna for Fast Growing Startups Pere ee Cun aur eer Sunes Deemer neues #23 Tally They also used Tally forms in their nurturing sequences on people who never signed up or that canceled their account to understand how they could become better. It helped us tackle objections and prioritize new features. The simplest way to create form Say goodbye to boring forms. Meet Tally — the free, intuitive form builder you've been looking for. KS Cee 23/44 #24 PostHog Now at $10K/MRR, they want to start optimizing the UI/UX, especially on the onboarding. They set up PostHog to know what blocks users, their number 1 metric is activation: user has successfully repurpose a Ist piece of content. low engineers build better products = r an feature 24/44 #25 Simple Analytics Thanks to Simple Analytics, they start to see word of mouth is really kicking in but they also realize from there that they have 0 passive traffic. So they want to start investing in SEO. i] Simple Analytics Pricing Resources Does The privacy-first Google Analutics alternative. GB EU-based & hosted. No cookies and a direct yes from your legal team. = = #26 Ghost Because they’re using Typedream, they pick Ghost to build a blog fast. They now have to start keyword research. Turn your audience into a business. | 2+ #27 Ahref Keyword research is done via Ahref. They build a massive list of BOFU, MOFU, TOFU keywords, about +8000s. Everything you need to rank higher & get more aa) oe Sra cay ea BCT #28 Byword Eric and David don’t want to spend time on SEO. So they make 3 choices: * they'll produce 1000°s of articles via Byword + they'll wait & see then optimize the articles that have potential to rank * they'll hire a backlink agency to rank the whole domain and the promising articles Generate high quality, KG Al-written articles at scale. 28/44 #29 IndexMeNow To rank rapidly the articles from Byword, they used IndexMeNow. This allowed them to index within days hundreds of articles per week. PNaM are diaremcoXel Mm anret mace LON Ae) deme) a) #30 LinkedIn Thanks to all their efforts and the new SEO strategy, they finally reached $40k/mo. It was now time to build a personal brand to spread awareness of the software even more. #31 AuthoredUp They picked AuthoreduUp to schedule their Linkedin content. Main reason how easy it is to use from Linkedin itself. Authored dp vy) tool ie) g Coca me ay 1a (ey) Follow When doing their Linkedin scheduling tools research, they found this gem: Follow. Using it, they improved their cold email strategy to also target people liking content repurposing on Linkedin. Turn LinkedIn Post Ll cw Into Pipeline ee ECL Ree Tea eae Beemer bone mea a riieet oes ##33 Black Magic David didn’t want to invest time in Twitter but Eric wanted to reach Youtubers there. He picked Black Magic to make sure he builds strong bonds with this audience. for pro tweeters ‘Superior Twitter Analytics Increase Engagements ee] See nei) eT TORO TS Pa a #34 Feedhive For their company account, they also wanted to start content. To cross-post on all socials, they used Feedhive. Create content at.scale. x Social media using Al & Automation. cr at 34/44 BOOBETER “rosa wee #35 VidIQ As part of their growth strategy, they also invest YouTube by hiring an agency for it. But they still have to find topics themselves that can rank, so they use VidIQ for it. Designed to boost your YouTube views Get free insights and guidance to keep your YouTube channel growing. #36 Veed Most of the videos are edited by their Youtube agency. But for others videos, they do it themselves using Anyone can make a great video. That means you. Your audience prefers video. Wow them with VEED, the fastest and easiest way to make professional-quality videos. Tyatemplate > #37 Submagic For shorts on YouTube, Reels, & TikTok, they wanted to hire a short-film agency too. But they found Submagic to reduce costs for better results and hired a virtual assistant to prepare the videos and schedule them. Elevate your videos with Al-Powered Captions \rtless Captions with perfect emojis and intelligently highlighted keywords, all generated b c doe (loved by + 200,000 content creators) #38 Contrast With their top customers who also have big brands on Linkedin, they attract Linkedin users into high-quality webinars to share value on content repurposing. They use Contrast for the whole process. Make webinars e e e a exciting again. | =" The new way to run webinars. Fun, engaging and authentically you. The acquisition #39 Growth Assistant Now at $50k/mo with a few agency hires, David and Eric want to make the business run without them. They still handle many things in the company. They choose Growth Assistant to find top talents. Elite offshore talent to support your Marketing team GrowthAssistant embeds the best offshore Growth #40 Lavender To help the few reps who are managing the campaigns and who prospect high-value accounts, they made them use Lavender. They also made them consume their resources to step up in email copywriting. 4 oT #41 Passionfroot What made Eric and David go from $50K/mo to $88K/mo was when they decided to invest massively in sponsorships. For that, they used Passionfroot to find new audiences and invested a lot in nano- Supercharge your | “, _.| sponsorships _ creators. #42 beehiiv Throughout this Passionfroot process, they discovered beehiv, a rising newsletter tool. They picked it up and used it to build their personal newsletter now that they have some clout on social because of Repurposly success. THE NEWSLETTER PLATFORM BUILT FOR GROWTH. xe Built by newsletter people #43 Acquire Eric and David are satisfied. They reached in 3 years $1 million ARR bootsrapped. The business runs mostly without them. They think it’s time to sell on Acquire and enjoy a X6 revenue exit as churn is very low on their Saas. tke successful deals The best online marketplace to buy and sell startups. Join 200k+ entrepreneurs closing life-changing deals. Buy and sell startups in as little as 30 days, supported by the best advisors and tech. #44 Signaturely A strategic buyer is interested and they reach an agreement to sell for $5.2 million dollars. They used Signaturely to complete the transaction documents. Super simple signatures Upload a document now — get it legally signed blazing fast Want to thank me? Try Breakcold sales CRM and activate the A Xavier closed Pyne in 2 weeks with the free trial 6

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