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(Senior Secondary)
Sub: Maths Class: VIII
1.How many numbers lie between squares of the following numbers?
(i) 12 and 13 (ii) 25 and 26 (iii) 99 and 100
2.Write a Pythagorean triplet whose one member is:
(i) 6 (ii) 14
3.Find the square roots of 100 and 169 by the method of repeated
4.Is 496 a perfect square?
5.Is 5292 a perfect square?
6. Evaluate (691)²
7. Evaluate 39×41
8.By what least number should 720 be multiplied to get a perfect square
number? Also, find the number whose square is the new number.
9.By what least number should 2527 be divided to get a perfect square
number? Find the number whose square is the new number.
10.Find the square root of the following numbers:
(a) 441 (b) 11025 (c) 3136
11.In a movie theatre, the number of rows is equal to the number of chairs
in each row. If the capacity of the theatre is 2025. Find the number of
chairs in each row.
12. Use the following identity and find the square of 189.
(a – b)² = a² – 2ab + b²
13.Find the smallest whole number from which 1008 should be multiplied in
order to obtain a perfect square number. Also, find out the square root of
the square number so obtained.
14.The area of a square field is 8281 m². Find the length of its side.
15.The students of Class VIII of a school donated Rs 2401 for Prime Minister's
National Relief Fund. Each student donated as many rupees as the number of
students in the Class. Find the number of students in the Class.
16.10404 students are sitting in a lecture room in such a manner that there
are as many students in a row as there are rows in a lecture room. How many
students are there in each row of a lecture room?
17. Find the square root of 225 by the long division method.
18.Find the smallest square number that is divisible by each of the numbers
4, 9 and 10.
19.Find the smallest square number that is divisible by each of the numbers
8, 15 and 20.
20.Find the square root of each of the following numbers by Division
(i) 2304 (ii)4489 (iii) 3481 (iv) 529 (v) 3249
21.Find the square root of the following decimal numbers.
(i) 2.56 (ii) 7.29 (iii) 51.84. ( iv) 42.25
22.Which of the following numbers are not perfect cubes?
(i) 216 (ii)128
23.Find the smallest number by which each of the following numbers must
be multiplied to obtain a perfect cube.
(i) 243 (ii) 675
24.Find the smallest number by which each of the following numbers must
be divided to obtain a perfect cube.
(i) 704 (ii) 135
25.Parikshit makes a cuboid of plasticine with sides 5 cm, 2 cm, and 5 cm.
How many such cuboids will he need to form a cube?
26.Find out the cube root of 13824 by the prime factorisation method.
27.Find the cube roots of the following:
(a) 1728 (b) 3375
28.Find the volume of a cube, one face of which has an area of 64m².
29.Find the volume of a cube whose surface area is 384m².
30.The volume of a cube is 9261000 m³. Find the side of the cube.

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