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JUN -2023
Table of Content
1 Select one a Marketing company or industry around your location. ....................................... 5
2 Study its back ground, vision, mission, value, and goals stated by the company. .................. 5
2.1 Background: - ................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Vision: - ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Mission: -.......................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Values: - ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Goals: - ............................................................................................................................. 5
3 Discuss its strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats of the organization (SWOT). ....... 6
3.1 Strengths: .......................................................................................................................... 6
o Expertise ........................................................................................................................... 6
o Customer service: ............................................................................................................. 6
o Convenient access: ........................................................................................................... 6
o Competitive pricing: ......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Weaknesses: ..................................................................................................................... 6
o Limited services: .............................................................................................................. 6
o Service quality: - .............................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Opportunities: ................................................................................................................... 6
o More languages: ............................................................................................................... 6
o Expanding service offerings: ............................................................................................ 6
o Targeting the diaspora: ..................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Threats: ............................................................................................................................. 7
o Competition ...................................................................................................................... 7
o Technological advancements ........................................................................................... 7
o Economic and political instability .................................................................................... 7
4 What type of marketing strategy and philosophy the company used ...................................... 7
4.1 Marketing Strategy: .......................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Marketing Philosophy: ..................................................................................................... 7
o Quality Service: ................................................................................................................ 7
o Industry Knowledge: ........................................................................................................ 8
o Competitive Pricing: ........................................................................................................ 8
o Customer Service: ............................................................................................................ 8
5 Find the micro and macro environments of that specific organization. Please try to list their
name if possible. ............................................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Micro-Environment: ......................................................................................................... 8
o Customers:........................................................................................................................ 8
o Suppliers ........................................................................................................................... 8
o Employees ........................................................................................................................ 9
o Competitors ...................................................................................................................... 9
o Stakeholders ..................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Macro-Environment: ........................................................................................................ 9
o Political Factors ................................................................................................................ 9
o Economic Factors: ............................................................................................................ 9
o Technological Factors: ..................................................................................................... 9
o Social Factors: .................................................................................................................. 9
o Environmental Factors ..................................................................................................... 9
6 Undertake a price structure, pricing strategy, pricing approaches, pricing policies and
procedure of the company clearly (by interviewing company’s key-informant(s), literature and
your own synthesis). ....................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Pricing Structure: - ........................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Pricing Strategy: ............................................................................................................. 10
6.3 Pricing Approaches: ....................................................................................................... 10
6.4 Pricing Policies:.............................................................................................................. 10
6.5 Pricing Procedure: .......................................................................................................... 10
7 How does the company segment its price for the company product and what practice the
company is use to adjustment price of the products? ................................................................... 11
7.1 Companies segment their prices based on factors .......................................................... 11
o Quantity .......................................................................................................................... 11
o Level of service .............................................................................................................. 11
o Time of use:.................................................................................................................... 11
7.2 To adjusting prices, companies use various practices .................................................... 11
o Markdowns: .................................................................................................................... 11
o Discounts: ....................................................................................................................... 11
o Seasonal pricing: ............................................................................................................ 11
o Dynamic pricing: ............................................................................................................ 11
o Price skimming:.............................................................................................................. 11
8 What factors determine price of the firm product with Internal, External and Environmental
aspect? ........................................................................................................................................... 11
8.1 Internal Factors:.............................................................................................................. 12
o Cost of software and hardware: ...................................................................................... 12
o Wages of employees: ..................................................................................................... 12
o Marketing and advertising expenses: ............................................................................. 12
o Quality control measures:............................................................................................... 12
8.2 External Factors: ............................................................................................................ 12
o Competition .................................................................................................................... 12
o Demand .......................................................................................................................... 12
o Government regulations: ................................................................................................ 12
8.3 Environmental Factors: .................................................................................................. 12
o Cultural sensitivity: ........................................................................................................ 12
o Technological advancements: ........................................................................................ 12
o Socio-economic factors: ................................................................................................. 12
9 How does the company set his marketing mixes (4Ps) for each product? ............................ 13
9.1 Product: .......................................................................................................................... 13
9.2 Price:............................................................................................................................... 13
9.3 Promotion: ...................................................................................................................... 13
9.4 Place: .............................................................................................................................. 13
10 Who are the consumers and suppliers of that specific company and what is their behavior
about the company price adjustment strategies? ........................................................................... 13
11 What unique feature does the company use to differentiate its product/service to achieve
the firm pricing strategies?............................................................................................................ 14
1 Select one a Marketing company or industry around your location.
Go top Trading P.L.C is an Ethiopian Business Organization that has a three sub
Organization and we select one of the names Called "Filmbet" that the Entertainment Company
operating in the Dubbing business has been working in the industry and established the company
in 2023.

2 Study its back ground, vision, mission, value, and goals stated by the
The background, vision, mission, values, and goals of "Filmbet"

2.1 Background: -
Filmbet was established in 2023 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The company has aimed to
expand its services globally and now the company operates in 3 Language of audiovisual
translation services, including dubbing, subtitling, voiceover, and audio description,
among others.

2.2 Vision: -
"Filmbet" vision is to be a leader in the Dubbing industry by providing high-quality
services that meet and exceed their clients' expectations.

2.3 Mission: -
"Filmbet" mission is to provide its clients with efficient, reliable, and affordable Dubbing
services. The company aims to deliver its services in a timely and accurate manner,
ensuring customer satisfaction at all times.

2.4 Values: -
"Filmbet" values the importance of teamwork, respecting cultural diversity, transparency,
and excellence in all its services. The company prioritizes a customer-centric approach
and recognizes the importance of providing consistent quality in all its services.

2.5 Goals: -
"Filmbet" aims to continue expanding its services globally, while maintaining a high
level of customer satisfaction and quality of service. The company strives to stay up-to-
date with the latest dubbing technologies to ensure its services remain innovative and

3 Discuss its strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats of the

organization (SWOT).
"Filmbet" Dubbing Company SWOT Analysis

3.1 Strengths:
o Expertise: - The Company has a team of experienced dubbing professionals who
are proficient in multiple languages.
o Customer service: - The Company places a high value on customer service,
ensuring that their clients are happy throughout the process.
o Convenient access: - Being a Dubbing service, the company provides customers
with the convenience of accessing their services from anywhere.
o Competitive pricing: - The Company’s pricing is competitive compared to other
similar services in the market.

3.2 Weaknesses:
o Limited services: - At the moment, the company primarily offers dubbing
services, limiting their ability to diversify their offering and attract new clients.
o Service quality: - If the company does not maintain quality standards, it may lead
to negative reviews and potentially lose clients.

3.3 Opportunities:
o More languages: - The Company can explore adding more languages to their
dubbing offerings, thereby attracting a wider customer base both in Ethiopia and
o Expanding service offerings: - The Company can explore other related services
such as subtitling, translating, and producing audio and video content.
o Targeting the diaspora: - many Ethiopians living abroad, the company can offer
dubbing services for Ethiopian movies and shows for the diaspora market.
3.4 Threats:
o Competition: - There are already other well-established companies offering
similar services, which can limit the company's growth potential.
o Technological advancements: - The industry is continuously evolving, and the
company may fall behind if they don't keep up with the latest technology.
o Economic and political instability: - Ethiopia's political and economic instability
may affect the demand for entertainment and related services, which may impact
the company's growth potential.

Overall, the Filmbet Movie dubbing company has a potential to grow by expanding its
language offerings, exploring other related services, and targeting the diaspora. However, it
needs to ensure that it maintains quality services and keeps up with technological advancements
to remain competitive in the industry.

4 What type of marketing strategy and philosophy the company used

4.1 Marketing Strategy:

Marketing strategies for Filmbet movie dubbing companies may include: Focusing on
targeted advertising to reach potential customers through platforms such as social media and
search engines. Offering competitive pricing and promotions to attract new customers, Client,
and incentivize loyal ones to continue using their services. Providing high-quality dubbing and
localization services in various languages to appeal to a wide audience and expand the Client that
want the Company Product by establishing a strong online presence through SEO optimization
such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote its services and showcase its dubbing

4.2 Marketing Philosophy:

In terms of philosophy, Filmbet movie dubbing companies prioritize customer
satisfaction and providing accessible and inclusive services. They may also prioritize innovation
and staying up-to-date with the latest dubbing and localization technologies to stay competitive
in the market.

o Quality Service: "Filmbet" could prioritize delivering high-quality dubbing

services to their clients to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business.
o Industry Knowledge: The Company could position itself as an expert in the field
of dubbing, providing clients with insights and advice on how to improve their
o Competitive Pricing: "Dubbing Star" could offer competitive pricing to attract
clients and differentiate themselves from other dubbing service providers in the
o Customer Service: The Company could place a strong emphasis on excellent
customer service, responding promptly to client queries and ensuring a smooth
and stress-free experience for the clients.

The combination of these strategies and philosophy could help "Filmbet" stand out in a
competitive dubbing sector and attract more clients to their business.

5 Find the micro and macro environments of that specific

organization. Please try to list their name if possible.
The microenvironment of a Filmbet Movie dubbing company consists of the internal
factors that affect the business's operations, strategies, and decisions. It includes elements such as
employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, and stakeholders.

On the other hand, the macro environment includes the external factors that affect the
business's operations, strategies, and decisions. It includes elements such as political factors,
economic factors, socio-cultural factors, technological factors, and environmental factors.

To identify the micro and macro environments of a Filmbet, we need to conduct extensive
research on the company, its industry, and the overall business environment in Ethiopia. We use
various sources such as industry reports, market research, and news articles to gather

5.1 Micro-Environment:
o Customers: - The target markets for the organization are Ethiopian movie viewers
who prefer watching dubbed content.
o Suppliers: - Suppliers of raw materials are the producers and distributors of
Ethiopian movies this includes content, scripts, and audio recordings. The
organization may also have suppliers for equipment and infrastructure such as
computers, recording equipment & editing tools
o Employees: - The organization requires skilled workers, who can dub content
well, as well as editors and post-production staff.
o Competitors: - The organization's competitors are other Ethiopian movie dubbing
organizations and other dubbed content such as subtitling, or localization.
o Stakeholders: - The organization's stakeholders include investors, partners, and
other organizations that the company works with to distribute their dubbed

5.2 Macro-Environment:
o Political Factors: - Government policies and regulations regarding the media
industry may have an impact on the organization.
o Economic Factors: - The organization's profitability could be impacted by
macroeconomic factors such as GDP, inflation, and exchange rates.
o Technological Factors: - Advances in technology could mean that the
organization needs to continually upgrade their equipment and services to stay
o Social Factors: - Different socio-economic and cultural factors may impact the
organization's target market and the success of the dubbed movies it produces.
o Environmental Factors: - Although the impact here may be less significant, the
organization's business operations could be influenced by environmental factors
such as natural disasters, climate change, and sustainability regulations.

6 Undertake a price structure, pricing strategy, pricing approaches,

pricing policies and procedure of the company clearly (by
interviewing company’s key-informant(s), literature and your own

6.1 Pricing Structure: -

The pricing structure of Filmbet movie dubbing companies in Ethiopia is generally
determined by the length of the movie, the language to be dubbed, and the quality of the
sound output. The company may decide to charge based on the number of minutes the
movie lasts or the number of words the dubbing includes.

6.2 Pricing Strategy:

Dubbing movie often use the premium pricing strategy because the services they offer are
of high quality. They offer high-end services that distinguish them from their competitors
and create a premium image for their brand.

6.3 Pricing Approaches:

The movie dubbing companies adopt cost-plus approaches. Cost-plus pricing is pricing
determined by calculating all the cost of production and adding a margin.

6.4 Pricing Policies:

Filmbet movie dubbing companies have pricing policies that guide their pricing
decisions. Their pricing policies may include a minimum charge for a certain number of
minutes of the movie, discounts for bulk orders, and a provision for additional charges for
express services.

6.5 Pricing Procedure:

The pricing procedure for Filmbet movie dubbing companies involves the company
onboarding the customer and determining their needs. They may give a quote for the
service, and upon agreement, they finalize the pricing by the charging structure. The
customer pays upfront before the job is done.

In summary, Filmbet movie dubbing companies have a pricing structure determined by the
type of service rendered, language, and quality of output. Companies may charge based on a
cost-plus pricing approach. They also use premium pricing strategy to stand out from their
competitors and appeal to customers who value quality service.
7 How does the company segment its price for the company product
and what practice the company is use to adjustment price of the
7.1 Companies segment their prices based on factors
o Quantity: - The Company offer different prices for different quantities of its
product or service.
o Level of service: - The Company offer different price points for basic, standard,
or premium services.
o Time of use: - The Company has different pricing structures for peak times versus
off-peak times.

7.2 To adjusting prices, companies use various practices

o Markdowns: - The Company lowers the price of its product or service to increase
sales or clear inventory.
o Discounts: - The Company offer discounts or coupons to incentivize customers to
make a purchase.
o Seasonal pricing: - The Company has a strategy to adjust its prices based on the
time of year, such as offering lower prices during a summer seasons.
o Dynamic pricing: - The Company use algorithms to adjust prices in real-time
based on factors such as demand and supply.
o Price skimming: - The Company starts with high prices for its product or service
and gradually lowers them as competition increases or demand decreases.

8 What factors determine price of the firm product with Internal,

External and Environmental aspect?
"Filmbet" is one of an Ethiopian movie dubbing company in Ethiopia. The factors that
determine the price of the firm's product can be analyzed from internal, external, and
environmental aspects.
8.1 Internal Factors:
o Cost of software and hardware: - The Company needs to invest in high-quality
dubbing software and hardware, which can be pricey.
o Wages of employees: - The wages of employees, including sound engineers,
dubbing artists, and others, can affect the overall cost of the product.
o Marketing and advertising expenses: - To promote the Filmbet Company and its
services, Filmbet has to invest in marketing and advertising, which can add to the
overall product cost.
o Quality control measures: - The Company needs to conduct quality control (QC)
checks the Script, Acting Performance, Lip-sync and Sound editing to ensure the
accuracy of the dubbing, and this can increase the overall cost of the product.

8.2 External Factors:

o Competition: - The competitive market can affect the pricing strategy of Filmbet
o Demand: - If the demand for movie dubbing services is high, the company would
increase the price of its services.
o Government regulations: - Changes in government regulations, taxes, or fees can
affect Filmbet pricing strategy.

8.3 Environmental Factors:

o Cultural sensitivity: - As a company that provides services to a diverse customer
base, Filmbet is sensitive to cultural differences when providing its services.
o Technological advancements: - Changes in technology can affect the company's
cost structure and pricing strategy.
o Socio-economic factors: - The countries socio-economic conditions, such as
inflation, unemployment, and purchasing power, Education can affect the pricing
strategy of Filmbet.

In summary, Filmbet pricing strategy is influenced by several factors, including the cost of
production, wages, marketing expenses, demand, competition, government regulations, cultural
sensitivity, technological advancements, and socio-economic factors.
9 How does the company set his marketing mixes (4Ps) for each
One of the new entry movies dubbing Company Filmbet is sets its marketing mix (4Ps) as

9.1 Product:
Dubbing offers high-quality movie dubbing services in various languages such as
Amharic, Afan Oromo, and Tigrigna. The company also provides subtitling, voice-over,
and translation services for films, TV shows, educational videos, and corporate videos.

9.2 Price:
The company sets its prices based on factors such as the length of the video, language
required, and turnaround time. The company offers competitive pricing and also provides
discounts for bulk orders.

9.3 Promotion:
The Company promotes its services through various channels such as social media, email
marketing, and referrals from satisfied customers. also partners with production houses,
filmmakers, and video content producers to offer its services.

9.4 Place:
Filmbet is a dubbing movie supplier for different Tv station and stream online-based
company. The company operates through its website and interacts with clients via the
office. Clients can receive the completed dubbed versions by e-mail or take the product
by using removable device by presenting in the office.

Overall, Filmbet offers a convenient and reliable platform for clients to get their videos
dubbed in various languages. The company's marketing mix helps it to attract and retain clients
while maintaining high-quality standards.

10 Who are the consumers and suppliers of that specific company and
what is their behavior about the company price adjustment
Consumers of Filmbet Company are likely to be individuals or businesses that require
movie dubbing and subtitling services for a range of reasons such as language barriers,
accessibility, or marketing purposes. These customers could be from various industries,
including entertainment, advertising, education, corporate, or government agencies.

Suppliers of this company are likely to be voice-over artists, translators, editors, original
movie company, movie agent and other personnel involved in the movie dubbing process. The
company may also have partnerships with other media production companies or distributors.

Regarding price adjustment strategies, customers' behavior may depend on various factors
such as the importance of the project, budget constraints, or the perceived value of the services.
The company may adjust its prices based on market trends, input cost changes, or competitive
pressures. Customers' responses and behavior towards price adjustments could vary, some may
become less interested in the services or switch to competitors, while others may negotiate for
discounts or try to understand the reasons behind the price changes. The company may also offer
incentives or loyalty rewards to retain and attract customers despite the price adjustments.

11 What unique feature does the company use to differentiate its

product/service to achieve the firm pricing strategies?
The only online movie dubbing streaming and one of the Ethiopian dubbing movies
Supplier Company in Ethiopia is Filmbet. This company differentiates its product by offering
voiceover services in multiple Ethiopian languages, including Amharic, Tigrinya, and Oromo.
This allows them to cater to a wider variety of customers and expand their reach beyond just the
Amharic-speaking population. Additionally, Ethiopian Movie Voiceover offers fast turnaround
times and high-quality audio recording equipment, which sets them apart from competitors who
may have longer wait times or lower-quality recordings. To achieve firm pricing strategies,
Ethiopian Movie Voiceover offers competitive rates that are lower than similar services offered
by larger dubbing companies. By specializing in multiple Ethiopian languages, providing fast
turnaround times, and offering competitive pricing, Movie Voiceover is able to differentiate its
services and attract a loyal customer base.

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