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LEASE AGREEMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL USE Pursuant to art.2, paragraph 1, of Law 9 December 1998, n. 431 Giampaolo Gattorno, born in Venice on 03 June 1950, a resident of Genoa Sir. Capo Santa Chiara 40/3 CAP 16146, tax code GYTGPLSOHO3L736V, duly identified through its Identity Card no. AV7988369, issued by the Municipality of Genoa on 13 October 2015 and Iosita Fumagalli, born in Geona on 18 August 1950, a resident of Genoa Str, Capo Santa Chiara 40/3 CAP 16146, tax code FMGSTISOMS8D969E, duly identified through its Identity Card no. AY8371603, issued by the Municipality of Genoa on 18 April 2018; Hereinafter referred to as the Landlords LET TO THE TENANT Eugen Kananaj, born in Patras (Greece) on 21 March 2003, a resident of Genoa Sir, Galata 39/5 CAP 16121, tax code KNNGNE03C21Z115L, duly identified through its Identity Card no. CA77161FA, issued by the Municipality of Genoa on 12 September 2019, hereinafier referred to as the Tenant, which accepts the immovable property located in: Genoa, Sir. Borgo degli Incrociati 22/5, consisting of the following: living room with kitchenette and sofa bed, mezzanine sleeping area, bathroom, pantry with washing machine, independent heating and fully furnished in all its parts, Cadastral data of the property: GEC, page 49, section 122, sub. 9, area 01, cat.A/5, class 06, annuity Euro 165,27. Administrative and plants’ safety technical documents: electrical plant provided with life- saving device. Energy certification no. 35465, issued on 14.09.2012, class F, ipe 134,28 kWh/m? per year issued by the surveyor Francesco Ponte, no. 1276, 1) The contract is concluded for a duration of four years starting from 01.10.2021 to 30.09.2025 and will be considered renewed for another four years in the event that the landlords do not communicate to the tenant a reasoned cancellation of the contract pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1, of Law 9/12/1998, n. 431, to be delivered by registered letter, containing the specification of the reason indicated, at least six months before the deadline. At the end of any renewal period, each party will have the right to activate the procedure for renewal under new conditions or for renouncing the renewal of the contract, communicating their intention by registered letter to be sent to the other party at least six months before the expiration. The requested party must answer by registered letter within sixty days from the date of receipt of said registered letter. In the absence of an answer or agreement, the contract will be deemed to have expired on the date of receipt of such registered letter. In the absence of such communication, the contract will be considered tacitly renewed, under the same conditions. Subsequently the contract will be renewed for four years in four years, in the absence of cancellation to be delivered by registered letter at least six months before the expiry. AFFIDAVIT OF TRANSLATION Date: 30 October 2023 confirm this is a true and accurate translation in English of tH Janguage, and that I am competent to translate in both languages. Translator Reidona Haxhiu 2) The annual rental fee is agreed at Euro 4,800.00 (four thousand eight hundred/00) which the tenant undertakes to pay to the landlord in twelve monthly advance installments of Euro 400 (four hundred/00) each, and will be paid by bank transfer ( IBAN: IT 24V0200801423000100473802 Unicredit, registered to Fumagalli Iosita) to landlords by the fifth of each month, ‘The rent will be updated every year to the extent of the absolute increase in the consumer price index ascertained by the national ISTAT which occurred compared to the month preceding the start of this contract, automatically and without the need for a request from the landlord. 3) The landlords provided for the registration of the contract by notifying the tenant. The costs for registration and stamp duty will be bome by the parties equally. 4) The payment of the rent or anything else due, including additional charges, cannot be suspended or delayed by claims or exceptions from the tenant, whatever the reason, Failure to pay the rent on time, for any reason, even of just one installment of the rent, will constitute grounds for termination of the contract, without prejudice to the provisions of the art. 35 of Law 27 July 1978, n. 392. Failure to pay the rent and additional charges on time will immediately put the tenant in default for the purposes of accruing legal interest, 5) If during the lease important and urgent works are carried out on the property necessary to maintain its intended use or to avoid greater damage that would compromise its efficiency in relation to its purpose of use, the agreed rent will be increased to the extent of the amount of money employed in the works carried out. 6) The property must be intended exclusively for the tenant's residential use. For the succession of the contract, it shall apply article 6 Law 07/27/78, no, 392, in the text in force following the ruling of the constitutional court 7/04/88 no, 404, The tenant may not sublease or loan all or part of the property unit, under penalty of contract termination. 7) The tenant hes the right to withdraw from the contract at any time upon notice to be delivered by registered mail at least 3 (ihre) months before the expiry. 8) The tenant declares to have visited the property unit rented to him, and to have found it in good rental condition and suitable for the agreed use, and thus, to take delivery of it for all purposes with the collection of the keys, acting as custodian of the same from that moment. The tenant undertakes to return the rented property unit in the same condition in which he received it, except for wear and tear, under penalty of compensation for damages. He also undertakes to respect the rules of the building regulations which he declares to know well, and to observe any other legitimately issued rules. 9) The tenant will not be able to make any modifications, innovations, improvements or additions to the leased premises, which however remain acquired by the landlords. AFFIDAVIT OF TRANSLATION Date: 30 October 2023 K66613202B, mobile no. ++355672110787, e-m: confirm this is a true and accurate translat Ianguage, and that I am competent to translate in both languages, ‘Translator Reidona Haxhiu I | ” The Tenant expressly exempts the landlords from any liability for direct or indirect damages that may arise from activities, works and/or workings carried out by the condominium, its employees or agents, as well as for innocent interruptions of services. 10) The tenant has the right to vote on behalf of the owners of the leased property unit, in the resolutions of the condominium assembly relating to the expenses and methods of management of the heating and air conditioning services. He also has the right to intervene, without a vote, on resolutions relating to the modification of other common services. 11) In addition to and in derogation of art. 9 of law 392/78, the parties agree that the tenant will be responsible for the additional charges provided for in the distribution table attached to the ministerial decree 30/12/2002 and subsequent amendments and additions. At the same time as paying the rent, the tenant will pay the amount of Euro 30.00 (thirty) per month in additional charges, subject to adjustment. Before making the final payment, the tenant has the right to obtain the specified indication of the aforementioned costs and the distribution criteria, He also has the right to view the supporting documents of the expenses incurred. Starting from the second year, the payment of additional charges must be made on the basis of the previous year's consultation, always subject to adjustment. 12) The tenant is responsible for additional charges consisting of the costs of: cleaning, stair lighting, operation and ordinary maintenance of the lift, as well as for the provision of other common services. 13) The tenant must allow access to the property unit to the landlords, its administrator and their representatives, with 48 hours’ notice, where justified reasons e: 14) In the event that the landlords intend to sell or rent the rented property unit, the tenant must allow, in the last rental month, the visit once a week for at least one hour, with the exclusion of public holidays. 15) For all purposes of this contract, including the notification of executive documents, and for the purposes of jurisdiction to judge, the tenant elects domicile in the premises rented to him and where he no longer occupies them, at the administrative office of the municipality where the property is located. Any modification to this contract cannot take place, and cannot be proven, except by written document, ‘The landlords and the tenant mutually authorize each other to communicate their personal data to third parties in relation to obligations connected to the rental relationship (egislative decree no. 196/03). For anything not provided for in this contract, the parties expressly refer to the relevant provisions of the civil code, law 9/12/98 n, 431 and in any case by current regulations and local customs. 16) To guarantee the obligations undertaken with this contract, the tenant pays the landlords, who issue a receipt upon signing the contract, a guarantee deposit of 800.00 euros (eight AFFIDAVIT OF TRANSLATION Date: 30 October 2023 1, Reidona Haxhiu, a sworn translator of English language in Albania, Aoider o K66613202B, mobile no. +4355672110787, e-mail: reidona.haxhiu@gmail.cbt confirm this is a true and accurate translation in English of the docume Tanguage, and that I am competent to translate in both languages. Translator Reidona Haxhiu * hundred/00), not attributable to the rent account and in derogation of the art, . 11 law 392/78, and productive of legal interest which will be returned to the tenant at the end of each year of the Tease. ‘The guarantee deposit thus constituted will be returned at the end of the lease following verification of the state of the property unit and compliance with all contractual obligations. 17) The electricity consumption and municipal solid waste tax are borne by the tenant. 18) It is understood that extraordinary maintenance costs are the responsibility of the landlords, while small repairs and maintenance are the responsibility of the tenant, 19) Landlords declare that upon initial registration they opt for the so-called "dry tax” replacement tax regime, reserving the right to communicate to the tenant any subsequent changes in this regard for the consequent obligations and charges, therefore the fee referred to in art. 2 | will remain unchanged for the entire period of application of the same option, the landlords expressly renouncing any rent updates for any reason. In the event of revocation by the landlords of this tax regime, the annual amount of the rent will be subject to a registration tax of 2% (50% between the landlords and the lessee) and the increase in the rent may be applied, based on the ISTAT increase, | 20) At the time of signing the contract, the landlords hand over the keys of the aforementioned property to the tenant, who from today assumes all responsibilities as far as could be determined from the use of the property, relieving the landlords from any liability Read, approved and signed. Genoa, on 27 September 2021 THE LANDLORDS THE TENANT | Giampaolo Gatomo _Iosita Fumagalli Eugen Kananaj Signed signed Jn accordance with the art. 1342, second paragraph of the civil code, the parties specifically approve the agreements referred to in articles 1), 2), 4), 6), 7), 8), 9), 10), 11), 17), 16 ). THE LANDLORDS THE TENANT Giampaolo Gatomo _Iosita Fumagalli Eugen Kananaj ! Signed signed AKFIDAVIT OF TRANSLATION Date: 30 October 2023 1, Reidona Haxhiu, a sworn translator of English language in Albania, K66613202B, mobile no, ++355672110787, e-mail: reidona.haxhi con confirm this is a true and accurate translation in English of the( document, language, and that I am competent to translate in both languages. Translator Reidona Haxhiu PANIFICIO RANDAZZO SAS DI GIUSEPPE RANDAZZO & C. BAKERY RANDAZZO SAS DI GIUSEPPE RANDAZZO & C. Square Vittorio Veneto 4/2 16149 Genoa (GE) VAT no, 02835950995 Dear EUGEN KANANAT STREET GALATA 39/5 16100 GENOA (GE) Genoa, 04 October 2022 Full-time employment letter with professional training apprenticeship contract Following the interviews held, we hereby confirm that we have hired you under a professional training, apprenticeship contract, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81 of 15/06/2015, aimed at obtaining the qualification of Category A2 Baker under the National Collective Labor Contract regarding Food and Breedmaking, in the following job: (communication code forwarded to the Employment Center: 090002220083 1322) The apprenticeship contract will have a duration of 54 months starting from 5/10/2022 and until 4/04/2027: upon expiry it will be subjected to a suitability assessment which will allow you to acquire the qualification indicated above. We reserve from now on, in any case, the right to terminate the employment relationship atthe indicated deadline, pursuant to art. 2118 of the Civil Code, as provided for by art. 42, paragraph 4, of the aforementioned legislative decree no. 81/2015. ‘The establishment of the employment relationship is subject to the favorable outcome of a probationary period lasting 1 and a half months. During such period, your and our right to withdraw at any time remains unaffected, without the need for any notice and/or the payment of a replacement indemnity. During the apprenticeship period you will be given specific training under the supervision of your tutor, ‘Mr. Giuseppe Randazzo. You will be paid by the financial compensation of Euro 1,209.72000 gross per month, consisting of the following items: Salary 1,151.88000 Special allowance 57,84000 AFFIDAVIT OF TRANSLATION Date: 30 October 2023 language, and that Iam competent to translate in both ees ‘Translator Reidona Haxhiu Night work 50% (*) not cumulative Overtime work For contractual purposes only, overtime work is performed in excess of 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week, with a daily limit of 2 hours. Itis permitted for a period that does not exceed 280 hours per year for each individual worker. “The following increase percentages are envisaged, to be calculated on the actual overall salary: daytime (*) 30% | (*) cumulative with the increase for night and holiday work up to 55%. Entities that receive social security and insurance contributions The institution and bodies to which the employer will pay social security and insurance contributions are the following: National Institute of Social Security ‘ational Institute for Insurance on Accidents at Work | National Institute of Social Security Agriculture National Institute of Social Security former Information for Public Employees and Pensioners Construction Fund Bilateral entity Pension Fund: Health care fun Bilateral Solidarity Fund: Other: ‘Time and method of salary payment Salary payment day: by the 15th of the following month Method: Bank transfer Training The worker will have the right, within 60 days from the start date of the employment, to receive mandatory training on safety matters to be determined in a specific form on the type of risk net of any hours, documented by training certificates, also valid for the new employment relationship, for courses previously attended by the worker. In any case, the training carried out, in accordance with the provisions of the art. 11 of legislative decree n. 104/2022 will be considered working time. AFFIDAVIT OF TRANSLATION Dat 0 October 2023 | t i I I, Reidona Haxhiu, a sworn translator of English language in Albani K66613202B, mobile no. ++355672110787, e-mail: reidona.haxhivé language, and that I am competent to translate in both languages. Translator Reidona Haxhiu Resignation and notice term In the event of resignation by the worker, the notice of such resignation must be submitted to the Ministry of Labor, under penalty of ineffectiveness, exclusively electronically (article 26, paragraph 1, legislative decree 09/14/2015, no. 151) ‘The notice term provided for by the applied National Collective Labor Agreement is: AIS, A1 1 month A2, A3, Ad 15 calendar days B1, B2, B3S 1 month B3, B4 15 calendar days Reference to the detailed regulations of the individual entities For anything not expressly provided for in this information letter, with particular reference to the detailed information provided for by art. 1 of legislative decree n, 152/1997, as amended by legislative deorce no. 104/202, express reference is made to the specific contents of the National Collective Labor Agreement applied, by virtue of the regulatory simplification allowed by the National Labor Inspectorate with Circular no. 4 of 10/08/2022. Without prejudice to the fact that with the delivery of this information the worker is already informed of the principles contained in the same contractual entities, the relevant detailed regulations are communicated through the reference to the applied National Collective Labor Agreement. For all other information relating to the employment relationship (e.g. place of work, classification and type of employment relationship, working hours, probationary period, elements of remuneration) please refer to the letter of employment given to You. Genoa, 04 October 2022 Stamp and signature The undersigned Eugen Kananaj, born in Greece on 03/21/2003, tax code KNNGNE03C21Z115L, declares to have read the above information. Place and date 10/21/2022 Signature of the interested party [seal: Panificio Randazzo s.a.s di Randazzo G. & C, ‘Street C. Rolando 2-4 R-GE- Phone 010.645.40.55 Street Merano, $5 R ~ GE ~ Phone 0106520426 VAT no. 02835950995} AFFIDAVIT OF TRANSLATION Date: 30 October 2023 I, Reidona Haxhiu, a sworn translator of English language in §i6ani: 666132028, mobile no. ++355672110787, e-mail: reidona.Kaxhiu confirm this is a true and accurate translation in English\of the doi Janguage, and that I am competent to translate in both language’: ‘Translator Reidona Haxhiu We hereby state that Mr. Eugen Kananaj will not be present at work on 23 December 2023 — 24 December 2023 — 25 December 2023. Genoa, 26 October 2023 Signature {scal: Panificio Randazzo s.a.s di Randazzo G. & C. ‘Street C, Rolando 2-4 R-GE- Phone 010.645.40.55, Street Merano, 55 R ~ GE — Phone 010.6520426 VAT no. 02835950995] AFFIDAVIT OF TRANSLATION Date: 30 October 2023 K66613202B, mobile no. ++355672110787, e-mai confirm this is a true and accurate translation Janguage, and that I am competent to translate in both languages ‘Translator Reidona Haxhiu

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