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Student’s Assessment Number................................................................................................





TIME2:30 HRS Date: 30th August, 2023


1. This paper consists of section A, B, and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided
3. Section A carries (15) marks, section B carries (70) marks and section C carries
seventy (15) marks.
4. All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in
the examination room.
5. Write your examination number on every page

Student’s Assessment Number................................................................................................
SECTION A: (15 marks)

1. For each of item i-x, choose the correct answer from the give alternatives and
write its letter below item number in the box provide.

i. The history teacher at Nkinga Secondary School was in the class and
provided the following definition; “is the study of society’s cultural
system, behavior, beliefs and ideologies” this definition is for which
A. Archaelogy C. Archieves
B. Anthropology D. Historical site

ii. When you go to Kariakoo market, you will find Tanzanians getting into
contact with people from India and Arabia. This contact is believed to be
dated back as early as which year?
a. 2nd century c. 4th century
b. 1st BCE d. 6th century

iii. Basilisa visited South Africa for medical reasons, but she saw mixing races
in that country; that interfered African cultures; As historian, tell her the
earliest group to live in South Africa.
A. KhoiKhoi and Bantu C. KhoiKhoi and San
B. KhoiKhoi and Zulu D. Khoisan and KhoiKhoi

iv. According to Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution of man from

Primates to Homo sapiens, it was associated with technological discovery
like discovery of fire as a student tell at which age that discovery
A. New Stone Age C. Late Stone Age
B. Early Stone Age D. Middle Stone Age

v. One student was talking on the event that took place in the 15th century
that joined three continents, Africa, America and Europe. What was the
event that student was talking about?
a. Triangula slave Trade c. Indiam ocean slave
b. Trans saharan slave trade
trade d. Legitimate trade

Student’s Assessment Number................................................................................................

vi. Mzee Lazier is Maasai livestock keeper who moves from one place to
another searching for pasture and water for his cattle. This movement is
known as ___
A. Pastoralism C. Sedentary pastoralism
B. Normadic pastoralism D. Permanent pastoralism

vii. Two form four students were arguing on the correct set centralized states
in western Sudanic zone. As a learned student of form two, show the
correct set of the states
A. Soghai, Mali and Asnte
B. Dahomey, Mwenemutapa and Oyo
C. Ghana, Mali and Soghai
D. Benin, Asante and Dahomey

viii. Mzee Kaishozi was a land owner in Buhaya. He used that for economic
activities; therefore Mzee Kaishozi’s system was known as;
A. Ubugabire system C. Busulu and Mvunjo
B. Umwinyi system D. Nyarubanja System

ix. Which of the following is the best description of Homohabilis?

A. The thinking man C. The modern man
B. The early man D. The tools maker man

x. European countries were using local material produced in Europe before

the 19th century. What made Africa a focus for Europeans in the 19th
A. Mercantile capitalism
B. Industrial revolution
C. Improved Marine technology
D. Colonization of African continent.

Questions i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x


Student’s Assessment Number................................................................................................

2. Match the items in column A with the correct response in column B by writing its
letter against item number in column A
Column A Colum B
i. The source of private and A. Historical site in Kilimanjaro
public document B. Productive force
ii. Ugweno C. Legitimate trade
iii. Combination of labour and D. Regional trade
instrument of labour E. Trans Saharan trade
iv. Trade to replace slave trade F. Archieves
v. Zanzibar slave market G. Museums
H. 1873

Column A i ii iii iv v
Column B

SECTION B: (70 marks)

Attempt all questions in this section
3. Briefly define the following terms:
i. Communalism
ii. Monsoon winds
iii. Labour rent
iv. Kaffir wars

Student’s Assessment Number................................................................................................

v. Centralized state
4. Re-arrange the statements in a chronological order by writing their roman
numbers in the table below.

i. Due to their ruthless frequent attacks and rebellions from Arabs and
Africans, Portuguese rule collapsed and the life at the coast became under
the Oman Arabs.
ii. The search for new sea routes to replace the land route was possible due
to the invention of ships and voyages that were supported by Prince
Henry the Navigator; Son of King John.
iii. The first Portuguese Sailor to reach East Africa was Vasco da Gama after
assistance from Prince Henry
iv. Portuguese were the First Europeans to visit the coast of East Africa in
their searching for sea route to India
v. They decided to settle and conquer the coastal towns and controlled the
trade in the area for about two centuries.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

5. Complete the following statements with the correct historical fact.

i. The feudal system along East African coast was
ii. A social organization which comprise several blood related families is
known as
iii. A study past events and activities related to man

Student’s Assessment Number................................................................................................

iv. A famous site where Dr. Leakey made remarkable discovery in East Africa
v. A dominant from social organization in pastoral societies
6. Differentiate between the following;
i. Slavery and slave trade
ii. Homo habilis and Homo eractus
iii. Matrilineal and Patrilineal Societies
iv. Historian and History
v. Nomadic Pastoralism and Sedentary Pastoralism

Student’s Assessment Number................................................................................................

7. Draw a sketch map of Tanzania and locate the following
i. Engaruka iv. Unguja
ii. Uvinza v. Kilwa
iii. Isimila

8. Give five characteristics of the first mode of production

i. __________________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________________
iii. __________________________________________________________________
iv. __________________________________________________________________
v. __________________________________________________________________
9. Briefly explain five major factors that led to the formation of states in pre-colonial
i. __________________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________________
iii. __________________________________________________________________
iv. __________________________________________________________________
v. __________________________________________________________________

Student’s Assessment Number................................................................................................

SECTION C: (15 marks)

Answer one question in this section

10. As population increased in Africa resources became scarce and competitive. In

support of this statement, mention and discuss six factors that made Africans to

Student’s Assessment Number................................................................................................


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