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A. Guidelines for Oral Reporting:

1. All presentation should be in powerpoint.

2. Font style is your choice but font size should be not less than 40.
3. Do not over-style your powerpoint.
4. Use of video clips, if any, should not exceed 2 minutes.
5. Reporters for the day should come on time to classroom to prepare/set up the
supporting technology and in complete/proper uniform.
6. Do not miss your report, unless for a valid reason like health.
7. Provide situational examples in your main points/ideas. Simply reading the
report is good as nothing.
8. There will a minimum of 3 reporters per meeting with 2 next reporters reserved
(in case any of the scheduled reporter will be absent).
9. Each reporter will answer 3 questions: 2 from classmates and 1 from the
professor. If there are no questions from the classmates, all the 3 questions will
be coming from the professor.
10. If the professor is absent, either for official or personal reason, reporting will still
proceed. One member of the group will shoot the entire reporting and send the
saved copy to the professor as a personal message in the messenger.
11. Provide your own lap top. Projector will be provided by the office.
12. The reporting will be graded individually using the rubric below. Each reporter
should bring a printed copy of the rubric and give it the professor for him to use
it for scoring purposes on the schedule of the report.
B. Rubric


Objective: To develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills and technology utilization in
delivering an oral report or topic.

Name: Topic: Date:

Criteria 25 points 15 points 5 points Total:

A. Verbal Effectiveness The report is well The report is not The report is not clear 25
1. Articulation and presented. The reporter particularly vivid. The due to missing verbal
pronunciation is verbally effective and reporter is fairly elements. There is no
2. Grammar has the ability to initiate effective and is interaction between the
3. Volume, fluency, interaction hesitant to initiate reporter and the
pace and vocal tone interaction. audience.
4. Ability to ask and
answer questions in
order to initiate
B. Non-verbal The reporter exudes The reporter shows The reporter’s verbal 25
Effectiveness total non-verbal hesitance in the use of effectiveness is limited
1. Gestures and facial effectiveness and self- gestures, inconsistent and lacks self confidence.
expressions confidence. with the textual
2. Appropriateness of meaning.
delivery style to
3. Self-confidence
C. Content and Materials The content is sufficient The content is fairly The content is 25
1. Organization of sub and well organized. sufficient and poorly insufficient and difficult
topics Audio- visual aids keep organized. Audio- to understand. Audio-
2. Clarity of the audience totally visual materials do visual materials are
presentation using engaged. not contribute much minimal and do not
examples and Situational examples are to the comprehension enhance the content of
support relevant to the topic/s. of the report. the report.
3. Use of audio-visual Situational examples Situational examples are
aids are half-relevant to not relevant to the
the topics. topics.
Total points 75

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