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Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

(Đề thi có 21 trang)

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TASK 1 (20 pts)
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D to complete the sentences from 1 to 20.
Question 1: Even in modern times, the of early marriages is still common in
A. practice B. habit C. institution D. tradition
Question 2: Sue spent so much money during her holiday that her bank account is now
$5000 .
A. in the red B. out of the blue C. in the pink D. over the moon
Question 3: A new computer has been produced, which will all previous models.
A. overdo B. supersede C. excel D. overwhelm
Question 4: Most teenagers go through a rebellious for a few years but they soon
grow out of it.
A. stint B. span C. duration D. phase
Question 5: Nobody told Maria to get dinner ready. She did it of her own .
A. desire B. accord C. idea D. will
Question 6: After several hours on that road, they became to the fact that they would
never reach the hotel by nightfall.
A. dejected B. resigned C. depressed D. disillusioned
Question 7: He’s a nice guy, always ready to do everybody a good .
A. present B. play C. turn D. pleasure
Question 8: The of her family following the divorce was a great shock to the
A. break-down B. break-in C. break-up D. break-out
Question 9: I don’t know if Julie is really sick, or she is just . She knows clearly that I
am expecting her.
A. pulling my leg B. calling it a day
C. putting her back up D. lifting her finger
Question 10: She went on and on about how she admired his work – laid it on a bit , if
you ask me.
A. sticky B. soft C. sick D. thick

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Question 11: Anna is a nervous child and she’s very of strangers.
A. frightened B. petrified C. horrified D. terrified
Question 12: I tried to for my misunderstanding her by sending her a bunch of
A. make do B. make amends C. make light D. make over
Question 13: The snow-storm is really playing with rush-hour traffic.
A. along B. cat and mouse C. havoc D. trick
Question 14: Only a generation ago, the computer was unknown to most people.
A. credibly B. considerably C. unmistakably D. virtually
Question 15: Journalists received a warning not to go anywhere near the battleship.
A. strict B. firm C. stern D. hard
Question 16: After hours of being questioned, he finally to committing the crime.
A. confided B. intimated C. confessed D. disclosed
Question 17: A fire must have a readily available supply of oxygen. , it will stop
A. Consequently B. Furthermore C. Otherwise D. However
Question 18: as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
A. That we refer to B. What we refer to C. To which we refer
D. What do we refer to
Question 19: the increasing depletion of the Earth resources, it’s vital to recycle on a
wider scale than we do at present.
A. Given B. In spite of C. Irrespective of D. Providing
Question 20: the two sisters, Mary is .
A. Of – the prettier B. Between – the prettiest
C. Of – prettier D. Between – the prettier
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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TASK 2 (10 pts)
In the following passage, there are 10 words which need correction. Find and correct them
in your answer sheet.
Years ago, before any of you were born, a wise Frenchman said, “If youth
knew; if age could.” We all know what he meant: that when you are young, you
have the power to do anything, but you don’t know what to do. Then, when you
have got old and experience and observation have taught you answers, you are tired,
Line 5 frightened; you don’t care, you want to be left alone as far as you yourself are safe;
you no longer have the capacity or the will to grieve over any wrongs but your own.
So you young men and women in this room tonight, and in thousands of other
rooms like this one about the earth today, have the power to change the world, rid it
forever with war and injustice and suffering, provided you know how, know what to
Line 10 do. And so according to the old Frenchman, since you can’t know what to do
because you are young, then anyone stands here with a head full of white hair,
should be capable to tell you.
But maybe this one is not as old and wise as his white hairs pretend or claim.
Because he can’t give you a glib answer or pattern too. But he can tell you this,
Line 15 because he believes this. Which threatens us today is fear. Not the atom bomb, nor
even the fear of it, because if the bomb fell on Oxford tonight, all it could do would
be to kill us, that is nothing, since in doing this, it will have robbed itself of its only
power over us: which is fear of it, the being afraid of it. Our danger is not that. Our
danger is the forces in the world today which are trying to use man’s fear to rob him
Line 20 of his individual, his soul, trying to reduce him to an unthinking mass by fear and
bribery— giving him free food which he has not earned, easy and valueless money
which he has not worked for; the economies or ideologies or political systems,
socialist or democratic, whatever they wish to call them, the tyrants and the
politicians, American or European or Asiatic, who would reduce man to one
Line 25 obedient mass for their own aggrandizement and power, or because they themselves
are baffled and afraid, afraid of, or incapable of, believing in man’s capacity for
courage and enduring and sacrifice.

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Line Mistake Correction

TASK 3 (10 pts)

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable preposition or particle to complete the following
Question 31: The old lady’s savings were considerable as she had put a little money
each week.
Question 32: Most of the delegates said they wanted to press with the talks, though it
sounded implausible.
Question 33: The fighting which started in the night had petered by morning.
Question 34: I can’t make anything his writing – it’s illegible.
Question 35: It was such a sad film that we were all reduced tears in the end.
Question 36: The loud music brought another one of his headaches.
Question 37: It’s high time Bill got a steady job and settled . He’s over thirty now.
Question 38: The prisoner is still large, which caused the public great concern.
Question 39: The couple broke , and it looked like they would never be the same
Question 40: With the bus arriving late from time to time, I am the impression that the
company’s service is very unprofessional.

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31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

TASK 4 (10 pts)

Fill in each gap with the correct form of the words given IN CAPITAL at the end of each
Question 41: Rubber bullets are designed to people rather than kill CAPACITY
Question 42: A lot of children grow up to struggle in their own ADJUST
Question 43: In Vietnam, those invited to a meal are not ones who CUSTOM
pay for it.
Question 44: The football fan club was supposedly , so when it POLITICS
joined the campaign to support the Republican candidate, its
members went out in protest.
Question 45: Madame Curie was known for her service to the SELF
development of science.
Question 46: Today, demand for zinc - a lightweight, metal RUST
favoured in the car and construction industries - has remained
Question 47: A self-confessed , Tony can't remember when he last WORK
had a holiday.
Question 48: The loan was controversial as some organizations felt the PLACE
country had priorities.
Question 49: The investigation into the air crash would inevitably PORTION
blame to certain members of the crew.
Question 50: Depression can make a new mother to her baby. RESPOND
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

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TASK 1 (10 pts)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer that
BEST fits the blank space in the following passage.
(1) popular belief, one does not have to be a trained programmer to work
online. Of course, there are plenty of jobs available for people with high-tech computer skills,
but the growth of new media has (2) up a wide range of Internet career
opportunities requiring only a minimal level of wide range of Internet career opportunities
requiring only a minimal level of technical (3) . Probably one of the most well-
known online job opportunities is the job of Webmaster. However, it is hard to define one basic
job description for this position. The qualifications and responsibilities depend on what tasks a
particular organization needs a Webmaster to (4) .
To specify the job description of a webmaster, one needs to identify the hardware and
software that the website will manage to run (5) . Different types of hardware and
software require different skill sets to manage them. Another key factor is whether the website
will be running internally or externally. Finally, the responsibilities of a webmaster also depend
on whether he or she will be working independently, or whether the firm will provide people to
help. All of these factors need to be considered before one can create requiring (6)
knowledge of the latest computer applications. (7) , there are also online jobs
available for which traditional skills remain in high (8) . Content jobs require
excellent writing skills and a good sense of the web as a “new media’.
The term “new media” is difficult to define because it encompasses a (9)
growing set of new technologies and skills. Specifically, it includes websites, email, internet
technology, CD-ROM, DVD, streaming audio and video, interactive multimedia presentations,
e-books, digital music, computer illustration, video games, (10) reality, and
computer artistry.
Question 1: A. Apart from B. Contrary to C. Prior to D. In contrast to
Question 2: A. taken B. sped C. set D. opened
Question 3: A. expertise B. master C. efficiency D. excellency
Question 4: A. conduct B. perform C. undergone D. overtake
Question 5: A. on B. over C. in D. with

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Question 6: A. built-in B. up-market C. in-service D. in-depth
Question 7: A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Then
Question 8: A. content B. demand C. reference D. requirement
Question 9: A. constantly B. continually C. increasingly D. invariably
Question 10: A. fancy B. imaginative C. illusive D. virtual
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

TASK 2 (15 pts)

Read the following passage and fill in each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable
You know those tales of lost youth that spring (11) actors who are too
successful too soon? You will probably not hear any about Daniel Radcliffe, who (12)
up his alter-ego Harry Potter for the fourth boy-wizard film saga, “Harry Potter
and the Goblet of Fire”, opening Nov. 18 (after its premiere Saturday in New York City). “If
childhood is being surrounded by people who you love being around and being incredibly
happy, then I absolutely have had that,” he says. “It’s (13) a bizarre childhood -
strange, but great.”
Radcliffe, now an articulate 16-year-old, has not been arrested, has not warred with his
parents over his millions now tucked away, or thrown hissy fits on the set. What in the name of
Macaulay Culkin is going on? “They all know exactly (14) they’re worth,”
“Goblet” director Mike Newell says of Radcliffe and co-stars Emma Watson and Rupert Grint,
“but they have not become impossible.” Radcliffe became a global icon as a 10-year-old when
he won a worldwide casting call to (15) life into the hero from J. K. Rowling’s
best-(16) fantasy books. Despite endless adoration, he seems to be avoiding that
notorious fraternity of thespian lads who turn rotten.
In a one-to-one conversation at a London hotel, the 5-foot-7 Radcliffe, without those H.P.
spectacles, emerges as very (17) a boy, but with a showman’s polish that no
abracadabra could evoke when he first wielded a magic (18) . He makes small talk
before the first question IS popped and, later, in a press conference, works the room like a
professional comedian. He has never been stung by a bad (19) or an unflattering

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portrait. That is because he has never read any of his press. His parents, Alan Radcliffe and
Marcia Gresham, have provided a magic carpet ride into puberty by (20) him from
both the adulation and the evisceration.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


TASK 1 (10 pts)
Rewrite the sentences, using the word given IN CAPITAL. You can’t change the word
under any circumstances.
Question 1: Everybody wants Pauline as an after-dinner speaker. DEMAND

Question 2: My jewelry has been stolen! OFF

Question 3: Tom’s presence at parties adds to everyone’s enjoyment. SOUL

Question 4: He owed his rescue to a passer-by. INDEBTED

Question 5: They have discovered some interesting new information. LIGHT

TASK 2 (10 pts)

Complete the following sentences in a way that the second one means exactly the same as
the original one.
Question 6: Most people know that becoming an actor is difficult.

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 It is common
Question 7: The young actress was very nervous before the audition.
 The young actress had butterflies
Question 8: The community spoke enthusiastically about the recently elected mayor.
 The community sang
Question 9: The new musical has delighted theatre audiences throughout the country.
 The new musical has taken
Question 10: Even now, I still don’t understand why he did it.
 To this

TASK 3 (30 pts)

It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and
contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your
opinion, which source is more important? Why?
You should write about 200-250 words.

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