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1 Imroduction

1 Introduction
This manual is Intended as a guide and support for the configuring. It explains general configuring co ndrt ions and is
intended as a supplement to the function block descriptions and the communication configuring manuals. This
manual does not supplant the above mentioned descriptions I

It is intended to lower the engineering costs. to support the designer in the conversion of his application and to
prevent potemial configuring errors.

It is assumed that the reader has already made himse~ familiar wrth the baSIC terms of the STRUC G configuring'.
they are not explained here (review user manual STRUC V 4.0).

This manual also does not describe the hardware (sub-modules, boards, cable, etc.), even when hardware
definitions are utnized in the configuring exampleS. Review the user manudi 'Hardware" for details.

The configuring guide is aided by the use of several STRUC type configuring examples. These examples c1ar~
certain features and do lJQl claim to identically represent the STRUC G window.

1.1 Configuring Language

SIMADYN D is a system, that reflects a user control and regulation task on processor programs in the form of
configured blocks. The designer is not required to learn a programming language, but can concentrate completely
on the technological requirements. He is aided by the graphical configuring language STRUC G.

The designer is familiar with the creation of function drawings (block diagrams) for the control and monrtoring and
wrth the selection of the required hardware boards from a particular board spectrum. These activities are fully
covered by the STRUC technology.

An addrtional important view point for the design of this language was the recompilabil~ of this language from
information stored in the EPROM memory modules on the processor boards.

1.2 Configuring Shells

The STRUC language consists of two configuring shells (diagram 1.1):

Siemens AG 465 980.71 0 1.21 1-1

Rei""" 05.95
SIMADYN D General Configunng Configuring Manual

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