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Sr. No Parameters Guidelines for Scoring Matrix Details required Max Marks
1 Performance Management - 150 100
Scoring Matrix (Evidence to be shown for audit reference):
KRAs in Place in line with functional/ business ● Completion by 30th April : 100% of Score (i) Evidence that KRA's were in place
a aligned targets: ● 15th May : 75% of Score. for all positions at the beginning of 50 0
i) Approved KRAs in system ● 31st May : 50% of Score the financial year
● Beyond 31st May : NIL

Evidence to be provided including sample "performance dialogue

"report Evidence (Sample performance
KRA Performance Review Mechanism:
b i) H1 completion by end Oct report dialogue) to be provided for 50 50
Half Yearly review mechanism
ii) H2 completion by end April KRA performance review mechanism

Performance Improvement Plan i) Evidence of PIP Guidelines in

i) PIP/ Guidelines and process to be provided as evidence.
i) PIP Guidelines to be in place (25 marks) place.
(25 Marks)
c ii) This should be a periodical exercise on ii) Evidence that that the above is a 50 50
ii) Proof of identification of Performance review of poor performers
quarterly basis as per PMS appraisal guidelines (25 periodical exercise done on a
per quarter and action taken on their improvement ( 25 marks)
marks) quarterly basis.

2 Leadership & Talent Management 100 80

Attrition : Scoring Matrix (applicable for both A, B & C):

A) Overall Attrition should not be more than 5% - To be computed for last 6 months.
20 Marks < 5% - 20 Marks
B) Attrition of 'Top 2 ' (A & B ratings) > 5 % to 6 % - 15 Marks
a Last Six month Attrition Rate 60 40
should not be more than 5 % - 20 Marks > 6 % to 7 % - 10 Marks
C) Attrition amongst New Joiners (0-6 months) - 20 > 7 % to 8% - 5 Marks
Marks >8 % - Nil points

Succession Planning:
Succession planning is done for key positions
(Manager & Above) and approved by Business Please share succession planning
Head / Group HR Head.
b Identification of Manager & Above for Succession & Approval signed off by Business Head / Group 40 40 New Plant Marks change 20 to 40
Identified Successor's should have a signed IDP in
place for development. HR Head
Businesses to demonstrate the progression on

3 Learning & Development 200 130

Training - Business Linkage

Training Programs to be aglined and linked to the

Business Need and Objectives with clear tangible
benefits. With due focus on - Safety, Governance, Relevant details to be provided on this
Technology, Digitalisation and Innovation. a) Training calendar for Current FY to be provided, evidence by assertion. Training calendar frozen at
Entities should provide a Training Calendar & when it was frozen the company level (covering all
Mapping Matrix covering: b) Training overall Plan V/s Actual, (Monthly Training MIS / executive population) at the start of the
● Training Calendar aligned to Org Need with compliance on Training coverage as per plan (Calendar) should year.
measurable benefit assigned to the programs
a (50% of total training days). be in place). Training with focus on - Safety, 40 20
● Remaining - Training Progs aligned to the needs c) Awareness Session for Anti Bribery, Code Of Conduct & Governance, Technology and
documented as per TNA (Perf Appraisal Process) Whistle Blower POSH & Prohibition of Insider Trading training Innovation.
linked to IDPs. being done at Plant on Half Yearly basis - Check attendance
● Focus on continuous Improvement Engine sheet. d) Employee wise details of training to be
(TQM/Six Sigma/TPM etc.). Improvement Projects List of internal trainers with area of expertise (Man-hours) provided. Mandatory trainings like COC,
Initiatives to be in place. HSE, etc. to be excluded.

Actual trainings
All the employees to be covered under training.
Training MIS to be provided

Training ROI & MIS:

Documentation to be provided. Entities to demonstrate how training
b has helped in improvement of performance of the individual and 40 40 New Plant last year given training as per plan
● System of ROI - Measurement , Training
Effectiveness is in place.

Induction & Familization Program and Skill &

Development Centre at Unit Level

a) Structured Induction & Familization Program for ● Structured induction program organized at Unit Level provided
c Staff is in place. (20 Marks) covering all relevant documents. Record documented. Skill Development centre plan v/s 60 60 DoJo center avilable
b) Associate Induction Program is in place ● Skill Development Centre actual- check record
(20 Marks)
C) Skill Development centre at Unit Level. (20

Training for Consistent High Potential Employees a) Please map list of training days
(HIPOs) : a) MIS to be maintained and documented as part of IDP done by High Performers on a
management. quarterly basis ( Training should be
d 20 0
a) Minimum one-man days of relevant training to other than mandatory trainings)
'Leadership / Managerial Effectiveness' as per IDP
on quarterly basis. (20 Marks)

Skill Matrix Exercise:

Skill Matrix Process to be in place for all Associates Progress to be evident and documented. Entities to also frame IDPs
/ Contract Associates Population. Radar diagram - based on Skill Matrix Exercise.
e Please share skill matrix in place 20 10
equivalent to be in place.
Corrective steps to be documented which could
be Training, Rotation and other actions to be

Competency Mapping : Competency Mapping for

all employees based on Technical, Behavioural and
Managerial Competencies are in place. The
f Competency Mapping - as per timeline 20 0
assessment for Managerial Competencies based
on Sandhar Competency Model to be carried out
with the help of Corporate L&D Team
Digitalization & IT Enablement of HR
4 100 100

Key HR Processes :
Following key HR Processes are system enabled:
1) Recruiting & On boarding. (10 Marks)
2) Employees KRAs (20 Marks) - To be seen in the system. a)Evidence of all HR processes to be
3) Learning Management (10 Marks) - Sample Reports from various processes to provided that the same are system
a 4) Attendance of All Employees ( Onroll & Offroll) 100 100
(20 Marks) be generated and seen as evidence. enabled.
5) Leave management
system (10 Marks)
6) Confirmation & Regularisation (20 Marks)
7) E-separation (10 Marks)

Organization Productivity and

5 100 75
Manpower Cost

Scoring Matrix:

Target reduction v/s Actual reduction ( Variance in line Quarter wise

A) VAPCO / COPCO - should be in line with the
reduction planned)
budget. Achievement of BP for Headcount - Own
● Below 90 % Achievement of BP : Nil
plus Contract in line with Company's productivity Monthly Basis MIS for Vapco Copco
a ● 90% - 95% Achievement of BP : 35% marks 50 25
vision/BP target. Tracker
● 95% - 100% Achievement of BP : 70% marks
● > 100% Achievement of BP : 100% marks

Benchmark should be documented as part of HR Business Plan. The

same should be computed YTD.

Scoring Matrix:
● Below 85 % Achievement of BP : Nil
● 85% - 90% Achievement of BP : 25% marks
Overall Manpower Cost :
● 90% - 95% Achievement of BP : 50% marks
A) Manpower Cost as per BP. should be in line Monthly Basis MIS for Vapco Copco
b ● 95% - 100% Achievement of BP : 80% marks 50 50
with the budget Tracker
● > 100% Achievement of BP : 100% marks

Benchmark should be documented as part of HR Business Plan. The

same should be computed YTD.

6 Employee Engagement 100 100

Internal Communication- Mitra Helpdesk Please share samples of internal
a Formal, Periodic Communication channels exist in Same should be on Monthly basis. communication done on a monthly 50 50 Not aware about this process
the Unit at workplace /shop-floor level. basis.

Management Engagement with Employees Please share samples of internal

b In small groups, COO / VH / UH meets employees Same should be on Monthly basis. communication done on a monthly 50 50
at least once in a month (Town Hall Meet) basis.

TOTAL 750 585

Rating Scale : A Grade if Plant achieve - 80% & above, B Grade if Plant achieve -60% & Above but less then 80%, C Grade if falls below 60%
Note :
In above sheet if any criteria is NOT APPLICABLE to plant, then please mark as 100% in Marks Obtained
Description Observations
Maximum Marks
Marks Obtained
I HR Processes
A) Recruitment & Selection 100 90
1 Organization Structure - Approved copy for current Financial Year 10 10 Upto BH level Approval 5 Marks Pending with PH
Updated OC as on date (All New Joiners where vacancy highlighted in
2 5 5 Physical Record Verification
Organization Structure, should be updated)
3 JDs to be in place for all positions as per prescribed format 5 5 Physical Record Verification
Focus on Diversity Improvement - Fresher: Women Employees - at least 20%
4 5 5 Check with Last Quarter Joinees % Diversity Incresed
of all intake.
Proportionate to report Available to new
5 Background Verification report availability 5 5
6 Action on Red cases for BGV 5 5 If No Red case then 100% marks

7 Record in Personal Files as per sequence in check list, attached in Personal file 10 5 Evidence Required

8 Recruitment MIS with TAT (Requisition to offer date) at Unit Level 10 10 Physical Record Verification Available
9 Record of Induction of new employees at Unit Level 5 5 Physical Record Verification
Record of Police verification / verification from Sarpanch, in case of
10 10 10 Physical Record Verification
Contractual Associates
Record of Internal Induction of Contractual Associates including attendance
11 10 10 Record not available
Clearance of Back Ground Verification Bill within 30 days of receipt of bill at (If Pending Cases 0: 10Marks, 1-3: 5Marks,
12 10 10 No bill pending
Unit 4-5: 2Marks, <5: 0Marks)
Clearance of Pre-employment medical check up bill within 30 days of receipt (If Pending Cases 0: 10Marks, 1-3: 5Marks,
13 10 5
of bill at Unit 4-5: 2Marks, <5: 0Marks)
B) Employee Life cycle 80 80
i Confirmation / Regularization
Confirmation / Regularisation document creation date in Zing System (should (If Pending Cases 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-
1 5 5 Corporate Process
be 1 month before confirmation / regularization date) 5: 1Marks, <5: 0Marks)
Issuance of Confirmation / Regularization Letter on time & uploaded in Zing (If Pending Cases 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-
2 5 5 Corporate Process
System & documented in personal files. 5: 1Marks, <5: 0Marks)
(If Pending Cases 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-
3 Regularization Process - Revised Structure & Designation of employee system 5 5
5: 1Marks, <5: 0Marks)

In case confirmed employee, change in notice period clause in Zing System, as (If Pending Cases 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-
4 5 5 Corporate Process
per appointment term 5: 1Marks, <5: 0Marks)
ii Increment - Staff & Associates
(If Pending 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-5:
5 Increment / Promotion letters in Personal files- last 4 years 5 5
1Marks, <5: 0Marks)
(If Pending 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-5:
6 CTC & PI data - match in Zing System as per last Increment/Promotion letter 5 5
1Marks, <5: 0Marks)
(If Pending 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-5:
7 Associates Increment on due date & verify salary with payroll 5 5
1Marks, <5: 0Marks)
8 Contractual Associates Minimum Wages in place 5 5 Physical Record Verification
iii Exit Process- Staff & Associates
Exit Interview Report for Left Employee ( Exit Interview cross functional within
9 5 5 Physical Record Verification

Exit formalities-documentation in Personal file as well as in System- eg.

10 Resignation Acceptance Letter, No Dues Clearance Form, Reliving-cum- 5 5 Physical Record Verification
Experience letter
11 Left employee terminated on Zing System 5 5 Physical Record Verification
12 Absconding Cases- Letter Issuance 5 5 Physical Record Verification
(If Pending 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-5:
13 Email ID of Left employees - to check whether closed 5 5
1Marks, <5: 0Marks)
Settlement of F&F for Left employees, within 15 days, or Salary Disbursement (If Pending 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-5:
14 5 5
Cycle (Whichever is earlier) 1Marks, <5: 0Marks)
(If Pending 0: 5Marks, 1-3: 3Marks, 4-5:
15 Settlement of Gratuity Claim of Left employees, within 15 days, if applicable 5 5
1Marks, <5: 0Marks)
In case of Retirement, intimation letter to concerned employee before two
16 5 5 Physical Record Verification
months of due date of his/her superannuation
C) Zing System / Attendance / Payroll 40 40
1 Employee data complete in all respect on Zing HR System 10 10 Physical Record Verification Corporate Process

2 Salary Template submission at Corporate- Payroll Team on or before 27th of 5 5 Physical Record Verification
each month
Usage of Payroll software for salary preparation & Reports generation on
3 5 5 Physical Record Verification
regular basis. To check salary sheet
4 Leave Registers EL / CL / SL - updation in Zing System 5 5 Physical Record Verification Corporate Process
5 Compensatory off - to check as per policy 5 5 Physical Record Verification
6 Salary to Employee is paid on Time i.e. 7th of Each month 5 5 Physical Record Verification
7 Records for Loan to employees 2 2 Physical Record Verification
8 EMI of Loan deductions from salary 3 3 Physical Record Verification
I HR Best Practices 130 102.5
1 Attendance Award Policy being followed 5 5 Physical Record Verification

2 5 5 Physical Record Verification Plant strat 1.5 years only

Uniform and Shoe Policy adherence, as per Policy- to check last issuance date.
3 Mitra Help desk report Status - check record 10 10 Physical Record Verification Not aware the scheme
4 Cost Saving Projects or Initiatives Like Naps 10 10 If Nil then 0 Marks Introduced through kamala boy
5 Quality circle target v/s Actual 10 5 Physical Record Verification Project identified
6 Status of Kaizen target V/s actual 10 5 Physical Record Verification Department doing kaizen
7 Implemented Kaizen details with Gemba verification - Check picture / video 5 5 Physical Record Verification

5s Status of Plant : Housekeeping of Plant, Machine Layout, Passage way,

8 Stacking of Material, Washroom for Staff & Workers - check through pictures & 10 5 Physical Site Visit
9 Food wastage record verification 5 5 Physical Record Verification Moniterd
10 Morning Exercise - check pictures 5 5 Physical Record Verification Not aware the scheme
Employee Engagement Activities
11 Event Calendar maintained 5 2.5 Physical Site Verification Internaly Planned
12 Status of Plan v/s Actual 5 2.5 Physical Site Verification As per Plan

13 Mode of Communication to invite all for event Verbal / E-mail / Notice Board 5 2.5 Physical Site Verification Through Notice Board
(If Verbal-0, if e-mail-2, if notice board-2, if e-mail & notice board-5)
14 Monthly Meeting/Celebration at Plant- Record + Photographs 5 5 Physical Site Verification Monthly MRM at conference Hall

15 Yearly celebration of Annual Day / Long Service Award- check date of last 5 5 Physical Site Verification
16 Family visits plan v/s actual 5 5 Physical Site Verification Not aware the scheme
Insurance Policies
17 Deductions as per GMC endorsement sheet in salary 5 5 Report from Corp
18 Foreign Delegate coverage in GMC/GPA, as per his Employment Contract 5 5 Report from Corp
19 Coverage of new employees and trainees in GPA 5 5 Report from Corp
20 List of pending cases - GMC / GPA/ GPA-Contractor 5 5 (If 0:3, 1-3:2, 4-5: 1, <5: 0)
21 Settlement of Death Claims if any (GPA/ FSG) 5 5 Report from Corp
III General 50 43.7
Monthly Report Submission within timeline at Corp ( HR MIS, MNP, T&D,
1 10 6.2 Report from Corp
Compliance etc.)

2 List of Observation identified by GSA Auditor (Internal Audit) , & Status of 10 10 If No Audit by GSA 100% Marks
3 Renewal of Advisor's Agreement on due date 10 10 Agreement Copies
4 Legal Cases, if any (to check documentation) 10 10 Legal Cases Proper File record
5 Apprenticeship Plan V/s Actual 10 7.5 Below Target Out of 36 we have 20
400 356.2
Rating Scale : A Grade if Plant achieve - 80% & above, B Grade if Plant achieve -60% & Above but less then 80%,
C Grade if falls below 60%

Note :
In above sheet if any criteria is NOT APPLICABLE to plant, then please mark as 100% in Marks Obtained
Maximum Marks
Sr. No. Description Remarks
Marks Obtained
The Statutory Compliances Act/Rules - Marks 350
(a). Factories Act/Rules - 240 Marks 240
1 Is Building Plan approved as per latest Layout / Drawings ? 5 5 Share copy of same 0
2 Have we obtained stability certificate for buildings? 5 5 Share copy of same 0
3 Is Cess and Other dues all paid ? 5 5 Share copy of same 0

4 Is the Factory License Valid as on date ? And the Manpower & H.P are within limit as 5 5 Share copy of same 0
per Factory License.
5 Do we have valid Fire NOC for the Plant ? 5 5 Share copy of same 0
6 Is the Plant having valid Pollution Certificate CTE, CTO & HWM ? 15 10 Share copy of same 5
7 Do we have NOC for Ground Water Extraction, (If applicable) 5 5 Share copy of same 0
8 Are we providing cool drinking water if more than 250 employees ? 2 2 0
9 Is the crèche provided according to the prescribed provisions ? 5 5 0
10 Are dangerous/movlng parts of transmission machinery properly guarded ? 5 5 0
11 Have we obtained testing certificate of compressors/lifting tackles/hoists? 5 0 Share current copy of same 5
12 Have we Exhibited list of Fire Extinguishers with expiry date & Location 5 5 0
13 Have we exhibited Fire Safety plan / On Site Emergency Plan of the factory? 5 5 0

14 Have we provided Fire Fighting equipment's/fire buckets/hydrants as per the 5 5 0

Factories Act?
15 Are the fire exits provided and marked properly for easy identification ? 5 5 0
16 Are we conducting mock fire drill in 2 months gap ? 5 5 Share copy of last 2 mock drill 0
17 Are the employees trained in First Aid and their names exhibited? 5 0 Share current copy of same 5
Whether First Aid box equipped with contents kept under the charge of any person
18 5 5 0
trained in First Aid Treatment ?
Are proper precautions taken for Safety Measure during Operations, like usage of
19 10 10 0
PPEs, following safety norms etc.
Are Works Instruction displayed at each workstation by Worker for My Machine
20 5 5 0
Are the Electrical panel installed in plant well maintained, without loose wiring &
21 5 5 0
open boxes ?

Is Rubber mats provided under/in front of the electrical panel installed in the ETP
22 5 5 0
plant area, near main gate of the factory to minimize the hazard of electrocution.

Has the factory furnished the information to Deputy Director/Asstt. Director (IS&H)
23 about the name and quantities of chemicals used and stored in the factory and brief 5 5 0
description of the processes carried on in the factory

Is the Factory has the work permit system, which is to be issued by the competent
person to the workers, who are engaged on repair, maintained or cleaning purposes,
24 5 5 0
declaring the plant and machinery is free of any dangerous fumes, liquid and gas and
safe to work

Is Safety Committee constituted in accordance consisting of elected members of

25 workers, constitution describing the rights, duties, selection procedure etc. for the 5 0 Share current copy of same 5
safety committee.
26 Is regular Safety Committee Meeting takes place & Minutes maintained? 5 0 Share current copy of same 5

27 Are we carrying out Medical examination of employees once in Six months for Eye, 5 5 0
Ear, blood test, ECG etc.
28 Have we conducted Vision test for forklift drivers/electricians? 5 5 0
29 Is Medical examination of canteen workers got done ? Share Test Reports. 5 0 5

30 Have we exhibited Health and Safety/ environment policy of factory in the notice 5 5 0

31 Is the passageway / gangway is clear without obstruction by placing materials in 5 5 0

passageway ?
32 Is the Factory declared as "No Smoking Zone" and strictly enforcing it? 2 2 0
Is Canteen management committee consisting of an equal number of persons
33 5 0 Share current copy of same 5
nominated by the occupier and elected by the workers has constituted ?
Is regular Canteen committee meeting takes place & maintaining Minutes of
34 5 0 Share copy of same 5
Is there any check sheet available for the quality of Spices, rices, oil, grains, vegetable
35 5 5 0
etc. to maintain the Food Quality ?

36 Are the canteen accounts got audited at least once in twelve months from registered 2 2 Share current copy of same 0
accountant and auditors ?
37 Is Menu & Rate list been displayed in the canteen ? 5 5 0

38 5 0 Share current copy of same 5

Is Grievance Redressal Committee exists in plant & maintaining Minutes of Meeting ?
Is Cautionary notices/ Instruction displayed nearby thinner, LPG gas stored/using in
the factory in a language under-stood by the majority of workers, to draw attention to
39 5 5 0
all workers about the hazard to health and precautions to be adopted to save them-
self in case of any emergency.

40 Is the Welfare Officer appointed and working in accordance with the prescribed rules 2 2 Share current copy of same 0
(if applicable)

Is Ambulance provided if more than 500 employees and a full time Doctor with
41 qualified compounders? Check Ambulance for Paper- RC, fitness, Pollution & 5 5 0
sufficient Petrol in Ambulance.
42 Do we have the facility of rest rooms with lockers ? 3 0 3
43 Do we maintain Form-4 (Display of names of LO,LI,LWO) 3 0 3

44 Do we maintain Form-11 (Notice showing rates of wages/hours of work/wage 3 0 3

period/date of payment of wages.
45 Are we maintaining proper record or Register for accident / injuries / Fatality Cases 2 2 0

Are we maintaining Register of White washing, Adult workers leave with wages,
Accident Register, Health Register form-17, Registers of Contractors, Advance
46 15 15 0
Register, fine /deductions, Register of overtime, Inspection Book of PF, ESIC, H&S,
Labour Inspection, Compensatory Off Register, ESIC Accident Register
47 Are we keeping the records for 3 years for inspection? 3 3 0
48 Have we displayed the abstract of Factories Act/Rules near entrance? 3 0 3
(b). Contract Labour Act/Rules - 30 Marks 0 30
1 Has the Unit valid Registration Certificate for engaging Contract Labour? 3 3 0
2 Do we ensure that the contractors renew their License every year? 3 3 0
3 Do the contractors maintain attendance/wages registers/register of advance? 2 2 0
4 Do the contractors maintain Register of persons employed by them? 2 2 0

5 Are the contractors keeping the registers/records relevant to the employment 3 kms 2 0 2
nearer to the work place?
6 Do the contractors maintain register of fines/deductions/overtime? 2 0 2
7 Do the contractors issue service certificate to their workers on termination? 2 0 2
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8 Have they issued Wage slips to their workers before wages disbursement ? 2 2 0
9 Are the contract employees covered under ESI/WC Act? 3 3 0
10 Have we entered into legal agreement with the contractors? 3 3 0
11 Are we ensuring submission of Annual Return / half yearly returns by contractors? 3 3 0
12 Have we displayed the abstract of the contract labour Act/Rules? 3 0 3
(c). PF Act/Rules - 7 Marks 0 7
1 Have we obtained PF Nomination in Form-2 from the employees? 1 1 0
2 Do we ensure for timely submission of Contribution for all employees 1 1 0
Are we maintaining reconciliation sheet (due vs actual contribution) for PF /ESIC of
3 3 2 1
Contractor Part employees to ensure not pay any short or excess payment ?
4 Have we displayed the abstract of the EPF Act/Rules? 2 0 2
(d). ESIC Act/Rules -3 Marks 0 3

1 Are we ensuring coverage of all employees under ESI Scheme if applicable and have 1 1 0
they been given ID Cards?
2 Have we displayed the abstract of the ESI Act/Rules? 2 0 2
(e). Payment of Wages Act/Rules - 3 Marks 0 3

1 Are we maintaining Register of wages for employees & ensure disbursement before 1 1 0
7th of Each month ?
2 Have we displayed the abstract of the Act/Rules? 2 0 2
(f). Minimum Wages Act/Rules - 4 Marks 0 4
1 Are we paying Minimum wages as per latest govt Notification ? 1 1 0
2 Are we maintaining Muster roll Register? 1 1 0
3 Have we displayed the abstract of the Act/Rules? 2 0 2
(g). Payment of Bonus Act/Rules - 3 Marks 0 3

1 Are we ensuring that the bonus is paid to everyone who have worked for 30 days & 1 1 0
2 Have we displayed the abstract of the Act/Rules? 2 0 2
(h). Payment of Gratuity Act/Rules -4 Marks 0 4
1 Have we ensured Notice in Form A regarding opening/change/closure of the Unit? 1 1 0
2 Have we displayed the Notice of person authorised to receive notices ? 1 0 1
3 Is form F for Gratuity maintained ? 1 1 0
4 Have we displayed the abstract of the Act/Rules? 1 0 1
(i). The Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act/Rules - 7 Marks 0 7
1 Do We have Certified Standing Order ? 5 0 5

2 Are we displaying certified standing orders in English & vernacular if more than 100 2 0 2
(j). Environmental Act/Rules - 14 Marks 0 14
1 Is the height of DG stack is as per CPCB norms? 2 2 0
2 Do we dispose Hazardous Waste through SPCB authorised agency ? 2 0 2

3 Are we entered into legal agreement with SPCB authorized party for all kinds of 2 0 2
hazardous waste generated? (If applicable)
4 Are all hazardous waste generated stored in designated storage area? 2 0 2
5 Is paint stripping done as per norms? 2 2 0
6 Do we maintain log book of STP/ETP? 2 2 0
Are MSDS displayed and information furnished to Asstt. Director (IS&H) chemical
7 about the name & quantities of chemicals used & stored in the factory and brief 2 2 0
description of the process carried on in the factory?
(k). Prevention of Sexual Harassment - 10 Marks 0 10

1 Have we formed Internal Committee and displayed the same in the visible area In 2 0 2
English / Vernacular Language?
Do you conduct periodic workshops or seminars to sensitize employees about the
2 stance of your organization on sexual harassment and about the consequences of 2 0 2
engaging in any conduct that amounts to sexual harassment
3 Are we having Quarterly Basis IC Meetings & maintaining Minutes of Meeting. 2 0 2
4 Are we filing & Submitting annual returns? 4 0 4
(l). Maternity Act/Rules - 2 Marks 0 2
1 Are confirmed women employees given 26 weeks maternity leave? 1 1 0
2 Have we displayed the abstract of the Act/Rules? 1 0 1
(m). National & Festival Holidays Act - 2 Marks 0 2

1 Have we displayed the paid Holidays notice duly approved by the Labour/Factory 1 1 0
2 Have we submitted the National & Festival Holiday list to area Inspector/ Officer 1 1 0
(n). Equal Remuneration Act/Rules - 2 Marks 0 2
1 Have we ensured equal work equal pay for men & women? 1 1 0
2 Have we maintained the Register in Form D? 1 1 0
(o). Workmen's' Compensation Act/Rules - 2 Marks 0 2
1 Have we ensured submission of Annual Returns? 1 1 0
2 Have we exhibited the abstract of the Act/Rules? 1 0 1
(p). Labour welfare Fund Act/Rules - 2 Marks 0 2

1 Have we ensured deduction of contribution of Welfare fund and remitted with the 1 1 0
details once a year?

2 Have we remitted the unpaid wages/other payments in Labour welfare fund as per 1 1 0
the Act?
(q). Petroleum Act/Rules - 6 Marks 0 6
1 Is the license for storage of petroleum products obtained? 2 2 0
2 Is the certificate for testing of tanks from competent person obtained? 2 2 0

3 Are we maintaining register showing particulars of examination by competent person 2 2 0

for lifting machines, chain ropes, lifting tackles?
(r). Apprentice Act- 9 Marks 0
1 Have you registered your Factory for Apprentice Act 3 3 0 9
2 Have Covered the No. of % apprentice at your plant as per norms (min. 5%) 3 3 0
3 Are you submitting Returns as per Apprentice Act 3 3 0 350
350 246

Rating Scale : A Grade if Plant achieve - 80% & above, B Grade if Plant achieve -60% & Above but less then 80%, C Grade if falls below 60%
Note :
In above sheet if any criteria is NOT APPLICABLE to plant, then please mark as 100% in Marks Obtained

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Audit Checks % Grade
HR Management 78.00% B GRADE
HR Process 89.05% A GRADE
HR Compliance 70.29% B GRADE


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