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MIT Pune's Vishwashanti Gurukul

DP 1 Holiday Home Work

Period: May - June 2024
Subject Holiday Home work
English A lang Read and annotate Persepolis.
&Litt HL
English A lang Read and annotate Persepolis.
&Litt SL
Hindi A Litt SL Read and annotate "चेर$ का बगीचा "
English B HL Read and annontate Animal Farm for IOs. Practise the following text types: Blog, letter, brochure and review.
Practise reading comprehension from the Pearson textbook.
English B SL Practise the following text types: Blog, letter, brochure and review. Practise reading comprehension from the
Pearson textbook.
Hindi B SL Study Hindi idioms and proverbs for Paper-1,also revise all formats of text types for paper-1 and do practice of
it. Practice comprehensions /writing skill from Patwar Paper-1 and 2 books. Additionally, read online
comprehensions to enhance vocabulary, synonyms, and word meanings.
French B SL Solve all the Reading Comprehension Exercises from Units 1 and 2 from the textbook. Solve the grammar
booklet exercises uploaded on Managebac in files. Solve the exercices on verbs, and pronouns.
French ab Revise the complete book of Panorama Francophone 1 and complete the workbook. Write all the questions of
initio Paper 1 - of SA 1, SA2, SA3 and SA 4. keeping the conceptual understanding in mind. Practice and revise all the
formats learnt in class. Make a verb book and write all the verbs from A- Z learnt in class in all the tenses.
Practice for Oral exam, keeping in mind all the criteria and finding out relevant cultural facts associated with
each topic. Picture description, Cultural connect and General discussion. Use the resources uploaded on
Managebac for practice and revision.
German ab Revise covered vocabulary and Grammar. Use shared Grammar book and links. Use "Learn Geraman, Easy
initio German' videos and 'Coffee break German' Audios for Podcast
Practice and revise all learnt text formats.Practice speaking as per Picture description, Cultural connect and
General discussion.
Spanish ab Study all the vocabulary and grammar done during the course of DP 1. Practise Direct and Indirect object
initio pronouns, Preterito vs imperfecto and Gustar like verbs. Do the writings from the workbook related to the
theme experiences and Identities. Practise all the text types covered in the class. For listening practise DELE
audios and solve the questions.
Spanish B SL Study all the vocabulary and grammar done during the course of DP 1.
Explore advanced content through the books and resources shared over ManageBac.
Focus on all text types and solve as many questions as possible.
Focus on creating a personalised theme-based resource bank with sections for "Theme-based vocabulary",
"phrases and idioms", "verbs" and "essential grammar tools". Refer to websites such as, DELE
audios for listening practice.
Challenge yourself with picture descriptions while keeping in mind the criterias as well as the time band. Work
on articulation of ideas and pronounciation and familiarize yourself with multiple accents.
Explore as much Spanish content as possible and make note of cultural elements and nuances that can be used
to form cultural connect in examination.
Basic themes such as Major Festivals, Culturally significant food, Sports, Lifestyle, Special Monuments and
Tourism destinations, Family, and Basic History should be points that are thoroughly revised and internalised so
the focus can comfortably shift to more advanced topics.
B&M SL & HL 1. Internal assessment (collect secondary articles on a specific business from the past 3 years only using journal
/ newspapers / magazines such as hbr, wsj, cnbc, bbc, economic times, times of india). Write introduction to the
business, read the articles collected, highlight relevant parts include it in BM tools and its analysis using relevant
parts and terminology from the text book with good/consistent referencing throughout. All data collected and
articles highlighted with referencing must be submitted in 2 files: file one the written work, file 2 the articles
and data collected. 2. Extended essay (if you opted for) on a business (using relevant articles from journal /
newspapers / magazines such as hbr, wsj, cnbc, bbc, economic times, times of india For both of the above tasks
- Write introduction to the business, read the data / articles collected, highlight relevant parts include it in BM
tools and its analysis using relevant parts and terminology from the text book with good/consistent referencing
throughout. All data collected and articles highlighted with referencing must be submitted in 2 files: file one the
written work, file 2 the articles and data collected
Economics SL Submiting the Final Micro IA draft by 21st May and completing the first draft IA for Macroeconomics. EE
& HL students also need to submit their first draft by 15th July. All concepts need to be revised and worksheet
already shared in managebac files need to be completed.
Comp Sc. HL Work on internal assessment - Criterion C Development
& SL
DT SL & HL Completion of IA - Crtieria A and Criteria B1 & B2 - Sketches and CAD Designs
Psychology SL Completing the IA report partially (Introduction and exploration)by following the template provided in Google
& HL Classroom. Printing materials for the final IA and getting it to school on the day of joining. Preparing Consent
forms, debriefing forms, and keeping standardized instructions prepared.
Biology HL & Prepare concept maps for all the units covered in DP 1 using different tools to show the connections between
SL the topics (using linking questions form the text book)
Physics HL & Complete the IA Draft( after confirmation of the Topic). Format and Sample already shared on Managebac.
SL Make a presentation/Factsheet/Chart (use physics behind them to explain) on the following topic -
1. How do musicians use the principles of waves in creating music?
Chemistry HL Prepare concept maps for all the units covered in DP 1 using different tools to show the connections between
& SL the topics and revise all the topics covered. Complete the RQ and background information of the IA topic.
ESS SL Complete the first draft of IA after confirming the topic.Revise the units 1,2,3,4.Go through the IB command
terms of ESS for a brief activity on the joining day.
Mathematics Complete the IA first draft (only after confirming the topic) in the format already created in class. Black book: Pg
AA SL 176 to Pg 180 - Radian Measure Ex 7A and Ex 7B(all questions) to be completed in note book .All the work
needs to be submitted on or before the joining day.
Mathematics Do the research work for the topic on which you wish to do your IA. For this refer the sample IAs which are
AI SL uploaded on managebac in the folder IA Sample .Come with the final IA Topic & draft the rubric on the choosen
IA topic on the joining day.
Mathematics In the google sheet shared for IA, Research and come up with 3 possible topics for IA. Send an email for
AI HL confirmation of the topic.Fill in the google sheet with Introduction, Rational, Data collection, and Methodology.
Chapter 6 (Measurement) and Chapter 7 (Right angled triangle trigonometry) from AI HL core book.
Visual Arts SL HL: Completing criterion-F of CS. Refining and completing 03 Exhibition Pieces. SL: Completing criterion-D of CS.
& HL Refining 03 Exhibition Pieces.
TOK Writing 800 word essay on any one title from the google folder and adding the completed H.W. to the google

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