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1. Create a Company as name “ZERO VALUE ENTRY” for the financial year
2020-2021 with following opening balance:-

(RS.) (RS.)
Capital 3,22,000 Corporation Bank 1,80,000
Loan from Mittal Furniture
25,000 30,000
Outstanding Salaries 8,000 HDFC Bank 1,00,000
Profit & Loss A/C 45,000 SbI bank 1,20,000
Shop Fund 50,000 Cash in hand 20,000
TOTAL 4,50,000 TOTAL 4,50,000

2. On 01-05-2020 Company gives cash of Rs.5,000 to an employee, Mr. Rajib Banerjee to buys
Printing & Stationery. The actual bill is not Confirmed now pass the entry.

3. On 02-05-20 Mr. Rajib Banerjee submitted Printing & Stationery bill of Rs.4,600 and return
balance amount to Cashier. Make necessary effects in books of accounts.
4. On 01-07-2020 Company Projected a future sale of Rs.45,000 to M/s Mohan’s. Now you
pass the Entry through optional Voucher so that books of accounts will not get effects

5. For the mid-term analysis of financial statements on 31-07-2020 pass a reversing journal
entry of salary due for the month of july’2020 of Rs.35,000 and the entry should be reverse
after 01-08-2020.
6. Now view the Profit & Loss and Balance sheet as on 31-07-2020 by Creating Scenario
including the optional and reversing journal entries as shown below.

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