Central DOGMA of Molecular Biology

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"Central DOGMA of

Molecular Biology"
-Is the process by which the instructions in DNA are
converted into a functional product. It was first proposed
in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of
DNA. The central dogma of molecular biology explains
the flow of genetic information, from DNA to RNA, to
make a functional product, a protein.

- DNA replication occurs through the help Helicase: unwinds parental double helix.
of several enzymes. These enzymes Binding Proteins: stabilize separate strands.
Primase: adds short primer to template strand.
“unzip” DNA molecules by breaking the DNA Polymerase: binds nucleotides to form new
hydrogen bonds that hold the two strands strands.
together. Each strand then serves as a DNA Polymerase I(Exonuclease): removes RNA
primer and inserts the correct bases.
template for a new complementary strand Ligase: joins Okazaki fragments and seals other
to be created. nicks in sugar-phosphate backbone.

- DNA replication is a
process in the growth
and renewal of the
cells. The cells
cannot grow without
DNA replication.

- Transcription or RNA synthesis is the
process of synthesizing ribonucleic acid
(RNA). Synthesis takes place within the
nucleus of eukaryotic cells or in the
cytoplasm of prokaryotes and converts
the genetic code from a gene in
deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) to a strand
- RNA synthesis consists of four of RNA that then directs protein synthesis.
stages: Binding of RNA
polymerase enzyme to the - The human body needs RNA synthesis
template at a promoter site on for making proteins. It is also important
DNA. Initiation of new strand. for DNA replication.
Elongation. Termination and

- Protein synthesis is process in which - Protein synthesis
polypeptide chains are formed from is one of the most
coded combinations of single amino acids fundamental
inside the cell. The synthesis of new biological
polypeptides requires a coded sequence, processes by which
enzymes, and messenger, ribosomal, and individual cells build
transfer ribonucleic acids (RNAs). their specific

- Protein synthesis is
important because the
proteins created during this
process control the
activities of the cells.
Without these proteins,
many of the processes in
the body would fail or not
work properly.

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