Project SRS

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Student Management System

Version 1.0 Dated 14th June 2024

System Requirement and Specification

Project Name : StudentManagementSystem

Database Name : SMSDB

System User Role : Admin, Employee and Student (Inquiry)

Main Module/Section : Admin Dashboard , Employee Dashboard and Student Dashboard


1. Login / Logout
2. User
3. User Role
4. Inquiry
5. Inquiry Follow-up
6. Course
7. Course Syllabus
8. Course Fees
9. Course Exam
10. Batch
11. Enrollment
12. Student Installment
13. Student Attendance
14. Student Assessment

As per role module description

Module/Role Admin Employee Student

Login / Logout Yes Yes Yes
User Role Detail CRUD NA NA
Inquiry CRUD C R U (Own) NA
Inquiry Follow-up CRUD C R U (Own) NA
Course CRUD NA R
Course Syllabus CRUD NA R
Course Fees CRUD C R (Own) R
Course Exam CRUD NA R
Enrollment CRUD NA R
Student Installment CRUD C R (Own) R
Student Attendance CRUD C R (Own) R
Student Assessment CRUD C R (Own) R
Student Management System
Version 1.0 Dated 14th June 2024

Plan/Schedule of Project

Module/Role Admin Employee Student Method

Project Day1
Dash Board Day1 Day1 Day1
Login / Logout Day1 Day1 Day1 Manually
User Day2 Day2 Day2
User Role Detail Day2 Day2 Day2
Inquiry Day2 Day2 Day2
Inquiry Follow-up Day2 Day2 Day2
Course Day2 Day2 Day2
Course Syllabus Day3 Day3 Day3
Course Fees Day3 Day3 Day3
Course Exam Day3 Day3 Day3
Batch Day3 Day3 Day3
Enrollment Day4 Day4 Day4
Student Installment Day4 Day4 Day4
Student Attendance Day5 Day5 Day5
Student Assessment Day5 Day5 Day5
Project Winding-up Day 6 Testing Day 6 Testing Day 6 Testing
Finalize Project Day 7 Day 7 Day 7

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