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Mental Health Resource Analysis

Camila Rabianska

Video: Dove Evolution:

1) This video could be used for grades 4-6.

2) 3 questions that highlight the main content/meaning behind the video:

a) Where do you see ads/models such as this one in your daily lives?
b) After seeing this video, what should we be questioning about all
advertisements/commercials that we see?
c) How might seeing models like this impact how we see ourselves or other
people around us?
d) How does the ad make you feel?

3) How I will use the Supporting Minds document:

I think that the eating and weight-related problems section could connect with
this video for a lesson. This video is a message about perception of beauty
and how we expect other people and ourselves to look, and the high standard
we hold for beauty, and how this can have very negative consequences.
Chapter 5 discusses body image and the negative impacts of media on young
people, and how this can result in people hurting themselves in order to look

(Chapter 5 - pages 88-96)

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