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Monte Carlo Computer Calculation If one is faced with the problem of pre-

dicting the results that will accrue from

the interplay of a complex group of
of Transmission-Line Ligktning probabilistic and deterministic events in
a game, there are two general procedures
that can be used to obtain a solution.
Performance One is the analytic approach, wherein the
relations describing each of the events
are derived, their interactions included,
J. G. ANDERSON and the final solution written as some
MEMBER AIEE sort of probability equation. If, by great
mathematical effort, one reaches this
point, he may discover that his "solution"
is numerically useless because it is simply
ESTIMATING the likelihood of win- relationships take the form of various too difficult to use quantitatively or is of
ning in a gambling game and estimat- probabilities. These include the prob- formidable length. Here he may resort
ing the lightning performance of a new ability that lightning strokes will strike to another approach of simply playing the
transmission line are in many ways similar the line, the probability that the stroke
game for a number of trials and observing
processes. Both are concerned with will make contact in a vulnerable spot, the results. Unfortunately, in the case of
making useful predictions from situations the probabilities that the stroke char- transmission systems or Russian roulette,
containing random processes; and, in acteristics will equal or exceed the mini- this method can have serious conse-
both, relationships involving probabilities mum necessary to cause trouble, and quences. Some means of playing the
dominate. The former is concerned with the probability that the power frequency game are needed which will give the same
the probabilities of occurrence of certain voltage will be of such a polarity and results without undue expense or damage.
favorable combinations of cards or other magnitude as to help or hinder the flash- Stanislaw Ulam and John v,on Neuman
"indicating devices," whereas the latter ov,ers. These and other probabilities do made the remarkably simple suggestion
is concerned with probabilities of un- not always act independently but may be that games of this sort be played on a
wanted combinations of lightning stroke tied together with certain "house" rules computer. For the secret wvork at Los
and line characteristics. Carrying the that nature has formulated. Alamos during World War II, this method
analogy still further, one can, with no loss was given the code name "Monte Carlo"
in precision, consider the prediction of A Statistical Approach and used to calculate neutron diffusion
transmission-line lightning performance through materials. Since then it has
as a game that the line designer plays The outcome of almost any game of been applied to many kinds of problems,
against nature in which he estimates the chance can be predicted provided the from solving simultaneous equations
"plays" that nature is likely to make with odds are known and the game is played to predicting the outcome of bombing
her lightning strokes, and creates a line long enough so that the statistical fluctua- missions, with highl) successful (if not
design that should be proof against a given tions in winning or losing are reasonably always elegant) results. (Some writers
percentage of these plays. He then places well balanced out. For simple gambling prefer that the name Monte Carlo be
his line into the game and history sums games, such as matching pennies, an applied only to problems that use
up the result as to whether he or nature elementary calculation is sufficient to pre- probabilities to calculate soniething not
won. Just as history contains many in- dict the outcome of a long game. For a obviously related to those probabilities
stances of those who have lost at cards complicated game, particularly this na- However, the name has also been applied
because they could not properly estimate ture-designer game under consideration, a to routines that are essentially sta-
the probabilities involved, so it has be- digital computer is necessary if the result tistical sampling routines, and it is in
come apparent that the industry is also is to be predicted within a reasonable time. the latter context that it is used in this
in need of a better method of estimating This is especially true since in this case paper.)
the statistical relationships in calculating nature appears to have a marked deck of
lightning performance.I cards in her possession. This prevents
The purpose of this paper is to examine her plays from being truly random, and The Monte Carlo Method
these parallels more closely, and to de- creates non-Gaussian probability dis-
scribe a computer routine that will handle tributions in the game. The Monte Carlo calculation of trans-
large groups of probabilistic relationships As an example of this department from mission-line lightning performance by
that occur in lightning flashover processes randomness, it is known that very few means of a computer might best be illus-
on transmission lines. This routine, be- strokes will occur having a current ampli- trated by again examining this game be-
cause it plays the game in advance ac- tude below 5 ka (kiloamperes) or above tween nature and the designer. Con-
cording to statistical data obtained from 100 ka, and that most of the stroke
field measurements, should provide more currents will be in the 20-ka to 60-ka Paper 61-88, recommended by the AlEE Trans-
mission and Distribution Committee and approved
accurate estimates of line performance. range. Similarly, the rates of current by the AIEE Technical Operations Department for
One reason for the past difficulties of rise appear restricted. Fortunately, presentation at the AIEE Winter General Meeting,
New York, N. Y., January 29-Febrtuary 3, 1961.
lightning flashover calculations on lines however, nature is a creature of habit Manuscript submitted October 26, 1960; made
is that the statistical distributions of and once her methods of play are available for printing November 23, 1960.
stroke characteristics cover such a wide found from field data, one can be reason- J. G. ANDERSON is with the (eneral Electric Com-
pany, Pittsfield, Mass.
range of such a miiultitude of variables ably confident that in the future she will The author wishes to thank J. H. Hagenguth and
that it is difficult to fix the character- continue to play in the same way, albeit P. A. Abetti for their support and assistance in this
istics of the stroke that the line should be with a certain erraticness from year to work. Most of the tests were run by R. U.
Giacomoni, and he, A. K. Abboushi, and F. A.
designed to withstand. These statistical year. Fisher, made many constructive suggestions.

414 A nderson-Calculation of Transmission-Line Lightning Performance AUGUST 1961

tion game is subject to considerable fluctu-
z ation of outcome.
5. The relationships between any variables
LAJ 20
not independent of each other can be estab-
lished in advance.
Any method used for predicting line
outages is, in the final analysis, likely
z to be some kind of description of the out-
come of this game. Taking the afore-
mentioned points in reverse order, thou-
sands of plays may be necessary before
a realistic appraisal of the line perform-
ance is obtained. This is why a com-
a'° 20 40 6 80 100 120 10 20 30 4.0 50 6.0 puter is required: one that can play both
Fig. 1.- Ffequency histogram of current Fig. 2. Frequency histogram of times to tabulate the results impartially and
magnitudes of lightning on transmission lines crest of stroke current surges to transmission quickly. Accuracy of calculation can be
as determined by combined held data 7,12 lines as determined by combined field data7" 2 increased by increasing the number of
years of experience studied but at the
expense of additional computer time.
sidered first as a simple card game, assunle the cards he received (and of the stroke However, by successive one-year runs,
that nature has a large deck of cards and characteristics thus occurring), and ex- the variation in outage rates from year to
that she is the dealer. She has divided the. amines his own mathematical model of the year can be studied. Obviously the com-
deck into six or more piles, each pile con- system that he has created as his part puter does not shuffle cards, because this
taining the following: in the game. If the insulators and spans would be too slow. Instead it generates
of his system survive this "stroke" random numbers (or refers to random
Pile 1: V arious, stroke ainplitudes inl kilo- number tables) and uses these numbers to
amperes, one amplitude written on each without flashover, he wins the first play
card. and notes this fact on a counter. If a determine which values of currents, times,
Pile 2: V arious stroke times to crest, flashover occurs, nature wins and makes etc., to choose for a particular play of the
microsecoiids, oiie time on each card. a record on her counter. The dealt cards game. The third requirement that the
Pile 3: Each card describes a location on are then returned to the piles from which response of line and tower configurations
the system whiere the stroke occurs and the they came, each pile is shuffled, and the to any type of stroke must be known is
footing resistance of the nearest towers. play repeated. After a great number of also a requirement for any other type
Pile 4: Each card has a number describ- plays have been made, the proportion of solution. In the card game (or in the
ing where the stroke inade contact on the of plays that nature wins to the plays computer) this response is in the form of a
span betweeii towers or at the towers. that the designer wins will become rela- set of tables or curves established by either
Pile 5: Each card sets a magnitude of tively constant. The total number of theoretical calculations2'3 or millimicro-
power-frequency voltage at the instant of plays to be made in the game is the same second geometrical model techniques,4 and
contact. sets of volt-time curvesl16 of the insulator
as the total number of strokes to the
Pile 6: Other characteristics deemed line, and is calculated in advance from response. The requirement that the
necessary, such as probabilities of shielding the line length and geometry, the regional stroke characteristics on the cards closely
isokeraunic level, and the number of approximate those in nature can only be
In her stroke amplitude pile, most of the years' experience desired. When the satisfied by extensive lightning field re-
cards will have an amplitude number number of plays desired has been com- search.1'7 As field research creates more
marked on thein that is somewhat near pleted, the "payoff" is calculated. The informative data, the data cards are
the average obtained from field data. payoff consists of noting the proportion modified accordingly. As for the total
However, a few will be extremely high or of flashovers that occurred on the line strokes to the line, formulas are now
extremely low, and if the statistical dis- to the total number of strokes for which available to determine the area of earth
tribution of amplitudes in the amplitude the game was played, and converting this shielded by the line8'9 and these formulas
pile is plotted, as shown in Fig. 1, it number by simple proportion to number can be used in conjunction with esti-
should be found to fit the same as ob- of flashovers per 100 miles per year. mates of the relationship between strokes
served bv- field measurements of natural In theory, if this card game can be to earth per square mile and the iso-
lightning, provided enough field measure- simulated in advance it should predict keraunic level to establish this important
ments are available to permit an in- the actual line lightning flashover rate parameter. Further field data may mod-
telligent coniparison. A similar process with good accuracy, provided: ify the numerical results of these calcula-
is used for the statistical distributions of tions also. These field investigations
front-times in the second pile, Fig. 2, and 1. The total number of strokes to the line now in progress include co-operative
can be calculated for the number of years
so on for the others. One can only desired with sufficient accuracy. research programs on 345-kv lines,7 an ex-
determine what is likely to exist in each 2. The characteristics of each deck closely tensive General Electric-Pennsylvania
pile by- collecting field data, i.e., observing approximate those really dealt by nature. Electric Company lightning investigation
what occurred during previous plays that 3. The response of a line and tower con- on their 460-kv Claysax transmission
nature has made. figuration to a stroke can be established in line, and field measurements on lines
To start the game, nature deals a card advance of the game. and towers of Public Service Electric
to the designer from each pile. The 4. The game is played long enough for a and Gas, Consolidated Edison, and the
designer takes the numerical values of clear result to be obtained. A short-dura- 650-kv towers of Project EHV.

AUGUST 196 1 A nderson -Calculation of Transmission-Line Lightning Performance 415

ground wire and nearest phase conductor at
both quarter-span and mid-span for strokes
to either quarter-span, mid-span, or tower.
11. Automatic calculation of line outage
rates and failure probabilities for each of
five different insulator string lengths, and
print-out of the percentage of flashovers
occurring at towers, at quarter-span, and at
mid-span. This permits co-ordination of
line and tower insulation strengths.
12. Print-out of amplitudes, times to crest,
and locations of strokes causing flashover.
13. Stroke-by-stroke comparisons be-
tween any two lines, preferably between
one on which operating experience is avail-
able and another that is being designed.
14. Estimates of yearly variations in
flashover rate by successive computer runs.
Fig. 3. A simpliRed Aow diagram For the Monte Carlo calculation oF lightning experience on
Start. The setting of index registers
transmission lines and counters, and organization of work
Read and Store Input Data. The input
An important point that bears repeti- power-frequency voltages and their contri- data, read in on 27 punched cards,
tion is that although future research may bution to breakdown stresses at tower and
on the spans. These are calculated differ- describe 18 fundamental characteristics of
modify part of the input data to this game, ently for different tower geometries. the line, terrain, atmospheric, and meteor-
the character of the game as played on 6. Any known or estimated distribution of ological conditions.
the computer need not change. One footing resistance values from 0 ohms to
needs only to repunch the input data cards Calculate Total Strokes to Line. The
10,000 ohms for any line length up to 1,000 total strokes to the line are calculated
and continue to play the same game as miles. These values are automatically
before. Also, as more probability rela- modified to account for the influence of from the Hagenguth shielding formula9
tionships appear, one needs only to pre- stroke currents for differing soil conditions and a rule that the strokes to earth per
and can be distributed along the line in any square mile equal 0.23 times the regional
pare more decks and continue the same manner desired.
game. The advantage of the Monte isokeraunic level. Golde's hypothesis"
7. Variations in insulation strength with that the strokes per square mile equal 0.5
Carlo method is that it can be made ex- respect to altitude.
tremely flexible without changing its basic times the isokeraunic level was found to
8. The system voltage-time response on predict abnormally high outage rates on
character, and the only limitation to the the spanis and at towers to stroke currents of
number of variables to be used is that of various waveshapes as measured on geo- transmission lines with no static wires.
computing time. The limitations are metrical models of the lines and towers.4 From a practical point of view, several
that programs are usually written for a For siinplified representations, analytically different combinations of stroke densities
particular computer, and that a "text-
determined data can also be used if desired. and shielding formulas can be used as long
book" analytical solution does not result. 9. The volt-time variation in tower insu- as the error in one is compensated by
lator and air-gap strengths. Tables of these opposite errors in the other.
variations are stored within the program,
The Monte Carlo Computer and searched by an interpolation routine. Roulette Characteristics of New Stroke
Program 10. The stresses created across the tower and Location. By generating a sequence
insulators, and the stresses between the of pseudo-random numbers, the com-
A greatly simplified flow chart of the
computer program is shown in Fig. 3.
Over 108 combinations of variables are
programmed, and more can be added as
needed to meet individual requirements.
This program accounts for: LI-
1. The statistical distribution of 100 to
1,000 discrete values of stroke currents
ranging from 8 ka to 110 ka. 0
2. Statistical distribution of 100 stroke
front-times ranging from 0.5 microsecond
to 20 microseconds. This time scale can be
altered to check special cases or conjectures.
3. Changes in ratios of strokes contacting .4
tower, mid-span, and quarter-span as tower LAJ
geometries change. C-
Fig. 4. Representative nano- Cn
4. Statistical probabilities of shielding second model data curves showing -J

failures insofar as known. For example, the voltage developed across a tower
Burgsdorf10 shielding failure probability insulator string per ampere of
curve or others are available in the program. tower stroke current as a function
5. The random statistical variation of of tower footing resistance

416 A nderson-Calculation of Transmission-Line Lightning PerformanceA AUGUST 1961

JOHN ANDFRSnN Q-705 COnE 6660'5
11. 14. 45, 106. 70. 1150. 75. 7000. 150. 10. 30.


11. *1188 7,600

12. .1146 7.333

13. .1083 6.933

14. .1083 6.933




KTLOAMPS 75.4 M 63.4 ( 101.6 0 79.0 0 109.2 T 64.0 0 110.4 T 11.3 0 -144 0 100.6 0.
MICROSEC 2.55 .95 1.52 1.66 .93 1.10 .96 2.15 1.10 1.53
KILOAMPS 741M 1407M9 a 1T6V 61.M
3 61.1 0 120.Z T 67.7 0 13.6 M6M.5 0 T5.4
MICROSEC 1.96 .74 2.58 1.23 1.17 1.13 1.16 1.26 .89 3.00
KILOAMPS 69.8 ) 69.8 0 101.6 0 110.4 M 53.0 0 86.3 0 101.9 71.5 0 65.-
- I6.- T
MICROSEC .98 .68 2.17 2*00 1.53 1*43 .82 1.40 1.40 1.08
KILOAMPS 93.2 T 74.7 0 88.7 0 61.1 0 99.7 T 91.1 0 83.00 50Y9
W 0 87.z O bz.1 0
MICROSEC .79 1.16 1.17 .99 .79 1.26 1.34 1.05 2.10 1.47
KILOAMPS 82.4 0 67 6.5 M 126.3 T 65 M 119.0 0 102.4 0 106.5 t 95.1 M 74j
MICROSEC 1.85 1.16 1.26 .91 2.42 .85 2.32 .85 1.20 1.23
ft A _f c
I IV -
83. 5 0 A .0A
Iet &
0% ^
.00 A -
- --
- - A--
.00 .0 0
miCnOSEC 1.64 .95 .00 .00 .00 .00
.00 .oo .00 * 00
RILOAMPS _ 00 .00
M I C OSEC .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

.00 .00 .00
KILOAMP5 .00 .00 .u a.0 .0
MICQOSEC .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .000 .00 .00-
KILOARPPS .00 .00 . 0 Soo
o0 0(>
MICROSEC .00 .00 .00 so a 00 *00 . 00 .00
K TLOAMPS .0 U 0 .oo
. 00
.00 I
. 00
.00 .00 *00

Fig. 5. A repreentative output format showing results of trial outage calculations one 1 50-kv steel tower line

puter goes to addresses determined by since it has a larger mass, attracts more frequency voltage is as likely to be in
these numbers, and draws out the char- strokes toward its location. existence at that instant as any other.
acteristics of the stroke it finds there. 4. Tower footing resistance at the stricken Therefore, the computer picks a phase
This is equivalent to nature's "shuffle of tower or span.
angle completely at random, from which
the cards," and is termed "roulette" to 5. The instantaneous components of power- it calculates the dependent phase angles
emphasize the fact that the selection is, frequency voltage at the moment the stroke on the other two phases. This is
makes contact.
for all practical purposes, governed by the only component in the program in
chance as already outlined. The char- 6. Whether or not the stroke creates a which any one value is just as likely to
shielding failure. For this operation, the
acteristics drawn include: computer draws a digit (zero or one) at occur as any otber. Then, depending
1. Stroke crest current amplitude, kilo- random from a large group of stored digits. on the kind of circuit geometry, number
amperes. The proportion of ones to zeros in this group of circuits per tower, and phase relation-
of stored digits is equal to the proportion of ships, computes the power-frequency
2. Time to crest, microseconds. This shielding failures to no shielding failures
type of routine has the capability of handling predicted by Burgsdorf's data'O or any other voltage component.
"ramp-function," convex, or concave wave- means desired. If the computer draws a
fronts. Present calculations are based on one, it calls this a shielding failure and ComputeAltitude Corrections. From al-
ramp-function wavefronts (i.e. a current makes no further calculations other than titude above sea level, standard relative
front rising linearly to a final value) because increasing the appropriate failure counters. air densityreductions of dielectric strength
of insufficient field data to delineate clearly If, instead, it draws a zero, it decides that no
the shape of stroke current surges. are computed, plus approximately 10%
shielding failure has occurred and starts for deleterious contamination, moisture
3. The location of the stroke, i.e. whether calculations as to whether insulation flash-
it contacts mid-span, quarter-span, or over can occur by other means. effects, and insulator and line swing.
tower. The relative frequencies that these Roulette Sixty-Cycle Voltage Component From Mid-Span Characteristics, Com-
now occur in the program are 60% to
tower, 30% to quarter-span, and 10% to from Line Configuration. When a stroke pute Maximum Span and Insulator Voltage.
mid-span for steel towers. The tower, occurs, any phase angle of the power- After determining where the stroke

AUGUST 1961 Anderson-Calculation of Transmission-Line Lightning Performance 417

probability" in the output format means tant, it can easily be included in the program.
the probability that a stroke contacting The inclusion of this component will make
the line will cause failure. The titles necessary changes in the magnitudes of
some of the other variables in order to make
and remarks at the top of the same format calculations and observations agree.
are to identify the line and to help the 4. A reliance on the nanosecond geomnetri-
programmer identify his input data. cal model4 to obtain the voltages generated
on lines and towers by strokes (Fig. 6).
Practical Decisions in Program Calculated responses were found to depend
Application greatly on estimates of "equivalent tower
diameters" and idealized electromagnetic
A program of this magnitude and com- fields, whereas the nanosecond model per-
mits geometries and fields to be simulated
plexity inevitably encounters difficult without approximation.
choices between concepts. A large num- 5. An assumption that the stroke current
ber of calculating schemes could be wave has a linearly rising front and a flat
devised to predict, with fair accuracy, the top. This restriction can be removed when
Fig. 6. Test in progress on a nanosecond lightning outage rates of transmission field measurements establish mlore repre-
lines. Extensive field data are lacking, sentative waveshapes.
geometrical model of an extra-high-voltage
transmission line tower. Large phase con- theoretical approaches seldom agree, f. "Prestrike" effects are neglected be-
ductor represents bundle conductor and data on outage rates and line charac- cause of insufficient data in this respect.
Times to crest less than 0.5 microsecond
teristics are seldom complete. Therefore are also not used for the same reason.
the program had to be built by trial and
error, adopting concepts that gave "right" It is certain that some of these assump-
occurs, the computer refers to appro- tions will not be acceptable to all workers
priate stored curves of line response answers and discarding those that gave
"wrong" answers. This experimental in this field. It is not the purpose of this
characteristics for that particular stroke approach resulted in: paper to advocate contentious theoret-
location and line geometry (Fig. 4), com- ical concepts, but to demonstrate a
putes the total stresses created, and estab- 1. The distribution of current amplitudes method of calculation adaptable to a
lishes the region where maximum dielec- and times to crest shown in Figs. 1 and 2
respectively. wide range of statistical relationships.
tric stress exists. On 2-ground-wire
lines, an examination is made to determine 2. An independence of current amplitudes
whether, if one ground wire is stricken, and times to crest, except that the statis- Results and Conclusions
tical probability of simultaneous occurrence
the stress to the other ground wire exceeds of a large current amplitude and a very short
the stress between ground wire and time to crest for the same stroke becomes To date, the lightning outage rates of
nearest phase conductor. A similar rou extremely small. All other stroke charac- nine different transmission lines have been
tine occurs for the quarter-span calcula- teristics are also assumed independent, calculated by the Monte Carlo method.
except provision is made to limit the maxi- The results of these calculations are com-
tion. mum stroke current rate of rise if a clearly pared with actual observed outage rates14
From Tower Chara teristics, Compute defined limitation is found from field in Fig. 7. The operating voltages of
AMaximum Insulator Voltage. If the stroke 3. A neglect of the electrostatic component
these lines ranged from 110 kv to 345 kv,
occurs to the tower, total voltage stresses of voltage on the line conductors,."' recog- included both wood pole and steel towers,
across tower insulators are computed, nizing that if field measurements now being and also represented both shield-wire and
including effects of footing resistance, inade show that this component is impor- no shield-wire conditions. In general,
and power voltage phase angle.
From Volt-Time Curmes, Compute In-
sulation Strength. Now that the loca-
tion and magnitude of greatest stress are
established, the computation of the di- (n ~ ~ ~ .-1
electric strength of this region (i.e., tower Fig. 7. Calculated and observed out- _ _ = _-
insulators or conductor-to-conductor air age rates on nine representative trant- a
gaps) is made by reference to stored volt- mision lines
time curves in computer memory. Ob- A-Kansas Gas and Electric Com- - =
pany 161-kv wood pole, double - -- -- -
viously, then, if the stresses exceed the ground wire line"
strength, a flashover is assumned to occur, B-TVA 154-kv wood pole, double _ -
and failure counters are advanced. ground wire line" -TCDELIO
The rest of the flow diagram is largely C-Appalachian Electric Power - ---
self-explanatory, being a tabulation and Company 154-kv woodpole, double 3 - __ , i
print-out of the failures. Of some interest ground wire line"sC
in the output format, Fig. 5, is the print- D-Commonwealth Edison Company c - Z - - l
out of current amplitude and time to 138-kv steel tower, double ground c_l
crest of 100 strokes causing failure. After wire O O e lO mu
each amplitude is a letter T, Q, or M E-An edstern 1 32-kv line with steel CALCULATED OUTAGE RATE /100 LINE MILES / YEAR
indicating that the failure occurred for a towers and double ground wires
F-Ohio Valley Electric Corporation 345-kv steel tower, single ground wire
stroke to tower, quarter-span, or mid-span G-Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico) 150-kv steel tower, double ground wire"
respectively. If less than 100 strokes H-Metropolitan Water District (Southen California) 230-kv steel tower (a "no ground
cause failure, zeros are printed where no wire" case)"
failure is encountered. The term "failure I-Georgia Power 110-kv wood pole, no ground wire line"

418 Anderson-Calculation of Transmission-Line Lightning Performance A~UGUST 1961

agreement has been excellent, one appre- AIEE Transactions, pt. III (Power Apparatus and DISTRIBUTION OF LIGHTNING FLASHES TO TRANS-
Systems), vol. 76, Dec. 1957, pp. 954-60. miSSION LINES, R. H. Golde. Ibid., vol. 64, 1945,
ciable departure from the observed values 2. FACTORS AFFECTING THE LIGHTNING PERFORM- pp. 902-10.
being that of the Ohio Valley Electric ANCE, OF TRANSIuSsIoN LINES, J. H. Hagenguth, 9. Discussion by J. H. Hagenguth of reference 7.
Corporation 345-kv lines; although even J. G. Anderson. Ibid. (Feb. 1958 section), pp. pp. 1457-58.
more accurate than that given by the THE LIGTITMNO PERFORMANCE OF TRANSMISSION THE U.S.S.R., V. V. Burgsdorf. Paper no. 326,
present AIEE method."' Computer run- TOWER, C. F. Wagner, A. R. Hileman. Ibid., vol. 11. A METHOD OF ESTIMATING LIGHTNING PER-
ning time has averaged about 5 min- 79, Oct. 1960, pp. 589-603. FORMANCE OF TRANSMISSION LINES, AIEE Com-
utes per case, but varies considerably with 4. DETERMINATION OF LIGHTNING RESPONSED OF mittee Report. AIEE Transactions, vol. 69, pt. II,
line lengths, tower heights, meteorological MODELS, F. A. Fisher, J. G. Anderson, J. H. 12. THE AMPLITUDE, TIME TO HALF-VALUE, AND
conditions, and years of calculated ex- Hagenguth. Ibid., pt. II-B, vol. 78 (Feb. 1960
section), pp. 1725-36. STEEPNESS OF LIIGHTNING CURRENTS, N. Hylten-
perience desired. The method appears to Cavallius, A. Stromberg. ASEA Journal,
5. SIXTY-CYCLE AND IMPULSE SPARKOVER OF Vasteras, Sweden, vol. 29, 1956, pp. 129-34.
yield very practical results and adapts LAROG GAP SPACINGS, J. H. Hagenguth, A. F.
nicely to investigation of specific aspects Rohlfa, W. J. Degnan. Ibid., vol. 71, Jan. 1952,
pp. 455-60. uSSION LINES, second edition. Publication no.
of lightning performance. It is inher- 1321-H, Ohio Brass Company, Barberton, Ohio,
ently more accurate than present methods LONG STRINGS OF SUSPENSION INSULATORS, A. F.
Rohlfs, H. E. Fiegel. Ibid., vol. 76, 1957 (Feb. 1958
using limited stroke characteristics. section), pp. 1321-29. TRANSMISSION LINES, 1. H. Hagenguth. Proceed-
ings, American Power Conference, Chicago, Ill.,
References OVEC 345-KV SYSTEM, R. H. Schlomann, W. S.
Price, I. B. Johnson, J. G. Anderson. Ibid., pp.
Kv LINSs, H. L. Rorden, 3. S. Zobel, G. D. Lippert. 8. THE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE AND THE WIRES. Paper no. 314, CIGRE, 1960.


Discussion single-phase faults to ground. The neutrals

of the 1 10-kv systems are grounded through
which may well become the basic tool for our
future lightning design work. Now that
Petersen coils almost exclusively so that the program has been developed and de-
H. Baatz (Studiengesellschaft fur Hoch- single-phase faults to ground are self-ex- scribed in this excellent paper, it is obvious
spannungsanlagen e.V., Nellingen uber tinguishing. If one ignores these faults that the best and possibly the only way to
Esslingen, Germany): In this paper a new which do not cause tripouts, then the num- study and predict the complicated interplay
method is presented that apparently prom- ber of tripouts is reduced to 1.1 per 100 of the six or seven variables which produce
ises success in calculating the performance of miles per year. lightning flashovers is by playing the saine
transmission lines against lightning faults. The neutrals of the German 220-kv sys- game with a digital computer. Mr. Ander-
The applicability and accuracy of the tems have been solidly grounded for the last son is to be congratulated for recognizing
calculating method is confirmed by the few years. From the same statistics, one this and for proceeding with the develop-
comparison with the number of actually finds 2.2 tripouts per 100 miles per year in ment of this comprehensive computer pro-
observed tripouts as shown in Fig. 7. The 1958. The observation time of the German gram.
ratio of observed to calculated tripouts is 380-kv line is too short to give conclusive The comparison of the game of Russian
found in Table I. results. Until now, the specific tripout roulette with attempts to design transmis-
The agreement in Table I, with excep- level was considerably lower than in the sion lines by the "cut and try" method is
tion of systems D and F, is remarkably 220-kv systems. most appropriate and deserves amplifica-
good, especially if one considers the yearly With the given data, the tripouts of the tion. As noted in references 1 and 7 of the
variations of the isokeraunic level. With German systems correspond about to lines paper, the lightning tripout rate of the 345-
respect to Fig. 5, it would be interesting to D and E of Fig. 5. One must also consider kv systems has been several orders of mag-
know the observation time and calculating that 1958 had a relatively high thunder- nitude greater than that predicted by the
time of the values given. One must storm activity. In Germany we do not AIEE method. It must be that the various
probably assume that the isokeraunic level consider the mentioned tripout rates as too factors used in the AIEE method are not
was kept constant for all years. This level high, particularly because they do not cause properly co-ordinated, or that important
is a rather uncertain reference level because operating difficulties. In the 220-kv sys- factors influencing the tripout rate are not
of the probability of variation in duration tems the lightning-caused flashovers are included in the method. An attempt to
and severity of different thunderstorms. successfully extinguished with circuit break- arrive at an optimum lightning design by
In Germany, the tripouts of high-voltage ers. the "cut and try" method would require the
transmission lines are not particularly high, Because of these relatively favorable sit- construction of a number of transmission
so that a further reduction of tripouts due to uations, there have not been such extensive line sections, each several hundred miks in
thunderstorms is of no particular impor- calculations of tripout rates on transmission length, with only a single variable such as
tance. From tripout statistics of the Ger- lines due to lightning. shielding angle, insulation level, or tower
man high-voltage systems, one finds that in If we have understood the paper correctly, height changed in each section. After 5
1958, for instance, 2.14 tripouts per 100 tower ground resistance values were chosen to 10 years of close observation, we might
miles occurred from thunderstorms, in by chance, as were the instantaneous values be able to determine the effect of each vari-
which are included all self-extinguishing of power-frequency voltage. While this able on performance, but would then have
appears to us correct for the voltage, for the the problem of designing and operating a
ground resistance the actual values of the line for another 10 years with what ap-
Table I lines should be used. The mentioned peared to be the optimum mix of design
maximum value of 10,000 ohms appears to variables. During the 20-year test period,
Transmission Line Ratio us extraordinarily high for highest voltage our transmission designs would undoubtedly
lines. be many millions of dollars away from the
A .0.74 optimum.
.1.29 It is most encouraging that the program
C .1.1 W. S. Price (American Electric Power has provided a good correlation between
D .1.92
E .1.0 Service Corporation, New York, N. Y.): calculated and observed outage rates over a
F .2.28 Mr. Anderson's application of modern wide range of line designs. However,
G .1.0
H .1.14
statistical and computer techniques to the further field measurements are urgently
1. 1.22 calculation of transmission-line lightning required as input data for the program.
performance is a notable development For instance, the only records available

AUGUST 1961 Anderson- Calciulation of Transmission-Line Lightning Performance 419

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