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ReEd 204

Liturgy and Sacraments:

Participating in the Divine Life
VISION component of a mission statement.

is described as Ideal

Characteristics of a good vision futuristic
objectives A person with a vision
foresees himself ahead
HCDC envisions a living witnesses of Jesus

For Catholic education means witnessing the Faith and

The sense of inter-Religious dialogue

dreams as community
The five Great events
❑ Migration of Abraham to Canaan
Reason (war)
❑ Sojourn to Egypt
Reason (famine)
❑ Escape from slavery in Egypt
Moses (human rights defender)
❑ Assembly in Sinai
Yahwism community
❑ Re-occupation to Canaan
Golden age

The Kingdom Divided

✔ North – Israel (captured by Babylonians)
Diaspora happens, the scattered
✔ South – Judah (Captured by Assyrians) Jews in foreign lands.
Sinai Experience

Moses (a great leader, teacher, and human rights Burning Bush

defender) symbolizes Moses’
growing awareness
Covenantal people ----Yahwism as an enslaved
(religion of Israelites) person

From Hebrews to Israelites (12 tribes of Israel)

Ark of the covenant

For worshiping God
Jesus Christ
The Anointed One/Missiah

The New and the Living Covenant

source and basis of
Christian morality
He is a free person
He is the first fruit of all creation
He is a person who knows what is right and wrong

The Kingdom of God

Images of the Church:
✔ People of God
Church ✔ Flock of Christ
✔ Bride of Christ

Ekklesia (NT)

“Body of Christ”
A common image of Church
according to ST. Paul
Essential Characteristics/Features of the Church

o One (God)
o Holy (love as a bond of perfection)
o Catholic (Universal by; St Ignatius of Antioch)
o Apostolic (fellowship of service)

❖ Our task of evangelization is to proclaim the good news of

salvation in the present realities.
❖ As Jesus’ disciples, we make God the priority of everything.
Christian Worship
an act of offering that manifests
one’s interior reverence to God.
Service (antiquity)

Mysterion (Hebrew word)

(Plenary Council of The Philippines) PCP II

❖ Eucharist, a highest official

Three principles of worship:

Worship in the Church

Personal prayer
Devotional prayer
Group prayer (Sacre Liturgy)
Worship comes from
Anglo Saxon word
“Weorp” which means
Worth, value and
✔ The act of worship as ABAD means:
seeking for the guidance of supernatural
spirits and living righteously.

✔ Service, the basic notion of Worship

Characteristics of
Worship ❖ Repetitive and celebratory
❖ A form of; adoration, reverence, gratitude, and
❖ Celebration of past human experiences (Kairos)
traits of authentic ritual.


✔ Worship is a natural religious expression of human person in response

to the reality of God.
✔ Communal worship is one of the characteristics of religious rituals.
✔ Renewal of Life is a main challenge of the Church in worship and
separation of worship and prayer from daily living (PCP II)
Biblical Dimension of Worship:

Amos 5:21-24 worship is accompanied

True worship in the Old by, works and justice
Testament consists of words
and deeds
Hebrews 10:5-7, true worship
consists of Doing the will of
the Father
Sacred Liturgy

a re-enactment of the salvific intervention of God.

The official public worship of the faith community ANAMNESIS

(A remembrance of
God’s saving deeds)
✔ The Worship of God can be articulated also by
o Service or any act of charity
o Offering sacrifice
o Personal devotion

✔ Eucharistic celebration is an expression

of communal liturgical prayer.

✔ Rituals as symbolic because it uses natural signs in

order to make present the divine
Jesus purified worship by linking prayer directly with daily moral

The task of evangelization is to proclaim the good news of

salvation in the present realities of Life.

Characteristics of true worship.

▪ deeds of the heart
▪ practice of covenant (virtues)

How to make prayer authentic is through our;

▪ Relationship
▪ And everything must be anchored in the heart
Holy Eucharist is always considered a
communal prayer because it is always
intended for the Church as people of God
Catechism for Filipino Catholics defines prayer
as a relationship and conversation to God

Description of prayer;
• raising ones mind and spirit to God
• intimate conversation with God
• Like a surge penetrates to the heart
Types of Christian Prayer
a.) Adoration – when we adore God’s power and goodness
and mercy.
that we love him.
b.) Thanksgiving – when we thank our heavenly Father for all
he has given us.
c.) Petition – when we ask for the graces we need in our lives.
d.) Contrition – when we repent of our sins and tell God we
are sorry for them.
Review…(important terminologies)
Heresy is an obstinate denial of the truth by a
baptized person.
Schism the withdrawal of submission to the
Supreme Pontiff.
Apostasy means the total rejection of the
Christian Faith.
Ek-kalein, a Greek word for the phrase “to call
Kirche, a German term which means “for what
belongs to”.
Ekklesia is a derivation of the term Church

1. How important is worship in your life? Why?

2. What inner transformation brought by prayer?

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