Tugas 3. Hukum Perdata

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Nama: Aulia Mirza

Fakultas Hukum
Bahasa dan Terminologi Hukum (HKUM4101)

Anda diminta menyusun 5 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan istilah-istilah
kata kunci sebagai berikut:

1. Presumption of Innocence
2. Justice Collaborator
3. Contempt of court
4. Legal Standing
5. Shifting burden of proof

1. The presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle in our legal system,
ensuring that individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a
reasonable doubt.
2. The justice collaborator provided crucial information, aiding law enforcement in
solving the case while ensuring fair treatment and protection under the law.
3. Contempt of court can result from actions that disrupt proceedings or show
disrespect towards the judiciary, undermining the integrity of the legal process.
4. To have legal standing in a case, one must demonstrate a sufficient connection or
interest in the matter at hand, granting them the right to participate in legal
5. When evidence raises doubts about a defendant's guilt, the burden of proof may
shift to the prosecution to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, reflecting the
principle of justice and fairness in our legal system.

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