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Evaluating a Story or Drama Transparency D61.

Literary Analysis

What Is It?
When students evaluate, they analyze the writer’s style and the emotional impact of a work in
order to form and voice their own opinions. What the Research Says: “Evaluation is a form
of decision making . . . done at a very conscious and thoughtful level.” Evaluations result
in judgments rather than mere opinions (Marzano, 2001).
How to Teach It
1. If necessary, review the terms character, plot, and theme. Explain to students that they
will be examining these elements in their evaluation.
2. Display Transparency D61 after students have finished reading the assigned story or
play. Read aloud the questions in the left-hand column. Inform students that when
evaluating a story or drama, they are to develop their own ideas about what they have
read. Therefore, there are no “right” or “wrong” responses. It is very likely that their
interpretations may differ from those of their classmates.
3. Distribute copies of the chart and instruct students to complete the chart. Invite
volunteers to share their evaluations with the rest of the class.

Title and Author: “The Sneeze” by Neil Simon
Elements Yes/No Supporting Evidence
Entertainment yes I laughed when the sneeze happened.
Are the events of the plot I also enjoyed the asides by the
Writer character.
Believability no The characters are exaggerated for
Are the characters comic effect. No real person would
really go to the extremes Cherdyakov
believable? Consider whether does or say ridiculous things such
their actions or motivations as “I worship the chair you sit on and
are convincing and whether

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

the uniform you wear.”
the writer is biased.
Originality yes Even though this play is based on a
Are the writer’s thoughts story by another writer, Neil Simon’s
sense of humor comes through. For
original or unique? example, Madame Brassilhov tells
her husband, “You’re not to be
sneezed at.”
Emotional Power no The play is meant to be humorous
Do you have a strong emotional and to poke fun at social climbers.
response to the theme of the

D16 Interacting with Literature Best Practices Toolkit

High School
Evaluating a Story or Drama D61

Literary Analysis
Use this chart to reflect on a literary work and make judgments
on it.
Title and Author:
Elements Yes/No Supporting Evidence
Are the events of the plot

Are the characters
believable? Consider
whether their actions
or motivations are
convincing and whether
the writer is biased.

Are the writer’s thoughts
original or unique?
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Emotional Power
Do you have a strong
emotional response to
the theme of the work?

Best Practices Toolkit Interacting with Literature D61

High School

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