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A sneak


Strategic insight
into the most the upper
valuable 20% mass market

Inspired by Vilfredo Pareto @2021

The critical mass for business and mentality
As formulated originally, the Pareto principle states that 80% of the sales come from 20% of the
clients. (in fact, later research shows figures around 60%).

Still each country has a Pareto Population: the 20% of working age adults by income.

They are the critical mass with very disproportionate share of revenue in most consumer
categories. They are the driving force for new products or services adoption. Paretos are those
who save, invest and donate. We place this valuable audience under a magnifier for the third
year in a row, in a successful project that has confirmed value for clients in financial, retail,
FMCG, entertainment and NGO fields.

We seek key information about this critical mass and compare it to the general public,
therefore generating both targeted and broad insights:

What makes Pareto people tick? How does this compare to the general public?

Which are their motives and fears?

How do they make their spending choices?

What is their ability to drive trends?

How do they rate their quality of living in Romania?

And for the third edition – what changed since 2021/2022?

The Pareto Report answers all these questions and many more, opening strategic
opportunities for your business!
A multi-perspective
view of the Pareto

Their profiles Entailed

#socio-demo, #lifestyle, #career & family, #parenting,
#entertainment, #nutrition, #body & mind in vol.1

Living in Romania
#ideal Romania, #living in Romania, #quality of life

Their wallets
#income sources, #income value, #large acquisitions,
#insurances, #investments

Key categories
#key categories on needstates map, #shopping
channels, #gadgets, #apps, #source of info, #horeca

Innovation Adoption
#socio-demo, #values, #career & family, #shopping, Entailed
#gadgets & apps, #entertainment, #body & mind, in vol.2
#about Romania, #banking

Banking world Entailed

#financial profiling, #products & services, #banks
adoption, #ideal bank, #brands image
in vol.3
A solid backbone set in 2021 and continued as a
comprehensive and engaging programme in
the following years.
We have designed a syndicated research programme to uncover the Pareto world. The guiding
principles: meticulousness through rock-solid methods, reliability by large sample and creating
AHA insights by asking the right questions across stages.

0. Income analysis (desk research + survey on 1400 Romanians)

In-depth qualitative, +100 hrs of interviews and netnography
Set a solid
ground Robust quantitative, online survey with 900 Paretos & 500 BCTs

1. Desk research on income statistics

Income survey on 900 Romanians
profiles All run to update Pareto profile

2. Online study on Pareto audience, n=900

Broad Commercial Target as benchmark, n=500
the known Analysis on Early Adopters, n=327
Data collected in September

3. Deliver rich insights reports (4 volumes)

Light up
Lucrative presentations & opportunity workshops
@2022, 2023

Considerations on research limitations:

• Current study is representative for BCT and Paretos, while not mirroring the audience below 18 yo and over 65 yo, nor the non-Internet
users (22% excluded on Internet non-usage).
• Online data collection implies a digitalized audience that has the characteristic of being a more literate population, with higher
social status (education & income) vs overall population profile.
• We assume an auto-selection bias, implied by the fact that respondents with higher completion willingness were first to be
considered in the sample.

• The study presents perceptions of respondents about themselves, about things around them, and does not reflect an objective
• We assume a desirability bias, respondents mentioning things they like to believe are truthful, which are not necessarily truthful.

• The study includes trends over a limited time (2021, 2022, 2023)
• The study is a snapshot of Romania and does entail comparisons with other markets
Vol 1 Meet the
Who are the Paretos?
Living in Romania
Paretos as consumers
How did we define the Paretos?
It’s not only about the HH income, or just the personal income. It’s about the income per
capita considering the HH size and life stage.

We selected The Paretos through their declared income level. More precisely, the
1 income per household member. See the eligibility rules below, the result of robust
income investigations updated every year.

Pareto Threshold, Pareto Threshold,

Monthly HH Monthly Income per
income, RON HH member, RON
1 person in HH, 18-24 yo >3795 >3795

1 person in HH, 25 yo* >5060 >5060

2 persons in HH, any age >8855 >4428

3 persons in HH, any age >10120 >3373

4 persons in HH, any age >11385 >2846

5 persons in HH, any age >11385 >2277

6* persons in HH, any age >12650 >2108

2 We have further split The Paretos into two segments: High Paretos – those with
incomes above the Pareto average; and Low Paretos – the rest.

High Pareto
Threshold, Income
High Pareto
per HH Member, RON
represents top 30% of
1 person in HH, 18-24 yo >5250 Paretos, audience,
those with highest
1 person in HH, 25 yo* >7500
incomes; thresholds
2 persons in HH, any age >6750 updated every year.

3 persons in HH, any age >4750

4 persons in HH, any age >4250

5 persons in HH, any age >3500

6* persons in HH, any age >2500

Paretos are the critical mass not only
economically, but as well in terms of changing
mindsets and adopting trends

The Total
19.0 mio
Population The Total Population
All Romanian residents , from 0 to 100+ yo

The Broad 9.2 mio

Commercial The Broad Commercial Target
Target (BCT) Aged 18-65, Internet users

The Pareto
1.8 mio
Population The Pareto Population
20% of the Broad Commercial Target, selected
by top monthly income

The Pareto

20% share in number of people

within BCT and 10% within Total Population

40% share in net incomes

within BCT, generating annually 32.00 bn. €

61% share in technology Early Adoption

within BCT
The Paretos in Romania are more likely to be
younger, white collars with high education

The Paretos vs. the Broad Commercial Target

+18% more likely to be males.

+21% more likely to be 25-34 years old.
-19% less likely to have children.

+48% more probable to live in large urban areas (+200k inhabitants).

+80% more probable to live in Bucharest + Ilfov
+40% more probable to live in a rented property
+40% more probable to live in +3 rooms home

+47% more likely to have at least a bachelor's degree

+212% more likely to have at least a master's degree

The majority of the Paretos are between 25 to 44 years old. Amongst them, disproportionately
more YUPs (young urban professionals) or DINKS (double income - no kids).

They are likely to live in higher urban areas.

Their time is mostly allocated to work related duties, being more likely to have subordinates at

And perhaps as a consequence, they are more concerned about the work-personal life &
family balance.

The Paretos in Romania have a high education: 8 in 10 of the Pareto respondents have
graduated at least a bachelor's program.
Like most Romanians, Paretos are
family-oriented, guided in life by fairness
and respect.

In 2023, kindness sees an important increase among Paretos, even

though it remains below the general population.

Another notable increase across years is for loyalty (becomes much

more prominent for Paretos), while balance seems less and less valued

Values in life Overindex vs BCT in pink

(% Pareto 2022) Underindex in light grey

Responsibility 39% Friendship 37%

Loyalty 41%

Respect 55%
Family 70%
development Faith Balance 25%
Freedom 40%

Tolerance Creativity

Fairness 58% Kindness 51% Trust 39% Optimism Modesty Perseverance eness

Base: 900 (Pareto)

The level of self-confidence and trust in the
“support network” is slightly increasing, but the
gap with trust in others is deepening.
Paretos have more confidence in themselves than the general public and give a lot more
confidence to those around them.

Trust and support system Index vs BCT

(% 8+9+10 on a scale from 0 to 10) Pareto 2021 Pareto 2023

71% 70% 68%


I trust in myself I have someone I have a lot of I trust in people

to turn to for warmth and joy around me
support with a from the people
problem in my life

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 175 (Pareto 2021) / 900 (Pareto 2023) / 501 (BCT 2023)
Romanians want to harmonize a better
work-life balance and enjoyment of work.
More Paretos want to excel.
There are 4 attitudes of equal importance: finding enjoyment in work, the struggle of balancing
work and family time, the need for financial independence and the desire for excellence. The
later is specific to Paretos.

Younger adults (25-34 yo) are fueled by entrepreneurial spirit, wanting to be in control of their
efforts and succeeding financially.

Among Paretos, there are more people happy at current career level or who prefer having an
employer (esp. 45+ with high personal income).

Career attitudes
(Pareto 2021, 2022, 2023)

My career must be related to a passion,

something I enjoy doing 44%

I am constantly concerned on work-family

allocated time 42%

I want more financial independence, have

my money, without depending on others 41%

I want to excel in my profession, I always

want to evolve to get higher 41%

I want my own business, be the owner of

my own time, make money for myself 29%

I am satisfied with the level reached in my

career, now I focus on other aspects 25%

I prefer to have an employer, not to have

the stress of a business on my shoulders 19%

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 659/900/900 (Pareto)
The successes are mostly my doing,
The problems come mostly from others
Paretos have a better opinion of self than BCT as 78% think that success is usually due to
themselves. At the same time, only 48% of them consider that problems in their lives are rather
their fault.

My success is My problems are Community initiatives

usually due to... usually caused by... should start from...

36% 37%
75% 78%

52% 44%

18% 17% 19%
11% 9% 12%

Pareto 2021 Pareto 2023 Pareto 2021 Pareto 2023 Pareto 2021 Pareto 2023

Rather me Equally Rather to others

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 175 (Pareto 2021) / 900 (Pareto 2023) / 501 (BCT 2023)
Audio and visual media continue to gain
ground over reading
Some Paretos now choose podcasts/ vlogs to the detriment of watching video streaming
platforms (especially younger targets <24 yo).

Listening to music is an important anchor for young targets (apart from social media). Mature
Paretos prefer watching TV and continue reading press.

The new channels 2021 2022 2023

(Pareto 2021, 2022, 2023)



Spend time on Watching Netflix, Listening to

social networks HBOGo, YouTube, etc podcasts or vlogs

The “Ever green” channels

2021 2022 2023
(Pareto 2021, 2022, 2023)

73% 75%


Watching TV Listening to music Reading the press

(online or offline)

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 900 (Pareto); 501 (BCT 2023)
Vol 1 Meet the
Who are the Paretos?
Living in Romania
Paretos as consumers

#inner motivations
#career & family
#body & mind
Money does help with the quality of life as
Paretos are significantly more satisfied
than BCT
The respondents were asked to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 (where 10 is the best possible life and 0
is the worst) how they see their life now.

BCT see themselves as moderately happy, while Paretos tend to be more satisfied with their

The data is steady versus previous years, although notably, we noticed a trend of polarization.

Within Paretos, quality of life slightly varies across

sub-targets, being higher on men and mature
targets (45+ yo). It increases on higher income
levels, on leadership positions (manager, owner,
self-employed) and also among parents.

How do you assess your How do you assess your

Quality of life? Quality of life?
(% BCT 2021 & 2022 & 2023) (% Pareto 2021 & 2022 & 2023)

Average 6,6 6,6 6,8 Average 7,2 7,2 7,2 Index

vs BCT
Best life 11% Best life
13% 16%
possible possible 15% 15% 18% 112

47% 44%
61% 61% 56% 126

33% 37% 35%

21% 21% 22% 64

Worst life 7% Worst life
5% 5% 2% 2% 4% 83
possible possible
BCT BCT BCT Pareto Pareto Pareto
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023

Very good Rather good Rather bad Very bad

life (9-10) life (7-8) life (4-6) life (0-3)

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Ppts: significantly higher/ lower differences for Pareto 2023 vs Pareto 202
Base: 900 (Pareto); 501 (BCT)
Ideal Romania on Needstates map in 2023:
BCT vs Paretos

Enables power to
change things, being
practical and strong
at what I do


Enables progress &

development, strong
achievements and

Base: 900 (Pareto); 501 (BCT)

Darker/ lighter colour = top/ complementary descriptors for the category.
Although largely satisfied with the quality of
their lives, Pareto Romanians are much more
reserved in recommending Romania as a
country to live in
If Romania was a service provider, its user experience would have scored very low.

Paretos have a more acute sense of macroeconomic distress signals (more educated and
in-tune with current events).

Sensing the uncertainty related to the proximity to a conflict zone, Paretos “assessed” Romania
in 2022 with a lower NPS with not much shift in 2023.

The general population showed a more stable NPS in 2022, but in 2023 the net recommendation
score plummeted to -22.

Recommending Romania as a place to live

NPS* = 4 -16 -17 Index vs BCT

25% 96
39% 28%
Promoters (9-10)
Neutrals (7-8) 28% 126
Detractors (0-6) 26%

35% 43% 88

Pareto 2021 Pareto 2022 Pareto 2023

*NPS = Net Promoter Score, calculated as (% Promoters - % Detractors) x 100

<0 indicates an unsatisfactory level
>0 indicates a satisfactory level
>20 indicates a positive level.
> 50 indicates an excellent level
> 80 indicates a top level

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 900 (Pareto population) / 501 (BCT)
The decline in optimism about Romania’s
potential is reflected emigration intention
All Paretos are likely to be reserved about recommending Romania, but the younger generations
are very pessimistic. This should trigger an alarm bell, as young people are also more likely to
emigrate followed by 35-44 generation.

Next year Next 5 years

Migration intention
(% Pareto 2023)
63% 56% 58% 43%

18% Certainly not

19% Probably not
22% 19%
24% Might or might not
9% 19% 14%
Probably will
3% 3% 5% 10%
3% 3% 4% 5% Certainly will
2021 2023 2021 2023

2023 Next year Next 5 years

intention Low Pareto

-socio-demo details- High Pareto

(B2B% Pareto 2023)

NSP Women
-socio-demo details-
(NSP Pareto 2023)
18-24 yo

25-34 yo

35-44 yo

45-54 yo
55-65 yo

Managerial position
Non-managerial position


Base: 175 (Pareto population 2021) / 900 (Pareto population 2023)

Despite statistical evidence, only half of Pareto
believe that Romania's overall development
has improved after joining EU
... And this is the full side of the glass. BCT is much less satisfied regarding Romania’s evolution
after joining EU across all evaluated areas.

Again, given the measurable facts about Romania’s evolution since EU accession, this
surprisingly negative evolution could be explained by perception drivers such as the “Schengen
humiliation” or/and successful Eurosceptic propaganda.

Romania's evolution after

joining the European Union
(% Pareto 2023)
vs BCT*

Romania evolution after EU 26% 23% 51% 169

Opportunity to travel 7% 16% 77% 180

Services provided by private operators 11% 27% 62% 181

Public space 13% 27% 60% 143

Diversity and quality of job opportunities 17% 25% 58% 159

Average income 20% 26% 54% 161

Access to quality healthcare services 20% 33% 47% 153

Access to quality education 24% 39% 38% 126

Public administration services 26% 38% 35% 172

Ability to buy a home 36% 30% 34% 136

Worse The same Better *Index vs BCT for “Better”

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 900 (Pareto 2023) / 501 (BCT 2023)
We see a strange picture: Romanians
evaluation for the components of Romania’s
performance has improved, while overall
recommandation as a country to live in has
This is an indication that the more pessimistic feeling is not corresponding with actual erosion of
internal performance pillars, but possibly with external ones (such as the war near our border).
And again we should not rule out the potential negative effects of Eurosceptic propaganda.

Romania’s performance 2021 2023

% top (8+9+10) Pareto

45% 47%
39% 36% 34% 34%

Romania’s Safety Future opportunities Family friendly

advocates “I feel very safe in “Children who are born “Romania is the best
“I would definitely Romania” in Romania have a real location to raise a
recommend Romania” opportunity to achieve family”

Index vs BCT Index vs BCT Index vs BCT Index vs BCT

2023: 96 2023: 138 2023: 116 2023: 112

25% 22% 23%
18% 11%
14% 12%

Good business hub Nation cohesion Sustainability Education system

“Romania has a great “Romania is a very “Romania is an “I am satisfied with the
business environment cohesive nation” environmentally friendly education system, and
for the growing country” how the children are
start-up ecosystem” taught”

Index vs BCT Index vs BCT Index vs BCT Index vs BCT

2023: 135 2023: 102 2023: 115 2023: 114

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 175 (Pareto population 2021) / 900 (Pareto population 2023)
Paretos’ perceived quality of life is depicted
through the analysis of 10 key related
There are countless studies whose purpose is to measure the perception of living standards.
Current consensus is that the best way to measure to ask a single question, in which the
respondent is asked to place their life on a 0 to 10 ladder, from from the worst to the best life
possible. By asking then ratings for other indicators and correlating these indicators with the
quality of life measure, the impact of each component can be derived statistically.

This is the approach of the current study as well:

The quality of life has been measured in a simple and direct way. Then, using statistical
methods, we have analysed the impact of 10 key indicators to the overall quality of life
perception. The palette encompasses major areas of focus that have been proven in
sociological research to play a significant role.


Environmental Income


Quality of life
Safety in
their city Personal

Local leisure
Work, job

Free time
Satisfaction* for the 10 key pillars
that build the standards of living.
A detailed analysis of satisfaction and importance of each of the components of life quality
is offered in the full report.


Environmental Income


Quality of life
Safety in
their city Personal

Local leisure
Work, job

Free time

Satisfaction Pareto (2021, 2022, 2023)

2021 2022 2023


Personal relations

Work, job


Free time


Environmental quality

Local leisure activities


Safety in their city

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
*The satisfaction is measured on a 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is Not satisfied at all and
10 is Very satisfied. The scores presented in the chart above are the average scores
registered across all waves.
Vol 1 Meet the
Who are the Paretos?
Living in Romania
Paretos as consumers

#inner motivations
#career & family
#body & mind
Where would they invest 100k RON tomorrow?
Pareto & BCT think alike on seeing real estate and business as primary investment options. The
two targets differ a lot in other aspects. Paretos look more towards stock market and bonds,
while BCT sees more the sum of 100k RON as an option for dealing with a desirable expense (eps.
a household upgrade/renovation).


67% More 35-44 yo

women Index
vs BCT

100 More 55-65 yo

90 184
232 130 108 101 74

INVESTMENT Real estate Bussines Stock, Government Crypto Glod Green Forex
funds bonds Silver energy

More women

20% Among 25-34

yo High Paretos
90 264
68 174 56 26 13

EXPENSE House In a car Paying Personal Kids' education Holidays Health Family
renovations debts development expenses

82 110
133 176



Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 814 (Pareto population)
Paretos earn twice more than the general public
Paretos have increased their earnings by Higher earning Paretos are more likely:
about 15% vs last year. The highest increase
• men 35-44 yo (age peak);
is on High Paretos.
• from larger cities;
Moreover, we noticed an increasing • in a leadership position (business owner,

revenue disparity between men and self-employed, manager).

women (2k RON for Paretos, 1k RON for BCT;

doubling the gap from 2022).

Change vs 2022 +15% increase

Personal Paretos 2023 INDEX vs BCT

NET income 7.169 RON 199

Personal monthly NET income averages by target groups (RON)

(average value Pareto 2023)

2021 2022 2023


Low Pareto
High Pareto


18-24 yo
25-34 yo
35-44 yo
45-54 yo
55-65 yo

East & SE
Center & West
Bucharest & IF

Owner/ self-employed
Employee in private sector
Employee in public sector

Manage a team
Not manage a team

Have kids
No kids

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Innovation Adopters vs BCT & Pareto
Base: 900 (Pareto population)
25% of Paretos can cover 5-10k RON from own
savings compared to less than 10% in the
general commercial target.
Paretos’ have the ability to cover unexpected expenses noteworthy more vs BCT. While at least
25% of Paretos can cover up to 10k RON easily, only 15% are able to cover high expenses over 25k
RON without a loan.

Ability to cover expenses from own savings

(% Pareto 2023)

Index vs Index vs Index vs


5% 392
10% 222
25% 264

among men 58% 200
among 28% 144
45-55 yo

More 85%
<34 yo 90

26% 103

48% 67
16% 35 <34 yo

Small expenses Medium expenses High expenses

(500 - 2k RON) (5k - 10k RON) (25k - 100k RON)

I can without issues

I can but it will disrupt my finances

Cannot do it without a loan

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 900 (Pareto population)/ 501 (BCT)
Paretos needstates differ by category
Banking is about control and independence. Personal care is a way of expressing one’s
uniqueness, while alcoholic beverages and Snacks are about joyfulness and pleasure.
Supermarkets are the routine that enables surprising dear ones, Dairies are about calm and
discipline. Soft drinks are a social lubricant and the Workplace is where they need appreciation,
respect and to be valued.

The full report presents needstates map for the ideal product or service in each of these

Banking services Personal care Alcoholic Supermarket

& beauty beverages

Dairy products Juices Salty snacks Workplace

The digital openness of Paretos is clear in
any category FMCG and non-FMCG
Paretos are door openers for e-commerce, significantly more present in the online stores than
BCT. The over-indexes in groceries and alco beverages bring good news for online platforms
which shall be on an emerging trend.

The Paretos online shopping incidence 2022 2023

- Sorted by decreasing affinity index –

Index vs BCT

Books 176

Furniture & HH 31%

decorations 30%

Home appliances 46%

& electronics 48%

Fashion items* 51% 145

HH care 30%
products FMCG 34% 135

Toys 133

Sports 30%
products 24%

Groceries & 28%

NA beverages 22%

Alco 22%
FMCG 18%
Decline explained by the
Personal care 44% increasing proportion of males
& perfumes 101 within the Pareto segment
FMCG 38%

DIY products for 24%

home & garden 20%

*Asked only in 2023

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: approx. 330 (Pareto population)
“A balance of price and quality”
is a holy grail for most Romanians
Paretos preserve this attitude, with a slightly higher quality inclination than BCT.

Price vs quality in acquisitions

(% Pareto 2023)

Index vs

11% 160
More likely to be
high Paretos

Looking for higher quality at the expense

of price

Looking for a price/quality balance

81% 113

Looking for the lowest price

8% 38

Pareto 2023

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 900 (Pareto population)/ 501 (BCT)
Vol 1 Meet the

What’s in the full report

Socio-demo profiling including gender, age, location, education, marital
status, children, size of household etc.

Key needs, fears, motivations, barriers etc detailed by demo profile.

Detailed attitudes to career, parenting, leisure, nutrition and self-care.

The size, structure and sources of Paretos’ income by comparison to the

broad commercial target

Details about their large expenses, property ownership, insurance and


Needstates map for ideal brand in financial services, personal & beauty
care, alco beverages, supermarkets, DYI stores.

Online and offline shopping channels incidence by key category

Usages of Gadgets, Apps, Retailer brands (online and offline), DYI stores,
media channels, going out and travelling.

Ky changes over the last three years

Vol 2 Innovation
A pen portrait of the
innovation adopters
In the following, we analyze in depth the Pareto
Innovation Adopters (IAs):
Those that, on top of a more innovative
mindset, have also more money to act on it.



FMCG Early Tech Early

Adopter + Early Adopter + Early
Majority Majority
We have measured the openness to innovation
In two areas: tech and packaged consumer
There are 3x more Early Adopter Paretos in tech, the role of income is less crucial when it comes
to the willingness to explore and try out FMCG innovations.

Tech Packaged
(Pareto 2021, 2022, 2023) consumer goods
(Pareto 2021, 2022, 2023)

Index vs Index vs
BCT 2023 BCT 2023

7% 303 9% 4% 106
10% 10%% 11%

22% 28% 97 126

32% 35% 31%

25% 34% 132
23% 40% 136

35% 33% 31% 73 33%

25% 59

2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023

Early Adopters: Like to try new Late Majority: Prefer getting feedback
products before other people do before trying something new

Early Majority: Like the experience Laggards: Tend to use familiar

of trying new products brands and products

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 900 (Pareto); 527 (BCT)
We identify 4 types of attitudes towards
innovation. Innovation Adopters are those with
a more innovative mentality both in tech and

How we defined the groups

Early Adopter Early Majority Late Majority Laggards

Early Adopter Innovation Adopters = those

in TECH Tech Majority = those that usually
that usually try before others try before others and like the
and like the varied experiences, varied experience for tech, not for
Early Majority for both tech & FMCG

Late Majority FMCG Majority = those that The Skeptical = those that stick to
in TECH usually try before others and like familiar and wait for others to try
the varied experience for FMCG, first in both categories, tech &
Laggards not for tech FMCG

Sizing the groups within BCT & Pareto


61% 10% 57%


Innovation Adopters Tech Majority FMCG Majority The Skeptical

Green marks significantly higher differences vs. next target (Innovation

Adopters vs. Pareto; Pareto vs. BCT), tested at 95% confidence level
Base: 271 (The Innovation Adopters), 900 (Pareto), 501 (BCT)
Innovation Adopters share the same core
values as Paretos and over-index on Trust and
Self Development

I consider trust as highly valuable in the society, to be able to

count on those around.

I feel the need for knowledge and growth by progressing and

developing in what I do.

Values in life

Innovation Adopters Pareto BCT

Family 64% 70% 77%

Fairness 64% 58% 56%
Respect 52% 55% 54%
Kindness 49% 51% 57%
Trust 46% 39% 43%
Freedom 44% 40% 34%
Loyalty 40% 41% 31%
Responsibility 37% 39% 31%
Friendship 33% 37% 31%
Self-development 32% 28% 19%
Balance 27% 25% 30%
Faith 26% 26% 42%
Modesty 21% 22% 31%
Optimism 20% 23% 25%
Tolerance 16% 15% 11%
Creativity 14% 15% 13%
Perseverance 12% 11% 11%
Uniqueness 4% 6% 5%

Green marks significantly higher differences vs. next target (Innovation Adopters vs.
Pareto; Pareto vs. BCT), tested at 95% confidence level
Base: 271 (The Innovation Adopters), 900 (Pareto), 501 (BCT)
Innovation Adopters’ share the same fears
but are more likely to fear mediocrity

Not being able to surpass themselves and mediocrity, getting lost in the
crowd are defining fears for Innovation Adopters. They are also more
likely to be preoccupied about the planet versus Paretos and the general

Fears in life
Innovation Pareto BCT

No Help for dear ones 51% 57% 56%

Disease 51% 54% 52%

Financial instability 48% 47% 45%

Mediocrity 37% 28% 20%

Imbalance 36% 35% 35%

Loneliness 33% 37% 36%

Failure 29% 29% 30%

Lose joy of life 28% 28% 36%

Disappointment 26% 32% 33%

Fear of death 23% 26% 23%

Planet/pollution fear 23% 16% 19%

Common 14% 11% 14%

Green marks significantly higher differences vs. next target (Innovation Adopters vs.
Pareto; Pareto vs. BCT), tested at 95% confidence level
Base: 271 (The Innovation Adopters), 900 (Pareto), 501 (BCT)
Vol 2 Innovation

What’s in the full report

#socio-demo profiling
#career & family
#about Romania
#their attitudes and beliefs in a range of issues from shopping to
nutrition, investments, work, wellbeing, sustainability
#evaluating innovation appetite in retail and beverages.
Vol 3 Banking
Financial profiling
Building the ideal bank
Banking products
Banks adoption funnel
Banks perception
Two Pareto tiers
We have split the Paretos in two subgroups (Lower and Higher) based on income.

The Higher Pareto population is slightly male skewed, most likely to live in Bucharest & Ilfov.
They are better educated and mostly in the 25-44 yo age tier.

The Lower Pareto population is more balanced in terms of gender & age, living more in
medium-sized cities.

70% 30%

Low Pareto Index BCT High Pareto Index BCT

Who are they?
Men 56% 114 62% 127
Women 44% 87 38% 74
18-24 yo 12% 88 12% 86
25-34 yo 25% 120 26% 125
35-44 yo 22% 86 31% 120
45-54 yo 27% 109 18% 71
55-65 yo 13% 91 13% 93

Where they live?

East & SE 18% 61 19% 61
South 24% 113 19% 87
Center & West 37% 105 32% 91
Bucharest & IF 21% 157 31% 234
Rural 26% 60 26% 60
Small urban 12% 80 15% 98
Mid urban 23% 141 11% 70
Big urban 19% 151 18% 141
Bucharest & Ilfov 20% 155 30% 229

How much they earn?

HH income 11,351 171 18,972 285
HH income per capita 4,185 188 7,092 319
Personal income 5,805 161 10,410 289

How educated are?

Low (vocational) 2% 12 3% 19
Mid (highschool, college) 25% 59 25% 58
High (BA) 45% 156 36% 125
Super high (MA, PHD, MBA) 28% 195 36% 253

How do they live?

Members in HH (avg) 3.1 90 3.1 90
% having kids 44% 83 41% 77
Live in 3+ rooms flat 28% 166 24% 144

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 625 (Low Pareto 2023); 275 (High Pareto 2023); 501 (BCT 2023)
Paretos manage their earnings mostly as a
couple. 7 out of 10 also keep records of their
Paretos are more organized with their manner of recording their expenses through use of

69% of Paretos are recording HH

Expenses management in HH expenditure (72% of BCT)

Person in charge with Person in charge with

money allocation records
(% Pareto 2023) (% Pareto 2023)



Me and my partner
Shared money
Me and my partner
Each of us has his 34%
16% My partner
own money
6% Parents 5%
4% My Partner
1% 5%

Pareto 2023 Pareto 2023

Manner of Check bank statements 36%

recording expenses
(% Pareto 2023) Keep mental notes/memorize 30%

Write on a notebook 27%

In Excel 26%

Use a software 13%

Keep the receipts 12%

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 900 (Pareto); 501 (BCT 2023)
Three quarters of Paretos are able to recurrently
make savings (1.5x more than BCT)
One quarter of Paretos make savings of over one quarter of the monthly HH income

Ability to save money from HH income

(% Pareto 2023)

answer, 5%

Yes, 77% vs BCT
Index No, 18% 149
vs BCT

Source of money for extra/unforeseen expenses

(% Pareto 2023)

Index vs BCT 142 91

Loans from friends/acquaintances 25% 75%

Index vs BCT 88 105

Bank loan 27% 73%

Index vs BCT 77 118

Overdraft 34% 66%

Index vs BCT 110 75

Pawnshops 78% 22%

Index vs BCT 102 77

Loan from usurer 94% 6%

Never At least once

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 900 (Pareto); 501 (BCT 2023)
Savings enable Paretos to prepare for the
unforeseen as most Romanians seek security.
As seen before, most Paretos save currently, and even more intend to increase their savings.
Apart preparing for the unforeseen, they also want to upkeep a good standard of living for
themselves and their family in older days.

SAVINGS: current vs. planned

(% Pareto 2023)

Current Planned

Index 160 139 123 110 107 90

vs BCT


45% Ratio Ratio Ratio

Current / Current / Current /
Planned: Planned: Planned:
0.79 0.64 0.62

Have savings Have savings Have savings Want to save Want to save Want to save
for unforeseen for retirement for children money for money for money for
events unforeseen retirement children

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Base: 900 (Pareto); 501 (BCT 2023)
Most Paretos are heavy users of
mobile banking
Mobile banking is part of everyday life, used several time per week to daily, especially by 25-34
age target and High Paretos.

Frequency of usage in mobile banking

(% Pareto 2023 vs 2022)

2022 9% 0.5% 7% 18% 26% 39%

2023 6% 2% 4% 20% 33% 36%

Not using mobile banking Less than once a month

Less than once a week 1-3 times per week
4-6 times per week Daily

Heavy to light in Index vs BCT
mobile banking 5%
Medium users
Heavy users
6% Light users
(% Pareto 2023) Non-users

Particularities by demographics within Pareto

(% Pareto 2023)

Profile All Pareto Non-users Light users Medium users Heavy users
All Pareto 100% 6% 5% 20% 69%
Men 58% 55% 67% 49% 61%
Women 42% 45% 33% 51% 39%
18-24 yo 12% 10% 17% 13% 17%
25-34 yo 25% 28% 20% 1% 30%
35-44 yo 25% 29% 18% 13% 17%
45-54 yo 24% 22% 30% 40% 23%
55-65 yo 13% 11% 15% 32% 13%
Low Pareto 70% 68% 80% 79% 63%
High Pareto 30% 32% 20% 21% 37%

Ppts: significantly higher/ lower differences vs all Pareto

Index: values >= 115 denoting higher scores for Pareto vs BCT
Ppts: significantly higher/ lower differences for Pareto 2023 vs Pareto 2022
Base: 900 (Pareto), 501 (BCT)
Banking insights:
What’s in the full report
A comprehensive chapter detailing BCT, Pareto and Innovation Adopters habits and attitudes
for the main main financial services and banking products.

Pareto financial profiling

Usage and perceptions about Banking products

Main banks adoption funnel.

Main banking brands image and perceptions

Data available for ING, Raiffeisen, BT, BRD, BCR, CEC Bank, Revolut, Unicredit Bank, OTP
Bank, Libra Bank, Alpha Bank and First Bank
Pareto Partner Report
Pareto Banking Report
Pareto Gold Report
Pareto Silver Report
Depending on your needs and research
budgets, we have organized the data in
distinct products:

Pareto Partner
Pareto Banking
Pre-signed partnership, 2 Report
seats available
Tailor 1 chapter on your Size definitory data around
business view measured banking: products incidence
across Paretos, BCT & EAs and profiling, digitalisation in
banking, brands funnel,
Have exclusive access to
brand image and financial
your category data
Have influence on project
+ The Full Gold Report
+ The Full Gold Report

Pareto Gold Pareto Silver

Report Report
Detailed report for in-depth Summed-up report for
understanding of the understanding Pareto
behavior and attitudes of the Population vs BCT.
Pareto Population vs BCT.
Key extracts from Innovation
Dedicated volume on Adopters and Emerging
Innovation Adopters. Trends.
Full dedicated new volume
on Emerging Trends
This is a snapshot of our report and
feedback from our clients

“The Pareto Report is an excellent tool for understanding market trends that are
emerging now and shall cascade down and influence the whole market. The insights
are clear, detailed and precise, with true commercial value.” Marketing &
Communication Director for one of top 5 banks in Romania

We are operating in a rapidly changing environment, where adapting strategies has

become a vital condition for success. In this context, it is crucial to have comprehensive
information about your consumers – this is the only way management teams may
uncover truly distinctive insights that can create impact, before competitor do. Having a
vision on top20% highest income Romanians, the Pareto Report gives precisely this
advantage, providing an unique perspective on emerging cues. Marketing Director for
one of top dairy companies
Strategic insight into
the most valuable 20%

Thank you

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