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UNIT 1A — EXTRA COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Sweet Love Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What would be the best alternative title for the reading? a) Hooked on Sugar b) How the Body Stores Sugar ¢) Illnesses Caused by Sugar 2. According to the information in paragraph A, a) sugar is more addictive than most drugs b) most tasty foods contain some sugar ) good feelings begin as soon as sugar is ingested 3. Which of the following does Richard Johnson NOT say for certain about sugar? a) It is not the only cause of high blood pressure. b) It is the main cause of many illnesses. ¢)_ Itis at least one cause of health problems. 4, In paragraph D, the author implies that a) food makers are trying to cut back on sugar b) some foods that are advertised as healthy are not ©) it has become easier to avoid sugars in foods 5. The author discusses ways to fight sugar addiction in a) Paragraph A b) Paragraph D ©) Paragraph E UNIT 1B - EXTRA COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Food for the Future Exercise 1. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. In paragraph A, the author warns that a) the Lumper potato may be affected again b) dependence on one crop is dangerous ¢) plant diseases could cause a worldwide famine 2. Farmers today are focused on a) developing new varieties of plants b) producing the maximum amount of food ©) growing crops that can resist climate change 62 3. The author mentions the Philippines and China as places where a) the number of crop varieties has dropped by 50% b) new types of seeds have replaced the old ones ¢) far fewer plant varieties are being grown today 4. In which position — [1], [2], or [3] — should this sentence be added to this section of paragraph E? ‘They store many thousands of historic variety seeds in walk-in coolers, freezers, and root cellars. In the U.S. state of lowa, Diane Ott Whealy and her husband founded Heritage Farm—a place where people can store and trade seeds. [1] Initially, Ott Whealy wanted to preserve historic plant varieties, like the seeds her great-grandfather brought to the United States more than 100 years ago from Germany. [2] But the people at Heritage Farm don't just store the seeds; they plant them. (3] By doing this, they are reintroducing foods into the marketplace that haven't been grown for years. a) [aL b) [2] (3) 5. The word ‘thi seeds. a) storing b) trading ¢) planting in paragraph E, li 6. What is the tone of the author? a) optimistic b) informative ©) humorous Exercise 2. What do the words in the text refer to? (Lines of paragraphs should be counted separately for each paragraph.) 1. In paragraph B, line 3, some refers to some species 2. In paragraph D, line 6, he refers to Nikolay Vavilov 3. In paragraph D, line 7, others refers to other scientists 4. In paragraph E, line 13, they refers to the people at Heritage Farm 63 UNIT 1A & 1B — VOCABULARY REVISION Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the table given and make the necessary changes. There are two extra words. scale cut down on facility seed flavor obvious extinct solely historic continent 1. Itis obvious that Paul is in love with Liz. He cannot hide his feelings for her. 2. This product will be sold on a global scale soon. It will be placed on the market in almost every country, 3. If you want to lose weight, you should cut down on fatty foods. Instead, you should consume vegetables and fruits more. This program helps to preserve historic buildings in small countries as they are of great value. | didn’t like its taste. The flavor was like peaches, but not as sweet Farmers need to have supplies such as seed, fertilizer, tractors etc. to grow crops. There is no chance of seeing a dinosaur in their natural habitat because they became extinct millions of years ago. Moye 8. Itis not reasonable to expect one person to be solely responsible for fundraising or campaigning at all. It is a team work Extra words: facility, continent Exercise 2. Match the words on the left with the prepositions on the right. You can use the ns more than once. Words Prepositions 1. addicted b a. in 2. efficient afc b. to 3. quality d © at 4. variety = d d. of 5. suggestion b/e e. on Exercise 3. Now, complete the sentences with the word-preposi n matches from the table above. This market is famous for an amazing variety of fresh fish. You can find almost every type of fish. My kids are addicted to chocolate. Nothing can stop them from eating some chocolate every day. The manager provided a valuable suggestion on how to organize the project tasks more effectively Phoenix's low population contributes to the high quality of life. You can lead a happy life there. Unlike today's machinery, the workers’ equipment was not efficient in/at finding gold, so they wasted their time and money. yeep Exercise 4. Fill in the chart with the correct word forms. Some categories can have more than one form. Use a dictionary if necessary. An X indicates there is no form in that category or it is not asked. Noun Verb ‘Adverb addiction x x addictiveness addicted efficiency x efficient efficiently inefficiency ine! efficiently variety vary, various variously variation variably invariably producer produce productive productively production unproductive unproductively product productivity unproductivity recommendation recommend recommended x suggest suggested x Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word given in brackets from the chart. 1. Salaries of managers in this company may vary because of differences in duties and responsibilities. (VARIETY) 2. Every year, the most productive members of the staff are rewarded by financial bonuses. (PRODUCE) 3. The team brainstormed several suggestions to make the project more streamlined and productive. (suGGeEsT) 4. If you're looking to save time on your daily commute, | would recommend taking the express train instead of the local one. (RECOMMENDATION) 5. Scientists have a good explanation of why people continue to smoke: cigarettes are highly addi (ADDICTION) 6. The engineer suggested updating the software as the manufacturing process turned out to be efficient. (EFFICIENCY) UNIT 1A — ADDITIONAL READING PRACTICE Read the text below and answer the following questions. ‘Sweets from around the World Since the beginning of time, people have enjoyed foods that taste sweet. Originally, desserts were made from local, naturally sweet foods like fruit, nuts, and honey. However, during the Middle Ages, sugar from sugarcane plants began to be traded around the world. This provided a new ingredient for making sweets. At that time, sugar was something only the rich could afford to buy. But by the 19th century, sugar-filled desserts were being mass produced in factories and sold to common, everyday people 65 Today, you can find aisles of sweet treats in almost any grocery store. There is no end to the cookies, cakes, chocolates, candy, ice cream, puddings, and pies that you can buy. But around the world, you can still find desserts that are unique—desserts that represent certain cultures or places. For example, churros from Latin America are fried dough sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. Fried plantains (a kind of banana) are a sweet treat in certain parts of Africa. Pastries made with honey and pistachio nuts can be found in the Middle East. And bean curd cookies are sold in Asia. These desserts are made from local ingredients, and local people have been eating them for generations. How people eat dessert is different from place to place. Some people see dessert as an occasional treat~ ~something they do not eat very often, maybe only as part of a celebration. Others have dessert on a daily basis, and perhaps even more than one dessert a day. Some people call a piece of fruit dessert. Others may eat leftover cake or cookies for breakfast. Although the way people eat dessert and the ingredients of the dessert may differ from place to place, one thing is certain. People will never stop enjoying a bit of something sweet. 1. What is the purpose of the passage? a) totella story b) togive information c) to compare cultures d) to explain a process 2. What is the first paragraph mainly about? a) how to make sugar b) the history of desserts ©) the first kinds of desserts 4d) when factories began making dessert 3. In the second paragraph, what does the word ‘unique’ mean? a) special, not like any other b) traded around the world c} small in size 4) very sweet 4, Inthe fifth sentence of the final paragraph, what does the word ‘Others’ refer to? a) fruit b) people ©) cookies d) ingredients 5. What does the passage say is true about most people? a) They eat the same amount of desserts. b) They eat the same kinds of desserts. ¢) They only eat local desserts. d) They like desserts. 66 UNIT 1B —- ADDITIONAL READING PRACTICE Read the text below and answer the following questions. Taking the Right Steps Since ancient times, people have used Earth’s natural resources to grow food. Farmers look for the best places to plant their crops. Yet, the land is not always right for farming. It can be too dry, too wet, or too rugged. If the land is not suited for farming, people change it. They reshape it. They build dams or cut down forests. The Incas were expert farmers who changed their land. The Incas were an ancient people who lived in South America. They built a vast empire of 12 million people. These people lived among the snowy Andes mountains. There was not a lot of flat land to farm on. Farming on a hillside was a bad idea. Water runs downhill when it rains. The water can cause erosion, or wearing away of the soil. When the soil is worn away, it takes valuable nutrients with it. Plants cannot grow. To feed millions of people, the Incas had to create something new. So they invented a form of farming called terrace, or step, farming. The Incas changed their land by digging into it. They carved huge steps into the sides of the mountains. They stacked stones around each step to make a solid wall. Then they filled in the space behind the walls with soil. This made flat places to plant crops. When flowing rainwater reached a terrace, it slowed down and soaked into the soil. The water helped crops grow. The walls in terrace farming also helped control erosion. The plants grew well. From far away, these terrace farms looked like a living staircase. The Incas grew corn, potatoes, and quinoa. Quinoa is a grain they used to make cereal, flour, and soups. Today, people all over the world use terrace farming to grow crops. In Asia, rice grows in terraced fields called paddies. In Europe, grapes and olives grow on terrace farms. 1. What is the passage mainly about? a) the culture of the Incas b) the history of the Incas ¢) amethod of farming d) how to grow grain 2. In the first paragraph, what does the phrase ‘suited for’ mean? a) to have the right conditions b) to use for another purpose ©) to buy from someone else 4d) to not agree on something 67 3. Inthe passage, what is NOT mentioned about the Incas? a) They built a large empire. b) They were expert farmers. ¢) They lived in the Andes mountains. d) They ate only grains and vegetables. 4. Inthe passage, what is NOT mentioned about terrace farming? a) It provides flat spaces to grow crops. b) It is used to grow any kind of crop. ¢) It slows down rain water. d) It controls soil erosion. 5. Which paragraph gives other examples of places where terrace farming takes place? a) the first paragraph b) the second paragraph ©) the fourth paragraph d) the final paragraph UNIT 2A — EXTRA COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Song of the Humpback Exercise 1. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What would be the best alternative title for the reading? a) Singers of the Sea b) The Lighthearted Whale ¢) The Most Intelligent Whale 2. What does Douglas Chadwick say about the humpback song he heard when he was a) It was the first humpback song he had ever heard. b) He has been recording songs like that for years. ©) He heard them in a very physical way when diving. Darling? 3. The experiment described in paragraph D indicated that a)_male humpbacks sing to warn other males b) it was possible for people to understand the songs ¢) female humpbacks are not attracted by the song 4, The word ‘they’ in paragraph D, line 7 refers to a) scientists b) male humpbacks ©) female humpbacks 5. Which of the following is a true statement about humpback whales? a) Their songs are different in different parts of the world. b) Whales in the same group have different songs. ¢) Whales only sing during breeding season. 68 Exercise 2. What do the words in the text refer to? (Lines of paragraphs should be counted separately for each paragraph.) 1. In paragraph A, line 12, one refers to one humpback (whale| 2. In paragraph B, line 9, my refers to. Chadwick's 3. In paragraph C, line 2, it refers to the whale (Chadwick swam with 4. In paragraph E, line 3, they refers to humpback whale songs UNIT 2B — EXTRA COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS. The 1,000-Year Bird Song Exercise 1. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What is the main idea of this passage? a) The songs of swamp sparrows have changed little for centuries. b) Conformist bias was once thought to be unique to humans ) Development is threatening many species of birds in the U.S. 2. The word ‘their’ in paragraph B, line 2 refers to a) adult swamp sparrows b) baby swamp sparrows ©) human children 3. In which position — [1], [2], or [3] — should this sentence be added to paragraph B? ‘Scientists even suggest that these sparrows preserve their cultural traditions as efficiently as humans do, if not more so.’ Like humans, baby swamp sparrows learn to communicate by copying adults. From a young age, they learn to copy, or mimic, songs sung by their elders. [1] “Swamp sparrows very rarely make mistakes when they learn their songs,” says biologist Robert Lachlan. [2] In fact, their mimicry is so accurate that the music changes little between generations. [3] a) [1] b) [2] ¢) 131 4, What does the author mean when he writes ‘They don’t just learn songs at random’ in paragraph C, line 2? a) There is a pattern to the way they learn songs. b) Not all of the sparrows sing accurately. ) It takes a long time for baby sparrows to learn songs. 5. What would the topic of the paragraph following this passage most likely be? a) An example of how another species preserves its cultural traditions. b) A description of how human development affects other species. ¢) An explanation for how conformist bias works with other species 69 Exercise 2. What do the words in the text refer to? (Lines of paragraphs should be counted separately for each paragraph.) 1. In paragraph A, line 3, their refers to swamp sparrows’ 2. In paragraph E, line 6, there refers to in the marshes of North America 3. In paragraph G, line 1, he refers to Andrew Farnsworth UNIT 2A & 2B - VOCABULARY REVISION Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the table given and make necessary changes. stable apparently accurate aspect season exchange impact barrier 1. In a(n) exchange of ideas, team members contribute their thoughts to find innovative solutions to challenges. 2. The timing of the breeding season is important for birds to maximize the number of the young. It lasts from late spring until late summer, depending on temperature. 3. Apparently, it was a really good party. Everybody had a lot of fun singing and dancing. 4. Winning this competition had a big impact on my life. Everything has changed since then. 5. The marketing team discussed every aspect of the new advertising campaign to ensure its success. 6. The police were able to catch the attacker thanks to her accurate description of him. 7. Fuel prices have become more stable after several increases last year. Nowadays, there is almost no change. 8. Alack of education is a(n) barrier to many good jobs. Without education it is difficult to find a good job. Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions. Words Meanings 1. aware ob a. correct 2. record =e b. realizing or knowing that something exists 3. accurate a ¢. having no information about 4. evolved d. to develop and change over a long period of time 5. unknown ¢ e. to store sounds so that they can be listened to again 70 Exercise 3. Fill in the chart with the correct word forms. Some categories can have more than one form. Use a dictionary if necessary. An X indicates there is no form in that category or it is not asked. Noun Verb ‘Adjective Adverb experience experience experienced x inexperience inexperienced interaction interact interactive interactively interactivity combination ‘combine combined x creation create creative creatively creator appearance appear apparent apparently curiosity x curious curiously impact impact impactful impactfully Exercise 4. Choose the correct word in italics to complete the sentences. 1. She's too young and experienced / inexperienced to go abroad on her own. She needs a companion. 2. The teacher encouraged students to ask questions and explore their curious / curiosity about the world. 3. Our school encourages interactive / interaction teaching methods. 4, Walt Disney, the creator / creation of Mickey Mouse, was one of the pioneers of the American animation industry. 5. The problems in our company were due to a combination /combined of bad management and lack of experience 6. Despite her confident apparent / appearance, she was feeling nervous about giving the presentation. 7. The scientist's impactful / impact research in the field of renewable energy has the potential to revolutionize the industry. UNIT 2A — ADDITIONAL READING PRACTICE Read the text below and answer the following questions. ‘A Fascinating Creature Which sea creature eats most of its food during the summer, likes to sing and dance, and is as big as a bus? If you guessed the humpback whale, you are correct. The humpback whale is truly an amazing creature, Humpback whales live in groups called pods. Pods swim in oceans all over the world, spending summer months along the coastlines. There they feed on krill (a small, shrimp-like animal), plankton (a sea plant), and other small fish. They use a filtering system to eat. Water flows into their mouths through two rows of baleen plates. The plates catch food but let the water back out. Then the food goes to the whale’s stomach to be digested. nm During the winter months, humpbacks swim to warmer waters near the equator to mate. When humpbacks mate, the male humpbacks often “sing” to attract the females. Once a female becomes pregnant, it takes about a year before its baby is born. Newborn humpbacks stay close by their mothers. Scientists have noticed that mother and baby always seem to be touching each other—perhaps as a sign of affection. Humpback whales are known for leaping out of the water. Scientists do not know whether they do this just for fun, or for a more practical reason, such as to clean themselves. In either case, the whales use their large tail fins, or flukes, to throw themselves out of the water and into the air, before landing with a big splash There are about 30,000 to 40,000 humpback whales today. Scientists keep track of individual whales by looking at the white markings on their bellies. Each whale has unique markings, so scientists are able to identify it. Scientists gather information such as the whale’s size, its songs, and where it travels to. Thanks to scientists’ research, we continue to learn more about these fascinating creatures. = humpback whale (wegaptera novaeangiae) length 14 m (46 A) ~- Sk Re | 1. What do scientists know for sure about humpback whales? Smetres feet © 2010 ney Braise a) how to identify them b) why they leap out of the water ©) why babies and their mothers touch each other d) exactly how many humpbacks there are 2. Which word from the passage means “a small, shrimp-like animal”? a) pod b) kill ¢) fluke d) plankton 3. According to the second paragraph, what happens first when humpback whales eat? a) Water flows into their mouths b) Water flows out of their mouths ©) Food is digested in their stomachs d) Food is caught in the baleen plates 72 4. Inthe third paragraph, what does the phrase ‘a sign of affection’ mean? a) away a mother teaches its baby b) information about whales ¢)_ a marking on the whales d) away to show love 5. Inthe third sentence of the final paragraph, what does the word “t’ refer to? a) information b) research ©) whale d) size UNIT 2B — ADDITIONAL READING PRACTICE Read the text below and answer the following questions. Search and Rescue Dogs Humans and dogs have been living and working together for thousands of years. Because of their protective and playful nature, people often acquire dogs as pets for children. Dog owners have also found these domestic animals useful when they go hunting for wild animals. Today, because of their natural curiosity and excellent sense of smell, many dogs are being trained to help with a variety of search and rescue missions, for example, when a skier is lost in a snowy wilderness area or a child disappears in a huge national park. The first known use of dogs to help rescue people took place in the Great St. Bernard Pass, a route located in the mountains between Switzerland and Italy. There, hikers often became lost during bad winter weather. For many centuries, a group of religious men called monks ran a small hotel there where travelers could spend the night. In the 17th century, the monks began taking dogs with them when they went out to rescue lost travelers. They knew the dogs could use their sense of smell to locate people, but they soon discovered that the animals also had an excellent sense of direction, even when it was impossible to see anything through the blowing snow. Using dogs for search and rescue missions became common during the First World War. At that point, dogs were trained to help find injured fighters in the fields when the conflict stopped for a moment. Not every dog can do this complex and important work. The training can last up to two years, and trainers look for four qualities in the animals they choose. First of all, the dog must interact well with humans. Second, it must have a talent for keeping its awareness on one single thing for a long period of time. Third, it has to enjoy playing games, since the training involves constantly doing the same thing over and over. Finally, it must be obedient at all times. Dogs with these qualities have become a valuable part of many life-saving teams around the world. 73 1. What is the main purpose of the passage? a) to show how rescue dogs are trained b) to explain what makes a good rescue dog ¢) topresent some basic facts about rescue dogs d) to describe the history of the use of rescue dogs 2. Inthe second sentence of the first paragraph, what does the word ‘their’ refer to? a) people's b) dogs’ ) children’s 4) pets’ 3. According to the writer, which event occurred first? a) The monks discovered that the dogs had a good sense of direction. b) The monks began taking dogs with them on rescue missions. ¢) The monks opened a hotel in the Great St. Bernard Pass. d) The monks discovered that the dogs had an excellent sense of smell. 4, Inthe second paragraph, what does the phrase ‘took place’ mean? a) started b) failed ©) disappeared d) happened 5. What is the main idea of the final paragraph? a) Not all dogs make good rescue dogs. b) Rescue work is complex and demanding. ¢) Trainers choose only dogs that interact well with people. d) A dog that is easily bored will not make a good rescue dog. UNIT 3A — EXTRA COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Was King Tut Murdered? Exercise 1. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. The main purpose of this passage is to a) explore the mystery of King Tut's death b) show what research done in 1968 revealed about King Tut ©) discuss the discovery made in 1922 by Howard Carter 2. The word ‘amazing’ in paragraph B, line 2 is closest in meaning to a) valuable b) unidentified ©) incredible 74 The author does NOT mention damage to King Tut's, a) head b) hands o) leg Which of these discoveries about King Tut occurred first? a) He had difficulty walking because of disease. b) His body was attached to the gold in his coffin. ¢) Some of the bones in his chest were missing. Zahi Hawass discovered through DNA analysis that a) King Tut was probably married to his sister b) the people discovered nearby were not King Tut’s parents ©) King Tut’s mother and father were closely related In paragraph E, the word vulnerable is closest in meaning to a) secure b) dangerous c) unprotected “Through CT scans of King Tut’s mummy, scientists are learning more and more about how the boy-king lived, and how he might have died.” (photo caption on p. 40) What does the word “through” mean? a) from one side of an area to the other or between a group of things b) during and to the end of a period of time ) by means of a particular method “Carter's team discovered a beautifully painted box called sarcophagus, carved from a single piece of stone. Inside it were three mummy-shaped coffins, one inside the other.” (photo caption on p.41) What does the word “sarcophagus” refer to? a) a container for putting things in b) a small square to write information in ©) apiece of cloth for covering things Exercise 2. What do the words in the text refer to? (Lines of paragraphs should be counted separately for each paragraph.) 1. His (paragraph A, line 3) King Tutankhamen’s 2. There (paragraph A, line 5) in a gold-filled tomb 3. This (paragraph €, line 2) He suffered from flatfeet as well as a bone disease. 75 UNIT 3B — EXTRA COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Who Killed the Iceman? Exercise 1. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. The found with Otzi indicates that he was probably an important person. a) stone knife b) fire-starting kit ¢) copper ax 2. Which of these discoveries about Otzi occurred first? a) There was other people's blood on his clothing b) There was an arrowhead in his body. ¢) He had eaten a meal before he was killed. 3. Scientists today believe that Otzi died a) asa result of an attack b) because of the cold weather ¢)_ while fighting other people 4. In which position — [1], [2], of [3] — should this sentence be added to this section of paragraph G? ‘Itappears he had found a spot protected from the wind and was tranquilly digesting his meal, unaware of the danger he was in.’ Would someone being chased stop to eat a large meal? [1] The scientists don’t think so. [2] More likely, he was attacked while resting. [3] He may have thought he had escaped and was safe. a) [1] b) [2] ? Bl 5. Which of the following foods did scientists NOT find in Otzi’s stomach? a) lamb b) deer meat ©) bread 6. According to paragraph G, what is the author's attitude towards the future research on Otzi? a) hopeful b) disapproving ©) hostile 76 7. What is the author’s main purpose in the text? a) to convince readers that Otzi was being chased when he died b) to provide several evidence on the probable causes of Otzi’s death ¢) to describe several successful methods used in the research on Otz’s life Exercise 2. What do the words in the text refer to? (Lines of paragraphs should be counted separately for each paragraph.) 1. one (paragraph A, line 3) investigation 2. this (paragraph E, line 4) the stone head of an arrow (that had hit him from behind) 3. it (paragraph F, line 4) fight 4. so (paragraph G, line 5) Someone being chased stop to eat a large meal UNIT 3A & 3B — VOCABULARY REVISION Exercise 1. Match each word with its definition. 1._conduct f a. connected 2. beneath g b._to quickly leave a dangerous place 3._attached a c._damage to a body part caused by an accident or attack 4. flee b d._ to suggest or show something to be true 5. indicate d e._ to make something happen 6. injury € f._ to carry out an activity 7. cause e 8. under something Exercise 2. Match each word with an appropriate preposition. There is one extra preposition. 1. attached b a. by 2. caused a b. to (x2) 3. indication e «. from 4. flee © d. in 5. likely b e. of 6. effective a f. at Extra preposition: f Exercise 3. Use the word-preposit ion combinations ir Exercise 2 to complete the sentences below. 1. The severe weather conditions were a(n) indication of the approaching hurricane. 2. The delay in the train schedule was caused by a technical issue with the signaling system. 3. The hiker had to flee from a sudden snowstorm in the mountains. 4, The doctor prescribed a new medication that is effective in treating the symptoms of the illness. 5. The lost keys were eventually found attached to a note left by the front door. 6. The sudden drop in stock prices is likely to raise concerns about the economic downturn. 7 Exercise 4. Use the words in brackets to rewrite each statement. 1. There are two hundred million people worldwide who have parasitic diseases. (SUFFER) Two hundred million people worldwide SUFFER from parasitic disease: 2. In our country, government surveys are available to get information on adolescent smoking behavior. (CONDUCT) In our country, government surveys are CONDUCTED to get information on adolescent smoking behavior. 3. Mysterious street photographer's work may provide some information that helps us understand her inner life. (OFFER) The mysterious street photographer's work may OFFER some information that helps us understand her inner life. Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer. 1. The document was securely to the email for easy reference. a) attached — b) conduct €) likely d) leader 2. The loud noise in the forest was an of an approaching thunderstorm, a) injury b) attack <) indication d) effective 3. The team had to the situation to avoid further complications. a) offer b) indicate )take control of — d) murder 4. After the accident, the victim suffered a severe on his leg. a) chase b) analyze infection d) offer 5. This winter, the pond became completely a) likely b) frozen ) flee d) conduct 6. The criminal decided to from the crime scene before the police arrived. a) beneath _b) offer o) flee d) effective 7. The medicine was in treating the common cold a) cause b) enable o) effective d) indicate 8. The cat tried to the mouse that scurried across the room. a) beneath —_b) attack ) leader d) offer 78 UNIT 3A — ADDITIONAL READING PRACTICE Read the text below and answer the following questions. The Valley of the Kings In the middle of Egypt, on the west bank of the Nile River lies the Valley of the Kings. This ancient burial place is where 63 royal tombs have been found. The bodies of pharaohs, their family members, and their trusted leaders were buried there. The earliest tombs date back to the 16th century B.C. According to historians, this area was used for the burial of kings for a period of 500 years. After this, the tombs were forgotten, only to be visited by grave robbers, The robbers stole many of the artifacts (objects from the past) and removed whatever valuable objects they could, Archaeologists rediscovered the tombs in the late 1700s. Despite the work of the grave robbers, the graves still displayed the great power and wealth of those buried there. Many tombs were decorated with paintings of Egyptian mythology (ancient stories that show the beliefs of a people). These paintings gave archaeologists clues as to what the ancient Egyptians believed. One interesting belief was that the objects in the grave would be used by the dead person in the afterlife. Clothing, games, and walking sticks were found in the tomb of King Tutankhamen, or King Tut. His grave was one of the only undisturbed graves—the grave robbers never got to. The artifacts show us what the people who buried King Tut wanted to provide to him in the afterlife. Archaeologists continue to explore the Valley of the Kings. It is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. Tourists visit there as well. Its fascinating to learn about ancient Egypt: how they buried people, what objects were put in the graves, what they believed would happen to the bodies, etc. The tombs in the Valley of the Kings will never be forgotten again. 1. What is the passage mainly about? a) the history of the Valley of the Kings b) the way ancient Egyptians buried people ©) ancient Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife d) archaeologists who discovered King Tut's tomb 2. What is true about the Valley of the Kings? a) Only kings were buried there. b) The tombs were all completed by the 16th century B.C. ¢) Many tombs have paintings of Egyptian mythology in them. d) All the artifacts from the graves have been put in museums. 79 3. Inthe third paragraph, what does the sentence ‘Despite the work of the grave robbers, the graves still displayed the great power and wealth of those buried there’ mean? a) Even though robbers had removed valuable objects from the graves, you could still see how rich the people who were buried there had been. b) The grave robbers were not able to take away the most valuable artifacts because these objects were too large. c) The graves had a special power that kept grave robbers from entering them. d) The monks began taking dogs with them on rescue missions. 4, Inthe second sentence of the third paragraph, what does the phrase ‘those buried there’ refer to? a) graves b) grave robbers ©) archaeologists d) ancient Egyptians 5. Inthe fourth paragraph, what does the word ‘undisturbed’ mean? a) not expensive, made from cheap materials b) not marked, not identifiable ¢) new, not there for a long time d) not moved, not broken into UNIT 3B — ADDITIONAL READING PRACTICE Read the text below and answer the following questions. The Iceman’s World In 1991, two German hikers found a dead body high up on a mountainside in an area between Italy and Austria. The body was partly frozen, and at first the hikers thought the death might have occurred recently. However, scientists soon discovered that the “Iceman,” as he became known, had died about 5,300 years earlier. They are also pretty sure that someone murdered him. It is amazing how many other details researchers were able to find out about this mysterious man’s life Where Did He e? Scientists say that the Iceman originally came from an area not far from where he was found. They learned this by analyzing his teeth and bones. These parts of the body contain tiny amounts of material from the rock, soil, and water of all the places where a person has spent some time. Careful analysis showed that the Iceman was born a few kilometers south of the mountain. These same tests indicated that as an adult he spent between one and two months of every year high up in the mountains. Since the tests scientists conducted did not turn up any materials from soils much farther south, most of them believe he probably did not travel very far from home during his lifetime. 80 What Did He Do for a Living? ‘The answer is debatable. As scientists found certain types of plant materials on his body and clothing, one theory is that he might have labored as a farmer. However, since he spent time high up in the mountains every year, researchers have deduced that he may also have been a shepherd. This would have supplied wool and meat for his family. Some scientists have implied that he might even have been a hunter who spent part of his time in the mountains killing animals for food. The fact that they found a simple knife near him, as well as bits of two different types of wild animal meat in his stomach, would support this view. Whatever he did, his life ended very suddenly on that mountainside 5,300 years ago. 1. What is the passage mainly about? a) how the Iceman died b) what Earth was like 5,300 years ago ©) where and how the Iceman lived d) why the Iceman moved around so much 2. In the second sentence of the second paragraph, what does the word ‘They refer to? a) scientists b) bones ©) places d) kilometers 3. What does the first sentence in the final paragraph mean? a) People do not understand the question. b) No one knows the answer for sure. ¢) The answer will never be known. d) People should not argue about the answer. 4, What is the main idea of the final paragraph? a) Scientists got information from materials on the Iceman’s body and clothing. b) Scientists are not sure what the Iceman did for a living. ¢) The Iceman died suddenly 5,300 years ago. d) The Iceman was probably a farmer. 5. Which statement would the writer probably agree with? a) There are many more frozen bodies in this mountain area. b) The hikers should not have told anyone about the body. ©) Scientists have amazing ways of finding answers. d) The Iceman’s life was not very interesting. Vocabulary Revision for Units 1-2-3 Go to the link below or scan the QR code for a Kahoot game > adf3-c826370e003e 81 UNIT 4A — EXTRA COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Living Treasures Exercise 1. Choose the best answer for each question. 1. The author assumes that readers of paragraph A a) are familiar with some of the tangible World Heritage sites b) know what the Mediterranean diet, the Peking Opera, and Italian pizza have in common ¢) have visited some of the monuments and structures mentioned in the paragraph 2. Which of the following could be an intangible cultural heritage item? a) the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia b) the Great Barrier Reef in Australia ¢) Balinese dance in Indonesia 3. In which position — [1], [2], or [3] — should this sentence be added to this section of paragraph C? “The list of these practices that they have created is as varied as the world’s cultures themselves.’ UNESCO began to identify cultural traditions in 2008. [1] Among the first on their list were the Puppet Theater of Sicily and Mexico's Day of the Dead festival. By 2017, UNESCO had approved more than 300 diverse practices. [2] These include cultural events like the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival; performing arts including Spanish flamenco; martial arts such as Brazilian capoeira and Korean Taekkyeon; and handicrafts like Japanese washi paper- making. [3] a) [1] b) [21 ¢) [3] 4. In this passage, the author does NOT give an example of on the list. a) acraft b) food ) mus 5. In paragraph E, the word marks is closest in meaning to_ a) writes b) prevents ) shows 6. In paragraph F, the word declining is closest in meaning to__. a) developing b) decreasing ©) discovering 7. Why does the writer use Cécile Duvel’s quotation in paragraph G? “The more globalized the world becomes, the more important it is not to lose these traditional roots.” a) emphasize the importance of the traditional roots in a globalized world b) to explain the importance of globalisation in today’s developing world c) to inform the reader about the roots of cultural traditions in the world 82 Exercise 2. What do the words in the text refer to? (Lines of paragraphs should be counted separately for each paragraph.) 1. these (paragraph A, line 6) the Mediterranean diet, the Beijing Opera, the art of pizza making in Naples 2. their (paragraph C, line 2) UNESCO's 3. These (paragraph C, line 5) more than 300 diverse practises 4, her (paragraph E, line 4) the bride’s 5. It (paragraph G, line 2) UNESCO 6. they (paragraph G, line 3) cultural traditions such as Al Sadu UNIT 4B — EXTRA COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS The Changing Face of Kung Fu Choose the best answer for each question. 1. What would be the best alternative title for the passage? a) The Schools of Dengfeng b) Kung Fu in the 21st Century ©) Master Hu’s Memories 2. The author indicates that the information in paragraph A a) was supplied by a Shaolin monk b) was recently proven to be factual ¢) may not actually be true 3. The author does NOT mention that students in Dengfeng learn kung fu in order to a) be in movies b) protect themselves ©) learn self-control 4. In paragraph B, line 7 the word ‘their’ refers to a) some students’ b) martial art schools’ ©) 50,000 students’ 5. According to paragraph C, what is Hu’s attitude towards kung fu in movies? a) enthusiastic b) disapproving ©) indifferent 83 6. According to paragraphs D and E, what's Hu’s attitude towards the future of kung fu? a) optimistic b) violent ©) anxious 7. In paragraph E, the word wealthy is closest in meaning to_. a) rich b) cruel ©) selfish 8. Which of these statements by Master Hu is contradicted by information in paragraph G? a) His style of kung fu may die out soon. b) Itis difficult to attract students to his school. ¢) Acrobatics and high kicking will not be taught at his school. Exercise 2. What do the words in the text refer to? (Lines of paragraphs should be counted separately for each paragraph.) 1. it (paragraph A, line 8) kung fu 2. they (paragraph A, line 8) the monks 3. It (paragraph C, line 3) an important role in in a kung fu movie 4, him (paragraph D, line 5) Hu 5. them (paragraph E, line 4) boys 6. their (paragraph F, line 3) Hu’s students’ UNIT 4A & 4B — VOCABULARY REVISION Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the table given and make the necessary changes. There are two extra words. defense basis publicity hospitality remind ensure convince 1. We have planned an exciting publicity campaign with our advertisers. We believe that our product will be very popular in a short time all around the world. 2. Expert advice and support are the basis for the rehabilitation program. This program cannot function well without them. 3. I'd love to have lunch next Wednesday, but you have to remind me as | may forget it. They said we should stay another night, but I didn’t want to take advantage of their hospitality. They were really friendly and welcoming to us. 5. Ina job interview, you should try to convince the employer that you are the ideal candidate for the position Exercise 2. Fill in the chart with the correct word forms. Some categories can have more than one form. Use a dictionary if necessary. An X indicates there is no form in that category or it is not asked. Noun Verb Adjective ‘Adverb ‘approval approve ‘approved x diversity diversify diverse diversification identity identify identifiable x promotion promote ‘promotional x promoter inspirati inspired x inspirational inspiring acceptance accept ‘acceptable acceptably violence jolate jiolent violently respect respect respectable respectably {dis)respectful respectfully respective respectively Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer. 1. The manager gave her for the proposed project, praising the team's efforts and innovative ideas. a) approve b) approval ©) approvable 2. Itis natural that there is a of opinions within the organization. Thanks to these different views, we can come up with more creative projects. a) diversify b) diversity ¢) diverse 3. After years of research, scientists have the virus that is responsible for the disease. Now, they are working on the ways to put an end to this virus. a) identified b) identity identification 4. You can help to peace within your community by encouraging good relationships with your neighbors, learning more about your community's history, and taking action to deal with violence. a) promote b) promotion b) promotional 5. Looking to heroes of the past is a familiar source of They can help you to find new and original ideas for something you will do. a) inspire b) Inspired ©) inspiration 85 6. Smoking is no longer considered socially by many people. It is such a bad behavior! a) accept b) acceptance ©) acceptable 7. According to recent numbers, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men are victims of domestic or abuse in their lifetime. You are not alone! You have rights! You can get help! a) violate b) violence ¢) violent 8. I don’t think these companies have any for the environment. They pollute rivers and seas and only care about their own profits. a) respect b) respectful ¢) respectable Exercise 4. As in ‘ensure’, the prefix ‘en-‘ means ‘make or cause’, It can be added to some adjectives and nouns to make verbs. Complete the sentences using the words in the box making necessary changes. able danger jov rich) large courage 1. I would like to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me. 2. Smoking during pregnancy endangers your baby's life. 3. Itwas a wonderful vacation; we enjoyed every minute of it 4, Recent innovations with computer aided design enables us to produce magazines which are more creative, efficient and cost effective. 5. The artist decided to enlarge the canvas to capture more details in the painting, 6. These trips give our students the opportunity to enrich their independent studies in geography and history. UNIT 4A — ADDITIONAL READING PRACTICE Read the text below and answer the following questions. The Tuareg of the Sahara Acamel lets out a loud noise in complaint. its master needs it to stand, but the camel prefers to lie on the ground. The master ignores the camel's protest because the Tuareg caravan must start moving, again. The Tuareg are traders—always moving, always selling. They travel back and forth from the northern coast of Africa to the southern edge of the Sahara Desert. The camel carries salt, dates, and sugar. It carries kola nuts, oil lamps, and gold. It carries whatever it can carry across the hot desert for its masters. 86 For thousands of years, the Tuareg have roamed the Sahara Desert freely. They are a noma moving from place to place where there is food and water. Now, the land has been divided into many countries: Algeria, Mali, Niger, Libya, and Burkina Faso. Borders hold the Tuareg back. They are not able to move as freely between countries. And their trade is no longer needed. Trains and trucks move faster and can carry more goods than Tuareg caravans. The world does not want to wait for the slow and steady march of camels. people— So what choice do the Tuareg have? Some Tuareg have given up the nomadic lifestyle and moved into cities to find jobs. They blend in to the rest of society and lose some of their customs and rituals. Others have tried their hand at farming. This prevents them from being nomads, but it enables them to live together in Tuareg communities and pass on their cultural values. It is not yet certain whether the Tuareg culture will survive in modern times or not. Like a camel's footprint in the sand that gets blown away, perhaps the ways of the Tuareg will also disappear. 1. What is the passage mainly about a) which countries contain the Tuareg b) where Tuareg caravans travel to ¢) how the Tuareg culture and way of life is changing d) how Tuareg caravans are not able to move as freely as before 2. In the last sentence of the first paragraph, what does the word its refer to? a) desert’s b) salt’s c) camel's d) master’s 3. In the second paragraph, what does the word nomadic mean? a) moving from place to place b) not wanting to help others ¢) not having any neighbors d) spending a lot of money 4. What is NOT a reason the Tuareg culture may disappear? a) Tuareg farmers are passing down cultural values. b) Some Tuareg are moving to the city to find jobs. c) The Tuareg are not able to move freely between countries. d) Cars and trucks are more useful than Tuareg caravans. 5. What is the purpose of the passage? a) to give information about the Tuareg b) to argue why Tuareg culture is so important ¢) totell the story of a Tuareg who moved to the city d) to compare Tuareg who live in the city with farmers 87 UNIT 4B — ADDITIONAL READING PRACTICE Read the text below and answer the following questions. Stick Fighting The ancient martial art of stick fighting began in India thousands of years ago. It is called kalaripayattu, which means “practice of the arts of the battlefield.” Kalaripayattu is made up of many elements such as leaping into the air, striking with sticks, and wrestling. Kalaripayattu is one of the oldest martial arts in the world. It first appeared in writing in the 11th century. Ahistorian described the use of stick fighting as part of warfare between two competing Indian dynasties, the Cholo and Chera families. In the 1500s, a Portuguese explorer named Duarte Barbosa wrote down his observations of Kalaripayattu. He noted how seven-year-old children trained daily and eventually began practicing with weapons (including swords and spears, not just sticks). Barbosa may have observed one of the Kalari schools, These special schools served as the main places of education. According to historians, the practice of stick fighting was as important as reading and writing. Over the years, kalaripayattu became very popular. People from different social classes, or castes, participated in it. Some girls were allowed to learn the art. People from various religious groups took up kalaripayattu: Muslim, Christian, and Hindi However, in the 1800s, the number of people practicing kalaripayattu went down greatly. The introduction of firearms changed warfare completely. Sticks and swords were no match for guns. India went under British rule, and the practice of kalaripayattu was made illegal. Kalari schools no longer operated. People were only able to practice kalaripayattu in secret. It was not until the 1920s that interest in the art increased again. It became a way to show national pride. In the 1970s, martial arts such as karate became popular worldwide. Kalaripayattu gained more attention during this time as well. Today, kalaripayattu continues to be practiced as a traditional art form. 1. What is the purpose of the passage? a) to tell the story of a kalaripayattu fighter b) to compare karate and kalaripayattu ©) togive the history of kalaripayattu d) to explain how to do kalaripayattu 2. What word from the passage means the same as social classes? a) castes b) elements ©) dynasties 4) observations 3. What was NOT a reason why kalaripayattu became less popular? a) Karate became popular. b) Firearms were invented. ©) Kalari schools closed down. d) The British made kalaripayattu illegal. 4, At the end of which paragraph would the sentence It was the martial art for everyone fit best? a) the first paragraph b) the second paragraph ¢) the fourth paragraph d) the fifth paragraph 5. Why do people practice kalaripayattu today? a) to do something illegal b) toshow national pride ©) tobe ready for war d) to be popular

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