موقع الطريق المضئ.انجليزى اولى ثانوي ترم اول 2019

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‫‪First Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪First Term‬‬

‫موقع الطريق المضئ أفضل خدمة تعليمية مجانية‬

‫عن أبي هريرة رضي هللا عنه أن رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم قال ‪ِ(( :‬إَذ ا َم اَت اِإْل ْنَس اُن اْنَقَطَع‬
‫َع ْنُه َع َم ُلُه ِإاَّل ِم ْن َثاَل َثٍة ‪ِ :‬إاَّل ِم ْن َص َد َقٍة َج اِرَيٍة ‪َ ،‬أْو ِع ْلٍم ُيْنَتَفُع ِبِه ‪َ ،‬أْو َو َلٍد َص اِلٍح َيْدُعو َلُه )) ‪.‬‬

‫حمل مذكرات ومراجعات جميع المواد جميع الصفوف‬

‫لزيارة الموقع اضغط على زر كنترول ‪ + CRTL‬كليك شمال‬


‫حمل تطبيق موقع الطريق المضئ مجانا على االجهزة الذكية والهواتف المحمولة‬

‫تابعنا على الفيس بوك‬


‫اشترك جروب الطريق المضئ | مذكرات ومناهج تعليمية‬

‫للحصول على المذكرات مجانا‬

‫تابعنا على تويتر‬


‫تابعنا على جوجل بلس‬


‫‪Mr B. M. Ghreeb‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫‪First Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪First Term‬‬

‫الئق بدنيًا‬ ‫‪fit‬‬ ‫استشعار عن ُبعد‬ ‫‪remote‬‬ ‫مدرسة ثانوية‬ ‫‪high school‬‬
‫شجــــــــاع‬ ‫‪brave‬‬ ‫يهبــــــــط‬ ‫‪sensing‬‬
‫‪land‬‬ ‫تعليم البنات‬ ‫‪girls’ education‬‬
‫هــــــــادىء‬ ‫‪calm‬‬ ‫يربي و ُيعلم‬ ‫‪educate‬‬ ‫ناظرة مدرسة‬ ‫‪headmistress‬‬
‫حريــــــــص‬ ‫‪careful‬‬ ‫خبـــــــــرة‬ ‫‪experience‬‬ ‫حقــــــــًا‬ ‫‪really‬‬
‫مرح – بشوش‬ ‫‪cheerful‬‬ ‫صــــــــورة‬ ‫‪photograph‬‬ ‫يناقـــــــــش‬ ‫‪discuss‬‬
‫نمــــــــوذج‬ ‫‪sample‬‬ ‫تصوير‬ ‫‪photography‬‬ ‫يذكـــــــــر‬ ‫‪mention‬‬
‫ســــــــالم‬ ‫‪peace‬‬ ‫فوتوغرافى‬
‫عالم جيولوجى‬ ‫‪geologist‬‬ ‫عالم نووى‬ ‫‪nuclear scientist‬‬
‫عنــــــصري‬ ‫‪racial‬‬ ‫تربــــــــة‬ ‫‪soil‬‬ ‫يحتوى على‬ ‫‪contain‬‬
‫تمييــــز –‬ ‫‪discrimination‬‬ ‫حديــــــــث‬ ‫‪modern‬‬ ‫أستاذ جامعى‬ ‫‪professor‬‬
‫مؤلـــــــــــف‬ ‫‪author‬‬ ‫جوفــــــــــي‬ ‫‪underground‬‬ ‫يكتشـــــــــف‬ ‫‪discover‬‬
‫اسطــــــــورة‬ ‫‪legend‬‬ ‫صخــــــــور‬ ‫‪water‬‬
‫‪rocks‬‬ ‫فمتو ثانية‬ ‫‪femtosecond‬‬
‫أسطــــــــورى‬ ‫‪legendary‬‬ ‫كبيــــــــــــر‬ ‫‪large‬‬ ‫جزء من المليون‬ ‫‪millionth‬‬
‫سابــــــــق‬ ‫‪former‬‬ ‫اقتبــــــــاس‬ ‫‪quotation‬‬ ‫جزء من البليون‬ ‫‪billionth‬‬
‫رئيــــــــس‬ ‫‪president‬‬ ‫مقــــــــال‬ ‫‪article‬‬ ‫أهـــــــــداف‬ ‫‪goals‬‬
‫ُيعد – ُيجهز‬ ‫‪prepare‬‬ ‫يشمل – يتضمن‬ ‫‪include‬‬ ‫احتفال ‪ -‬مراسم‬ ‫‪ceremony‬‬
‫على قيد الحياة‬ ‫‪alive‬‬ ‫شــــــــــــاب‬ ‫‪young man‬‬ ‫يتسلـــــــــم‬ ‫‪receive‬‬
‫ممتــــــــع‬ ‫‪enjoyable‬‬ ‫ُم ندهــــــــــــش‬ ‫‪surprised‬‬ ‫جائزة نوبل‬ ‫‪Nobel Prize‬‬
‫ممتع – مثير‬ ‫‪exciting‬‬ ‫ناجــــــــــــح‬ ‫‪successful‬‬ ‫حائز علي نوبل‬ ‫‪Nobel Laureate‬‬
‫يصــــــــف‬ ‫‪describe‬‬ ‫فرصــــــــــــة‬ ‫‪chance‬‬ ‫الكيميـــــــــاء‬ ‫‪chemistry‬‬
‫ُح ْك ـــــــــم ‪ -‬يحكم‬ ‫‪rule‬‬ ‫رائــــــــــــد‬ ‫‪astronaut‬‬ ‫أدويـــــــــة‬ ‫‪medicines‬‬
‫رفع األثقال‬ ‫‪weightlifting‬‬ ‫ُمفضاء‬
‫حتــــــــــــرف‬ ‫‪professional‬‬ ‫شكـــــــــل‬ ‫‪shape‬‬
‫خطاب ‪ /‬حديث‬ ‫‪speech‬‬ ‫حقيقــــــــــــى‬ ‫‪real‬‬ ‫قائـــــــــد‬ ‫‪leader‬‬
‫ذري ‪ -‬نووي‬ ‫‪nuclear‬‬ ‫قمــــر صناعى‬ ‫‪satellite‬‬ ‫جــــــــــراح‬ ‫‪surgeon‬‬
‫اشـــــعاع‬ ‫‪radiation‬‬ ‫غالف جوى‬ ‫‪atmosphere‬‬ ‫عملية جراحية‬ ‫‪operation‬‬
‫مشـــــــــع‬ ‫‪radioactive‬‬ ‫بطـــــل‬ ‫‪champion‬‬ ‫ينقــــــــذ‬ ‫‪save‬‬
‫مواد ‪ -‬خامات‬ ‫‪materials‬‬ ‫بطولــــــــــــة‬ ‫‪championship‬‬ ‫معهــــــــد‬ ‫‪Institute‬‬
‫باحث‬ ‫‪researcher‬‬ ‫منافســـــــة‬ ‫‪competition‬‬ ‫تعبيـــــــــر‬ ‫‪expression‬‬
‫قرن (‪ 100‬عام)‬ ‫‪century‬‬ ‫صفة – ميزة‬ ‫‪quality‬‬ ‫معجب بــ‬ ‫‪admire‬‬
‫استقــــــــــالل‬ ‫‪independence‬‬ ‫يحســـــــن‬ ‫‪improve‬‬ ‫اعجــــــــاب‬ ‫‪admiration‬‬
‫حركــــــــــــة‬ ‫‪movement‬‬ ‫ودود‬ ‫‪friendly‬‬ ‫يكرم ‪ -‬تكريم‬ ‫‪honour‬‬
‫اسهامــــــات‬ ‫‪contributions‬‬ ‫ممتـــــــع‬ ‫‪funny‬‬ ‫غير منتظم – شاذ‬ ‫‪irregular‬‬
‫الفيزيـــــــــاء‬ ‫‪physics‬‬ ‫عظيــــــــم‬ ‫‪great‬‬ ‫سلبـــــــــي‬ ‫‪negative‬‬
‫نظريــــــة‬ ‫‪theory‬‬ ‫ُم جتهــــــــد‬ ‫‪hard working‬‬ ‫شريـــــــــك‬ ‫‪partner‬‬
‫النسبيــــــة‬ ‫‪relativity‬‬ ‫ُم ساِع د– ُم عاون‬ ‫‪helpful‬‬ ‫ُيخمـــــــــن‬ ‫‪guess‬‬
‫عبــــــــارة‬ ‫‪phrase‬‬ ‫شيــــــــق‬ ‫‪interesting‬‬ ‫ضخـــــــــم‬ ‫‪huge‬‬
‫نجوم رياضية‬ ‫‪sports stars‬‬ ‫عــــــــادى‬ ‫‪ordinary‬‬ ‫كميـــــــــة‬ ‫‪quantity‬‬
‫نفس الشىء‬ ‫‪the same‬‬ ‫مــــــــؤدب‬ ‫‪polite‬‬ ‫مشروع فضائي‬ ‫‪space project‬‬
‫مجتمــــــــع‬ ‫‪society‬‬ ‫محبوب – شعبى‬ ‫‪popular‬‬ ‫يجمع – يتجمع‬ ‫‪collect‬‬
‫مظهــــــــر‬ ‫‪appearance‬‬ ‫ضعيـــــــــف‬ ‫‪weak‬‬ ‫ميداليــــــــــــة‬ ‫‪medal‬‬
‫شخصيــــــــة‬ ‫‪character‬‬ ‫قــــــــوى‬ ‫‪strong‬‬ ‫مدير ‪ -‬مخرج‬ ‫‪director‬‬
‫تأثيــر‪ -‬يؤثر علي‬ ‫‪influence‬‬ ‫ذكــــــــى‬ ‫‪intelligent‬‬ ‫مواطـــــــــــن‬ ‫‪citizen‬‬
‫)‪expert in (on / at‬‬ ‫خبير فى‬ ‫‪do a quiz‬‬ ‫يحل امتحان قصير‬
‫‪thanks to‬‬ ‫بفضل‬ ‫‪famous for‬‬ ‫مشهور بـ‬
‫‪take photographs / pictures‬‬ ‫يصور‬ ‫‪succeed in‬‬ ‫ينجح فى‬

‫‪Mr B. M. Ghreeb‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬

First Year Hello English First Term
work on a project ‫يعمل فى مشروع‬ talk about ‫يتحدث عن‬
land on the moon ‫يهبط على القمر‬ on television ‫فى التليفزيون‬
give advice on ‫يقدم نصيحة بشأن‬ do operations ‫يجرى عمليات جراحية‬
get back = bring back ‫ يستعيـــــــد‬- ‫يستـــــــــرد‬ interested in ‫مهتم بـ‬
go into space ‫يسافر الى الفضاء‬ paralympic champion ‫بطل في االلعاب االولمبية للمعوقين‬
give up ‫ يقلع عن‬/ ‫ يستسلم‬/ ‫يترك‬ grow up ‫يكبر‬
note down ‫ يدون‬/ ‫يكتب‬ make medicines ‫يصنع أدوية‬
the Nobel Prize for chemistry
It’s a great honour for us to ‫ انه لشرف كبير لنا ان‬.......
‫جائزة نوبل فى الكيمياء‬
have the chance to ‫لديه الفرصة لكى‬ thank for ‫يشكر على‬
grateful to : thankful to ‫ممتن – شاكر لـــــ‬ exert great efforts ‫يبذل جهودا عظيمة‬
Adjective Noun Verb
‫ ُم ستحسن‬advisable ‫ نصيحة‬advice ‫ ينصح‬advise
‫ مختلف‬different ‫ اختالف‬difference ‫ يختلف‬differ
‫ ُم ْك َت ِش ف‬discoverer
‫ُم ْك َت ََش ف‬ discovered ‫ اكتشاف‬discovery ‫ يكتشف‬discover
‫تعليمى‬ educational ‫ تعليم‬education ‫ ُيعلم‬educate
‫خبير‬ expert ‫ خبير‬expert ……………
‫تاريخى‬ historic ‫ تاريخ‬history
‫تاريخى‬ historical ‫ مؤرخ‬historian ……………
‫شعبى‬/‫محبوب‬ popular ‫ شعبية‬popularity ……………
‫يمكن التنبؤ به‬ predictable ‫ تنبؤ‬prediction ‫ يتنبأ‬predict
‫ علوم‬science
‫ علمى‬scientific
‫ عالم‬scientist ……………
‫ علم النانو‬studying things which can't be seen by eyes as they are micro / nano science
‫مشهور‬ known about by a lot of people famous
‫ناظرة َمْد َر ســـــة‬ a teacher who is a woman and the leader of a school headmistress
‫الطـــب‬ the treatment and study of illnesses and injuries medicine
‫طبيب جــــراح‬ a doctor who does operations in a hospital surgeon
‫مفيد‬ something that makes it easier to do something useful
‫رائد فضاء‬ someone who travels and works in space astronaut
‫عالم جيولوجيا‬ someone who studies the history of rocks geologist
‫تـــــربة‬ the layer on the earth in which plants grow soil
‫الفضاء‬ the area outside the earth’s atmosphere space
‫جوفــــي‬ under the surface of the earth underground
‫استشعار عن بعد‬ using satellite to get pictures and information about the earth remote sensing
‫خبيــــر‬ someone who knows a lot about a subject expert
‫تربية و تعليم‬ the process of learning that you get at school or university education

1- Verbs followed by nouns

 give (advice ‫ نصيحة‬/ medicine ‫ دواء‬/ points ‫ نقاط‬/ a prize ‫)جائزة‬ ‫يعطى‬
 play (chess ‫شطرنج‬/ football ‫ كرة قدم‬/ squash ‫ اسكواش‬/ the piano ‫) البيانو‬ ‫ يعزف‬/‫يلعب‬
 score (points ‫ نقاط‬/ a goal ‫)هدف‬ ‫ يحرز‬/ ‫يسجل‬
 take ( medicine ‫ دواء‬/ advice ‫) نصيحة‬ ‫يأخذ‬
 win (a race ‫ سباق‬/ a competition ‫ مسابقة‬/ a prize ‫ جائزة‬/ points ‫)نقاط‬ ‫يفوز بـ‬
a match ‫ مباراة‬/ a championship ‫)بطولة‬
2- biography ‫سيرة‬ - He wrote his father’s biography after his death.
autobiography ‫سيرة ذاتية‬ - Taha Hussien wrote his autobiography in a book called El-Ayam.
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 3
First Year Hello English First Term
3- subj. + v. to be + the first / second / last / best … + to + inf.
- Nabawiya Mosa was the first (woman) to go to high school.
4- succeed in + n / v.ing ‫ينجح فى‬ - He succeeded in climbing the mountain.
manage to + inf. ‫يتمكن من‬ - He managed to solve the problem of his classroom.
be able to + inf. ‫قادر على‬ - I was able to get there just on time.
be capable of + v.+ing ‫قادر على‬ - I was capable of getting there just on time.
5- director ‫مدير‬ headmaster ‫ناظر‬ headmistress ‫ناظرة‬
6- another ( adj.)) ‫أخـــــــر ( اضافي – مختلف‬
- This dress is too long. Show me another one, please. - I will read another story.
other ( adj.) ) ‫اخــــــر ( المتبقي‬ - Some people like Al Ahly, other people like Zamalek.
others : (‫) ضمير ال يأتي بعده اسم‬ )‫اخــــــر ( المتبقي‬ - I saw Maher, but I didn't see the others.
- Some people like AbouTreka, others like Emadmeteab.
8- most ‫ُمعظم‬ - Most people speak English all over the world.
the most‫األكثر‬ - English is the most important language.
10- interesting‫شيق لألشياء‬ - The story is very interesting.
interested in‫مهتم بـ لألشخاص‬ - He is interesting in (reading) novels.
12- job ‫وظيفة‬ work ‫مكان العمل‬ ‫عمل‬
career ‫حياة ِمهنية‬ trade ‫تجارة‬
occupation : profession )‫الطب‬-‫ِمهنة (التدريس‬
13- later ‫فيما بعد‬/ ‫فى وقت الحق‬ - I’ll discuss the matter with you later.
latter ‫األخير‬ - The latter choice is better.
late ( adj. / adv.) ‫ متأخرا‬- ‫ متأخر‬- He was late - He arrived late
lately (adv.) ‫ مؤخرا‬- Have you visited London lately
14- the underground = the metro - I go home in the metro
underground = under the earth’s surface - We bury dead people underground.
16- space ‫فراغ‬ - They stopped at an open space in the jungle.
space ‫فضاء‬ - The astronauts walked in outer space without a rope.‫حبل‬
17- advise ‫ ينصح‬: give advice ‫ يقدم النصح لـ‬...
‫ " وال تجمع و لكن نقول‬an" ‫ " وال‬a " ‫ " كلمة مفردة ال تعد و ال تسبقها‬advice "
( some advice – a piece of advice – a bit of advice – a lot of advice )
My teacher advised me. = My teacher gave me advice.
My father gave me some advice on how to answer in the exam.
18- astronaut ‫رائد فضاء‬ astronomer ‫عالم الفلك‬
astrologer ‫منجم‬ pilot ‫طيار‬
19- soil ‫ُتربة‬ land ‫اليابسة‬
ground ‫سطح األرض‬ floor ‫ طابق‬- ‫أرضية‬
earth ‫كوكب األرض‬ - The Earth moves around the sun.
20- bear (v.) – bore – born‫تلد‬ - Sami was born in 2007.
bear (v.) – bore – borne‫يتحمل‬ - Your insults can’t be borne.
21- at the age of ‫ سن‬/ ‫فى عمر‬ - Ramy became famous at the age of 16.
in the age of ‫عهد‬/‫فى عصر‬ - We live in the age of technology.
22- win ) ‫ انتخابات‬,‫ كأس‬,‫ يكسب (جائزة مباراة‬, ‫يفوز بـ‬
- Hany won the race last week.
beat )‫ يتغلب على (شخص أو فريق‬, ‫يهزم‬
- He has never beaten me at chess.
gain )‫ محبة‬, ‫ احترام‬, ‫ شهرة‬, ‫ خبرة‬, ‫ معلومات‬, ‫يكتسب شىء معنوى مثل (معرفة‬
- He gained a lot of information from the conference.
earn ‫ مقابل عمل‬, )‫يكسب (قوته او رزقه‬
- He worked hard to earn his living.
23- discover ‫يكتشف‬ Invent ‫يخترع‬
explore ‫يستكشف‬ find out ‫يكتشف‬
24- include ‫ يشتمل‬/ ‫يتضمن‬ - The bill includes tax ‫الضريبة‬and service.
contain ‫يحتوى على‬ - Try to avoid foods which contain a lot of fats.
consist of ‫يتكون من‬ - The team consists of eleven players.
25- let + ‫ يسمح‬/ ‫يدع‬ :‫ مصدر‬+ ‫مفعول‬ - Father let me use his mobile phone.
allow + ‫ مفعول‬+to + ‫ يسمح‬: ‫مصدر‬ - Father allowed me to use his mobile phone.
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First Year Hello English First Term
26- help + ‫مفعول‬+ (to) +‫ يساعد‬: ‫مصدر‬ - The loan ‫قرض‬from the bank helped her to start her own business
27- ceremony ‫ احتفال‬/ ‫مراسم‬ feast ‫عيد‬ Festival ‫مهرجان‬
29- hear ‫يسمع دون قصد‬ - While I was walking in the street, I heard someone crying.
listen ‫ينصت الى بقصد‬ - I always listen to the Holy Quran in the morning.
30- grow )‫ الجسم‬- ‫ينمو (الحجم‬ - Prices grew high these days.
grow up ‫يصبح ناضجًا‬/‫يكبر‬ - When I grow up, I shall be a doctor.
31- award ‫ منحة‬-‫جائزة‬ reward ‫مكافأة‬
present ‫هدية‬ prize ‫جائزة‬
32- ‫نستخدم هذه التعبيرات لالقتراح‬
Let’s + ‫هيا بنا‬ .………… ‫مصدر‬ Let’s go out for a meal tonight.
Why don’t we / you + ‫…… مصدر‬..? Why don’t we go out for a meal tonight?
How about + v. + ing………? How about going out for a meal tonight?
35- What's his job : What does he do?
- What's your father's job? (What does…….) - What does your father do?
36- Some famous people
Mostafa El-Sayed Mustafa EI Sayed is one of the most famous scientists in the world. He is
a Scientist and nano science researcher. He often writes in science magazines. His son is an
important surgeon and he wants to use his father's work to help people. Dr Mustafa El-Sayed
studies the smallest parts of things. Surgeons don't usually see such small things, so his work
can be very useful in medicine.
Dr Sameera Mousa was Egypt's first nuclear scientist. She was a pioneering researcher in
atomic radiation.‫اإلشعاع الذرى‬
Zeinab Oteify: She was born in 1978. She was brave, fit, hard-working and strong She
lives in Egypt. She is Paralympic champion at weightlifting. She influenced me
because she showed me that I can do a lot of things even with a disability.
Nabawiya Mousa was an early 20th century feminist ‫ مهتم بشئون المرأة‬and educationalist ‫تربوي‬.
Dr Ahmed Zewail is an Egyptian American scientist who discovered the femtosecond. He got
the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon in 1969. He went to the moon with
Buzz Aldrin.
Dr El-Baz is an Egyptian scientist who worked for NASA. He is the director of
Remote Sensing ‫ استشعار عن بعد‬at Boston University.
Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his contributions to physics.
He was famous for his theory of relativity in physics.
Umm Kulthum was a legendary ‫ أـسطوري‬Egyptian singer. She was born in Dakahlia. She was
known as the star of the east.
Marie Curie was a scientist who studied radioactive materials. She won the Nobel Prize
in Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.
Nelson Mandela is a former president of South Arica. He put an end to racial discrimination
‫ التميز العنصرى‬there. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in1993.
Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement. He helped free
the Indian people from British rule ‫ الحكم البريطاني‬.

1-Why is Nabawiya Musa famous?

- Because she was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school.
2-What did Nabawiya Musa do when she became older?
- She helped other women to succeed in education and work.
3-What did Nabawiya Musa write in 1808?
- She wrote a very famous book about girls' education.
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First Year Hello English First Term
4-Nabawiya Musa played an important part in education. Do you agree or disagree?
- Yes, I agree because she helped other women to succeed in education and work.
5-What do you know about Nabawiya Musa?
- She was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school. She helped other women to succeed
in education and work. She wrote a very famous book about girls' education. She became the
headmistress of Al-Mohammadia School for girls.
6-How often does it rain in the Western Desert?
- It only rains every 20-50 years in the Western Desert.
7-When did heavy rain fall in the Western Desert? - Two million years ago.
8-Who found the underground water in the Western Desert? - Dr Farouk El-Baz.
9-What did Dr El-Baz use to find underground water?
- He used satellites to find underground water.
10-What do you know about Dr Farouk El-Baz?
- He is a space scientist and a geologist. He is the world's greatest expert in remote sensing:
the use of satellites to find water under deserts.
11-What is remote sensing? - It's the use of satellites to find underground water in the desert.
12-Do you think we should be grateful to Dr Farouk El-Baz? Give a reason for your
answer. - Yes, because he discovered underground water in the Western Desert using
remote sensing. He made Egyptians proud.
13-Why is remote sensing so important in Egypt and other countries today?
- Because it is used in different fields in our life such as finding underground water and minerals.
14-Where does Dr El-Baz work? - At Boston University in the USA.
15-What's Dr El-Baz's job?- He is the Director of Remote Sensing at Boston University in the USA.
16-Where did Dr Farouk El-Baz work from 1967 to 1973?
- From 1967 to 1973, he worked on the American Apollo space project.
17-What advice did Dr El-Baz give to astronauts? - He gave them advice on where they
should land, and told them how to collect rocks and soil on the moon.
18-Where and when was Dr El-Baz born? - He was born in Zagazig in 1938.
19-Which university did Dr El-Baz study? - At Ain Shams University.
20-Can scientists like Dr El-Baz change our lives now and in the future? How?
- Yes,They usually invent new things that make our life happier and more comfortable.
Women in society
Not many girls went to school in Egypt in the early twentieth century. Now it is very different.
There are nearly as many girls in secondary education as boys, and many girls study at
university too. About 20% of people who work in Egypt are women. Women's health is
also much better today. A recent report says that fewer children and mothers have health
problems than they did 100 years ago. In 1960, most women lived until they were about 47.
Today, most women live to be older than 75.
21-Did women do the same jobs as they do now? Why / Why ?
No ,because most of them didn't go to school.
22-Did girls usually go to school in Egypt in the early twentieth century?
Not many girls went to school in Egypt in the early twentieth century
23-Are there a lot more boys in secondary education than girls? There are nearly as many
girls in secondary education as boys, and many girls study at university too.
24-How many of the people who work in Egypt are women?
About 20% of people who work in Egypt are women.
25-What is much better than it was 100 years ago?
Fewer children and mothers have health problems than they did 100 years ago.
26-How much longer do women live today than they did in 1960? In 1960, most women
lived until they were about 47. Today, most women live to be older than 75.

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First Year Hello English First Term
27-How is life different for girls today than it was for your grandmother when she was
young? Not many girls went to school in Egypt in the early twentieth century. Now it is very
different. There are nearly as many girls in secondary education as boys, and many girls study
at university
28-Why do you think women's health is better today than 100 years ago?
s health is much better today because of medical care
29-What do you do to keep healthy? I should follow the rules of personal cleanliness to
avoid catching diseases .
30-"Boys and girls are all born the same, so we should all have the same opportunities."
Do you agree? Why / Why not? I agree as both of them have the same rights.
31-Who is Mustafa EI Sayed ? He is a scientist and nanoscience researcher.
32-What does "nano" in "nanoscience" mean ? It means a science of a very small things.
33-Where is his work useful? Dr Mostaf a EI-Sayed's work is very useful in medicine.
34-What does he study ? He studies fhe smallest parts of things.
35-Which field of science his work is useful? His work can be very useful in medicine.
36-What is his son's job ? What does he try to use ? Why?
His son is an important surgeon and he wants to use his father's work to help people.
37-When was Zeinab Oteify born? She was born in Egypt
38-What was she like ? She was hard-working, brave and strong
39-Where does Zeinab Oteify live? /What dld Zeinab Oteify do? / Why is she famous?
She lived in Egypt .She was a paralympic champion at weightlifting
40-Why do you lIke Zeinab Oteify? / How has Zeinab Oteify influenced ‫ يؤثر علي‬you‫?ا‬
I like her because she could challenge ‫ يتحدي‬her disability ‫اعاقة‬.
She influenced me as she showed me that I can do a lot of things even with a disability.
41-What do you know about Neil Armstrong? He was the first man to walk on the moon.

Present simple Tense ‫زمن المضارع البسيط‬

 Form: ‫التكوين‬
) It , she , He ( ‫إذا كان الفاعل مفرد غائب أو‬s ‫ المضارع البسيط هو التصريف األول للفعل ونضيف للفعل حرف‬
I, You, We eat - run - walk - sing
He, She, It eats - runs - walks - sings
‫ مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب‬es ‫ نضيف للفعل‬sh / ch / ss / x / o ‫ إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬
He, She, It washes - watches - crosses - goes - mixes
ies ‫ مسبوق بحرف ساكن تحذف ونضيف‬y ‫ إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف‬
He, She, It cries - tries
‫ فقط‬s ‫) نضيف‬a / e/ i / o/ u( ‫ مسبوق بحرف متحرك‬y ‫ إذا انتهى الفعل بحرف‬
He, She, It enjoys - plays - prays
Negation‫فى حالة النفى‬
)s / es( ‫) قبل الفعل الذى ال ينتهى بـ‬don't ( ‫ نستخدم‬-1
- I play football on Friday. I don't play football on Friday.
)s / es( ‫) وتحذف‬s / es( ‫) قبل الفعل الذى ينتهى بـ‬doesn’t ( ‫ نستخدم‬-2
- He reads many novels every night. He doesn't read many novels every night.
never ‫الى‬ – sometimes – always – often – usually ‫ نحول‬-3
- We always watch films on TV. We never watch films on TV.
- I usually go to school early. I never go to school early.
‫فى حالة تكوين سؤال باستخدام أداة استفهام نستخدم‬
‫أداة إستفهام‬+ do / does + ‫ الفعل فى المصدر‬+ ‫………الفاعل‬.…?
) he - she - it ( ‫) مع‬does ( ‫ ) و نستخدم المساعد‬I - you - we – they ( ‫) مع‬do ( ‫نستخدم الفعل المساعد‬
- Where do you work? - When does he work?
‫فى حالة تكوين سؤال بمعنى "هل" نستخدم‬

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First Year Hello English First Term
Do / Does + ‫ الفعل فى المصدر‬+ ‫………الفاعل‬.…?
- Do you work in Cairo? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
- Does he work in Cairo? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
do / does ‫ فى الجملة نستخدمه وال نستخدم‬verb to be (am / is / are) ‫إذا وجدنا‬
- What is his job?
‫ نستخدم‬passive ‫ إلى مبنى للمجهول‬active ‫ عند تحويل جملة فى زمن المضارع البسيط من مبنى للمعلوم‬
Object ‫مفعول‬ + am / is / are + p.p.
- Somebody cleans this room every day. (This room….) This room is cleaned every day.
- They make cars in Japan. (American cars…..) Cars are made in Hapan.
 Usage: ‫االستخدام‬
The sun shines in the day fact‫ يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن حقيقة‬
repeated action ‫ أو حدث متكرر‬habit ‫ يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن عادة‬
- I walk to school every day.
true situation ‫ يعبر المضارع البسيط عن حالة أو موقف حقيقى دائم‬
- I live in Cairo.
‫ يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع الظروف الزمنية اآلتية وتأتى فى نهاية الجملة أو أولها‬
every day / every week / every year / twice a week / twice a month
- Rania goes to the club every Monday.Every Monday Rania goes to the club.
verb to be ‫ قبل الفعل األصلى أو بعد‬: ‫ يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع ظروف التكرار و تأتى‬
always ‫ دائمًا‬- usually ‫ عادًة‬- often ‫ غالبًا‬- sometimes ‫– أحيانًا‬
not often - rarely ‫ نادرًا‬- never ‫ – أبدًا‬ever – frequently ‫ مرارا‬- occasionally ‫احيانا‬
- I sometimes walk to school. - I never drive into town.
- I am never late for school. - She is always tired in the evenings.
‫ أول الجملة أو أخرها‬usually / sometimes ‫ الحظ أنه يمكن استخدام‬
- Usually I walk to school. - I cycle to school sometimes.
‫ بعض األفعال عادة ال تستخدم فى األزمنة المستمرة مثل‬
believe / forget / hate / know / like / see / understand / want
- I know what you mean. I am knowing what you mean.
Past Simple Tense ‫زمن الماضى البسيط‬
@ Form: ‫التصريف الثانى للفعل‬
play à played eat à ate
Ÿ Regular Verbs: ‫األفعال المنتظمة‬
:‫) مثل‬ed( ‫?هى األفعال التى يضاف لها‬
visit à visited want à wanted
liveà lived ‫ مثل‬e ‫ للفعل المنتهى بحرف‬d ‫? يضاف حرف‬
ed ‫ مسبوق بحرف متحرك يضاف له‬y / w ‫? إذا كان الفعل ينتهى بحرف‬
enjoy à enjoyed show à showed
ied ‫ مسبوق بحرف ساكن يحذف و يضاف‬y ‫? اذا كان الفعل ينتهى بحرف‬
carry à carried study à studied
ed ‫? إذا كان الفعل يتكون من مقطع واحد و ينتهى بحرف ساكن مسبوق بحرف متحرك يضاغف الحرف األخير و يضاف‬
plan à planned stop à stopped
Ÿ Irregular Verbs: ‫األفعال الشاذة‬
:‫ و تحفظ جيدا مثل‬ed ‫?هى األفعال التى ال يضاف لها‬
go à went break à broke build à built
) + didn't‫فى حالة النفى نستخدم (المصدر‬
- They visited Japan. They didn't visit Japan.
‫فى حالة تكوين سؤال باستخدام أداة استفهام نستخدم‬
‫ أداة إستفهام‬+ did + ‫ الفعل فى المصدر‬+ ‫………الفاعل‬.…?
- What did you eat yesterday?
‫فى حالة تكوين سؤال بمعنى "هل" نستخدم‬
Did + ‫ الفعل فى المصدر‬+ ‫………الفاعل‬.…?
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First Year Hello English First Term
- Did he buy a new car? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
‫ كما يلى‬passive ‫? يتم تحويل زمن الماضى البسيط إلى مبنى للمجهول‬
Object ‫ مفعول‬+ was / were + pp + by + subject ‫فاعل‬
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. (Hamlet) Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
@ Usage: ‫االستخدام‬
.He drove into town yesterday .‫?يعبر الماضى البسيط عن حدث بدأ و انتهى فى وقت محدد في الماضي‬
.He got into his car and drove away ‫? يستخدم الماضى البسيط لوصف أحداث تتبع بعضها فى قصة‬
.He drove into town every day last week .‫?يعبر الماضى البسيط عن عادات و أفعال متكررة فى الماضى‬
.‫ للتعبير عن عادة أو موقف فى الماضى‬used to ‫?غالبا ما نستخدم‬
- When I was young, we lived by the sea. (used to)
- When I was young, we used to live by the sea.
:‫?يستخدم الماضى البسيط مع الكلمات اآلتية‬
yesterday ‫ أمس‬- ago ‫ منذ‬- last…. ... ‫الماضى‬- in the past ‫في الماضى‬ once ‫ ذات مرة‬- once
upon a time ‫ ذات مرة‬- one day ‫فى يوم ما‬ in 2007 – from + ‫ سنة‬+ to + ‫ – سنة‬When I was…
- He wrote letters last night.
))When = How long ago ‫ ال حظ أن‬
When did you start playing the guitar? = How long ago did you start playing the guitar?
UNIT 1 Famous Egyptians ( Workbook )
1 Match to make sentences.
a Nabawiya Musa was the first Egyptian woman 1 a famous scientist
b In 1920, she wrote a famous book 2 is very useful in medicine.
c Nabawiya Musa became 3 about girls' education.
d Dr Mostafa EI-Sayed is 4 the headmistress of a girls' school .
e He often writes in 5 to go to high school.
f His son is 6 science magazines.
g Dr Mostafa EI-Sayed's work 7 an important surgeon.
2 Add these words to the dictionary page.
famous 1) ....................... a teacher who is a woman and the leader of a school
headmistress 2) ....................... the treatment and study of illnesses and injuries
medicine 3) ....................... a doctor who does operations in a hospital
surgeon 4) ....................... something that makes it easier to do something
useful 5) ....................... known about by a lot of people
3 Complete these sentences with words from Exercise 2.
a My brother is studying ………….. because he wants to be a doctor.
b The ………….of my first school was a good teacher and a very clever woman.
c After the accident, the …………. saved the man's life.
d We all knew the name of the tennis player because he is very…….
e Mobile phones are very …………….. . They can do many things
3 Complete with the present or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Ahmed Zewail was born in 1946 in Egypt where he a) ..grew up… . (grow up). He b)
……….…..(go) to Alexandria University. He c)……..…….. (finish) his studies in the United
States in 1974. After this, Dr Zewail d)………..…. (work) at the University of California. In
1976, he e)…………..….. (become) a professor at the California Institute of Technology.
In 1998, at the age of 52, Dr Zewail f) …..……….(win) the Benjamin Franklin Medal
because he g)………….... (discover) the femto second, which is one millionth of one billionth
of a second. Many scientists, students and important people h)…………… (come) to the
ceremony and i)…………. (see) Dr Zewail receive his prize. One year later, Dr Zewail j)
………….. (get) the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Dr Zewai l now k)…….…….. (live) in

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California and l)……..….. (have) four children. His wife, Dema Zewail, m)……..……(be) a
doctor. He now n)……….…(help) scientists to make new medicines.
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple of these verbs.
Play score take win
a When I went on holiday, I always ……….. a lot of photographs
b When my brother was young, he…………. football every day.
c My football team………….. their match last weekend.
They …………….more goals than the other team .
2 Choose the correct word.
a Farms in the desert often need to find underground / grounded water.
b Our teacher is a real expert / geologist She knows everything about Egyptian history.
c The start of space / satellites is about 100 km above the earth .
d Only astronauts / directors can travel to the moon.
e I like studying rocks, so I want to become an astronaut / geologist
f It is important for all children to have a good expression / education
9 Plants grow very quickly in the soil / space in our garden.
3 Complete the puzzle to find a word that relates to space.
a the area outside the earth, where stars are
b a doctor who does operations in a hospital
c the process of learning that you get at school or university
d someone who knows a lot about a subject or is very good at something
e plants grown well in this f under the earth
9 known about by a lot of people h something that makes it easier to do something
i someone who studies the history of rocks

. ‫ عند ترجمة الجملة الفعلية إلى اللغة اإلنجليزية نبدأ بالفاعل ثم الفعل ثم التكملة‬-
We should take part in building our country. ‫علينا ان نساهم في بناء بالدنا‬.
World civilization owes a great deal to the Arabs. ‫تدين حضارة العالم بالكثير للعرب‬.
.‫ ارض خضراء‬into ‫ الصحراء الي‬change ‫ أن يحول‬Youth ‫ يستطيع الشباب‬-
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
advanced countries ‫ الدول المتقدمة‬cope with ‫ لمواكبة‬fields ‫ التكنولوجيا الحديثة في كافة المجاالت‬apply ‫ علينا أن نطبق‬-
. .……………………………………………………………………………………………-.
information ‫ في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات‬great ‫ هائلة‬revolution ‫ ثورة‬recent age ‫العصر الحالي‬witness ‫ شهد‬-
.‫ واالنترنت‬technology
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
‫ الجملة العربية قد تستغني عن الفعل ولكن ال بد من وجود فعل في الجملة اإلنجليزية‬-2
Science is ‫ يكون‬a double-edged weapon.‫العلم سالح ذو حدين‬.
.‫ بالعالم من حولنا‬scopes ‫وتنمي مداركنا‬cultutre ‫ ثقافتنا‬enrich ‫ القراءة هواية ممتعة تثري‬-
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
.cultural ‫ الثقافية‬renaissance ‫ لنهضتنا‬bright ‫ القاهرة الدولي للكتاب صورة مشرفة‬fair‫ معرض‬-
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
.‫ عنها‬do without ‫ هذا العصر فقد أصبح ضرورة ال يمكن االستغناء‬miracle ‫ االنترنت هو معجزة‬-
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
‫ في المضارع عند الترجمة للعربية ولكن يظهر في الماضي‬v. to be ‫ ال يظهر‬-3
.‫ الدكتور مجدي يعقوب مثال جيد للجراح المصري الناجح‬-
Professor MagdiYacoub is a good example of a successful Egyptian surgeon.
.‫ لقد كانت قصة أوليفر تويست تعليق جيد علي ظروف العصر‬-
"Oliver Twist" was a clever commentary on the politics of the day.
Test yourself
. ‫ ـ الكتاب أفضل صديق‬2 . ‫ ـ المدرسة جميلة‬1
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‫‪First Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪First Term‬‬
‫‪ 4‬ـ أرسلت إلى صديقى خطاب‪ letter‬باألمس‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 3‬ـ أكتب إلى صديقى مرة ‪ once‬كل أسبوع ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 6‬ـ يجب أن نذاكر بجد ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 5‬ـ ذهبنا إلى السوق‪ market‬الجمعة الماضية ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 8‬ـ نجيب محفوظ من ‪ one of‬أعظم كتاب ‪ writers‬العالم ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 7‬ـ سافر عمى إلى لندن‪ London‬الصيف الماضى ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 10‬ـ يذهب الطالب إلى المكتبة‪ library‬للقراءة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 9‬ـ نصحنى الدكتور أن ال أغادر‪ leave‬السرير لمدة أسبوع‪.‬‬
‫‪ 11‬ـ إن القراءة مفيدة ‪ useful‬فهى تزيد ‪ increase‬معلوماتنا‪. information‬‬
‫‪ 13‬ـ يجب أن نطيع ‪ obey‬والدينا ونحترم ‪ respect‬معلمينا ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 12‬ـ على كل ‪ should‬طالب‪ student‬أن يعمل بجد‪.‬‬
‫‪ 14‬ـ ذهبت إلى شاطئ‪ beach‬البحر وقضيت ‪ spend‬هناك أسبوعا‪ 15 .‬ـ أرسل لى صديق برقية ‪a postcard‬فى عيد ميالدى‪.‬‬
‫‪16‬ـ هل أستطيع أن استخدم تيلفونك المحمول من فضلك‪.‬‬
‫‪ 17‬ـ أفضل القراءة على مشاهدة التيلفزيون ‪.‬‬

‫كرسي متحرك‬ ‫‪wheelchair‬‬ ‫جـــــــــــــدال‬ ‫‪argument‬‬ ‫سجـــــــن‬ ‫‪prison‬‬

‫شخصيات‬ ‫‪characters‬‬ ‫يقبض على‬ ‫‪arrest‬‬ ‫موظف فى مكتب‬ ‫‪office clerk‬‬
‫توضيح‬ ‫‪clarification‬‬ ‫صرصــــــار‬ ‫‪cricket‬‬ ‫جريـــــــدة‬ ‫‪newspaper‬‬
‫يوضح‬ ‫‪clarify‬‬ ‫مدفأة‬ ‫‪hearth‬‬ ‫صحفـــــــى‬ ‫‪journalist‬‬
‫حياة ‪ /‬حيوات‬ ‫‪life / lives‬‬ ‫اعمـــــــــــــــــى‬ ‫‪blind‬‬ ‫رواية (قصة‬ ‫‪novel‬‬
‫سطح داخلى‬ ‫‪inside surface‬‬ ‫اطرش‬ ‫‪deaf‬‬ ‫طويلة)‬
‫مسرحيـــــــة‬ ‫‪play‬‬
‫يفشل‬ ‫‪fail‬‬ ‫ابكم‬ ‫‪dumb‬‬ ‫ُيقرر ‪ /‬تقرير‬ ‫‪report‬‬
‫الفشل‬ ‫‪failure‬‬ ‫سقف (من اسفل)‬ ‫‪ceiling‬‬ ‫قصة ‪ /‬حكاية‬ ‫‪tale‬‬
‫تالف‬ ‫‪damaged‬‬ ‫سطح (من اعلى)‬ ‫‪roof‬‬ ‫توقع ‪ /‬احتمال‬ ‫‪expectation‬‬
‫بطـــــــل‬ ‫‪champion‬‬ ‫تقريبــــــــا‬ ‫‪nearly‬‬ ‫اسم حقيقى‬ ‫‪real name‬‬
‫عطوف‪ /‬طيب‬ ‫‪kind- hearted‬‬ ‫دافـــــــئ‬ ‫‪warm‬‬ ‫يتبـــــــع‬ ‫‪follow‬‬
‫بائس ‪ /‬تعيس‬ ‫‪miserable‬‬ ‫الــــــــِدفء‬ ‫‪warmth‬‬ ‫قـــــــرن‬ ‫‪century‬‬
‫والدين‬ ‫‪parents‬‬ ‫أنيــــق ‪ -‬مهندم‬ ‫‪well-dressed‬‬ ‫أطفال عاملون‬ ‫‪child workers‬‬
‫يعاقـــــــب‬ ‫‪punish‬‬ ‫قريـــــــة‬ ‫‪village‬‬ ‫إصالحية لألحداث‬ ‫‪workhouse‬‬
‫عالقـــــــــة‬ ‫‪relation‬‬ ‫صاحب العمل‬ ‫‪employer‬‬ ‫والمبيت‬ ‫للعمل‬
‫جريمــــة‬ ‫‪crime‬‬
‫عقـــــــاب‬ ‫‪punishment‬‬ ‫موظف‬ ‫‪employee‬‬ ‫مجــــــرم‬ ‫‪criminal‬‬
‫بالغ ‪ -‬راشد‬ ‫‪adult‬‬ ‫شرخ ‪ /‬يشرخ‬ ‫‪crack‬‬ ‫قصة بوليسية‬ ‫‪detective‬‬
‫تفاصيـــــــل‬ ‫‪details‬‬ ‫َج صة (طينة صلبة)‬ ‫‪plaster‬‬ ‫خيال علمى‬ ‫‪fiction fiction‬‬
‫يطيـــــــع‬ ‫‪obey‬‬ ‫رمادى الشعر‬ ‫‪grey-haired‬‬ ‫ُيجرى مقابلة‬ ‫‪interview‬‬
‫شبـــــــاب‬ ‫‪youth‬‬ ‫انيق ‪ /‬مهندم‬ ‫‪well-dressed‬‬ ‫رئيسى ‪ /‬أساسى‬ ‫‪main‬‬
‫منزل ريفى‬ ‫‪country house‬‬ ‫نقاش ‪ /‬جدال‬ ‫‪argument‬‬ ‫يستعير ‪ /‬يقترض‬ ‫‪borrow‬‬
‫حالة ‪ -‬دولة‬ ‫‪state‬‬ ‫حقيقة‬ ‫‪truth‬‬ ‫يضع خطًا تحت‬ ‫‪underline‬‬
‫غير معروف‬ ‫‪unknown‬‬ ‫حقيقى‬ ‫‪true‬‬ ‫حدث ‪ /‬فعل‬ ‫‪action‬‬
‫مشهـــــــور‬ ‫‪well-known‬‬ ‫يقول الحق‬ ‫‪tell the truth‬‬ ‫ُيشـــــــارك‬ ‫‪share‬‬
‫يهـــــــرب‬ ‫‪run away : get‬‬ ‫يدرك‬ ‫‪realise‬‬ ‫ُم زدحـــــــم‬ ‫‪crowded‬‬
‫متشـــــرد‬ ‫‪away‬‬
‫‪homeless‬‬ ‫يصيح‬ ‫‪shout‬‬ ‫تقريبًا ‪ /‬حوالى‬ ‫‪nearly‬‬
‫يؤجـــــل‬ ‫‪postpone‬‬ ‫مندهش‬ ‫‪surprised‬‬ ‫اختيـــــــار‬ ‫‪choice‬‬
‫شريـــــك‬ ‫‪partner‬‬ ‫يخبىء‬ ‫‪hide‬‬ ‫ُيقـــــــدم‬ ‫‪introduce‬‬
‫قائم علي‬ ‫‪be based on‬‬ ‫ابنـــــــــــــــــة‬ ‫‪daughter‬‬ ‫مجـــــــاور‬ ‫‪nearby‬‬
‫مزدحم بـ‬ ‫‪crowded with‬‬ ‫سويا – معـــــا‬ ‫‪together‬‬ ‫يبحـــــــر‬ ‫‪sail‬‬
‫أحـــــــداث‬ ‫‪events‬‬ ‫أميـــــن‬ ‫‪honest‬‬ ‫رحلـــــــة‬ ‫‪journey‬‬
‫عطـــــــوف‬ ‫‪kind‬‬ ‫أمانـــــــة‬ ‫‪honesty‬‬ ‫مجموعـــــــة‬ ‫‪group‬‬
‫يستمـــــــر‬ ‫‪go on‬‬ ‫لعب اطفــــــال‬ ‫‪toys‬‬ ‫يخطـــــــف‬ ‫‪kidnap‬‬
‫مذنب بــ‬ ‫‪guilty of‬‬ ‫يخطـــــــئ‬ ‫‪do wrong‬‬ ‫ُم خَت ِط ـــــــف‬ ‫‪kidnapper‬‬
‫يدفع ثمن‬ ‫‪pay for‬‬ ‫بالقـــــــوة‬ ‫‪by force‬‬ ‫الجانب المظلم‬ ‫‪dark side‬‬
‫حضـــــــارة‬ ‫‪civilization‬‬ ‫يشير الى‬ ‫‪refer to‬‬ ‫نظـــــــارة‬ ‫‪glasses‬‬
‫يقتحـــــــم‬ ‫‪break into‬‬ ‫اذن‬ ‫‪permission‬‬ ‫ممتلكات‬ ‫‪properties‬‬
‫كريـــــــم‬ ‫‪generous‬‬ ‫ابنـــــــه‬ ‫‪daughter‬‬ ‫حشرة قفازة‬ ‫‪jumping insect‬‬
‫يسجـــــــن‬ ‫‪imprison‬‬ ‫ُيصدق ‪ /‬يؤمن‬ ‫‪believe‬‬ ‫أخالقى ‪ -‬مغزي‬ ‫‪moral‬‬
‫‪Mr B. M. Ghreeb‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬
First Year Hello English First Term
stop ….. from + v. + ing‫من‬... ‫يمنع‬ be in debt ‫يكون مدينا‬
at the edge of ‫على حافة‬ go to prison ‫ يسجن‬/ ‫يوضع بالسجن‬
take place ‫يحدث‬ work for ‫يعمل لدى‬
instead of + v. + ing ‫بدال من‬ get into debt ‫يقع تحت الدين‬
ask for advice ‫يطلب نصيحة‬ look for ‫يبحث عن‬
be in trouble ‫يكون فى مأزق‬ look after ‫يعتنى بـ‬
belong to ‫ ينتمى الى‬/ ‫يخص‬ look like ‫يشبه‬
take …… back ‫ يرجع‬/ ‫يعيد‬ be born into a good family ‫يولد فى أسرة طيبة‬
owe money to ‫يدين بالمال لـ‬ on board )‫ على ظهر (السفينة‬/ ‫على متن‬
live on the streets ‫يعيش فى الشوارع‬ introduce…..to ‫على‬...‫ يعرف‬/ ‫لـ‬..... ‫يقدم‬
work out ‫ يستنبط‬/ )‫يحل (مسألة‬ be rewarded for ‫يكافأ على‬
Adjective Noun Verb
‫ مختار‬chosen ‫ اختيار‬choice ‫ يختار‬choose
‫ وصفى‬descriptive ‫ وصف‬description ‫ يصف‬describe
‫ ميت‬dead ‫ الموت‬death ‫ يموت‬die
‫ سعيد‬happy ‫ سعادة‬happiness ……………………..
‫ سجن‬prison
‫ سجين‬prisoner ‫يسجن‬ imprison
‫تائه‬/‫ مفقود‬lost ‫ خسارة‬loss ‫يخسر‬ lose
‫ يستحق العقاب‬punishable ‫ عقاب‬punishment ‫يعاقب‬ punish
‫ سريع‬quick …………………….. ‫ُيسرع‬ quicken
‫ روايــــة‬a long written story, usually about characters and events that that
are not real
‫سجــــــــــن‬ a building where criminals are kept as a punishment prison
‫َدْي ــــــــــــن‬ money that you owe to someone debt
someone who writes reports for newspapers, magazines,
‫صحفي‬ journalist
television or radio
‫شخصية‬ a person in a book, play or film, etc. character
‫ينتمي الي‬ be the property of. belong to
‫سقف المنزل‬ the inside surface of the top part of a room ceiling
‫مشـــــــــــــروخ‬ damaged, with thin lines on its surface cracked
‫صاحب العمل‬ a person or company that pays people to work for them employer
‫يفشــــــــل‬ to be unsuccessful in doing something fail
‫ محارة‬- ‫َج ص‬ something to cover walls to give them a smooth surface plaster
‫الحقيقــــــــة‬ the true facts about something truth
‫مدفــــــــــأة‬ fire used to stay warm by sitting near it. hearth
‫صرصـــــــار‬ a kind of jumping insect which makes a loud noise. cricket
‫مغزي – درس أخالقي‬ a lesson we learn from a story , a novel , a book a film or a play. moral

1- after (person), ‫فاعل‬ + ‫فعل‬ + ‫صفة تفضيل عليا‬

- After Shakespeare, Dickens is the most famous writer in the English language.
2- novel ‫رواية‬ Play ‫مسرحية‬
story ‫قصة‬ tale ‫حكاية‬
3- decade ‫ْق‬
‫ِع د‬ century ‫قرن‬ millennium )‫األلفية (الف عام‬
4- borrow ‫َي قترض َي ستلف َي ستعير‬ - He borrowed a novel from the library.
lend ‫ُيسلف‬ ‫ُيقرض‬ If you need a coat, I can lend you one/lend one to you.
owe ‫يدين بــ‬ - I owe Janet ten pounds.
- I owe you a drink for helping me move. - I think you owe me an apology.
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First Year Hello English First Term
5- search for ‫يبحث عن‬ search ‫ُيفتش‬
- if the police search someone, they look in their clothes or bags for weapon, drugs etc.
6- introduce ‫ُيقدم شخص آلخر‬ offer ‫ُيقدم شىء لشخص‬ present‫ برنامج‬, ‫ُيهدى ُي قدم فيلم‬,...
7- share ‫ُيشارك‬, ‫يتقاسم‬ - My friend shared a meal with me.
divide ‫يقسم‬ - The teacher divided the class into groups.
8- country: ‫دولة‬ the country: ‫الريف‬ village: ‫قرية‬
- Egypt is my country. - I live in the country. - Life in the village is quieter than life in the city.
9- look at ‫ينظر الى‬ look up ‫يبحث عن كلمة فى قاموس‬
- look like ‫ُيشبه‬ look after‫يعتنى بـ‬
- look for ‫يبحث عن‬ look forward to ‫يتطلع الى‬
10- adopt ‫يتبنى‬ They are going to adopt a child.
adapt ‫ يتأقلم‬- ‫يتكيف‬ You must be able to adapt yourself to a changing world.
11- kidnap ‫يخطف شخص كرهينة‬ The gang kidnapped Oliver to be one of them.
hijack‫يخطف مركبة‬ A terrorist hijacked a plane last year.
12- teach ‫ ُيعلم‬+ object + (how) to + inf Fagin taught the gang (how) to be thieves.
13- stop ‫ يمنع‬+ object + from + v.ing Mr Brownlow stopped the police from arresting Oliver.
14- It's + adj. + to + inf. It's important to guess the meaning of new words.
15- rob ‫ أوشخص‬/ ‫يسرق مكان‬ The gang robbed the bank.
- They robbed the bank of a 100,000 pounds.
steal ‫يسرق شىء‬ They stole 100,000 pounds from the bank.
16- reward (someone) with … ‫ ُيكافىء شخص بـ‬- Fagin rewarded the thieves with food and place to live in.
17- list ‫ جدول‬/ ‫قائمة‬ It's Dina's shopping list.
menu ‫قائمة طعام‬ - Could we have the menu, please?
18- baby a very young child who has not yet begun to walk or talk
childa boy or girl from the time of birth until he or she is an adult, or a son or daughter of any age
young having lived or existed for only a short time and not old
teenager (n.) a person aged between 13 and 19 years
adult a person or animal that has grown to full size and strength

1- What do you know about Charles Dickens?

- He is probably the most famous writer in the English Language after Shakespeare.
2- What is Dickens best known for?
- He is best known for his novels about life in nineteenth – century Britain
3- Why did Dickens's father go to prison? - Because he had got into debt.
4- Why did Charles Dickens go to London?
- Charles went to London to earn money for the family.
5- Where did Charles Dickens work at the age of twelve? - He worked in a London factory.
6- What did Dickens see in the factory? - He saw how hard life was for poor people.
7- Why did Charles Dickens go to America in 1858? - To read his novels to people.
8- Name Some of Charles Dickens's novels.
- Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, and Great Expectations.
9- Who are the main characters? What are they like?
Caleb and Bertha Plummer, they are poor.
10-Who are the other characters? How did they know the main characters?
Mr Tackleton. He is their employer.
11-How does the story start? What happened first? What happened next? And then?
Bertha is born blind. Caleb does not tell her the truth. Mr Tackleton shouts at Caleb. Caleb tells his
daughter the truth .
12-What is Caleb and Bertha Plummer's life like? Their life is difficult.
13-What relation is Mr. Tackleton to Caleb? He is his employer.
14-What truth didn't Caleb tell his daughter?
He didn't tell her about their life, they were so poor.
15-What is the moral of the story?
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First Year Hello English First Term
It is always best to tell the truth. It is better to be kind.
16-What does Caleb and Bertha do? They make toys.
17-To whom does their house belong? It belongs to their employer.
18-Was Bertha born blind? Yes, she was blind since birth.
19-In your opinion, which reality was Bertha blind to?
The reality which Bertha was blind to was that she didn't know that they were very poor.
20-Why did her father lie about their life? Because he wanted her to have a happy life.
21-What didn't Bertha know about the house?
She didn't know that the ceilings were cracked and the plaster was falling off.
22- What didn't Bertha realize concerning ‫ بخصــــــوص‬her father?
She didn't realize that her father was a grey-haired old man.
23-What wrong idea did she have about Mr. Tackleton?
She thought he was a good employer.
24-Was Caleb a well-dressed man? No, he wasn't because he was poor.
25-Did Bertha become angry at the end?What did she say?
No, she said that she had been happy and she would be even happier.
26-How can we make life easier for the blind?
We can help them read using Braille and provide them with programs.
19. Do you think he did the right thing when he invented things to make his daughter happy?
No, he should have told her the truth.
27-Why do you think that he told her the truth after his argument with Mr Tackleton?
Because he realised that always tried to be good to her, but he has failed.
21. "Sometimes people are forced to tell lies." Are you for or against this/ Say why.
I am against this because it is always best to tell the truth.
28-What can we say about the characters of Caleb and Bertha?
They are both good people who want to help each other and make each other happy.
29-How would you feel if your friends told you something that was not the truth?
I would not feel happy.
30-What jobs can blind people do well?
They can do any job well that does not need you to see something,
31-Is it right for blind people like Bertha to work? Why/why not?
Yes ,she is probably good at making toys.
32-How can we make life easier for people who can not see or can not hear?
We can move things in the road or in buildings that make it difficult for blind people. We can try to
communicate better with people who cannot hear.
33-What was the truth that Caleb Plummer hid from Bertha?
He did not tell her that they were poor.
34-Why do you think that he told her the truth after his argument ‫ جدال‬with Mr Tackleton?
He realised that she understood that they had problems because she heard their argument.
35-Why do you think that Caleb and Bertha were so poor?
They probably did not sell many toys. Mr Tackleton did not pay them very much. Perhaps they had to
pay a lot for their house.
36-Do you think Mr Tackleton was a good employer? Why/Why not?
No. he was not. They are very poor and the house that belongs to him is small and not nice.
37-What should good employers do to look after the people who work for them?
They should make sure they have a good place to work and enough money to live well all.
38-Can you think of any situations when it is kind to not tell the truth?
Sometimes people might be sad if you told them the truth. For example. if they spent a long time
drawing a picture which is not very good. it might be better to ay that you like the picture
39-How can we make life easier for people who cannot walk?
If they use a wheelchair, we can make it easier for the wheelchair to go into buildings across roads
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 14
First Year Hello English First Term

Asking for clarification

‫نستخدم االساليب اآلتية عندما نريد من شخص ان يوضح أمرا ما‬
• I don't understand. Can you say that again, please?
• Then what happened?
• Who is .. . ? What did he / she do?
• Where did he / she go / live?
• What is the moral of the story?
Seeking information ‫طلب معلومات‬
- What was your journey like? ‫كيف كانت الرحلة؟‬ - very tiring/w onderful ‫ رائعة جدا‬/ ‫متعبة‬
- How much is it? ‫كم الثمن ؟‬ 70 - pounds. 70 ‫جنيه‬
- Could you tell me the way to….? ‫؟‬.‫هل يمكن أن تخبرنى الطريق الى‬
- Go straight, then turn left. ‫سر لالمام ثم استدر يسارا‬
- What's your nationality? ‫ما جنسيتك؟‬ - I'm Egyptian. ‫أنا مصرى‬

Past Continuous Tense ‫الماضى المستمر‬

Form: was / were + v. + ing
- It wasraining when I got up. - When Tom arrived, we werehaving dinner.
.‫ يعبر الماضى المستمر عن حدث مستمر أثناء وقت معين فى الماضى‬
- Between six and half past six this morning, I washaving breakfast.
.‫ يعبر الماضى المستمر عن حدث كان مستمرا عندما قطعه حدث آخر فى الماضى‬
- I washaving a shower when the phone rang.
.‫ يعبر الماضى المستمر عن حدثين كانا يحدثان فى نفس الوقت‬
- While father waswatching TV, mother wascooking in the kitchen.
:‫ يستخدم الماضى المستمر مع الكلمات اآلتية‬
while ‫ بينما‬- as ‫ بينما‬- just as ‫فى اللحظة التى‬ - when ‫عندما‬
all day yesterday ‫طوال اليوم أمس‬ - all the time ‫طوال الوقت‬
‫ بينما يكون الحدث األخر ماضى بسيط أو ماضى مستمر حسب المعنى‬while / as / just as ‫يأتى الماضى المستمر بعد‬

-While (As / Just as) he was leaving the house, the phone rang.
-The phone rang while (as-just as) he was leaving the house.
.‫ ماضى بسيط ثم ماضى مستمر أو العكس حسب المعنى‬when ‫يمكن أن يأتى بعد‬
-I was studying English when the lights went out.
-The lights went out when I was studying English.
.‫ ماضى مستمر و الفعل األخر ماضى بسيط‬because ‫يمكن أن يأتى بعد‬
- Magdycouldn’t hear the phone because he washaving a shower.
While + ‫ ماضى مستمر‬+ ‫فاعل‬
1- While + v. + ing =
During + noun ‫ اسم‬/ v. + ing
-While I was having lunch, the phone rang. (During)
During having lunch, the phone rang. During my lunchtime, the phone rang.
2- When + ‫ ماضى بسيط‬+ ‫ = فاعل‬On + v. + ing / noun ‫اسم‬
-When the thief saw the police, he ran away. (On) On seeing the police, the thief ran away.
Past Perfect Tense ‫زمن الماضى التام‬
 Form: ‫التكوين‬
.had + p.p‫ يتكون الماضى التام من‬
- After he had eaten his lunch, he drank tea.
 Usage: ‫االستخدام‬
.‫ يستخدم الماضى التام ليصف حدث وقع قبل حدث آخر فىالماضى‬
- When I got home, my mother hadwashed and ironed my clothes.
.‫ الحظ الفرق بين هاتين الجملتين‬

Mr B. M. Ghreeb 15
First Year Hello English First Term
- When I arrived at the party, Tom left. = Tom left when I arrived.
- When I arrived at the party, Tom hadleft. = Tom left before I arrived.
:‫ يستخدم الماضى التام مع الكلمات اآلتية‬
after ‫بعد‬ / as soon as ‫بمجرد أن‬ / when‫عندما‬ / till / until ‫حتى‬
before ‫قبل‬ / by the time‫قبل‬ / no sooner….than ‫ حتى‬... ...‫لم يكد‬
hardly (scarcely)……when‫…… لم يكد‬ ‫حتى‬
1- After + subject ‫ فاعل‬+ past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬ + past simple ‫ماضى بسيط‬
After + v. + ing + past simple ‫ماضى بسيط‬
Having + pp + past simple ‫ماضى بسيط‬
- First he read the novel. Then he watched TV. (After / Having)
After he hadread the novel, he watched TV. After reading the novel, he watched TV.
Having read the novel, he watched TV.
2- As soon as + subject ‫ فاعل‬+ past perfect ‫ ماضى تام‬+ past simple ‫ماضى بسيط‬
- First he found a place. Then he parked his car. (as soon as)
He parked his car as soon as he had found a place.
.‫ و ذلك حسب ترتيب األحداث‬when‫ يستخدم الماضى التام قبل أو بعد‬
- When he arrived, we hadfinished our dinner. = We had finished our dinner before he arrived.
- When we hadfinished our dinner, he arrived. = He arrived after we had finished our dinner.
.‫ فى زمن الماضى البسيط‬when / as soon as ‫ يمكن أن يأتى الفعالن مع‬
- When I heard the news on the radio, I phoned her.
- Assoonas I heard the news on the radio, I phoned her.
3- Past simple (negative) ‫ ماضى بسيط منفى‬+ till / until + past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬
- He found a place. Then he parked his car. (until / it wasn’t until)
He didn’t park his car until he hadfound a place.
4- Before + subject‫ فاعل‬+ past simple ‫ماضى بسيط‬ + past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬
Before + v. + ing + past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬
By the time +subject ‫ فاعل‬+past simple ‫ ماضى بسيط‬+ past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬
- First he read the novel. Then he watched TV. (Before)
Before he watched TV, he had read the novel. Before watching TV, he had read the novel.
- The police arrived but the thief escaped. (By the time)
By the time the police arrived, the thief hadescaped.
.‫ اذا تالها ما يدل على الماضى‬by ‫ يستخدم الماضى التام مع‬
- By last Friday, he had finished the report.
.‫ إذا كانت الجملة فى الماضى‬already / just / never / yet ‫ يستخدم الماضى التام مع‬
- When we arrived at the cinema, the film had already started.
- He told me he had already done his homework.She had just got home when I phoned her.
no sooner than
5- subject ‫ فاعل‬+ had + hardly + p.p. when +past simple ‫ماضى بسيط‬
scarcely when
- They finished painting our new house. We moved into it.
They had no sooner finished painting our new house than we moved into it.
They had hardly finished painting our new house when we moved into it.
)pp(‫ و التصريف الثالث‬had ‫ بين‬no sooner / hardly / scarcely‫ الحظ استخدام‬
.‫ نضع الجملة األولى فى صيغة استفهام‬no sooner/hardly/scarcely ‫ إذا بدأت الجملة بــ‬
No sooner than
Hardly + had + subject ‫ فاعل‬+ p.p.+ when + past simple ‫ماضى بسيط‬
Scarcely when
-They had finished painting our new house. We moved into it.
(No sooner…..than / Hardly……………when)
No sooner had they finished painting our new house than we moved into it.
Hardly had they finished painting our new house when we moved into it.
.‫ البد من استخدام الماضى التام إذا كان ذلك يؤثر على معنى الجملة‬
- He thanked me for what I had done. - He found the bag, which he had lost.
- He was tired because he had worked for 14 hours.

Mr B. M. Ghreeb 16
First Year Hello English First Term
UNIT 2 Charles Dickens ( Workbook )
1 Correct the facts in these sentences.
a Charles Dickens was born in the south of France.
b He lived in the 18th century.
c Charles's father died when Charles was a young boy.
d When he was twelve years old, he went to work in an office.
e Later he became a doctor in London.
f He wrote plays about the lives of rich people.
2 Match the words with their meanings.
a character 1 someone who writes for newspapers
b in debt 2 a story about people that are not real
c journalist 3 a person in a book, play or film
d novel 4 a building where people who do something wrong are sent
e prison 5 when you owe money to someone
3 Complete these sentences with words from Exercise 2.
a A …………...… often interviews people before he or she writes a report.
b If you don't want to go to ………….……. , don't do anything wrong.
c Naguib Mahfouz wrote ……………………s about life in Egypt in the 20th century.
d Bertha is the main ………………….……in Dickens's story The Cricket on the Hearth .
e If you borrow too much money, you will be……………..
3 Make questions. Then ask a partner and write the answers.
a Where/you go/yesterday evening? ........................................................................
c How/you come to school this morning? ........................................................................
b Who/you meet/at the weekend? ........................................................................
d What time/school begin/this morning? ........................................................................
4 Complete this story using the correct past forms of these verbs.
arrive catch clean come drink
get happen introduce live read
sail start talk tell wait watch
We a)…… got …….. on board our felucca at 11 o'clock, although we b)……………..in
Aswan nearly two hours earlier. As soon as we were on board, the captain and crew of our
boat c)…………….. themselves to us. After we d)……………..the Nile Police about our
journey at their office, we e)……………..our journey down the Nile to Faras. During the
hottest part of the day, we f)…………….. to other passengers, g)……………..our books, or
just h)…………….. the everyday lives of the people who i)……………..by the river. So many
things j)…………….. cows which k)……………..from the nearby fields l)…………….. from the
river; fishermen m)…………….. for a fish. As we n)……………..by, one of these men o)
…………….. a fish which he p)……………..a few minutes earlier.
1 Complete the puzzle to find a word.
a the inside surface of the top part of a room (…………………..)
b the true facts about something (…………………..)
c to be unsuccessful in doing something (…………………..)
d damaged, with thin lines on its surface (…………………..)
e a person or company that pays people to work for them (…………………..)
f something to cover walls to give them a smooth surface (…………………..)
2 Complete these sentences with the words from Exercise 1.
a Mansour put …………………(plaster) on the walls and then painted them white.
b After the cup fell on the floor, I saw that it was…………..…………
c We know what Ali did last week, because he always tells the………….……
d Mona did not ……………….…. any of her exams. She did very well!
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 17
First Year Hello English First Term
e Mr Ghaboor has a new …………………... . He is now working in the hospital
f Fady is very tall . He can touch the……………….………!
3 When you are reading, it is important to guess the meanings of new words. Try
asking yourself the questions in the box.
• What kind of word is it: a noun, a verb or an adjective?
• Can I work out t he meaning of the word from the rest of the sentence 7
Now guess the meaning of the words in bold. Check in a dictionary.
a Caleb had a difficult choice: to invent things to keep his daughter happy, or to tell the truth.
b Caleb felt rewarded when Bertha told him how happy she was.
c The moral of the story is that it is always best to tell the truth.

The Cricket on the Hearth

Bertha had been blind since she was born. Her father wanted her to have a happy life, so
he didn't tell her what their life was really like. Bertha didn't know that the ceilings were
cracked and the plaster was falling off the walls. She never knew that everything around her
was old and poor. She didn't realise that her father was a grey-haired old man. She thought
that they lived in a comfortable home; she thought that she had a well-dressed father and
that Mr Tackleton was a good employer. Because her father was kind, Bertha was always
happy. a Which words does the writer use instead of "Bertha Plummer"?
b Which word in sentence 2 means "for this reason"?
c Which word in sentence 4 means "all of the things"?
d In sentence 7, which word tells us the reason for something

)..‫ هما‬/ ‫هو‬/ ‫إلي ضمير شخصي في اللغة العربية (هي‬v.to be ‫ قد يترجم‬-1
My favourite hobby is listening to music. ‫إن هوايتي المفضلة هي االستماع إلي الموسيقي‬
.‫) إلي فعل أخر بما يتوافق مع سياق الكالم أو يحذف‬v.to be( ‫ وقد يترجم‬-2
Freedom is a main demand for all peoples.
.‫ الحرية مطلب رئيسي لجميع الشعوب‬.‫ تمثل الحرية مطلب رئيسي لجميع الشعوب‬-
Democracy ‫الديمقراطية‬is the corner stone ‫ حجر الزاوية‬in our world today.
. ...................................................................................................... -
……‫ يناقش‬/ ‫ يصاب‬/ ‫يقتني) أو ( يتناول‬/ ‫ لدي‬/‫ يملك‬/ ‫ عند‬/‫ يترجم إلي ( لـ‬v.to have -3
‫ لقد أصبح متاحا لكل طالب اقتناء جهاز حاسب آلي‬-
It has become available for each student to have a computer set.
‫ والعــدل‬wisdom ‫ والحكمــة‬patience ‫ والصــبر‬courage ‫ الشــجاعة‬qualities ‫ بصــفات‬ideal leader ‫ يتحلي القائــد المثــالي‬-
. fairness
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
.‫ يجب إظهارها عند الترجمة إلى اإلنجليزية‬pronouns ‫ الضمائر المستترة فى العربية‬-4
.‫ نفخر بأن التعليم هو المشروع االول في مصر‬-
We're proud that education is the first national project in Egypt.
… In order to/so as to / to ‫ لكي‬+ ‫ المصدر‬: ‫ الم التعليل تترجم إلى‬-4
.‫ يستطيع كل منا أن يساهم في تقدم ورفعة بالدنا لنفتخر به دائما‬-
Each one of us can share in the progress and the excellence of our country to be always
proud of them.
‫ المنتجـــات العالميـــة‬complete‫لكي تنـــافس‬high quality ‫ المصـــرية عاليـــة الجـــودة‬products ‫ يجب أن تكـــون المنتجـــات‬-
. international
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
Test yourself
. ‫ ـ الكتاب أفضل صديق‬2 . ‫ ـ مدرستي جميلة و نظيفة‬1

Mr B. M. Ghreeb 18
‫‪First Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪First Term‬‬
‫‪ 4‬ـ أرسلت إلى صديقى خطاب‪ letter‬باألمس‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 3‬ـ أكتب إلى صديقى مرة ‪ once‬كل أسبوع ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 6‬ـ يجب أن نذاكر بجد ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 5‬ـ ذهبنا إلى السوق‪ market‬الجمعة الماضية ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 8‬ـ نجيب محفوظ من ‪ one of‬أعظم كتاب العالم ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 7‬ـ سافر عمى إلى لندن‪ London‬الصيف الماضى ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 10‬ـ يذهب الطالب إلى المكتبة‪ library‬للقراءة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 9‬ـ نصحنى الدكتور أن ال أغادر‪ leave‬السرير لمدة أسبوع‪.‬‬
‫‪ 11‬ـ إن القراءة مفيدة ‪ useful‬فهى تزيد ‪ increase‬معلوماتنا‪. information‬‬
‫‪ 13‬ـ يجب أن نطيع ‪ obey‬والدينا ونحترم ‪ respect‬معلمينا‬ ‫‪ 12‬ـ على كل ‪ should‬طالب‪ student‬أن يعمل بجد‪.‬‬
‫‪ 14‬ـ ذهبت إلى شاطئ‪ beach‬البحر وقضيت‪ spent‬هناك أسبوعا‪.‬‬
‫‪16‬ـ هل أستطيع أن استخدم تيلفونك المحمول من فضلك‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 15‬ـ أرسل لى صديق برقية ‪a postcard‬فى عيد ميالدى‪.‬‬
‫‪ 18‬ـ إن مصر غنية‪ rich in‬بشبابها‪. youth‬‬ ‫‪ 17‬ـ أفضل القراءة على مشاهدة التيلفزيون ‪.‬‬
‫‪ 20‬ـ مدرستى جديدة ونظيفة ومتطورة ‪.developed‬‬ ‫‪ 19‬ـ لقد فهمت‪ understood‬كل ما قاله‪.‬‬
‫‪ 22‬ـ الشباب ‪ Youth‬هم أمل ‪ hope‬األمة ‪the nation‬‬ ‫‪ 21‬ـ تهتم الدولة ‪ The state‬بالتعليم ‪education‬‬
‫‪ 23‬ـ يجب أن نزيد اإلنتاج ‪ increase‬ونرشد ‪decrease‬‬
‫اإلستهالك ‪. consumption‬‬

‫ُيعبــــــــر عن‬ ‫‪express‬‬ ‫مؤلــــــــــــم‬ ‫‪painful‬‬ ‫قــــــــوة‬ ‫‪power‬‬

‫رأى‬ ‫‪opinion‬‬ ‫مريــــــــض‬ ‫‪patient‬‬ ‫عقــــــــل‬ ‫‪mind‬‬
‫ُيرفق ‪ُ /‬يلحق‬ ‫‪attach‬‬ ‫طبيعــــــــى‬ ‫‪normal‬‬ ‫يتذكــــــــر‬ ‫‪remember‬‬
‫حديــــــــث‬ ‫‪recent‬‬ ‫الجسم البشرى‬ ‫‪human body‬‬ ‫كلمة سر ‪ /‬كلمة‬ ‫‪password‬‬
‫استقبــــــــال‬ ‫‪reception‬‬ ‫درجة الحرارة‬ ‫‪temperature‬‬ ‫مرور‬
‫محادثــــــــة‬ ‫‪conversation‬‬
‫مراهــــــــق‬ ‫‪teenager‬‬ ‫تلف المــــــــخ‬ ‫‪brain damage‬‬ ‫سهل الى حد ما‬ ‫‪quite easy‬‬
‫دواء‬ ‫‪drug‬‬ ‫رسالــــــــة‬ ‫‪message‬‬ ‫نــــــــص‬ ‫‪text‬‬
‫حديثــــــــًا‬ ‫‪recently‬‬ ‫مكالمة هاتفية‬ ‫‪phone call‬‬ ‫يضيف ‪ /‬يجمع‬ ‫‪add‬‬
‫فترة ‪ /‬مدة‬ ‫‪period‬‬ ‫خطاب ‪ /‬حرف‬ ‫‪letter‬‬ ‫دافــــــــىء‬ ‫‪warm‬‬
‫صوت رنين‬ ‫‪ringing sound‬‬ ‫ُم عقــــــــد‬ ‫‪complex‬‬ ‫بصوت عالي‬ ‫‪aloud‬‬
‫يستمــــــــر‬ ‫‪continue‬‬ ‫ُم عقــــــــد‬ ‫‪complicated‬‬ ‫مندهــــــــش‬ ‫‪surprised‬‬
‫حفرة ‪ُ /‬ثقب‬ ‫‪hole‬‬ ‫قــــــــوى‬ ‫‪powerful‬‬ ‫ذاكرة ‪ -‬ذكري‬ ‫‪memory‬‬
‫أسفــــــــل‬ ‫‪below‬‬ ‫أجــــــــازة‬ ‫‪holiday‬‬ ‫آلة حاسبة‬ ‫‪calculator‬‬
‫أطيب التمنيات‬ ‫‪best wishes‬‬ ‫مفضــــــــل‬ ‫‪favourite‬‬ ‫فى الحــــــــال‬ ‫‪immediately‬‬
‫يتأكـــــــد‬ ‫‪make sure‬‬ ‫صــــــــوت‬ ‫‪voice‬‬ ‫أخيــــــــرًا‬ ‫‪finally‬‬
‫يكـــــــرر‬ ‫‪repeat‬‬ ‫يــــــــزن‬ ‫‪weigh‬‬ ‫المخ البشرى‬ ‫‪human brain‬‬
‫تنفــــــــس‬ ‫‪breathing‬‬ ‫تجربــــــــة‬ ‫‪experiment‬‬ ‫ال ُيصـــــــــــدق‬ ‫‪incredible‬‬
‫يهمــــل‬ ‫‪neglect‬‬ ‫اختــــــــالف‬ ‫‪difference‬‬ ‫بحـــــــــــرص‬ ‫‪carefully‬‬
‫يشعر بالمرض‬ ‫‪feel ill‬‬ ‫يخــــــــزن‬ ‫‪store‬‬ ‫البصــــــــــر‬ ‫‪eyesight‬‬
‫يرد على‬ ‫‪reply to‬‬ ‫ذكريات ماضية‬ ‫‪past memories‬‬ ‫يبدو متواضعًا‬ ‫‪sound modest‬‬
‫اختصارًا لـ‬ ‫‪short for‬‬ ‫السمــــــــع‬ ‫‪hearing‬‬ ‫صالة األلعاب‬ ‫‪gymnasium :gym‬‬
‫ُيخرج ‪ /‬يسحب‬ ‫‪take …. out‬‬ ‫رؤية ‪ /‬الإبصار‬ ‫‪sight‬‬ ‫قـــــــــــدرة‬ ‫‪ability‬‬
‫يشعر بالتعب‬ ‫‪feel tired‬‬ ‫يلمس ‪ /‬اللمس‬ ‫‪touch‬‬ ‫ممكـــــــــــن‬ ‫‪possible‬‬
‫يلتقــــــــط‬ ‫‪pick up‬‬ ‫يتذوق ‪/‬‬ ‫‪taste‬‬ ‫مستحيـــــــــــل‬ ‫‪impossible‬‬
‫يطلـــــــــب‬ ‫‪ask for‬‬ ‫التذوق الشم‬
‫يشم ‪/‬‬ ‫‪smell‬‬ ‫خـــــــــــاص‬ ‫‪special‬‬
‫كارثــــــــــة‬ ‫‪disaster‬‬ ‫طريقــــــــة‬ ‫‪method‬‬ ‫مسافـــــــــــة‬ ‫‪distance‬‬
‫الفقــــــــــر‬ ‫‪poverty‬‬ ‫حــــــــول‬ ‫‪around‬‬ ‫بـــــــــــدون‬ ‫‪without‬‬
‫حـــــــــــرب‬ ‫‪war‬‬ ‫ضوء ‪ /‬خفيف‬ ‫‪light‬‬ ‫الـــــــــــرسم‬ ‫‪painting‬‬
‫متشــــــــرد‬ ‫‪homeless‬‬ ‫يتســــــــوق‬ ‫‪go shopping‬‬ ‫مجموعـــــــــــة‬ ‫‪group‬‬
‫تشـــــــرد‬ ‫‪homelessness‬‬ ‫مؤلــــــــم‬ ‫‪painful‬‬ ‫يسترخـــــــــــى‬ ‫‪relax‬‬
‫جمعية‬ ‫‪consortium‬‬ ‫ساطع ‪ /‬المع‬ ‫‪bright‬‬ ‫يتنفـــــــــــس‬ ‫‪breathe‬‬
‫عنيـــــف‬ ‫‪violent‬‬ ‫وردة‬ ‫‪flower‬‬ ‫قـــــــــــلب‬ ‫‪heart‬‬
‫عنــــــــف‬ ‫‪violence‬‬ ‫مجــــــــــــال‬ ‫‪field‬‬ ‫غير رسمى ‪ /‬عامى‬ ‫‪informal‬‬
‫يرد ‪ /‬رد‬ ‫‪reply‬‬ ‫مربع ‪ /‬ميدان‬ ‫‪square‬‬ ‫خاليــــــــا‬ ‫‪cells‬‬
‫مشترك‬ ‫‪common‬‬ ‫ُم حبــــــــط‬ ‫‪disappointed‬‬ ‫ُيحلــــــــل‬ ‫‪analyse‬‬

‫‪Mr B. M. Ghreeb‬‬ ‫‪19‬‬

First Year Hello English First Term
‫ جمهور‬audience ‫ جملــــــــة‬sentence ‫ نتيجــــــــة‬result
‫ يلتقـــــــــــط‬pick up ‫ ينطــــــــق‬pronounce ‫ ألــــــــم‬pain
keep fit ‫يظل الئق بدنيا‬ good at ‫جيد فى‬
have a terrible pain ‫يعانى من مرض فظيع‬ bad at ‫سيئ فى‬
fall over ‫ يتعثر‬/ ‫يقع‬ terrible at ‫فظيع فى‬
hold out your hand ‫افتح يدك‬ useful for ‫مفيد لـ‬
compared with ‫بالمقارنة بـ‬ for example ‫على سبيل المثال‬
look forward to + v. + ing ‫يتطلع الى‬ different from ‫مختلف عن‬
make a note of ‫يدون مالحظات على‬ key to ‫مفتاح لـ‬
do well in ) ‫يؤدى أداء جيد فى( االمتحان‬ set the alarm ‫يضبط المنبـــــــــــه‬
do badly in )‫يؤدى أداء سيئ فى( االمتحان‬ pass the test ‫ينجح فى االمتحان‬

Adjective Noun Verb
‫ اضافى‬additional ‫اضافة‬ addition ‫يجمع‬/‫ يضيف‬add
‫ يمكن تصديقه‬believable ‫اعتقاد‬/‫تصديق‬ belief ‫يعتقد‬/‫ يصدق‬believe
‫ حريص‬careful ‫عناية‬ care .………
‫ُم كثف‬/‫ ُم ركز‬concentrated ‫تركيز‬ concentration ‫ يركز علي‬concentrate on
‫ هضمي‬digestive ‫هضم‬ digestion ‫ يهضم‬digest
‫ موجود‬existing ‫وجود‬ existence ‫ يحيا‬/ ‫ يوجد‬exist
‫ يمكن تذكره‬memorable ‫ذاكرة‬ memory ‫ يتذكر‬memorise
‫ ُم نعزل‬separate (d) ‫انفصال‬ separation ‫يفصل‬/‫ يعزل‬separate
‫ ُم ندِهـــــــــش‬surprised
‫ ُم دهِــــــــــش‬surprising ‫ دهشة‬surprise ‫ ُيدهش‬surprise
‫ عديم الوزن‬weightless ‫ الوزن‬weight ‫ يزن‬weigh
‫ ذاكرة فوتغرافية‬the ability to remember something by looking at them
c memory
‫ طلبة فصل دراسى‬a group of people who study together class
‫ اليصدق‬difficult or impossible to believe incredible
a special word you need before you can enter something or use a
‫السر‬ ‫كلمة‬ password
‫يكرر‬ is to say something again repeat
‫قوي‬ having a lot of physical power, strength or force powerful
‫ألــــم‬ the feeling you have when part of you body hurts pain
‫خاليا‬ the smallest parts of an animal or plant that can exist on their own cells
to examine or think about something carefully in order to
‫يحلل‬ analyse
understand it
‫يتنفس‬ to take air into your lungs and then let it out again breathe
- Consisting of many connected parts, especially in a way that
‫معقد‬ complex
is difficult to understand or explain.
‫يكرر‬ to say again. repeat
how hot or cold something is the temperature of body, used as a
‫درجة حرارة‬ temperature
sign of whether you are ill

1- brain (n.) ‫الُم خ‬ - Can you change your brain? - No, I can't. It's impossible.
mind (n.) ‫العقل‬ - You should use your mind all time.
mind (v.) ‫يمانع‬ - Do you think she’d mind if we didn’t come?
2- quiet (adj) ‫هادىء‬ -This town is quiet.
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quite (adv) ‫ تمامًا‬/ ‫الى حد ما‬ - She is quite tall for her age.
quit (v)‫ُيغادر‬ ‫ َيْهُج ر‬/ ‫َي سَت قيل‬ - Amr quit his school at two o'clock.
- Ali quit his job to travel abroad. - He quit smoking three years ago.
4- watch ‫ يراقب‬- ‫يشاهد‬ - He watches TV a lot.
look at ‫ينظر الى‬ - She is looking at the picture.
5- remember ‫يتذكرمن تلقاء نفسه‬
remember + (v. +ing) - I remember visiting him last year.
remember + to + inf. - I will remember to bring your books next time.
remember + somebody or something - He remembers telephone numbers easily.
remind + ‫ مفعول‬+ to + inf. ‫ ُيذكر شخص آخر‬- My mother reminded me to do my homework.
remind + ‫ مفعول‬+ of + (n.) or (v+ ing)
- My mother reminded me of doing my homework. - I’ll remind my father of his appointment.
remind + ‫ مفعول‬+ that + ‫جملة‬
Sami reminded Ali that he should buy a birthday present for his mother.
6- memory ‫ذاكرة‬ ‫ذكرى‬
I have a bad memory for names. - I have a lot of happy memories of that summer.
souvenir ‫هدية تذكارية‬ - I bought a lot of souvenirs from Khan el-Khalili.
7- experiment ‫تجربة‬ - They did experiment on rats to test the drug.
experience ‫خبرة ُتكتسب عن طريق الممارسة‬ - You have enough experience to get the job.
8- help + ‫ مفعول‬+ (to) inf. (to ‫ أو بـدون‬to ( ‫المصدربـ‬ - My father helped me (to) find a job.
 help + ‫مفعول‬+with+‫يساعد‬ : ‫اسم‬ - He helped me with my homework.
9- make + ‫ صفة أو اسم أو مصدر الفعل‬+ ‫مفعول‬ - Her success made us happy.
He made us some coffee - The policeman made the tourist pay a fine.
10- successful (adj.) ‫ناجح‬ - He is a very successful scientist.
success (n.) ‫نجاح‬ - His success is due to hard work.
11- address ‫عنوان مكان‬ - I couldn’t visit him because I didn’t have his address.
title ‫ مقال‬,‫عنوان كتاب‬ - What is the title of his latest novel?
12- breath ‫نفس‬ - He took a deep breath and dived into the water.
breathe ‫يتنفس‬ - All humans breathe oxygen.
breeze ‫النسيم‬ - They sat by the river to enjoy the evening breeze.
13- patient (adj.) ‫صبور‬ - He was always patient, even with the slowest students.
a patient (n.) ‫مريض‬ - Dr Ahmed examines his patients carefully.
14- spell – spelt – spelt ‫يتهجى‬ - How do you spell your surname?
spill – spilt – spilt ‫يسكب – يصب‬ - I spilt coffee on my shirt.
split – split – split ‫يقسم – يفصل‬
The teacher spilt the class into four groups. - We decided to split the money between us.
spoil – spoilt – spoilt ‫ُيفسد‬ - The tall buildings have spoilt the view.
15- With + (n.) , you can + (inf.) = (n.) + enable + object + to + (inf.)
With the eyes, we can see. = The eyes enable us to see.
16- message ‫رسالة شفهية‬ ‫أو مكتوية‬ - If I'm not there when you phone, leave a message.
letter ‫خطاب‬ - I got a letter from the bank this morning.
17- It takes / took + ‫ مدة زمنية‬+ ‫ اسم أو ضمير مفعول‬+ to +‫مصدر‬
-He did his homewoprk in two hours. (It took……)
It took him two hours to do his homework.
 help + ‫مفعول‬+ (to) +‫ يساعد‬: ‫مصدر‬
- Rain helps plants (to) grow.
18- can ‫يستطيع‬ = am / is / are + able to + ‫مصدر‬ ‫قادر على‬
= am / is / are + capable of +v. + ing : ‫قادر على‬
- Our teacher can ‫يستطيع‬solve any difficult problem. (able / capable)
- Our teacher is able to‫ قادر على‬solve any difficult problem.
- Our teacher is capable of ‫قادر على‬solving any difficult problem.

1-What is more complex than the most powerful computer?

- The brain is more complex than the most powerful computer.

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First Year Hello English First Term
2- What can you do with your brain?
- With it you can see and smell flowers, remember holidays, feel pain, hear your favourite singer’s
voice and think. It weighs a kilo.
3-How much does your brain weigh? - It weighs a kilo.
4-How many cells does the brain have? - It has about a hundred billion (100,000.000.000) cells.
5-What does the brain do after it receives information from the senses?
- It analyses it, then sends messages to the rest of the body.
6-What fives senses does the brain receive messages from?
- It receives messages from taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch.
7-How does the brain control senses? - It receives information from senses, analyses it, then
sends messages back to the rest of the body.
8-What happens when you put your hand in hot water?
- The brain receives a message saying the water is very hot and sends a message back saying,
"Take your hand out of the water."
9-Why is it difficult to taste different fruits if you hold your nose and close your eyes? (Prove
that our senses often work together.)
- When you are eating, the brain receives messages from the eyes, nose and mouth. If you hold
your nose and close your eyes, it doesn't get some messages.
10-How does the brain help us to learn and remember? - It acts as a store for past memories.
11-What are the functions of the brain?
- It stores past memories. It sends messages to the rest of your body. It controls your breathing,
your heart, your body temperature and your digestion.
12-What does the human brain store? - It stores past memories.
13-What does the brain control?
-It controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature and your digestion.
14-Why do our brains first think that the telephone is ringing?
- Because our eyes can see the telephone and we can hear the ringing.
15-Why do our brains think that light comes downwards?
- Because the natural light from the sun always come from above.
It's important to guess
When you hear a sound, your brain tries to guess where it is coming from. So, if you hear a ringing
sound and see a telephone, your brain may guess that the telephone is ringing. But if someone picks
up the phone and the ringing sound continues, your brain will guess again. Maybe it's a mobile phone
or a film on TV.

Holes and balls

If you look at the picture, you will see an X made of balls. Around the X are holes. If you turn the
picture the other way, you will see that the X is made of holes and around it there are balls. Why is
this? Scientists say that our brains always think that light comes downwards, perhaps because
sunlight comes down. Now look at the picture again where is the lightest part of each ball or hole?
Revision A
1) According to statistics, how many homeless children are there in the world today?
There are about 100 million homeless children.
2) Is the problem of street children only in poor countries?
No, it is in rich countries too.
3) In which countries are there children living on the streets?
In both poor and rich countries.
4) Why do most of the street children become thieves?
In order to live as they do not have money.
5) When can the problem of street children disappear?
It can disappear when society protects and looks after homeless children to help them have a
better future.

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First Year Hello English First Term
6) What is one of the most common reasons for children living on the streets?
Poverty, war and natural disasters.
7) How can we tackle \solve the problem of street children?
We must find them places to live and work to do. We shouldn't ignore them.

How to be modest ‫كيف تكون متواضعـــــــــا‬

To sound modest, say I'm quite good at ... or I'm not bad at .. .
(Don't say I'm very good at .. . or I'm fantastic at ... ).
• What's your memory / eyesight like? • It's quite good / not bad / terrible.
• Vhat are you good at? • I'm (quite) good/OK/terrible at maths/cooking, etc.
• Are you (any) good at English / singing? • Yes, I'm quite good/OK.
• No, I'm not. I'm terrible (at singing).
Giving advice ‫إسداء النصح‬
 Can you give me some advice about …………? ‫؟‬....‫هل يمكنك أن تنصحنى بشأن‬
 What do you think I should do about …………? ‫؟‬...‫ماذا فى رأيك يجب أن أفعل بشأن‬
Giving advice
- In my opinion, you should .. . ‫ يجب عليك‬, ‫في رأيــــــي‬
- Why don't you ... ? ‫؟‬..................... ‫لماذا ال‬
- It's a good idea to .. . ‫انها لفكـــــرة جيدة أن‬..............
- I advise you to .. . ‫ أنا أنصحــــك بـأن‬............
-If I were you, I'd + ‫مصدر‬ .......... ‫ كنت فعلت‬، ‫لو كنت مكانك‬..
-You had better + ‫ مصدر‬..... ‫من االفضل أن‬........
-You had better not + ‫ مصدر‬.. .... ‫من االفضل ألا‬........
- Yes, I know I should. - You're right. - Why don't I think of that?
- It's a good idea - I'll do it now - I know I shouldn't.
Not accepting
- I'll think about it. - I'll see. - I'll make my mind. ‫سأفكر فى هذا‬

Zero Conditional
If present simple , present simple = present simple If present simple
:‫ تعبر هذه الحالة عن حقيقة ثابتة ال تتغير وال ترتبط بزمن معين مثل الحقائق العلمية و الحقائق االخري المسلم بها‬-
- If you heat ice, it melts. – Streets become wet if it rains.
- If water is frozen, it turns into ice. - If we mix red and green, we get orange.
: ‫ البد ان تكون الحقيقة عامة و ليست خاصة واذا كانت الحقيقة خاصة نستخدم الحالة االولي‬-
- If you heat the ice in this pan, it will melt. - Streets will become wet if it rains tonight.
‫) في الحالة الصفرية‬if( ‫ ) بدال من‬when( ‫ يمكن استخدام‬-
- When you heat ice, it melts. - Streets become wet when it rains.
First Conditional
If ………. present simple , will / may / can/ must / should+inf……
= will If
/ may / can/ must / should + inf………….…. present simple
‫ تعبر الحالة االشرطية االولي امكانية لحدوث شىء في المستقبل تـتوفر شروط حدوثه‬-2

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‫ يمكن ان تكون جملة جواب الشرط في صيغة االمر العطاء االمر المشروط‬-
- If Ali phones, tell him to meet me at the cinema.
- If you meet the big boss, ask him for higher salaries.
‫ ) في جملة جواب الشرط‬.it is + adj. + to + inf( ‫ الحظ انه يمكن استخدام‬-
- If I find a good flat, it is easy to get married. - It is difficult to breathe if you climb Mount Everest.
(If) ‫بدائـــــــــــــل أداة الشـــــــــــــــــــــرط‬
:‫ ) ) ويليها جملة مع مراعاة معني كل اداة‬If ‫ يمكن استخدام الكلمات اآلتية بدال من‬: ‫ أوال‬-
- in the event (that) ‫ في حالة حدوث‬- provided (that) ‫ بشرط أن‬- in case ‫ تحسبا لــــــ‬- only if ‫فقط لو‬
- provided) that (‫ بشرط أن‬- As long as‫طالما‬ - Whether…….or not‫ أو ال‬....... ‫ سواء‬.....
- I'll attend the party provided that he invites me.
- I'll lend you the money as long as you promise to pay it back soon.
: ) ) n. / v.ing ‫ ) ) ويليها‬If ‫ يمكن استخدام الكلمات اآلتية بدال من‬: ‫ ثانيا‬-
In case of ‫ في حالة‬+ noun/ v. ing……
- In case of getting his passport, he will travel abroad.
Unless = Except if = If not + ‫جملة‬
- You will be late if you don't hurry. = You will be late unless you hurry.
= You will be late except if you hurry.
Without ( But for ) + noun/ v. ing………….
- Without (But for) hurrying, you will be late. - It is difficult to breathe if you climb Mount Everest.

‫(في الحالة االولي‬If) ‫حذف أداة الشرط‬

‫ ) ) في الحالة الشرطية االولي كالتالي‬If ‫) بدال من‬should( ‫يمكن استخدام‬-
.………Should + subj. + inf……., subj. + will + inf
- Should she study hard, she will pass the test.
- Should he get his passport, he will travel abroad.
Second Conditional
If …..past simple…… ,……….would/might/ could + inf……..…
= ………..would/might/ could+inf……..…+ inf………… If past simple
‫ تعبر الحالة الثانية عن موقف غير محتمل أو شيء تخيلي في المضارع‬-
- If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.
= I would buy a big house if I had a million dollars.
- If he liked milk, he would drink this glass. – If I were a bird, I could fly.
‫ يمكن أن تعبر الحالة الثانية أحيانا عن شيء مستحيل‬-
- If dogs had wings, they would be able to fly.
‫ ) مع المفرد‬was / were ( ‫ يمكن استخدام‬-
- If I (was/were) a millionaire, I’d build a big hospital.
- If she (was/were) healthy, she could help her mum.
- It is difficult to breathe if you climb Mount Everest.
‫ تستخدم الحالة الثانية ايضا للتعبير عن النصيحة‬-
- If I were you, I’d help poor people. – If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time.
‫ الحظ ان الصيغة السابقة تستخدم ايضا للتخيل‬-
- If I were a car , I'd like to be a Mercedes.- If she were a boy, she wouldn't be more brave.

(If) ‫بدائل أداة الشرط‬

) ) n. / v.ing ‫ ) ) ويليها‬If ‫ يمكن استخدام الكلمات اآلتية بدال من‬-

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First Year Hello English First Term
In case of ‫في حالة‬ / + noun/ v. ing………….
- In case of getting his passport, he would travel abroad.
- She would pass the test in case of studying hard.
Unless = Except if = If not + ‫جملة‬
- You would be late if you didn't hurry. = You would be late unless you hurried.
= You would be late except if you hurried.

Without / But for / If it weren’t for + noun/ v. ing………….

- Without (But for) hurrying, you would be late.
‫ ) فى الحالـة الثانيـة‬But for - without ( ‫ محـــل‬V. ing /n.+( If it were not for ( ‫ تحـــل‬-
.… .If it were not for + v.ing/n… subj.+ Would + inf
- But for (Without) her cleverness, she would get low marks.
= If it weren't for her cleverness, she would get low marks.
‫( في الحالة الثانية‬If) ‫حذف أداة الشرط‬
).to + inf( ‫ ) و يأتي بعدها‬were( ‫) و تبدأ الجملة بـ‬if( ‫ يمكن ان تحذف‬-1
Were+ subj. + to + inf……., subj. + v. + would + inf……….
- If he worked hard, he would succeed. = Were he to work hard, he would succeed.
if( (‫ ) ) فعل أساسي في الجملة تأتي مكان‬were ‫ وإذا كانت‬-2
Were + subj. + adj. ……., subj. + v. + would + inf……….
- If I were tall, I would play basketball. = Were I tall, I would play basketball.
‫فـى الحــالــة الثـانيـة ويليـهـا اســم بشرط أن تكون فعال اساسي للجملة‬If ‫ محـــل‬Had ‫ـ تحـــل‬3
Had + subj. ……., ……. subj. v. + would + inf……….
- If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house. = Had I a million dollars, I would …….

‫يعد االيميل من الرسائل الغير رسمية فهو ال يحتاج الى مقدمات او جمل افتتاحية او ختامية وكل ما علينا هو كتابة اسم او ايميل الراسل فى‬
‫خانة (من) وكتابة اسم او ايميل المرسل اليه فى خانة (الى) ثم عنوان الرسالة فى خانة (الموضوع) ثم نبدأ االيميل بكلمة عزيزى او هاى ثم‬
.‫نبدا فى الكتابة فى الموضوع مباشرة‬

Write an e-mail to your friend Adel to tell him about your ideal person whom you admire most
in your life. Your e-mail is ahmedsami@yahoo.com and your friend's e-mail is gamal
To gamal Elameer@yahoo.com
From ahmedsami@yahoo.com
Subject The Ideal person whom I admire most
Hi Gamal,
How are you? I'm going to tell you about the ideal person whom I admire most in my life. She
is my mother. I love her very much. She always looks after me when I am ill. She also cooks
well. She is kind and helpful. She always smiles to us even though she is very tired. She is
doing her best to make us happy. Indeed, she is the person who deserves my love and respect.
What about you?

UNIT 3 The Power of the Mind ( Workbook )

1 Add these words to the dictionary page.
class incredible password photographic memory repeat

Mr B. M. Ghreeb 25
First Year Hello English First Term
a …………………….. ablility to remember something by looking at it
b …………………….. say again
c …………………….. a group of people who study together
d …………………….. difficult or impossible to be lieve
e …………………….. a special word that you need before you can enter something or
use a computer
Finish these sentences.
a If I want to remember a password, I …………………………………..
b People who have a photographic memory can ……………………..
c If you want someone to repeat something in English, you should say ………………………...
d My friend is very good at………………………………………………..
e It is incredible that………………………………………………….........
Complete the conversation.
any at quite terrible not
Jerry : What's your eyesight a)…………………………… ?
Mike : It's b)……………..good. I can't see long distances or
read without glasses.
Jerry : What are you good c)………………………..………….?
Mike d) I'm ………………… good at cooking .
Jerry Are you e)……………………….good at painting?
Mike No, I'm f)………………………………………………
Make a chain of first conditional sentences.
a you sleep well / not tired tomorrow If you sleep well , you won't be tired tomorrow
b not tired tomorrow / be able to concentrate better on your studies
c you concentrate on your studies / you do well at school
d do well at school / you pass your tests
e pass your tests / get a good job
2 Complete the sentences with zero or first conditional verbs.
Nahla So, when shall we go on holiday/ June or July?
Ali Well , if we a)…………… go (go) in June, the weather
b)…………… (be) warm but not too hot If the weather c)…………… (get) too hot, it d)
…………… (make) me t ired.
Nahla And if you e)…………… (feel tired, we f)…………… (not have) a good holiday.
Ali You're right, so let's go in June.
3 Write sentences in the second conditional.
a feel ill / go to see my doctor
b lose my mobile phone / borrow my brother's
c be hungry / eat a banana
d want to do maths homework quickly / use my calculator
e visit England / speak English every day
4 Read and match.
a If I lost my friend's CD, 1 I'll go shopping.
b If I have any free time next weekend, 2 I'd cook dinner for her.
c If it was my mother's birthday tomorrow, 3 I'd write to my pen friend.
d If I need to keep fit, 4 I 'd buy her a new one.
e If I didn't have any homework, 5 I go to the gym.
1 Read and match

Mr B. M. Ghreeb 26
First Year Hello English First Term
a The human brain is more complex than 1 are also controlled by our brains.
b The brain, which contains millions of cells, 2 from different senses at the same time.
c Our senses send information which the brain 3 our brains store past memories.
d Our brains often receive information 4 receives and analyses.
e We can learn and remember things because 5 controls everything humans do.
f Our breathing and digestion 6 the most powerful computer.
2 Complete the sentences with if or when. (Sometimes both words may be correct).
Add a comma where necessary.
a ………………..….. you put your hand in hot water, you feel pain.
b It would be very painful …………..…… you put your hand in that hot water.
c ………………..…. you eat something your brain receives messages from your mouth.
d …………………… you close your eyes and hold your nose you probably won't taste
what you are eating.
e ……………….…. you get this exercise right you have a good brain'
3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
close guess look powerful received see send
a "……………… how many students there are in my class." " I don't know." "About 45?"
b I've just ………… an email from my friend in Japan. He's visiting us next year.
c That light is very bright If you …………… at it, you won't be able to …….…………. . for two
or three minutes.
d I've got a present for you, so …………………….. your eyes and hold out your hands.
e My first computer was very slow. The computer that I have now is faster and
much more ………………
f I'm going to …………………… my brother some photos by email.
Revision a
1 Finish the following dialogue: Mohsin and Hassan are talking about their memories.
Mohsin What's your memory like?
Hassan a)……………………..……………..……………………….. .
Mohsin b)……………………..……………..……………………….. ?
Hassan Yes, I can remember numbers easily.
Mohsin Can you remember people's names easily?
Hassan c)……………………..……………………………………….. .
Mohsin d)……………………..……………..……………………….. ?
Hassan No, I'm terrible at maths!
Mohsin Really? I'm not good either, but I like maths.
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
a A friend tells you the name of a famous woman. You want to know about her job.
b Your teacher says something in English. You do not understand very well.
c Your mother tells you an interesting story. Express your opinion.
d Your little brother says that he is very tired. Advise him.
3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord:
1 My brother …………..…….a lot of money from his job as a pilot.
a going to earn b earns c earn d earning
2 I always…………….……. ill if I go on a boat.
a feel b will feel c would feel d feeling
3 If I ……………….….a camera. I would take a photo of the family party.
a had b have c have had d would have
4 If you………………….. very fast. you'll catch your train.
a ran b running c runs d run
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 27
First Year Hello English First Term
5 My brother ……………..…….. a goal in a school football match yesterday.
a played b scored c won d took
6 If I felt tired, I'd go to bed ………….…………
a early b today c later before
7 Someone who studies soil and rocks is called a/an……….…………..
a surgeon b astronaut c geologist d architect
8 Someone who writes for a newspaper is called a………….…………..
a journalist b champion c teacher d head mistress
9 Neil Armstrong ………………..….on the moon 1n 1969.
a walk b walks c walked d walking
10 While he ………………….as a journalist, Charles Dickens was writing magazine stories.
a works b working c is working d was working
11 Something hit the car window so it was ……….…………….
a brave b famous c edited d cracked
12 You can only use this computer if you know the …………………….
a password b cell c clarification d moral
4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same
a It's my habit to play tennis. (used)
b When did you travel to Alexandria? (ago)
c You should read this book. (If)
d Leen is always early. (comes)
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1 lnjy is very hard-work and always does well in tests.
2 Mahmoud always understands the most complete maths problems.
3 Ms Jehan is the headmaster of our school.
4 I felt much better after I took the illness.
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The small red plane
One day last week, a small plane landed in a field near Tarek's house. Tarek phoned his
friend Gamal and told him what had happened. Gamal immediately went to Tarek's house
When he arrived, the boys went to the field to look at the plane.
Two men were climbing out of it One of the men asked the boys where they were, because
they had no idea where their plane had landed. Tarek and Gamal told them that they had
landed near AI -Minya. The two men asked the boys to telephone to get help.
After the boys had helped the men, Tarek took them back to his house. When they had told
Tarek's father what had happened, one of the men phoned the plane rescue company. After
a short time, a large lorry arrived, picked up the men and their plane and drove away.
Suddenly, the field looked very empty.
1 When did this story happen?
2 What does it refer to in this sentence: Two men were climbing out of it?
3 Why did the men from the plane ask the boys where they were 7
4 How do you think Tarek and Gamal felt at the end of this story? Why/
5 The boys went to the field
a as soon as Tarek saw the plane. b after Gamal arrived at Tarek 's.
c after the men climbed out of the plane. d before Tarek arrived .
6 Who did the boys tell about the plane?
a Tarek 's father b the police
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 28
First Year Hello English First Term
c the plane rescue company d another friend
7 Answer four only:
1 What is remote sensing!
2 What was the truth that Caleb Plummer hid from Bertha?
3 Why do you think we should be grateful to great scientists like Dr EI-Baz?
4 In your opinion, what do you learn from The Cricket on the Hearth?
5 Why do you think the human brain is more complex than the most powerful computer!
6 "Sometimes people are forced to tell lies ." Are you for or against this/ Say why
8 Answer the following questions:
a What was a workhouse?
b Why didn't the orphans who Mrs Mann looked after have very much to eat?
c Why did Oliver Twist ask for more soup I
d Why did Oliver go to live at Mr Sowerberry's house?
e How do you think Oliver felt when Noah Claypole was unkind to him?
10 a Translate into Arabic:
1 Dr Mostafa EI-Sayed's work is very useful in medicine.
2 At one o'clock yesterday, I was having my lunch.
b Translate into English:
‫ كل المصريون فخورون بعلمائهم العظام في شتي المجاالت‬-

herme - him - emth - us - ‫ الضمير المضاف إلي فعل يترجم إلي ضمير مفعول‬-1
.‫ إن تعلم اللغات األجنبية يمكننا من قراءة الصحف العالمية‬-
Learning foreign languages enable ‫ يمكن‬us to read the international newspapers.
‫ جودتها‬deveop ‫ وتطوير‬sectors ‫ في كثير من القطاعات‬production ‫التكنولوجيا الحديثة من زيادة االنتاج‬enable ‫ لقد مكنتنا‬-
.‫ أيضا‬quality
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
)my her - their -- his -our - its ) ‫ الضمير المضاف إلي اسم يترجم إلي صفة ملكية‬-10
‫ يزور مصر كثير من السياح كل عام لمشاهدة أثارها القديمة‬-
Every year, a lot of tourists visit Egypt to watch its ancient monument.
.‫ أشعر بالفخر بانتمائي لهذا الوطن الذي ُي كرم علمائه ورياضيه في شتي المجاالت‬-
I feel proud to be belonging to this country which honours its scientists and athletes in
different fields.
.good morals (ethics) ‫ ابناءنا علي االخالق الحميدة‬bring up ‫ ينبغي ان نربي‬-
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
.games ‫ االلعاب‬different ‫ في شتي‬championships ‫ابطالها الرياضيين‬honour ‫ مصر علي تكريم‬keen on ‫ تحرص‬-
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
)ea mainrol ‫) إذا كان االسم مفرد (دور رئيسي‬an( ‫) أو‬a ‫ الصفة تأتي قبل االسم عكس اللغة العربية ويسبقها‬-11
an ambitious man ‫رجل طموح‬ a serious problem ‫مشكلة خطيرة‬
.‫ الرياضة الدولية تشجع السالم والتفاهم بين شعوب العالم ذات الثقافات المختلفة‬-
International sport encourages peace and understanding among the world peoples of
different cultures.
.‫ أيضا‬mental performance ‫االداء الذهني‬improve ‫ الرياضة مهمة لكل من للجسم والعقل فهي تحسن‬-
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
blood ‫ الــدورة الدمويــة‬activate ‫ أنهــا تنشــط‬morning exercise ‫ الرياضــة الصــباحية‬benefits ‫ فوائــد‬One of ‫ من‬-
. heart beats ‫ ضربات القلب‬regulate ‫ وتنظم‬circulation
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
‫ مقارنة‬low prices ‫ النخفاض أسعارها‬imported goods ‫ بعض الناس علي شراء البضائع المستوردة‬prefer ‫ يقبل‬-
. local ‫ بالبضائع المحلية‬compared to
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 29
‫‪First Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪First Term‬‬
‫‪Test yourself‬‬
‫اإلنسانية‪. humanity‬‬ ‫العلماء جهودا كبيرة لخدمة ‪serve‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬يبذل ‪exert‬‬
‫‪ -2‬يزود العلماء المصريين في الخارج بلدهم باالكتشافات العلمية‪. scientific discoveries‬‬
‫‪ -3‬شاهدت التليفزيون بعد أن انتهيت من عمل الواجب المنزلي‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬لقد قمنا بتجربة علمية‪ experiment‬في المعمل‪ laboratory‬األسبوع الماضي‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬يساعد استخدام الطاقة الشمسية في القضاء على‪ overcome‬التلوث‪. pollution‬‬
‫‪ -6‬لقد عوقب الحراس‪ guards‬لعدم أمانتهم‪. dishonesty‬‬
‫‪ -7‬إن أهم ما يميز‪ mark‬اإلنسان المتحضر‪ civilized man‬هو التسامح‪. tolerance‬‬
‫‪ -8‬يحاول المهندسون‪ engineers‬إنتاج سيارة تسير‪ run on‬بالطاقة الكهربية‪. electricity‬‬
‫في مصر‪.‬‬ ‫هام للتجارة‪trade‬‬ ‫‪ -9‬إن اإلسكندرية مركز‪centre‬‬
‫‪ -10‬تقام مشاريع‪ projects‬ضخمة في مصر لرفاهية‪ welfare‬الشعب‪.‬‬
‫في القرن الماضي‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -11‬اعتقد إن التليفون كان أهم اختراع‪invention‬‬
‫‪ -12‬لقد شاهدنا ثورة‪ revolution‬طبية‪ medical‬في أواخر‪ late‬القرن‪ century‬الماضي ‪.‬‬

‫رسمـــــــي‬ ‫‪official‬‬ ‫حديث‬ ‫‪recent‬‬ ‫مميزات‬ ‫‪advantages‬‬

‫عمليــــــــــة‬ ‫‪process‬‬ ‫حديثا ‪ -‬مؤخرا‬ ‫‪recently‬‬ ‫عيوب‬ ‫‪disadvantages‬‬
‫الكهرباء‬ ‫‪electricity‬‬ ‫خبرات ‪ -‬تجارب‬ ‫‪experiences‬‬ ‫مدينـــــــــــة‬ ‫‪city‬‬
‫معلومات‬ ‫‪information‬‬ ‫قومى‪ -‬وطنى‬ ‫‪national‬‬ ‫قريـــــــــــة‬ ‫‪village‬‬
‫غــــاز‬ ‫‪gas‬‬ ‫احصاء ‪ -‬تعداد‬ ‫‪census‬‬ ‫ضخم – هائل‬ ‫‪massive : huge‬‬
‫مريح‬ ‫‪comfortable‬‬ ‫في المئة‬ ‫‪percent‬‬ ‫بعيـــــــــــد عن‬ ‫‪far from‬‬
‫بشكل مريح‬ ‫‪comfortably‬‬ ‫نسبة مئوية‬ ‫‪percentage‬‬ ‫األبـــعد‬ ‫‪the furthest‬‬
‫مركزي‬ ‫‪central‬‬ ‫تعداد السكان‬ ‫‪population‬‬ ‫قريب من‬ ‫‪near to‬‬
‫وكاله‪ -‬جهاز‬ ‫‪agency‬‬ ‫حكومة‬ ‫‪government‬‬ ‫االقـــــــــــرب‬ ‫‪the nearest‬‬
‫قديم‬ ‫‪ancient‬‬ ‫حكومي‬ ‫‪governmental‬‬ ‫وسط البلد‬ ‫‪city centre‬‬
‫دولى‬ ‫‪international‬‬ ‫محافظات‬ ‫‪governorates‬‬ ‫وسط البلد‬ ‫‪down town‬‬
‫حديث‬ ‫‪modern‬‬ ‫يكتشـــــف‬ ‫‪find out‬‬ ‫صدمـــــــــــة‬ ‫‪shock‬‬
‫االف‬ ‫‪thousands‬‬ ‫يحل‬ ‫‪solve‬‬ ‫شعـــــــــــور‬ ‫‪feeling‬‬
‫يسال عن‬ ‫‪ask for‬‬ ‫حل‬ ‫‪solution‬‬ ‫منـــــــــــدهش‬ ‫‪surprised‬‬
‫يحســـــن‬ ‫‪improve‬‬ ‫استبيان‬ ‫‪questionnaire‬‬ ‫مدهــــــــــش‬ ‫‪surprising‬‬
‫يحيا حياة‬ ‫‪lead a life‬‬ ‫يخطط‬ ‫)‪plan (v‬‬ ‫مفاجأة ‪ -‬يدهش‬ ‫‪surprise‬‬
‫نافع ‪ -‬مفيد‬ ‫‪useful‬‬ ‫باحثون‬ ‫‪researchers‬‬ ‫ســـــــــــيء‬ ‫‪terrible‬‬
‫رسم بياني‬ ‫‪graph‬‬ ‫يزيد الى‬ ‫‪increase to‬‬ ‫مدنـــــــــــى‬ ‫‪urban‬‬
‫يفيد ‪ -‬يستفيد‬ ‫‪benefit‬‬ ‫َعْب ــــــــــر‬ ‫‪across‬‬ ‫ريفـــــــــــي‬ ‫‪rural‬‬
‫هادي‬ ‫‪quiet‬‬ ‫ينفذ – ُيْج ــــري‬ ‫‪carry out‬‬ ‫يفحص ‪ -‬يتأكد‬ ‫‪check‬‬
‫هدوء‬ ‫‪quietness‬‬ ‫حوالي ‪ -‬تقريبا‬ ‫‪around : about‬‬ ‫ينتقل الي‬ ‫‪move to‬‬
‫مثيــــر‬ ‫‪exciting‬‬ ‫متاح – متوفــــر‬ ‫‪available‬‬ ‫حجــــــــــم‬ ‫‪size‬‬
‫مثار – منفعل‬ ‫‪excited‬‬ ‫بطول – علي‬ ‫‪along‬‬ ‫ضواحي‬ ‫‪outskirts‬‬
‫اثارة‬ ‫‪excitement‬‬ ‫طول‬
‫تعبئـــــة‬ ‫‪mobilisation‬‬ ‫مصطلحات‬ ‫‪idioms‬‬
‫تصويت ‪ -‬يصوت‬ ‫‪vote‬‬ ‫احصاءات‬ ‫‪statistics‬‬ ‫مميزات وعيوب‬ ‫‪pros and cons‬‬
‫يأتى من‬ ‫‪come from‬‬ ‫يكمــــــــل‬ ‫‪complete‬‬ ‫يزرع ‪ -‬ينمو‬ ‫‪grow‬‬
‫طريقة‬ ‫‪method‬‬ ‫استمارة‬ ‫‪form‬‬ ‫النمــــــــو‬ ‫‪growth‬‬
‫اليونسكو‬ ‫‪UNESCO‬‬ ‫أعضاء‬ ‫‪members‬‬ ‫خضروات‬ ‫‪vegetables‬‬
‫منطقــــــة‬ ‫‪area : region‬‬ ‫جنسية‬ ‫‪nationality‬‬ ‫حديقـــــــة‬ ‫‪garden‬‬

‫‪Mr B. M. Ghreeb‬‬ ‫‪30‬‬

First Year Hello English First Term
‫ يزداد‬- ‫يرتفع‬ go up ‫دين‬ religion ‫ضوضــــــاء‬ noise
‫عائل االسرة‬ breadwinner ‫ متدين‬- ‫ديني‬ religious ‫مزعـــــــــج‬ noisy
‫بدقــــــــــــة‬ accurately ‫تعليم‬ education ‫المـــــــرور‬ traffic
‫يرد – يجيب علي‬ reply to ‫دخــــــــل‬ income ‫يحتاج الي‬ need to
‫َم راِفـــــــــق‬ facilities ‫ يزود‬- ‫يمد‬ provide ‫ اندفاع‬- ‫يندفع‬ rush
‫متشــــرد‬ homeless ‫الزراعـــــة‬ agriculture ‫ يحسب‬- ‫يعد‬ count
‫ مناسب‬- ‫مالئم‬ suitable ‫صحـــــــــة‬ health ‫احداث‬ events
‫حالــــــــي‬ current ‫صحــــــــي‬ healthy ‫يعتاد علي‬ take to
‫يحسن المدارس‬ improve schools ‫سكان العالم‬ world’s population
‫يحي حياة‬....... lead a….life ‫يقوم بعمل ِتْع داد‬ do a census
‫ ريقية‬/ ‫منطقة حضرية‬ urban / rural area ‫في كل انحاء العالم‬ across the world
‫يمأل استمارة‬ complete a form ‫يجد عمل‬ find work
‫يزداد سوءا وسوءا‬ get worse and worse ‫بقدر ما انا مهتم‬ As far as I’m concerned
‫ياتى من‬ come from ‫يستفيد من‬ benefit from
‫ينفذ‬ carry out ‫آالف من‬ thousands of…
‫كاف لـــ‬ enough for ‫يطلب‬ ask for
‫يحل مشكلة‬ solve a problem ‫يسال عن‬ ask about
‫ينشئ طرق‬ build roads ‫صعب لــــ‬ difficult for
‫مهم لــــ‬ important for ‫نفس حجم‬...... the same size as….
‫ يرتفع‬- ‫يزداد‬ go up ‫يعيش فى ضواحي‬ live in the outskirts of….
Adjective Noun Verb
increasing ‫متزايد‬ increase ‫زيادة‬ increase ‫يزداد‬
governmental ‫حكومي‬ government ‫حكومة‬ govern ‫يحكم‬
alive ‫علي قيد الحيـــــاة‬ life ‫الحياة‬ live ‫يعيش‬
national ‫قومـــــــــــــي‬ nation ‫أمــة‬ …………
international ‫دولـــــــــــي‬ nationality ‫جنسية‬ …………
knowledgeable ‫واسع االطالع‬ knowledge ‫معرفة‬ know ‫يعرف‬
educated ‫متعلــــــــــــــم‬ education ‫تربية و تعليم‬ educate ‫يربي و يعلم‬
improved ‫ محســــــن‬/ ‫مطور‬ improvement ‫ تطوير‬/ ‫تحسين‬ improve ‫ يطور‬/ ‫يحسن‬

‫ضخــــــــــــــم‬ very big : huge massive
‫ضواحـــــــــــي‬ parts of a town that are furthest from the city centre. outskirts
‫صدمــــــــــــة‬ the feeling you have when you feel very surprised shock
‫فظيــــــــــــــع‬ very bad : horrible terrible
‫ مدني‬- ‫حضـري‬ related to a town or a city urban
‫ريفــــــــــــي‬ of the country rural
‫قومــــــــــــــي‬ related to a whole nation national
‫يخـــــــــــطط‬ decide on and arrange in advance ‫ مقدما‬. plan (v.)
a written set of questions which you give to a large number of
‫استبيـــــــــان‬ questionnaire
people in order to collect information
‫باحثــــــــــون‬ people who are doing researches researchers
‫يحــــــــل‬ to find or provide a way of dealing with a problem solve
‫يعتاد علي‬ enjoy something new take to

1- Important idioms
1- has pros and cons = has good and bad things ‫له مميزات و عيوب‬

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- Rural life has its pros and cons.
2- feel like a fish out of water = feel unhappy and lost ‫يشعر بالحزن و الضياع‬
- When I travel abroad, I feel like a fish out of water.
3- feel at home = feel comfortable ‫البيت بيتـــــــــــــــــك‬
- I feel at home at my friend’s house.
4- take to something = enjoy something new ‫يتعود علــــــــــــــي‬
- I can’t stop reading before I sleep. I’ve really taken to it.
2- as…….‫…… صفـــــة‬.as = the same ….. ‫……اســــم‬. as
- Sara is as old as her brother = Sara is the same age as her brother
3- It (take) ….. sb……. ‫…… فترة زمنية‬.to …‫مصدر‬
- It took him long to answer the question = The question took him long to answer
4- carry out / do a census ‫يجري تعداد سكانـــــــــي‬
5- around : about : roughly : approximately ‫ تقريبا‬- ‫حوالي‬
6- BCE : before common era = BC : Before Christ ‫قبل الميالد‬
- In around 2500 BCE, The ancient Egyptian did a census.
AD : Anno Domini - This mosque was built in AD 350 ‫بعد الميالد‬
6- etc. : et cetera. : and so on ‫الي آخــــــــــره‬
7- road ‫طريق بين مدينتين‬ - A new road was constructed between Bnha and Tanta.
route ‫خط سير‬ - The shortest route from here to Cairo is via Banha
street ‫شــــارع‬ - I live at 15 Zahraa street
8- make friends with : befriend ‫يصادق – يصاحــــــــــب‬
9- get better ‫يتحسن‬ - I hope you'll get better soon.
get worse ‫يزداد سوءا‬ - Due to smoking, his health is getting worse.

10- National ‫قومى‬ -The government is doing a national census.

international ‫دولى‬ - He played a lot of international matchs.
local ‫محلى‬ -This belongs to our village, it is local.
11- percent ‫في المائة‬ - percentage ‫نسبة مئوية‬
- Cairo has 20 percent of the population.
ratio )....... ‫ الى‬........( ‫معدل او نسبة‬
- The ratio of nurses to doctors is 3:1.
12- increase to 60 percent 60 ‫ يزداد بنسبة او الى‬% - It will increase to 60% by 2030.
13- It is (not) + ‫ صفة‬+ for + ‫ مفعول‬+ to + ‫مصدر‬
- It is not easy for the government to know the population.
14- long ‫طويل‬ - It is a long way to go on foot.
along‫بطول او بمحاذاة‬ - There are many trees along the Nile.
15- cross ‫يعبر‬ - He tried to cross the borders but failed.
across ‫ في انحاء‬-‫عبر‬ - They will visit the houses across Egypt.
16- complete a form= fill in a form ‫يمأل استمارة‬ - You should complete this form.
17- member ‫عضو او فرد في مجموعة‬ - There are four members in our family.
organ ‫عضو من اعضاء الجسم‬ - The heart is an important organ.
18- prove ‫يثبت او يبرهن‬ - He tried to prove his point of view.
improve ‫يحسن او يطور‬ - The government does its best to improve schools.
12 – lead a better life ‫يحيا حياة أفضل‬ - We should help the poor to lead a better life.
13- Central Agency for Population Mobilisation and Statistics ‫المركز القومي للتعبئة العامة و االحصـــــاء‬
14 help … sb… (to) + inf. - He helped me to do the job. : - He helped me do the job.
help … sb … with + n. - He helped me with the job.
15- start by + (v + ing) ‫يبدأ بـ‬ - Can you start by telling us your name?
start with + ( noun ‫) اسـم‬ - The speaker started with a description of his journey to China.
16- cause ‫يسبـب‬ - What caused the fire?
cause of +‫اسـم‬ ‫سبـب‬ - What was the cause of the fire?
reason for + ‫داع ـ مبـرر ـ سبب اسـم‬ - Can you give the reason for leaving ?
The reason why + ‫جمــلة كامــلة‬ - Is there a reason why you can't come?
17- outskirts ) ‫ضواحي ( علي أطراف المدينة‬ - districts ) ‫أحياء ( في وسط المدينة‬

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1 – What is a national census ‫?االحصاء القومي‬

- It is a questionnaire in which all the people of a country asre asked questions about their lives.
or an official process of counting a country's population and finding out about the people.
2 - What has happened to the number of people living in cities? - It has grown up.
3 - Why is it difficult for governments to know how many people live in each part of large cities?
- Because many people don't reply to the census accurately ‫بدقة‬
4 - Why did the ancient Egyptians do a national census?
- to find out how many workers were available ‫ متاح‬to build the pyramids and land farmers.
5 - How often does Egypt do a census today? - Egypt does a census every ten years.
6 - Why is it important for people to complete the forms in the national census?
So that the government knows how comfortably people are living and can help to solve any problem.
7 - The census gets information about people's homes. Why do you think this information is
useful? - to help the government to find homes for the homeless.
8 - How do you think the census can help governments to plan where to build roads and
- As it knows the crowded places and if there were these things or not.
9 - How do you think the census can help the government to improve schools?
- As it can provide the suitable schools for different places.
10 - Why do you think some people move from the countryside to live in the city?
- To look for better jobs and income.
11 - What can happen to rural areas when many people move to the cities?
- They may decrease and there will be less agriculture and few crops.
12- Why do you think it is the man in the family who usually moves to find work?
- Because he is the breadwinner for the family.
13- How can workers from other countries benefit the cities they work in?
- They can pass their experience and knowledge.
14 - What are the advantages of living in a rural area?
- Life is easy, comfortable and healthy.
15 - If you had the choice, would you like to live in a town, a large city or a small village in the
- I would like to live in a large city as it would have all facilities.
16 – What is (CAPMAS) short for ‫?اختصار لـــــــ‬
- It is short for The Central Agency for Population, Mobilization and Statistics.
17- In your opinion, what kind of information do census researchers usually collect?
- They usually ask for information about members of the family in the house, their nationality,
religion, education, work and health. It also asks for information about the house: the number of
rooms, if it has electricity or gas, where the water comes from, etc.

Asking for / Expressing opinion ‫السؤال عن الرأى‬

What do you think of + ‫ ؟‬...... ‫ما رأيك فى‬ ?‫ اسم‬- What’s your opinion of ….? ‫ ؟‬...... ‫ما رأيك فى‬
How do you like………….? ‫ ؟‬...... ‫ما رأيك فى‬ - How do you find…………..? ‫ ؟‬...... ‫ما رأيك فى‬
Asking for / Expressing opinion ‫التعبير عن الرأى‬
- In my opinion …………….... - I'm sure ………………… .
- I don't think ………………... - I think …………………….
- As far as I'm concerned ………………………. ‫بقدر ما انا مهتم‬
Agreeing ‫الموافقة‬
- I agree with you. ‫اننى أوافقك‬ - That's right. ‫ذلك صواب‬
- That's what I think. ‫ذلك ما أعتقده‬ - Absolutely. Exactly. ‫ قطعا‬/ ‫بالضبط‬
- I couldn't agree more.‫أوافق تمامًا‬
Disagreeing ‫عدم الموافقة‬
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- I don't agree with you. ‫ال أوافقك‬ - I don't think so . ‫ال أعتقد ذلك‬
- No , I 'm not sure about that - Really, I can't agree with you .
. ‫حقا ال أستطيع أن أوافق‬
Test yourself:
1- Your friend asks you about your opinion on Abu Trekka.
2- You ask your friend about his opinion on Arabic films.
3- His opinion is to live in the country but you disagree.

Present perfect simple tense ‫زمن المضارع التام البسيط‬

 Form: has / have + p.p.
-Ihave seen that film. - He hassent me an e-mail this morning.
 Usage:
.‫ يعبر المضارع التام عن أحداث بدأت فى الماضى و مازالت مستمرة‬
-I've written three letters this morning. (It is still morning.)
-I've lived in Cairo since 1999 / for 10 years. (I'm still living there.)
.‫ يعبر المضارع التام عن أحداث تمت حديثا‬
-I've just finished my first year at university. - I’ve already told him twice.
-We haven’t decided what to do for the holidays yet.
. ‫ يستخدم المضارع التام للسؤال عن خبرة شخص ما‬
- Have youever been to Greece?
.‫ و فى حالة تحديد وقت حدوثه نستخدم الماضى البسيط‬.‫ يعبر عن حدث تم فىالماضى دون تحديد وقت حدوثه‬
-She has polished her shoes.
- She polished her shoes yesterday.
:‫ يستخدم المضارع التام مع الكلمات اآلتية‬
Already / just / ever / never / yet / since / for / so far / lately /recently
-He has typed five letters sofar.
.‫ يأتى بعدها فترة زمنية استغرقها هذا الحدث‬for ‫ نقطة زمنية تحدد بداية الحدث أما‬since ‫يأتى بعد‬
Since 1998 / last week (year / month) / October / Sunday / this morning
/ yesterday / lunch / then / 5 o’clock
 for a day ( week / moth / year ) – an hour – ages – a long time - 3 days
(weeks / months / years) - the last week (year / month)
‫ يكون ماضي بسيط‬since ‫فعلين فالفعل الذى يلى‬since ‫ فعل واحد يكون فى زمن المضارع التام أما إذا جاء مع‬since ‫ إذا جاء مع‬
.‫و اآلخر مضارع تام‬
- I haven’t seen him since last week. - I haven’t seen him since he left for Cairo.
.Nobody / Nothing / No one ‫فى األسئلة و الجمل التى تبدأ بـ‬ ever ‫ نستخدم‬
- Have you ever been to the zoo? - Nothing like this has ever happened to us.
.‫ فى الجمل التى تسبق بصفة درجة ثالثة أو رقم ترتيبي‬ever ‫ يمكن استخدام‬
- This is the most exciting film I have ever seen.
.‫ فى الجمل المنفية‬never ‫ نستخدم‬
- No, I have never been to the zoo.
.‫ فى نهاية األسئلة و الجمل المنفية‬yet ‫ تستخدم‬
- Has he arrived yet? - They haven't eaten yet.
.‫ فى الجمل المثبتة و السؤال‬already ‫ نستخدم‬
- Have you already written to John? - He has already had dinner.
This is the first time ‫ نبدأ بــ‬never / before ‫ فى جمله بها‬ever ‫فى حالة استخدام‬
- I have never seen a lion before. (ever) -This is the first time I have ever seen a lion.

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.‫ نحول الماضىالبسيط إلى مضارع تام منفى‬the last time / last / when / ago ‫ بدال من‬since / for ‫ عند استخدام‬
-I last ate fish when I was in Alex. (since) - I haven’t eaten fish since I was in Alex.
‫ نستخدم التركيب التالى‬It’s ‫ إذا كانت الجملة مضارع تام منفى و بدأنا بــ‬
It’s + ‫ مدة زمنية‬+ since + ‫ فاعل‬+ last + ‫ماضى بسيط مثبت‬
-I haven’t seen him for ages. (It’s……) -It’s ages since I last saw him.
.began / started + to + inf ‫ نحول المضارع التام الى‬since / for ‫ بدال من‬ago ‫ عند استخدام‬
- It has rained for two hours. (ago) - It began to rain two hours ago.
‫ نستخدم التركيب التالى‬It’s ‫ إذا كانت الجملة مضارع تام منفى و بدأنا بــ‬-
It’s + ‫ فترة زمنية‬+ since + ‫ فاعل‬+ last + ‫ماضى بسيط مثبت‬
- I haven’t seen him for ages. = - It’s ages since I last saw him.
‫(غالبا في اإلثبات و السؤال‬just)- ‫تستخدم‬
- What has he just said ?
- She
.‫ نحول الماضى البسيط إلى مضارع تام مثبت‬a moment ago / a short time ago ‫ بدال من‬just ‫– إذا استخدمنا‬
- The train left a moment ago. = - The train has just left.
‫) بنفس الطريقة في السؤال‬recently/lately(‫ – تستخدم كل من‬11
- Has Barakat scored goals lately/recently?
‫ ) في اإلثبات‬recently ( ‫) في النفي و السؤال و‬lately( ‫ يفضل استخدام‬-
- She has moved to a new house recently. - He hasn't phoned me lately.
‫) صعب ( أي انة لو كانت المدة ال يمكن تحويلها الي تاريخ) نستخدم التركيبة الطريقة‬since( ‫) الي‬for( ‫ اذا كان التحويل من‬-
It ( is – has been ) ‫ مدة زمنية‬since ‫ماضي بسيط‬
- He hasn't travelled for ages. (since) - It is ages since he travelled.
He hasn’t studied for along time. ( since ) - It is along time since he studied.
‫ كما يستخدم المضارع التام إذا وجدنا الجملة بمـا يلـي‬-
- It’s/This is the first (second…) time... - It’s the first time I have been to this place.
- It’s (This) is the only… - This is the only play I have seen.
- In the last few years/months……. - Egypt has changed a lot in the last few years.
- In recent years- It has not rained in the Western Desert in recent years.
- Over the ages / over the years….- The earth has become more crowded over the ages.

The present perfect continuous tense

 Form: has / have + been + v. + ing
-He has been learning English for five years.

 Usage:
.‫ يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر لنقول أن شخصا مازال فى منتصف العمل أو أن الحدث لم ينتهى‬
- Ali’s clothes are covered in paint. He has been painting the ceiling.
.‫أما المضارع التام البسيط فيعبر عن حدث انتهى‬
- The ceiling was white. Now it’s blue. Ali has painted the ceiling.
.‫ يعبر المضارع التام المستمر عن مدة حدوث الفعل‬
- Mounir has been reclaiming desert land and farming it for 8 years now.
- Abd-El Magid has been selling flowers since he was 21.
- I’ve been waiting here for half an hour.
)+ since / for / all ‫ يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر مع ( ظرف زمنى‬
- He has been working there since he passed his exams.
- He has been working there for a long time. - He has been playing football all day.
.still / now / yet ‫ و غالبا ما تكون هناك كلمة تؤكد على استمرارية الحدث مثل‬
- It has been rainingfor three hours now.
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- He has been painting his flat and he hasn’t finished yet.
- He has been painting his flat and he’s still painting it.
‫ و أى كلمة تدل على الماضى نحذف كل ما يدل على‬.began / started + v. + ing / inf ‫ بدال من‬since / for ‫ إذا استخدمنا‬
.‫ و نستخدم المضارع التام المستمر‬began / started ‫الماضى و‬
- She began learning English 5 years ago and she’s still learning it. (for)
She has been learning English for 5 years and she’s still learning it.
.‫ ال تستخدم األفعال اآلتية فى األزمنة المستمرة عندما تعبر عن شعور‬

agree ‫ يوافق‬/ believe ‫ يعتقد‬/ feel ‫ يشعر‬/ hate ‫يكره‬/ know ‫يعرف‬/ like ‫يحب‬/ love ‫يحب‬mean ‫ يعنى‬/ prefer
/think ‫ يعتقد‬/ wish ‫ يتمنى‬/ understand ‫يفهم‬

UNIT 4 City or countryside ( Workbook )

1 Match these words with their opposites.
a massive 1 feel uncomfortable
b urban 2 cons
c terrible 3 nearest
d pros 4 fantastic
e feel at home 5 rural
f furthest 6 tiny
2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
outskirts massive shock taken to terrible urban
a In this story, it was a real …………………. to hear that the king had died.
b She didn't like the film because the story was ………..…………..
c Some people like living in …………………… areas, although they can be polluted.
d My younger sister has really …………….……to her new school. She really likes it.
e You can often find big shops in the of …………….………….. the city.
f The A360 is a …………………………aeroplane
3 Write sentences in reply to each of these questions.
a Where do you feel most at home? Why?
b When do you fee l like a fish out of water?
c What are the pros and cons of living in a city?
1 Write sentences using the present perfect and because.
a Kamal broke his leg yesterday. Now he can't play football.
b Nevine works hard all year. She did well in the English exam.
c There was a sandstorm in the night. The streets are full of sand.
d The little boy fell over. He is crying.
e Rami went to bed late all week. Today he is very tired.
f Reem left her key at school. She can't get into her house.
g Sawson got all the questions right. The teacher is very pleased.
2 Answer the questions with the present perfect and the information in brackets.
a Why is Samir thirsty? (have nothing to drink all morning)
b Why is Manal crying? (watch a sad film)
c Why are the police talking to the car driver' (his car hit another car)
d Why is Mr Hamed late for his meeting? (miss his train)
e Why can't Nabila see very well (lose glasses)
f Why is it dark in the house? (someone turn off the light)
1 Complete the sentences using the first letter of the missing words.
a They found out some interesting information about houses in the national c………………..
b A r ………………..visited our house to ask us questions.
c My family p……………….. to go on holiday in August.
d Japan has a p…………………….. of 130 million.
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e Let's answer the questions in this q ……………………..
f Many farmers try to s………………. the problem of not having enough water for their crops.
2 Find and correct the factual mistakes in these sentences.
a Today, over 60 percent of people live in cities.
b The first Egyptian census was in 2005.
c CAPMUS do a national census every two years.
d It is not important if people do not complete the forms in the census.
e The farmers use the information from the census to help us all.
1 Complete the conversation with the correct words to express opinions.
Hala People say that life in cities is getting worse and worse. What do you think?
Ola I a)…………………... In my b)………….………. , cities are really exciting places to be.
Hala But everything's so expensive, isn't it?
Ola I'm not so c)…………………… about that There are still some cheap shops.
Hala But people in cities are always so busy.
Ola Yes, that's d)………….…….. , but as far as I'm e)…….………….. , that is one of the
reasons why city life is so exciting.
Hala What about the countryside?
Ola I don't f)……………...….. I could live in the countryside. It's so boring.
Hala Sorry, I g)……………………Life in the countryside is quiet, but it's never boring.
2 Now answer these questions to express your own opinions.
Hala People say that life in the country is getting worse and worse. What do you think7
Hala You can't buy many things, can you?
Hala People in the country are always friendly, aren't they?
Hala What about the city?

.‫ عند ترجمتها إلى اإلنجليزية‬the ‫ األسماء المعنوية بصفة عامة ال تأخذ‬-1

beauty ‫الجمال‬ love ‫الحب‬ friendship ‫الصداقة‬
honour ‫الشرف‬ virtue ‫الفضيلة‬ peace ‫السالم‬
truth ‫الصدق‬ progress ‫التقدم‬ honesty ‫األمانة‬
.‫ يرجع التقدم فى الزراعة والصناعة والطب إلى العلم الحديث‬-
Progress in agriculture, industry and medicine is due to modern science.
.continuous ‫ بل هو نتيجة جهد شاق متواصل‬laziness ‫ ال يتحقق من فراغ‬excellence ‫ التفوق‬-
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
‫ لنجــاح العمــل في أيــة شــركة‬essential conditions ‫ شــرطان ضــروريان‬tolerance ‫ والتســامح‬cooperation ‫ التعــاون‬-
. company
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
:‫ فعل ) تترجم الي‬+ ‫ أن‬+ ‫علي) مفعول‬/ ‫ ( لـ‬+ ‫ صفة‬+‫ ( من‬-2
‫ مصدر‬+ to + ‫ المفعول‬+ for + ‫ الصفة‬+ Itis
. ‫من الضروري لنا ان نتعلم لغة اجنبية‬
It's necessary for us to learn foreign language.
.‫ الوقت‬waste‫ أضاعة‬cause of‫ ان يكون االنترنت سببًا فى‬possible ‫من الممكن‬
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
.‫االخرين‬harm ‫ تؤذي‬without ‫ دون أن‬ambitious ‫من السهل أن تكون طموحا‬
-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .
:‫ كلمات التوكيد (إن – لقد – قد) فى اللغة العربية ليست لها ترجمة فى االنجليزية‬-3
.‫إن الصناعة هى أساس التنمية‬
.Industry is the basis of development
.‫ إن الكوارث الطبيعية كثيرة جدًا مثل الجفاف والبراكين‬-
Natural disasters (catastrophes) are numerous such as: drought and volcanoes.
.‫ التقدم في المستقبل‬bases ‫ هما قاعدتا‬innovation ‫ واالبتكار‬Knowledge ‫ إن المعرفة‬-
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 37
‫‪First Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪First Term‬‬
‫‪-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .‬‬
‫‪ -‬إن الموارد البشرية‪ Human resources‬تعد العامل الرئيسي ‪main factor‬لالنتاج االقصادي‪.‬‬
‫‪-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .‬‬
‫‪Test yourself‬‬
‫تعطى المدارس اهتماما كبيرا لالنشطة‪ activities‬المدرسية مثل القراءة والموسيقى‪.‬‬ ‫‪-1‬‬
‫ال يجب أن يلقى الناس بالمخلفات‪ rubbish‬في الشوارع أو في مياه النيل‪.‬‬ ‫‪-2‬‬
‫‪ -3‬يجب أن تزاول‪ practice‬الرياضة لكي تحافظ على صحتك‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬إن تعلم اللغة االنجليزية والكمبيوتر ضروري للحصول على وظيفة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬سوف يستخدم اإلنسان مصادر‪ sources‬عديدة‪ several‬للطاقة فى المستقبل القريب‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬سوف يقوم الناس بالتسوق‪ shopping‬باستخدام الكمبيوتر المنزلي فى المستقبل القريب‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬إن التكنولوجيا الحديثة لها دورا حيويا‪ vital role‬في حياتنا‪.‬‬
‫‪ -8‬يعتمد ‪ depend on‬كل التقدم في المستقبل على السالم فالحرب‪ war‬تلتهم‪ swallow‬ثروة وطاقة اإلنسان‪.‬‬
‫‪ -9‬يبلغ متوسط‪ average‬العمر في أوربا خمس وسبعون عاما‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 10‬تشمل الزراعة الحديثة استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة إلنتاج مزيد من المحاصيل‪. crops‬‬
‫‪ -11‬تساعد التكنولوجيا الحديثة الدول على صنع تقدم‪ progress‬حقيقي في جميع المجاالت‪.‬‬
‫أعطانا مدرس العلوم كثيرا من المعلومات عن العادات الغير صحية التي تسبب األمراض ‪12 -‬‬

‫غير رسمى‬ ‫‪informal‬‬ ‫قطعـــــة ارض‬ ‫‪plot‬‬ ‫فقرة شعريـــــة‬ ‫‪verse : stanza‬‬
‫حرب‬ ‫‪war‬‬ ‫يحفـــــــــر‬ ‫‪dig‬‬ ‫بيت شعــر ‪ -‬آية‬ ‫‪verse‬‬
‫سالم‬ ‫‪peace‬‬ ‫خطيـــــــــر‬ ‫‪serious‬‬ ‫قصائـــــد‬ ‫‪poems‬‬
‫رد‬ ‫‪reply‬‬ ‫يتمنـــــــــى‬ ‫‪wish‬‬ ‫شاعـــــر‬ ‫‪poet‬‬
‫مؤدب‬ ‫‪polite‬‬ ‫طبـــــــــاخ‬ ‫‪cook‬‬ ‫الشعـــــر‬ ‫‪poetry‬‬
‫االدب‬ ‫‪politeness‬‬ ‫يتحدث الى‬ ‫‪speak to‬‬ ‫شمعـــــة‬ ‫‪candle‬‬
‫عدد من‬ ‫‪a number of‬‬ ‫قش – ِتْب ــــــن‬ ‫‪hay‬‬ ‫كنــــــز‬ ‫‪treasure‬‬
‫طلب‬ ‫‪request‬‬ ‫سخيــــــف‬ ‫‪silly‬‬ ‫غير ودود‬ ‫‪unfriendly‬‬
‫حكيم‬ ‫‪wise‬‬ ‫زهــــــور‬ ‫‪flowers‬‬ ‫ُيْط ِعـــــــم‬ ‫‪feed‬‬
‫وعد‬ ‫‪promise‬‬ ‫يبــــــدو‬ ‫‪seem‬‬ ‫تربة زراعية‬ ‫‪soil‬‬
‫حديثا‬ ‫‪recently‬‬ ‫صــــــف‬ ‫‪row‬‬ ‫ادوات‬ ‫‪tools‬‬
‫قرار‬ ‫‪decision‬‬ ‫طابــــــور‬ ‫‪queue‬‬ ‫يلعب ألعاب‬ ‫‪play games‬‬
‫خطة‬ ‫‪plan‬‬ ‫الصيــــــف‬ ‫‪summer‬‬ ‫طفـــــــــل‬ ‫‪child‬‬
‫َدْي ـــــــــن‬ ‫‪debt‬‬ ‫ثمــــــار‬ ‫‪fruits‬‬ ‫أطفـــــــــال‬ ‫‪children‬‬
‫اقتباس‬ ‫‪quotation‬‬ ‫َعَج َلــــــة‬ ‫‪wheel‬‬ ‫طفولـــــــــة‬ ‫‪childhood‬‬
‫البصر‬ ‫‪eyesight‬‬ ‫يضغط ‪ -‬يقرص‬ ‫‪pinch‬‬ ‫أعزل – عاري‬ ‫‪bare‬‬
‫يقدم خدمــــــة‬ ‫‪do a favour‬‬ ‫مضغوط‬ ‫‪pinching‬‬ ‫ديوان شعر‬ ‫‪book of poems‬‬
‫جامعــــــــــة‬ ‫‪university‬‬ ‫أصابع القدم‬ ‫‪toes‬‬ ‫َح َص ى‬ ‫‪gravel‬‬
‫يحرق ‪ -‬يحترق‬ ‫‪burn‬‬ ‫يحفظ‬ ‫‪keep‬‬ ‫حقيقــــــــــــــي‬ ‫‪factual‬‬
‫جزر‬ ‫‪carrots‬‬ ‫ممر‬ ‫‪path‬‬ ‫يضع‪ ....‬في مكانه‬ ‫‪put ……away‬‬
‫مقعــــــــد‬ ‫‪seat‬‬ ‫خط – طريق‬ ‫‪line‬‬ ‫يقفـــــــــل‬ ‫‪lock‬‬
‫ذاكرة‬ ‫‪memory‬‬ ‫يثبــــــــــت‬ ‫‪prove‬‬ ‫عاقـــــــــل ‪ -‬حكيم‬ ‫‪sensible‬‬
‫جزء من‬ ‫‪part of‬‬ ‫دليل – برهان‬ ‫‪proof‬‬ ‫موقـــــــــف‬ ‫‪situation‬‬
‫خضروات‬ ‫‪vegetables‬‬ ‫اصابع اليد‬ ‫‪fingers‬‬ ‫يصــــــــــــف‬ ‫‪describe‬‬
‫مسرحية‬ ‫‪a play‬‬ ‫برد‬ ‫‪cold‬‬ ‫زبيــــــــــــب‬ ‫‪currant‬‬
‫يستفيد‬ ‫‪benefit‬‬ ‫قلب‬ ‫‪heart‬‬ ‫عنـــــــــــــب‬ ‫‪grapes‬‬
‫متحرك‬ ‫‪moving‬‬ ‫يؤذي‬ ‫‪hurt‬‬ ‫يقفز – يثب‬ ‫‪hop‬‬
‫يخفى‬ ‫‪hide‬‬ ‫ملوك‬ ‫‪kings‬‬ ‫سار – ممتع‬ ‫‪pleasant‬‬
‫يكرر‬ ‫‪repeat‬‬ ‫ملكة‬ ‫‪queen‬‬ ‫قافيـــــــــة‬ ‫‪rhyme‬‬
‫ينتج‬ ‫‪produce‬‬ ‫عربة يد‬ ‫‪barrow‬‬ ‫وزن ( شعر)‬ ‫‪rhythm‬‬
‫‪Mr B. M. Ghreeb‬‬ ‫‪38‬‬
First Year Hello English First Term
‫انتـــــــــــــــــاج‬ production ‫يستعير‬ borrow ‫مرجيحـــــــــة‬ swing
‫كهرباء‬ electricity ‫يضع‬ lay ‫جناينـــــــــى‬ gardener
‫توضيح‬ clarification ‫ربح‬ profit ‫ممطـــــــــر‬ rainy
‫يرفض‬ refuse ‫َق‬
‫تبن – ــــــش‬ hay ‫مشمـــــــــس‬ sunny
‫خارج‬ outside ‫رسمى‬ formal ‫جـــــــــــــاف‬ dry
pinching toes ‫أصابع القدم تؤلم من شدة البرد‬ gravelled paths ‫ممرات مرصوفة بالحصي‬
Indian wars ‫لعبة أطفال‬ lay the barrow down ‫يركن عربيته جانبا‬
keep the gravel walk ‫يسير علي طريق مملوء بالحصي‬ dig in the plot )‫يحفر في االرض ( الستخراج زرع مثال‬
make .. sb .. feel like ‫يجعل شخص يشعر و كأنـــــــــــــه‬ put his tools away ‫يضع أدواته جانبا‬
go outside with bare feet ‫يخرج حافي القدمين‬ go up in a swing ‫يصعد ألعلي في المرجيحة‬
There is a difference in ‫هناك فارق في‬ I feel like + v.ing = I'd like to + inf. ‫أنا أرغب في‬
on the way home ‫في الطريق الي المنزل‬ winter comes ‫يحل الشتـــــــــاء‬
have a headache ‫يصاب بصداع‬ summer goes ‫ينقضي الصيــــــــف‬
Adjective Noun Verb
‫مسرور‬ pleased ‫سرور‬ pleasure ‫يسر – يسعد‬ please
‫مربح‬ profitable ‫ربح – فائدة‬ profit ‫يربح – يكسب‬ profit
‫مقفـــي‬ rhymed ‫قافيـــــة‬ rhyme ‫يقفــــــي‬ rhyme
‫مطهو – مطبوخ‬ cooked ‫طباخ – طاهي‬ cook ‫يطبــــخ‬ cook
‫مرصوف بالحصي‬ gravelled ‫حصـــــــــي‬ gravel ‫يرصف بالحصي‬ gravel
‫ مقفول‬- ‫مغلق‬ locked ‫قفـــــــل‬ lock ‫يقفل‬ lock
‫شمعة‬ something that we burn to get (produce) light candle
‫ يثب‬- ‫يقفز‬ to move by jumping on one foot hop
‫ممتع‬ something that is enjoyable, nice or good pleasant
‫بيت شعر‬ lines that form one part of a poem verse
‫ إيقاع‬- ‫وزن شعري‬ a repeated sound in music , poems, etc. rhythm
‫مرجيحـــــــة‬ a moving seat that children play on swing
‫كنز‬ gold, silver, money, etc. that someone has hidden treasure
‫عاري‬ not covered by anything bare
‫يحفر‬ move something in or under soil using a tool. dig
‫تبن‬ dried grass that people use to feed animals hay
‫يقفل‬ close something using a key lock
‫قطعة أرض‬ small pieces of land for growing things on plot
‫يربح‬ get something good or useful from a situation profit

1- Some definitions and explanations:

- keep the gravel walk = stay on the path through the garden
- currant row = a line of plants that have small fruits
- barrow = something with one wheel that gardeners use to carry things from the garden
- pinching toes = toes that hurt because of the cold
- Indian wars = a children's game
2- favour ‫ جميل‬- ‫معروف‬ - favourite ‫مفضل‬
- Can you do me a favour? Tennis is his favourite sport?
favoured‫موهوب‬ - favourable ‫مفرح – سار‬
- She is favoured at actig. - She heard favourable news, she must be happy.
2- make + ‫مصدر‬ ‫يجعل – يجبر‬ - + ‫ مفعول‬He made me write the letter again.
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 39
First Year Hello English First Term
3- put away ‫يضع الشيء في مكانة‬ - put off ‫يؤجل‬
- You should put your clothes away. - Don't put off until tomorrow what should be done today
4- row ‫صف‬ - queue ‫طابور‬
- They are sitting side to side in a row. - People are waiting in a queue to get on the bus.
5- see ‫ ) او مصدر‬+ + ‫ مفعول‬ing)
- I saw him dig the canal. ‫عندما نري كل الحدث‬
- I saw her watching TV. ‫عندما نري جزء من الحدث‬
6- wish + to + ‫ = مصدر‬want to do something ( formal ) ‫يرغب فــــي‬
- I wish to speak to the manager , please.
7- currant ‫عنب مجفف‬ - current ) ‫تدفق تيار (ماء – هواء – كهرباء‬
- current events ‫االحداث الجارية‬
8- on the way to ‫في الطريق الي‬ - in this way ‫بهذة الطريقة‬
- in the way ) ‫في الطريق ( عقبة‬ - Please; move this chair aside , it's in the way
9- bare : ‫عاري – أجرد‬ - bear ‫يتحمل‬

1- What is the title of the poem? - It is called "The Gardener".

2- Does the speaker like the gardener? - I don't think so
3- Why doesn't the gardener want to do much in the winter? - because of the pinching toes.
4- Which words rhyme in the poem? - The words dig and big, talk and walk.
5- How many verses does the poem have? - It has five verses.
6 - What do the first two lines of the poem tell us about the gardener?
- He doesn't like to talk and keeps the walk.
7- When does the gardener put his tools away? - After finishing his tasks.
8- Why does the writer call the gardener silly?
- Because he doesn't play with the speaker and makes him work.
9- Why is the garden bare and brown? - because the summer goes and winter comes
10- Do you think the gardener would be wiser to play games with the writer?
- yes, in the speaker's point of view.
11- Why is the garden bare and brown? - Because the summer goes and winter comes.
12- Do you think people should follow rules in gardens? Why or why not?
- Yes, people should follow rules in gardens to keep them clean and beautiful.
13- Which do you prefer to read, poems or stories? Say why?
- I prefer to read stories because I can understand them and makes me imagine.
14- Do you think a gardener does an important job? Why or why not?
- Yes, a gardener does an important jobs in keeping a garden clean and beautiful.
15- What does the poem tell us about the gardener?
- The two lines show that the gardener puts his tools away as soon as he finishes his work in the
garden.In addition , he is very careful that he doesn't leave without locking the door and taking his keys.
16- Why does the writer call the gardener silly?
- He called the gardener silly as he didn't want to play with him during the summer
17- Why is the garden bare and brown?
- As winter comes and summer goes, His toes hurt him in the cold and becomes unable to work in the
garden , so it's left bare during winter.
18- Do you think it's wise for the gardener to play games with the writer? Why? / Why not?
- I don't think so, because it's incredible for a man like a gardener to play with a little boy as they don't
have the same hobbies or interests.

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First Year Hello English First Term

Making polite requests ‫الطلب المهذب‬

- Can you……………………..? - Could you do me a favour?
- Could you possibly……………………..? - I wonder if you could……………………
- I don't suppose you could……………..? - Do you think you could…………………?
Responding to requests
- Certainly. - Yes, what is it? - No Problem.
- That is not a problem. - Yes, of Course. No, I am afraid I can't.
-:‫ ) عند القبول أو الموافقة على أسئلة مثل‬No, not at all ( ‫ الحظ استخدام‬-
- Would you mind + v.ing ………..…………… ? - Do you mind + v.ing………..……………?
- Would you mind if I ………………. ‫……………………ماضي بسيط‬..?
- No, not at all. ‫القبول‬ - Yes, I would. ‫الرفض‬
1- You ask your friend to lend you his camera.
2- You want to know the price of a kilo of apples.
3- Your friend asks you if he could use you mobile. You agree.
4- Your friend wants to borrow your bike but you need it.

Verbs + ( to + inf. ) or ( v.ing )

.Verbs followed by (to + inf.) ( to + inf -1( ‫أفعال يأتى بعدها‬
agree ‫يوافق‬ threaten ‫ُيهدد‬ pretend ‫يتظاهر‬
arrange ‫يرتب‬ want ‫يريد‬ deserve ‫يستحق‬
decide ‫يقرر‬ wish ‫يتمنى‬ demand ‫يطلب‬
expect ‫يتوقع‬ refuse ‫يرفض‬ dare ‫يجرؤ‬
hope ‫يأمل‬ manage ‫يتمكن‬ claim ‫ يدعى‬/ ‫يزعم‬
learn ‫يتعلم‬ afford ‫يتحمل‬ appear ‫يظهر‬
offer ‫ُيقدم‬ forget ‫ينسى‬ seem ‫يبدو‬
plan ‫ُيخطط‬ fail ‫يرسب‬ attempt ‫يحاول‬
promise ‫َيِعْد‬ mean ‫ينوى‬ tend ‫يميل الى‬
We are planning to live in Cairo. I don’t want to buy a new house.

2- Verbs followed by (v.+ing)

Enjoy ‫يستمتع‬ miss ‫يفقد‬ fancy ‫ يتصور‬/ ‫يتخيل‬
mind ‫ُيمانع‬ involve ‫ يستلزم‬/‫يتضمن‬ avoid ‫يتجنب‬
finish ‫ينتهى‬ prevent ‫يمنع‬ admit ‫يعترف بـ‬
come ‫يأتى‬ practice ‫يمارس‬ delay ‫يؤجل‬
go ‫يذهب‬ give up ‫يتوقف عن‬ postpone ‫يؤجل‬
suggest ‫يقترح‬ put off ‫يؤجل‬ deny ‫ُُينكر‬
You should avoid going out at night. I don’t mind helping you.
I'd advise waiting until tomorrow.
3- Verbs + object + (to + inf.) ( to + inf.‫( أفعال يأتى بعدها مفعول ثم‬
expect ‫يتوقع‬ teach ‫ُيعلم‬ remind ‫ُيذكر‬
want ‫يريد‬ tell ‫ُيخبر‬ warn ‫ُيحذر‬
order ‫يطلب‬ help ‫يساعد‬ inform ‫ ُيبِّلغ‬/ ‫ُيخبر‬
ask ‫ يطلب‬/ ‫يسأل‬ train ‫ُيدرب‬ force ‫ُيجبر‬
invite ‫يدعو‬ enable ‫ُيمكن‬ instruct ‫ُيعطى تعليمات‬
cause ‫ُيسبب‬ persuade ‫ُيقنع‬ take ‫تستغرق‬
I promised Sara to study hard this year. - We ordered her to keep quiet.
4- Verbs + object + ( inf. )
let ‫يسمح‬ make ‫يجعل‬ see ‫يرى‬

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First Year Hello English First Term
help ‫يساعد‬ would rather ‫ُيفضل‬ had better ‫ُيفضل‬
The teacher letmeleave early. Yesterday, I sawAli walk along the street.
) ‫مفعول‬ + to + ‫) أو ( المصدر‬v.ing( ‫* األفعال اآلتية يأتي بعدها‬
recommend ‫يوصى بـ‬ advise ‫ينصح‬ encourage ‫ُيشجع‬
permit ‫يسمح‬ allow ‫ يأذن‬/ ‫يسمح‬
My teacher advises buying this book. = My teacher advises us to buy this book.
5- Verbs + (to + inf.) Or (v.+ing)
‫( بدون فرق فى المعنى أو وجود فرق بسيط‬to+ inf.)‫( أو‬v.+ing) ‫أفعال يأتى بعدها أو‬
‫ في المواقف المحددة‬.to + inf ‫ اذا كان الكالم بصفة عامة و يستخدم‬Gerund‫ُيستخدم‬
‫يبدأ‬ start ‫يكره‬ hate ‫يفضل‬ prefer
‫يبدأ‬ begin ‫يكره‬ dislike ‫يحب‬ like
‫يستمر‬ continue ‫ينوى‬ intend ‫يحب‬ love
I like swimming. = (a general statement)
I like to swim. It’s fine now. = ( a particular occasion)
6- Verbs + (to + inf.) Or (v.+ing)
‫) مع وجود إختالف فى المعنى‬v.+ing( ‫)أو‬.to+ inf( ‫أفعال يأتى بعدها‬
‫) فتدل على ان الحدث لم يتم بعد‬.to +inf( ‫)تدل على ان الحدث قد انتهى أما اذا جاء بعدها‬Gerund( ‫هذه األفعال إذا جاء بعدها‬
remember + (to + inf.) ‫يتذكر أن يفعل شيئًا ما ثم يفعله‬
remember + (v. + ing) ‫يتذكر أنه قد فعل شيئًا ما فى الماضى‬
He remembered to see the man. = He remembered and then saw the man.
He remembered seeing the man. = He saw the man and later remembered.
stop + (to + inf.) )‫يتوقف لغرض (لكى يفعل شىء ما‬
stop + (v. + ing) ‫يتوقف عن فعل شىء لفترة قصيرة أو بصفة دائمة‬
He stopped to listen to music. = He stopped what he was doing to listen to music.
He stopped listening to music. = He didn’t listen to music any more.
forget + (to + inf.) )‫ينسى أن يفعل شىء ما (أى لم يفعل الشىء‬
forget + (v. + ing) )‫ينسى أنه فعل شىء ما (أى أنه فعل الشىء‬
He forgot to lock the door. = He didn’t lock it.
He forgot locking the door. = He locked it but couldn’t remember.

try + (to + inf.) )‫ُيحاول (يبذل مجهود لكى يفعل شىء ما‬
try + (v. + ing) ‫ وسيرى ما سوف يحدث‬, ‫ُي جرب شىء ما‬
Try to open the door. = See if you can open the door.
Try opening the door. = What happens if you open the door?
regret + (to + inf.) ‫يأسف أنه مضطر أن يفعل شىء ما‬
regret + (v. + ing) ‫يندم على شىء فعله فى الماضى‬
He regretted to tell you the bad news. = He was sorry that it was necessary to tell
you the bad news.
He regretted selling his car. = He was sorry that he had sold it.
)v.+ing( ‫بعض التعبيرات التى ُتتبع بـ‬
What / How about ‫ما رأيك فى؟‬ feel like ‫يرغب فى‬
Would / Do you mind ‫ما رأيك فى؟‬ it's no use / good ‫ال فائدة من‬
look forward to ‫يتطلع الى‬ be afraid of ‫خائف من‬
prefer … to … ‫ عن‬... ‫ يفضل‬... be busy ‫مشغول‬
be used-accustomed to ‫ُم عتاد على‬ I can't help ‫ليس بوسعى سوى‬
Thanks to ‫بفضل‬ I can't stand ‫ال اتحمل‬

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In addition to ‫باإلضافة الى‬ have difficulty in ‫لديه صعوبة فى‬
He is used to getting up early.
It's no use hurrying, we have already missed the bus.
).to + inf( ‫بعض التعبيرات التى ُتتبع بـ‬
would like would love would prefer
would hate be allowed be ashamed
I'd like to read this story . He'd like to learn English.
You aren’t allowed to park here.
* It + be + adj. + to + inf.
It is difficult to find a job nowadays.It was hard for him to recognize the criminal.
:‫الحظ اإلختالف بين الُج مل اآلتية‬
He likes living in Cairo. (He lives in Cairo now.)
He'd like to live in Cairo. (He doesn’t live in Cairo now.)

UNIT 5 Robert Louis Stevenson ( Workbook )

1 Answer the questions with these words.
candle pleasant rhythm swing treasure verse
a What do you call something that is enjoyable, nice or good?
b What do you call gold, silver, money, etc. that someone has hidden?
c What do you call lines that form one part of a poem
d What do you call something you burn to produce light!
e What do you ca ll a repeated sound in music, poems, etc?
f What do you cal l a moving seat that children play on
2 Complete these sentences with words from Exercise 1.
a There was no electricity in the house, so we had to use a …………………….
b They found an old ship under the water which they think is full of ………..…………….
c I don't like this music. It doesn't have any ………..…………
d I love riding a ……………..…….. in the park.
e For homework, we have to write the first ……………………of a poem.
f It was very ……………………..sitting in the park at the end of a hot day I
3 Read and match.
a Robert Louis Stevenson 1 was very popular with children.
b He began to write novels 2 in 1885.
c His novel Treasure Island 3 from A Child's Garden of Verses.
d He wrote A Child's Garden of Verses 4 was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.
e The Rain is a poem 5 when he was a young man.
1 Find and correct the mistakes in these sentences
a To be good at music, you have to practise to play every day
b Rami offered to help his grandmother with his shopping.
c Nabil has decided buying a new computer.
d Yasser plans working abroad next year.
e Taha has always enjoyed to read poetry.
f Huda hopes spending a week with her aunt and uncle.
g Young children like learning to song.
h To stay warm in co ld weather, you've got to keep to move.
i When Karim finished running, he is ve ry tired .
j He found the film quite frightening, so he stopped to watch it
2 Write sentences about the following.
a Three things you enjoy doing at weekends.
b Two things that you have stopped doing recently .
c Two things you want to learn to do .
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d Two things you hope to do when you are older .
e Two things you have promised to do for someone recently .
3 Write three or four sentences about one of these subjects, using the verbs in
• An early memory (remember) • A bad decision (decide)
• An offer I couldn't refuse (offer) • A future plan (plan)
1 Complete the sentences using these words.
bare digging hay lock plot profit silly
a Children love …………….. in the sand on the beach
b In winter, farmers sometimes give their sheep…………….. to eat.
c Don't forget to ………….. the door when you leave the house.
d The hotels in this city hope to ……………………… from the new airport.
e Children can sometimes be ……………..…. when they play together.
f The mother told her children not to go outside with …………….…….. feet.
g My grandfather usually has lots of carrots from his vegetable…………………….
2 Answer the questions.
a What things can you lock ?
b What animals sometimes eat hay?
c What can you sometimes find if you dig under the ground?
d In what ways might you profit from going to a good university?
3 Put the lines of the poem in the correct order.
a Was now the home of a small mouse.
b And now the mouse has gone away.
c So I quickly bought a cat today,
d One day I found that my large house,
e There won't be any more mice in here,
f He seems to like living here, so,
g But I have a cat to stay, I fear.
h The mouse has gone, but the cat won't go,
1 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete these conversations.
a A Could you possibly I probably help me?
b B Yes, of course. I No, not at all. What would you like me to do?
c A I can't find today's newspaper. Do you think you could help I helping me look for it?
d B Certain. I Certainly.
e A Could you do I make me a favour/
B Yes, what is it?
f A I don't suppose you could help I helping me do the shopping?
g B Yes, that's a problem. I no problem.
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations.
a You have left one of your schoolbooks at the office of teacher. Ask this teacher if he/she
could bring it to school for you tomorrow.
b You would like to use a friend's phone to make an important call.
c You've forgotten what you need to do for homework tonight. Ask your friend.
d Your grandmother needs help carrying some bags into your flat.

:‫ حرف الـ ( س ) وكلمة (سوف) تترجما فى اللغة اإلنجليزية الى زمن المستقبل البسيط‬-1
The government will build a lot of schools. ‫ستبنى الحكومة مدارس كثيرة‬
:‫ فعل ماضى وفى الجملة إشارة تدل على الماضى البسيط تترجم إلى ماضى بسيط‬+ ‫ لقد‬-2
He telephoned me yesterday. ‫لقد اتصل بى أمس هاتفيًا‬
:‫ فعل ماضى بدون أى إشارة تدل على الماضى تترجم لمضارع تام‬+ ‫ لقد‬-3

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‫‪First Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪First Term‬‬
‫لقد اهتمت الدولة بالتعليم‪.The state has taken great interest in education .‬‬
‫‪ -‬لقد ساعد العلم اإلنسان ‪ man‬على أن يحيا ‪ lead‬حياة مريحة ‪.comfortable‬‬
‫‪-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .‬‬
‫‪ -‬لقد أصبح من الواضح ‪ clear‬إن اإلدمان ‪ addiction‬هو وباء ‪ plague‬العصر ‪.age‬‬
‫‪-……………………………………………………………………………………………. .‬‬
‫‪ -4‬قد ‪ +‬فعل مضارع فإن ذلك يدل على االحتمال و نستخدم ‪: may‬‬
‫قد يشهد هذا العام تطورات هائلة نحو السالم‪.‬‬
‫‪This year may witness immense development towards peace.‬‬
‫‪ -1‬أن الدكتور مجدي يعقوب من أشهر جراحي القلب‪ heart surgeon‬في العالم ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬أصبح العالم اآلن يقدر‪ estimate‬قيمة‪ value‬العلماء المصريين ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬من الضروري‪ necassary‬أن نتناول الخضراوات و الفواكه الطازجة‪. fresh‬‬
‫‪ -4‬أظن أن تعلم اللغة اإلنجليزية والكمبيوتر موضوع حيوي‪ vital subject‬هذه األيام ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬تستخدم المياه الجوفية‪ underground water‬في ري‪ irrigate‬الصحراء ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬أن الصحارى مساحات واسعة‪ vast areas‬من األرضي الجافة‪. dry‬‬
‫‪ -7‬اشتريت الكتاب بعشرة جنيهات‪. pounds‬‬
‫‪ -8‬بدأت بعض الدول اإلفريقية‪ African‬تهتم بتعليم اللغة العربية بمدارسها ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -9‬كم تبعد‪ How far‬محطة األتوبيس‪ bus stop‬عن منزلك ؟‬
‫‪ -10‬يجب علينا أن نجذب‪ attract‬السياح لزيارة بلدنا ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -11‬تساعد التكنولوجيا الحديثة‪ modern technology‬علي تقدم‪ progress‬األمم‪. nations‬‬
‫‪ -12‬هل سافرت إلي األقصر‪ Luxor‬الشتاء الماضي مع أسرتك ؟‬
‫‪ -13‬يجب أن تعمل بجد لكى تنجح و تكسب‪ earn‬المال الوفير‪. a lot of money‬‬
‫‪ -14‬يجب أن ال نلوث‪ pollute‬مياه النيل و أن نحافظ علي بيئتنا‬
‫‪ environment‬نظيفة ‪.‬‬

‫يزيد ‪ /‬زيادة‬ ‫‪increase‬‬ ‫يصمـم ‪ -‬تصميم‬ ‫‪design‬‬ ‫حديـــــث‬ ‫‪modern‬‬

‫أوًال‬ ‫‪firstly‬‬ ‫سيارات كهربية‬ ‫‪electric cars‬‬ ‫يتحكم في‬ ‫‪control‬‬
‫ثانيــــــًا‬ ‫‪secondly‬‬ ‫يخــــــــزن‬ ‫‪store‬‬ ‫ُم حرك ‪ /‬موتور‬ ‫‪engine‬‬
‫ثالثــــــًا‬ ‫‪thirdly‬‬ ‫وقــــــــود‬ ‫‪fuel‬‬ ‫وسادة هوائية‬ ‫‪airbag‬‬
‫غارة جوية‬ ‫‪air raid‬‬ ‫مركبــــــــات‬ ‫‪vehicles‬‬ ‫طريق – خط سير‬ ‫‪route‬‬
‫ُينتــــــج‬ ‫‪produce‬‬ ‫كهربــــــــاء‬ ‫‪electricity‬‬ ‫ازدحام المرور‬ ‫‪traffic jam‬‬
‫انتــــــاج‬ ‫‪production‬‬ ‫فــــــــارغ‬ ‫‪empty‬‬ ‫رائـــــع‬ ‫‪fantastic‬‬
‫عاِلــــــم‬ ‫‪scientist‬‬ ‫ُيعيد شحن‬ ‫‪recharge‬‬ ‫ُم فتـــــــش‬ ‫‪inspector‬‬
‫العلــــــم‬ ‫‪science‬‬ ‫يعيد تصنيع‬ ‫‪recycle‬‬ ‫يتوقـــــــع‬ ‫‪expect‬‬
‫علمــــــي‬ ‫‪scientific‬‬ ‫وقود حيوىنباتى‬ ‫‪vegetable oil‬‬ ‫حقـــــــــًا‬ ‫‪really‬‬
‫رسمــــــي‬ ‫‪official‬‬ ‫وقود حيوىنباتى‬ ‫‪bio- fuel‬‬ ‫شمسية ‪ -‬مظلة‬ ‫‪umbrella‬‬
‫قوانيــــــن‬ ‫‪regulations‬‬ ‫خبيــــــــر‬ ‫‪expert‬‬ ‫حقيقـــــــــة‬ ‫‪fact‬‬
‫يطيــــــع‬ ‫‪obey‬‬ ‫مالحة – تحديد اتجاه‬ ‫‪navigation‬‬ ‫خطـــــــــة‬ ‫‪plan‬‬
‫يحمــــــي‬ ‫‪protect‬‬ ‫طائـــــــرة‬ ‫‪aircraft‬‬ ‫نية ‪ /‬قصد‬ ‫‪intention‬‬
‫حمايــــــة‬ ‫‪protection‬‬ ‫طبيعــــــــي‬ ‫‪natural‬‬ ‫قرار سريع‬ ‫‪quick decision‬‬
‫ضــــار‬ ‫‪harmful‬‬ ‫انتبـــــــــاه‬ ‫‪attention‬‬ ‫دليـــــــــل‬ ‫‪evidence‬‬
‫يدور بـ‬ ‫‪run on‬‬ ‫طاقة األمواج‬ ‫‪wave power‬‬ ‫ينـــــــــوي‬ ‫‪intend‬‬
‫مواطن‬ ‫‪citizen‬‬ ‫الطاقة المائية‬ ‫‪water power‬‬ ‫يتضمن‬ ‫‪include‬‬
‫هواء نقي‬ ‫‪pure air‬‬ ‫طاقة باطن األرض‬ ‫‪geothermal‬‬ ‫يوجــــــــه‬ ‫‪direct‬‬
‫يتولي االمر‬ ‫‪take over‬‬ ‫الطاقة الشمسية‬ ‫‪powerpower‬‬
‫‪solar‬‬ ‫اتجــــــــاه‬ ‫‪direction‬‬
‫كثيـــــف‬ ‫‪dense‬‬ ‫طاقة الرياح‬ ‫‪wind power‬‬ ‫تلوث الهواء‬ ‫‪air pollution‬‬
‫يمأل بـ‬ ‫‪fill …with‬‬ ‫طاحونة هواء‬ ‫‪windmill‬‬ ‫بيئــــــــة‬ ‫‪environment‬‬
‫ُيصبح ُم بتال‬ ‫‪get wet‬‬ ‫إنشاء ‪ -‬تعبير‬ ‫‪composition‬‬ ‫رئــــــــه‬ ‫‪lung‬‬
‫يستغرق وقت‬ ‫‪take time‬‬ ‫اليشريـــــــة‬ ‫‪human beings‬‬ ‫يشرح ‪ /‬يوضح‬ ‫‪explain‬‬
‫يتولى مسئولية‬ ‫‪take over‬‬ ‫ساعة الذروة‬ ‫‪rush hour‬‬ ‫عـــــــــادم‬ ‫‪exhaust‬‬
‫كميــــــة‬ ‫‪amount‬‬ ‫عـــــــــــادى‬ ‫‪ordinary‬‬ ‫أدخنة العادم‬ ‫‪exhaust fumes‬‬
‫نوع من‬ ‫‪type of‬‬ ‫بطارية خاصة‬ ‫‪special‬‬ ‫يتلف – تلـــــف‬ ‫‪damage‬‬
‫يلـــــوم‬ ‫‪blame‬‬ ‫عطشــــــان‬ ‫‪battery‬‬
‫‪thirsty‬‬ ‫باإلضافة الى‬ ‫‪as well as‬‬
‫‪Mr B. M. Ghreeb‬‬ ‫‪45‬‬
First Year Hello English First Term
conflict (n) ‫عطــــــش‬ thirst ‫أضف الي ذلك‬ moreover
‫يعتمد علي‬ depend on ‫ يؤمن‬/ ‫ُيصدق‬ believe ‫يمتلــــــــك‬ own : possess
donation ‫توتــــر‬ tension ‫غاز طبيعي‬ natural gas
drought ‫ُيؤثر على‬ affect ‫ سعر‬/ ‫ثمن‬ price
‫محصـــــــول‬harvest ‫ عواقب‬/ ‫نتائج‬ consequence ‫مؤيد أو معارض‬ for or against
hunger ‫صناعــــــة‬ industry ‫كفء‬ efficiently
‫ يعاني من سوء‬malnourishe ‫يؤدي الي‬ lead to ‫بكفـــــــــــهءة‬ efficiently
‫ تغذية‬shortage
‫نقص – عجـــز‬ d ‫يتنفــــــس‬ breathe ‫مهنــــــــدس‬ engineer
bring in ‫ ُيحضر – يجلب‬/ ‫ُيقدم‬ agree with ‫يتفق مع شخص‬
excited about ‫ُم ثار بـ‬ as soon as possible ‫بأسرع ما يمكن‬
It's a matter of time ‫انها مسألة وقت‬ turn on x turn off ‫ يقفل‬x ‫يشغل‬
have a baby ‫ُترزق بمولود‬ work on the problem ‫يبذلُ جهد لحل ُم شكلة‬
important for ‫هام لـ‬ blame somebody for ‫يلوم شخص ما على‬
result from ‫ينتج عن‬ no oil left ‫ال يوجد بترول‬
run on (petrol) ‫ تسير بالبنزين‬/ ‫ُتدار بـ‬ make arrangement for ‫يقوم بعمل ترتيبات لـ‬
stay for dinner ‫ينتظر حتى وجبة العشاء‬ make energy out of.. ‫ يصنع طاقة من‬..
make prediction about ‫يقدم تنبؤ عن‬ on the way to ‫فى الطريق الى‬
Adjective Noun Verb
‫ ُم ظلم‬dark ‫ظالم‬ darkness ‫ ُيظلم‬darken
‫ ُك فء‬efficient ‫كفاءة‬ efficiency ..........
‫ُم رَت َقب‬/‫ ُم توَقع‬expected ‫توقع‬ expectation ‫ يتوقع‬expect
‫ كثير النسيان‬forgetful ‫النسيان‬ forgetfulness ‫ ينسى‬forget
‫ متزايد‬increasing ‫زيادة‬ increase ‫ يزداد‬increase
.......... ‫ قصد‬/ ‫نية‬ intention ‫ ينوى‬intend
‫ُم لوثات‬ pollutants
‫ ُم لوث‬polluted ‫ ُيلوث‬pollute
‫تلوث‬ pollution
‫واقى‬ protective ‫حماية‬ protection ‫ يحمى‬protect
‫قابل لإلستبدال‬ replaceable ‫بديل‬ replacement ‫ يستبدل‬replace
‫مغــــذي‬ nourishing ‫تغذيـــــة‬ nourishment
nourish ‫يغـــذي‬
‫يعاني من سوء التغذية‬ malnourished ‫سوء تغذية‬ malnourishment
‫ مالحة – تحديد اتجاه‬the act of directing a ship, aircraft, etc. from one place to another navigation
or the science of finding a way from one place to another
‫مفتش‬ an official who makes sure that regulations are obeyed inspector
vehicles which are not moving or moving slowly traffic jam
‫البيئة‬ the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants environment
exist and live
‫بطارية‬ the thing stores electricity for a car, radio, etc battery
‫التلوث‬ damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste pollution
‫الرئتين‬ parts of our body that fill with air when we breathe lungs
‫عوادم السيارات‬ a gas or smoke that smells strongly or is dangerous to breathe in fumes
‫عادم‬ pollution from a car exhaust
‫يصمم‬ plan and draw something new, like a house or engine design
‫يعيد شحن‬ put more electricity into a battery recharge

1- excited about - She is excited about her dress.

happy about - We're all happy about the good news.
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First Year Hello English First Term
worried about - The mother is worried about her children because they are late.
2- route‫خط سير‬ - I live on a bus route so I can easily get to work.
road‫طريق‬ - Most road accidents are caused by people driving too fast.
street‫شارع‬ - Be sure to look both ways when you cross the street.
3- petrol ‫البنزين‬ - He filled his car up with petrol.
petroleum ‫البترول الخام‬ - There are many fields of petroleum under the water of the Red Sea.
4- Compound nouns ‫األسماء المركبة‬
:‫ وهناك ثالث أنواع لألسماء المركبة‬،‫هى أسماء تتكون من إضافة اسمين أو أكثر‬
The closed form ‫كلمتين متصلتين ليكونا كلمة واحدة دون فاصل‬
matchbox newspaper headache football
birthday keyboard policeman teapot
The hyphenated form )‫كلمتين أو أكثر بينهما َش رَط ة (فاصل‬
part-time‫جزء من الوقت‬ horse-riding‫ركوب الخيل‬ daughter-in-law‫زوجة االبن‬
The open form ‫كلمتين منفصلتين دون وجود شرطة (فاصل) بينهما‬
vegetable oil = oil made from vegetables
traffic jam = a jam of traffic
air pollution = pollution of the air
satellite navigation system = a system which uses satellite for navigation
school inspector city center birthday card car park
5- think of ‫يفكر فى يعتقد‬ - We are thinking of going to Greece onholiday.
- What do you think of the government’s plans to increase taxes ‫?ضرائب‬
think up ‫ يخترع‬/ ‫يبتكر‬ - It’s a great idea. I wonder who first though it up.
think over ‫ًا‬‫ُيفكر ملي‬ - Take a few days to think over your offer.
6- blame for ‫يلوم شخص على‬ - Ali blames his mother for his lack of confidence.
blame on ‫يوقع مسئولية شىء على‬ - They blame youth crime on unemployment.
7- electric )‫كهربى(شىء يعمل بالكهرباء‬ Don’t touch that electric wire.
electrical )‫(يتعامل مع الكهرباء‬ ‫ كهربائى‬an electrical (energy – equipment – device – company )
My cousin is an electrical engineer.
8- lead to ‫يؤدى إلى‬ - This remark led to further arguments among the guests.
result in ‫يتسبب في‬ - The fire resulted in damage to their property.
result from ‫ينتج عن‬ - His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness.
9- It’s + adj. + for + somebody + to + inf. It's important for you to learn foreign language.
10- sit – sat – sat ‫يجلس‬ I sat next to him at dinner.
set – set – set ‫تغرب‬ The sun was setting and a warm red glow filled the sky.
11- The best + way to + inf. + is to + inf.The best way to be healthy is to get a lot of exercise.
12- stop + object + (v.+ing) We should stop people driving lorries in big cities.
13- affect ‫يؤثرعلى‬ = to have an influence on
- I was deeply affected by the film. = It caused strong feelings in me.
- It's a disease which affects mainly older people.
effect ‫( تأثير قد تتبع بحرف جر‬on / upon – of) = influence
The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on / upon the environment.
- I think I'm suffering from the effects of too little sleep.
- I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect.
14- exhaust ‫ يستهلك‬- ‫ يستنفد‬- ‫ُيْت ِعب – ُي جهد‬ - The long journey exhausted the children.
- How long will it be before the world's fuel supplies are exhausted?
exhaust ‫العادم‬ Car exhaust is the main reason for the city's pollution.
15- wet ‫ُمَب لل‬ My bike got wet in the rain.
damp ‫َر ِط ب‬ The grass is still damp.
16- discover: )‫يكتشف (شيئا كان موجودا و لكنه كان مجهوال‬ - Christopher Columbus discovered America.
invent: )‫يخترع (شيئا لم يكن له وجود من قبل‬ - Peter Captiza invented the satellite in 1957.
explore: )‫يستكشف (مكان‬ - The best way to explore the countryside is on foot.
17- stop + ‫ مفعول‬+ v. + ing: ‫يمنع من‬ - We should stop people driving lorries in the city centre.
18- or / otherwise: ‫و إال‬
)‫(تستخدم للتهديد و يأتى قبلها صيغة أمر أو نصيحة و بعدها مستقبل بسيط‬
- Take your umbrella or you'll get wet.
19- suggest + v. + ing: ‫يقترح‬ - He said, "Let's spend the evening in the club." (suggested)

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He suggested spending the evening in the club.
suggest that + ‫ فاعل‬+ should + ‫مصدر‬ ‫يقترح‬
- Tom said, "Why don't you look for another job?" (Tom suggested that…)
Tom suggested that I shouldlook for another job.

1-What does a modern car have? - It has a computer, a satellite navigation system, and an airbag.
2-How is the computer in the modern car useful?
- It controls the engine and report any problems.
3-Why does the modern car have a satellite navigation system? - To show the quickest route, tell
about any traffic jams and help you to find where you are, using satellites.
4-What is the importance of the airbag?
- It inflates and stops you being injured in a crash.
5-What will happen if you sit in a traffic jam in Cairo?
- Your lungs will fill with the exhaust fumes from cars, buses and lorries.
6-Why is air pollution a big problem for people and the environment?
- Because air polluted by exhaust fumes can damage your health as well as the environment.
7-Where does the air pollution in big cities come from?
- Exhaust fumes from cars, buses and lorries.
8-How is natural gas used in some cities? - It is used to run buses.
9-Why are exhaust fumes so harmful?
- Because they can damage our health and pollute our environment.
10-How are scientists working on the problem of exhaust pollution?
- They have developed cars that burn petrol more efficiently than in the past. They have also
designed engines which use natural gas.
11-How are the engines in today's cars better than in the past?
- They burn petrol more efficiently.
12-How are cars that use engines and batteries better than early electric cars?
- When the battery is empty, the petrol engine takes over, and this recharges the battery. early
electric cars can run out of fuel when the battery was empty.
13-How do some cars use petrol and batteries together? - When the battery is empty, the engine
uses petrol. When the car uses petrol, this recharges the battery.
14-How will farmers be able to "grow fuel in their fields"?
- Scientists have discovered that cars can run on vegetable oil.
15-What may car batteries use in a few years' time? - They may use oxygen and hydrogen.
16-Why is it so important for us to find a replacement for petrol soon?
- Because there will be no oil in the future.
17-Mention some forms of natural energy?
- wind power, wave / water power, geothermal power, and solar power.
18-What other things could people use for fuel in the future?
- They could use alcohol, solar power and wind energy.
19-How does industry affect the environment? - Industry leads to pollution.
20-Do you think air pollution will get better or worse in the future? Why?
- I think it will get worse because the number of cars on roads is increasing everyday and there is no
vital replacement for oil.
- I think it will get better because scientists will develop cleaner cars that use cleaner forms of energy.
21-Do you think it is important to spend time trying to solve the problem of exhaust pollution?
- Yes, because exhaust pollution can damage our health and pollute our environment.
22-Who or what is to blame for pollution? - Car exhaust fumes from traffic, factories, etc.
23-What can we do about the problem of pollution?
- We can limit ‫ يحد من‬people's use of cars. - We can develop cleaner forms of energy.
- We can develop engines and factories which do not produce waste in such great quantities.
24-What do you think will happen when there is no oil?
- Scientists will look for other sources of energy.
25-Why do you think some countries are building new cities?
To move people away from other big cities which are crowded with people.
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26-How are new cities different from old cities?
New cities will be new in every aspects, houses, schools, hospitals…etc. Even life will be new.
27-Would you like to live in a new city? Why \ Why not?
Yes, I’d like to live in a new city. There I can start a new life with new people.
No, I wouldn’t like to live in new cities as I can’t leave my old friends and the place where I was born.
28-Why are there many hungry people although there is enough food?
What are the causes of hunger?
Because of droughts, the high prices of food, wars and regional conflicts.
29-What do charities and scientists do to solve the problem of hunger?
Charities do everything they can to help and scientists are growing new crops using genetic
engineering to produce more food.
30-What do charities depend on‫? يعتمد علي‬ They depend on donations ‫التبرعات‬.
"To protect the environment, people should only drive their cars for four days a week."
Everybody agrees that cars and other vehicles are damaging our health and our world. This problem
is getting worse every year and we must do something to protect the environment. Different countries
have different .vays of stopping this damage. In some places, for example, the price of petrol is very
high. In other places, people have to pay to drive on some roads or in some cities. Now a speaker is
suggesting that people should only be able to use their cars for four days a week instead of seven. In
this composition, I am going to discuss some of the ideas for and against this suggestion.

expressing preferences. ‫التعبير عن االتفضيل‬

• I'd prefer to … ‫… مصدر‬.. - I'd prefer to have tea , please.
• I'd rather (not) ….... - I'd rather not travel with them tomorrow.
• I don't / wouldn't mind ….... - I don’t mind going to the cinema with you.

Fotms of Future
1- Uses of Will‫التعبيرعن الحقائق المستقبلية‬ –
-She'll be sixteen tomorrow. – My mum will be very old in twenty years.
‫ التنبؤ بما قد يحدث مستقبال في حالة عدم وجود دليل غالبا مع‬- 2
I expect …/I'm sure …/ I think…/I believe.. / Perhaps/I wonder… / probably / I suppose…..
- I expect she will get married soon. - She'll probably leave early today.
- We don't think they will help us. - I wonder when you will buy the computer.
3 - ‫اتخاذ قرارسريع بعمل شيء ما‬
- The doorbell is ringing. I’ll open it. – We are very thirsty. We will stop for a drink.
4- ‫عند عرض عمل شيء او تقديم خدمة ما‬
- I'll wash the dishes. – I'll fix the car for you.
5 - ‫عندما نطلب من شخص عمل شيء‬
- Will you help me carry this bag, please? - I hope you will look after the baby.
6 - ‫الترتيب لعمل شيء وقت الحديث دون تخطيط مسبق‬
-This matter is very urgent. I and you will meet this evening.
7 - ‫عمل الوعود والتهديدات‬
- I'll buy you a computer when you pass the final exam.
- You won't get your prize if you come late.
To sum up : We use " will " for decisions taken now
Uses of Shall:

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) ‫ في تكوين االقتراح‬shall 1- (‫تستخدم‬
- Shall we meet you at the corner?
‫ ( في تقديم عرض‬shall ) – 2‫يمكن استخدام‬
- Shall I help you with the cooking? - Shall we clean the kitchen for you?
2- Be + going to + inf.
- ‫تستخدم هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن نية أو عمل مخطط له قبل لحظة الحديث ويدل علي ذلك كلمات مثل‬
Intend / intention / plan / have … in mind / be about to + inf
- Omer intends to build a new house. He is going to look for a good place.
- A: What are your plans for the next weekend? - B: I’m going to play computer games.
:‫ التنبؤ بما قد يحدث مستقبال في حالة وجود دليل غالبا مع‬-
I expect ../I'm sure ../I feel sure ../ I think…/I don't think. /I believe.. / I wonder…
- I think it’s going to rain because the sky seems very cloudy.
- ‫و تستخدم ايضا للتعبير عما سيحدث في المستقبل اذا كان هناك قرار مسبق ويدل علي ذلك كلمات مثل‬
decided / have decided / made a decision / made up … mind
- They are going to go shopping. They have decided.
- ‫و تستخدم ايضا للتعبير عن أشياء علي وشك الحدوث‬:
- Watch out! You are going to fall.
- ‫كما يستخدم الماضي من هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن نية كانت موجودة لعمل شيء لـم يحدث في الماضي‬
- I was going to take the six o'clock train, but I got up late.
:‫ تساوي الصيغ التالية في بعض و ليس كل االحوال‬going to ‫ الحظ‬-
- We are going to play tennis. = We intend to play tennis.
= we have the intention to play tennis.
- Be careful! You are going to fall. - - Be careful! You are about to fall.
To sum up : We use " going to " for decisions taken before
3- The present Continuous for Future Arrangements
‫ و يدل علي ذلك كلمات مثل‬، ‫ يستخدام المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن المستقبل في حالة وجود ترتيبات مسبقة‬-1
arranged / have arranged / made arrangements / prepared / have prepared /
- He has arranged everything. He’s spending his holiday in Paris.
- I have booked two tickets. I’m traveling to Spain with my sister tomorrow.
‫ الحظ أن المستقبل في هذه الحالة ليس فقط مستقبل قريب ولكن من الممكن أن نقول‬-
- He's coming back in ten years. - We're going back to the states in three years.
‫ لذا يستخدم معها المضارع المستمر‬، ‫ الحظ أن المناسبات االجتماعية من حفالت وأعياد ميالد وغيرها تستلزم ترتيبات‬-
- He's getting married next Friday. - We're going back to the states in three years.
‫ لذا يستخدم معها المضارع المستمر‬، ‫ الحظ كذلك أن األنشطة التي تقوم بها المؤسسات تستلزم ترتيبات‬-
- Our school is taking part in the sports competition next year.
- This company is sending a delegation to the conference next week.
The present Simple for the Future -4
‫ بوسائل المواصالت و المسرح و السينما و‬: ‫ يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن المستقبل (بجداول المواعيد الثابتة‬-
Your train leaves at 6 am - ‫الخ‬...... ‫المدرسة‬
- The night programme of Renaissance cinema starts at12am.
‫ كما يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن المستقبل بعد ادوات الربط الزمنية و ادوات الشرط و بعض الروابط االخري‬-
- When I get up, I’ll phone you. - If I meet Ali, I will invite him to my birthday party.

UNIT 6 Tomorrow’s World ( Workbook )

1 Match these phrases with their meanings.
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a fantastic news 1 eat at someone's house
b really excited 2 the way which takes the least time
c stay for dinner 3 vehicles which are not moving
d really dark 4 information we are pleased about
e the quickest route 5 not at all bright
f traffic jam 6 very happy
2 Put the words into the correct order.
a a new car / going to buy / l'm / next month
b in my office / I'll give / some tea / the inspector
c are coming / don't forget / for dinner /Lucy and Paul / that / this evening
d a baby/is going / her sister / to have
e or / take / you'll get / your umbrella / wet / with you
1 Read and complete with the correct form of these words.
be come drive fly have own talk travel use
Twenty years from now, I think my country will be a fantastic place. Every family a)
…………….. a home and all the energy we need b)……………. from the sun. Every home c)
……………. a computer in every room, and everyone d)……………. to their friends on the
internet. Nobody e)……………. ordinary telephones any more.
We f)……………. cars with special batteries and our cities g)……………. cleaner and quieter
I think we h)……………. more by air than we do now because planes will be faster and
cheaper. Perhaps we i)……………. to the moon.
2 How can you help these people? Make offers using I'll.
a Gamal I'm cold .
You…….. I 'll close ………..…………………the window
b Ali I don't understand this maths problem.
c Azza I can't find my dictionary.
d Youssef I'm thirsty.
e Zahra I'm too hot.
f Ali I don't know the way to your house.
3 What are you going to do this weekend?
What are you not going to do?
a I'm going to visit my grandparents / I'm not going to go swimming
Choose the correct word.
a An expert / engineer is someone with special skills or knowledge of a subject
b Petrol / Exhaust is pollution from a car.
c Our hearts / lungs are parts of our body that fill with air when we breathe.
d Today's cars run more efficiently / hard-working than in the past
e We need oxygen / petrol in ord_er to breathe and live.
f A gas / battery is what stores electricity for a car, radio, watch, etc.
g When you recycle / recharge a battery, you put more electricity into it
h Alexandria is further / later away from Cairo than Tanta.
Revision B
1 Finish the following dialogue:
Leila I think it's the hottest day of the year today.
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Sara a)………………………………….. . It was hotter last week.
Leila Could you do me a favour?
Sara b)………………………………………………………………..
Leila Can you open the window?
Sara c)………………………………………………………………..
Leila d)………………………………….. …..It's too hot inside.
Sara Go to the park? That's a good idea!
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
a A friend asks you why there are so many cars outside the school. Give reasons.
b Your brother/sister asks you to help him/her with some homework. You do not have time to
do this.
c You would like a student in your class to help you with a maths question. You do not know
the student very well.
d You read the same book as your friend. Your friend says that the book is very good. You
think the same.
3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 When John first moved to Cairo from England, he felt like a ……… out of water.
a boat b fish c man d cat
2 It was a……………. to hear about the massive earthquake
a lie b truth c pain d shock
3 Please can you the door when you leave the building7
a lock b fit c influence d repeat
4 Hassan's brother always ……Hassan when he can't find his pen!
a fits b blames c plans d digs
5 If the toy car does not work, you should put in a new ……………..
a route b battery c fact d password
6 The …………………. of Cairo is growing every year.
a population b people c pros d national
7 My fat her has never ……….. to go to hospital.
a need b needs c needing d needed
8 ……………………. you enjoyed your time in the museum!
a Do b Have c Did d Has
9 Amira's sister agreed ….… the medicine, although she didn't like it
a to take b taking c took d take
10 Have you finished ……………… that book that I gave you!
a to read b reading c read d reads
11 I expect that Ahmed …………….. to university next year.
a goes b go c will go d went
12 Dina can't see her friends this afternoon . She ………. her mother in the kitchen.
a helps b is helping c helped d was helping
4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same
1 This is the first time Salma has ever traveled to Sharm El Sheikh. (never)
2 What do you intend to do during the weekend? (going)
3 He mustn't repeat those mistakes. (avoid)
4 My father always walked to work when he was young. (used)
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1 In 1800, two percent of the world's pollution lived in other cities.
2 Urban life has its pros and coins.
3 A Child's Garden of Verses is a book of poets.
4 If you sit in a traffic jam, your lungs will fall with the

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6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
People have told poems for thousands of years. The first poets probably told or sang poems
to people at special events. Some of the poems were very long and they told a story about
history. Perhaps the oldest poem is the Epic of Gilgamesh, about a king in Iraq. It is very long
and is about 4,000 years old.
Arabic poetry was the first to use rhyme: people began to write rhymes in English poems in
about the twelfth century. Poets have written hundreds of kinds of poem since then. Some
continue to tell stories, others have silly rhymes to make people laugh, and some do not
rhyme at all. Most poems, however, make people think and sometimes see the world in a
different way.
1 Why do you think that people did not write the first poems in books7
2 How old is the world's oldest poem?
3 What is it about!
4 Why do some poets write silly rhymes?
5 …………… first used rhyme in poetry.
a The Arabs b The Ancient Egyptians
c Gilgamesh d The English
6 What do most poems do?
a make people laugh b rhyme
c tell stories d make people think
Answer only four of the following questions:
1 What is a census?
2 How does the information from the census help the government?
3 Which do you prefer to read, poems or stories? Say why
4 In your opinion, what might be expected replacements for oil in the future?
5 How do you think farmers wil l be able to "grow fuel" in their fields?
6 In what way can a census solve society's problems?
8 Answer the following questions:
'He saw a sign which said "London, 70 miles." He did not know how long this would
take to walk, but he decided that London would be a good place for him to go. Even Mr
Bumble would not be able to find him in that great city he had heard of where there
would be so many opportunities for him.'
a What is Oliver Twist running away from? b Why does Oliver decide to go to London?
c Who does Oliver meet on the journey to London?
9 Write an email of about NINETY (90) words to a friend about a place that you know in
the city or the countryside:
10 a Translate into Arabic:
1 We should protect the environment so we can live in a clean world.
2 Fareeda stopped to talk to her friend on her way home.
b Translate into English:
.‫ لم استمتع بقراءة قصة مثيرة كهذه من قبل‬-

:future simple ‫ فعل مضارع يقابله فى اإلنجليزية مستقبل بسيط منفى‬+ ‫ لن‬-1
I won’t do that again. ‫لن أفعل ذلك مرة أخرى‬.
Past simple ‫ فعل مضارع يقابله فى اإلنجليزية ماضى بسيط‬+ ‫ لم‬-2
.Ahmed did not attend my birthday party.‫لم يحضر أحمد حفل عيد ميالدى‬
‫ فعل مضارع يقابله فى اإلنجليزية ماضى مستمر‬+ ‫ كان‬-3
.‫كان والدى يقرأ الصحيفة عندما دق جرس الباب‬
Dad was reading the paper when the doorbell rang.
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‫‪First Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪First Term‬‬
‫‪ -4‬كان ‪ +‬قد ‪ +‬فعل ماضى يقابله فى اإلنجليزية الماضي التام‬
‫عندما وصلت إلى السينما كان الفيلم قد بدأ‪.‬‬
‫‪When I arrived at the cinema the film had started.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬تستخدم‪ (’)s :‬للملكية عندما يكون المالك عاقل وتستخدم (‪ )of‬إذا كان المضاف إليه غيرعاقل‪.‬‬
‫)منزل والدي( ‪My father’s house.‬‬ ‫‪My parents’ house.‬‬ ‫)منزل والداي(‬
‫معدل المواليد ‪) birth rate = the rate of birth‬وزارة التعليم( ‪The ministry of education.‬‬
‫تلوث البيئة‪pollution of environment = environment pollution‬‬
‫‪Test yourself‬‬
‫‪ -1‬استأذنك‪ ,Excuse me‬هل لديك مانع في التحدث بصوت مرتفع قليال‪. a little loudly‬‬
‫‪- 3‬ال تنسي أن تغسل يديك قبل األكل‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬هل يمكنك أن تخبرني ماذا يجب أن أفعل اآلن ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬يحمل شهادة‪ certificate‬في الهندسة‪ engineering‬وعلوم‪ sciences‬الكمبيوتر ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬أحب قراءة القصص التي تعلمنا السلوك الحميد‪. good behaviour‬‬
‫‪ -6‬تنظم المدارس مسابقات‪ competition‬مختلفة وتمنح الفائزين‪ winners‬جوائز‪ prizes‬قيمة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬األمانة‪ Honesty‬كنز‪ treasure‬ال يفني‪endless .‬‬
‫‪ -8‬السباحة واحدة من هواياتي‪ hobbies‬المفضلة‪.‬‬
‫‪- 9‬ال أحب هؤالء األشخاص الذين ال يتسامحون‪ tolerant‬واألنانيين‪. selfish‬‬
‫‪ -10‬استمتعنا‪ enjoy‬بالهواء المنعش‪ fresh‬علي شاطئ‪ beach‬البحر الصيف الماضي ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -12‬يجب أن ال تأكل الطعام ذا الرائحة الرديئة‪. bad smell‬‬
‫‪ -13‬أن دراسة‪ studying‬علوم الكمبيوتر ضرورة‪ a must‬في القرن الحادي و العشرين ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -14‬تشيد‪ construct‬مصر اآلن منطقة حرة‪ free zone‬لتكون مركز اقتصاديا عالميا ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -15‬حافظ علي نظافة مدينتك وال تلق‪ throw‬بالقمامة في الطرقات‬

‫من المحتمل‬ ‫‪probably‬‬ ‫شخصــــي‬ ‫‪personal‬‬ ‫صحة‬ ‫‪health‬‬

‫شائع‬ ‫‪common‬‬ ‫طريق سريع‬ ‫‪motorway‬‬ ‫أمان‬ ‫‪safety‬‬
‫يتكاثر‬ ‫‪multiply‬‬ ‫ُيمارس‬ ‫‪practice‬‬ ‫ُم قدم (برنامج)‬ ‫‪presenter‬‬
‫طازج ‪ /‬نقى‬ ‫‪fresh‬‬ ‫صالة ألعاب‬ ‫‪gymnasium/gym‬‬ ‫ُم تصل (شخص)‬ ‫‪caller‬‬
‫ُيسبب‬ ‫‪cause‬‬ ‫حلوى‬ ‫‪sweets‬‬ ‫انفلونزا الطيور‬ ‫‪bird flu‬‬
‫اضرابات المعدة‬ ‫‪stomach‬‬ ‫جار‬ ‫‪neighbour‬‬ ‫استوديو‬ ‫‪studio‬‬
‫ڤيروس‬ ‫‪upsets‬‬
‫‪virus‬‬ ‫اشارة ‪ /‬الفتة‬ ‫‪sign‬‬ ‫البشر‬ ‫‪humans‬‬
‫ُيشفى‬ ‫‪recover‬‬ ‫يتسلق‬ ‫‪climb‬‬ ‫غير ُم عتاد‬ ‫‪unusual‬‬
‫ُيحِّس ن‬ ‫‪improve‬‬ ‫يركب دراجة‬ ‫‪cycle‬‬ ‫حديث‬ ‫‪recent‬‬
‫هيئة التمريض‬ ‫‪nursing staff‬‬ ‫يقطف ‪ /‬يلتقط‬ ‫‪pick‬‬ ‫انتشار‬ ‫‪outbreak‬‬
‫باستمرار‬ ‫‪frequently‬‬ ‫عدوى‬ ‫‪infection‬‬ ‫مرض‪/‬اندالع‬
‫يؤمن‬ ‫ُيصدق ‪/‬‬ ‫‪believe‬‬
‫غالية‬ ‫‪kettle‬‬ ‫نظافة‬ ‫‪cleanliness‬‬ ‫الشرق الوسط‬ ‫‪the Middle East‬‬
‫مريض‬ ‫‪patient‬‬ ‫نظافة شخصية‬ ‫‪hygiene‬‬ ‫يختفى‬ ‫‪disappear‬‬
‫ُيِعْد ‪ُ /‬يجهز‬ ‫‪equip‬‬ ‫نظافة عامة‬ ‫‪sanitation‬‬ ‫خائف‬ ‫‪afraid‬‬
‫بشكل الئق ‪/‬‬ ‫‪properly‬‬ ‫جراثيم‬ ‫‪germs‬‬ ‫تحت السيطرة‬ ‫‪under control‬‬
‫يفحص‬‫ينبغى ‪/‬‬
‫فتش ‪/‬‬‫ُيكما‬ ‫‪inspect‬‬ ‫ُيدخن‬ ‫‪smoke‬‬ ‫برى ‪ /‬وحشى‬ ‫‪wild‬‬
‫مسرور‬ ‫‪pleased‬‬ ‫يستحم‬ ‫‪bathe‬‬ ‫منزلى ‪ /‬أليف‬ ‫‪domestic‬‬
‫ُم نتهى‬ ‫‪out-of-date‬‬ ‫بشكل أكثر‬ ‫‪more often‬‬ ‫طيور المزرعة‬ ‫‪farm birds‬‬
‫الصالحية ‪ /‬قديم‬
‫جديد‬ ‫‪up-to-date‬‬ ‫ذبابة‬ ‫)‪fly (n.‬‬ ‫وجبة‬ ‫‪meal‬‬
‫ُيقارن‬ ‫‪compare‬‬ ‫حشرة‬ ‫‪insect‬‬ ‫دجاجـــــة‬ ‫‪chicken‬‬
‫بجدية‬ ‫‪seriously‬‬ ‫قذارة‬ ‫‪dirt‬‬ ‫يلمس‬ ‫‪touch‬‬
‫إعالن‬ ‫‪advertisement‬‬ ‫ِقَط ْع‬ ‫‪pieces‬‬ ‫يغسل‬ ‫‪wash‬‬
‫يحتوى على‬ ‫‪contain‬‬ ‫يجذب‬ ‫‪attract‬‬ ‫ملصق اعالنى‬ ‫‪poster‬‬
‫ملحوظة‬ ‫‪notice‬‬ ‫يغلى‬ ‫‪boil‬‬ ‫ُم مكن‬ ‫‪possible‬‬
‫حزام األمان‬ ‫‪seat belt‬‬ ‫ماء الصنبور‬ ‫‪tap water‬‬ ‫مرض‬ ‫‪illness‬‬
‫على الرغم من‬ ‫‪even if‬‬ ‫علبة صفيح‬ ‫‪tin‬‬ ‫جرح‬ ‫‪cut‬‬
‫ُم فيد‬ ‫‪useful‬‬ ‫تالف‬ ‫‪damaged‬‬ ‫قذر ‪ُ /‬م تسخ‬ ‫‪dirty‬‬
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‫سمـــــــات‬ characteristics ‫مغطي بـ‬ covered with ‫حاسة‬ sense
‫مــــــــــرض‬ disease ‫ يختار‬/ ‫ُيحدد‬ decide on ‫اصبع اليد‬ finger
‫يهبط على‬ land on ‫ُيصدر ضوضاء‬ make noise ‫قاعدة‬ rule
‫خبير فى‬ expert on / in ‫ُم تأخر عن‬ late for ‫قانون‬ law
‫يستحم‬ have a bath ‫ضرورى لـ‬ essential for ‫عام‬ public
‫انفلونزا الطيور‬/‫ُيصاب بمرض‬ catch a disease / bird flu ‫على جانب الطريق‬ at the side of (the road)
‫حريص على‬ careful about ‫ فى َع َج الة‬/ ‫ُم سرعًا‬ be in a hurry
‫يتناثر – يتبعثر‬ lie around (about) )‫يموت (بسبب‬ die of
‫يحد من كمية‬ limit the amount of ‫ُم حبط بـ‬ disappointed by
‫ُيحسن األشياء‬ make things better ‫يفعل الصواب‬ do the right thing
‫بالقرب من‬ near to ‫ يملئ استمارة‬/ ‫ُي كمل‬ fill in
‫ ينصح‬/‫ُيعطى نصيحة‬ give advice ‫ قبل كل شىء‬/ ‫أوًال‬ first of all
‫يعطى مثال جيد لـ‬ set a good example of ‫يبتعد عن‬ keep away from
‫يزداد في الوزن‬ put on weight = gain weight ‫ الى‬.. ‫ ينتقل من‬.. pass from .. to ..
‫ينقل المرض لك‬ pass (diseases) on (onto you) ‫ُيصبح الئقًا بدنيًا‬ get fit
‫يحمى (شخصًا)من‬ protect … from ‫ُيفسد‬ go wrong
Adjective Noun Verb
‫ فاتن‬/ ‫جذاب‬ attractive ‫َج ذب‬ attraction ‫ يجذب‬attract
‫يمكن تجنبه‬ avoidable ‫تجنب‬ avoidance ‫ يتجنب‬avoid
‫ممكن تصديقه‬ believable ‫إعتقاد‬ belief ‫ يعتقد‬believe
‫ُم ختفى‬ disappeared ‫إختفاء‬ disappearance ‫ يختفى‬disappear
‫ُمَج َّه ز‬ equipped ‫ُم عدات‬ equipment ‫ ُيجهز‬equip
‫ نظيف‬/ ‫صحى‬ hygienic ‫نظافة شخصية‬ hygiene ………
‫ُم حَّس ن‬ improved ‫تحسين‬ improvement ‫ ُيحسن‬improve
‫ُم صاب بعدوى‬ infected ‫عدوى‬ ‫ُيعدى‬
infection infect
‫ُم عدى‬ infectious ‫إصابة‬ ‫ُيصيب‬
‫سام‬ poisonous ‫سم‬ poison ‫ ُيسمم‬poison
‫وقائى‬ protective ‫حماية‬ protection ‫ يحمى‬protect
‫خاص‬ special ‫ُم تخصص‬ specialist ‫ يتخصص‬specialize
‫ مرض‬an illness or serious medical condition disease
‫ انفلونزا‬a common disease which is like a bad cold but is more serious flu
containing harmful bacteria, virus, dirt or other things that can
‫مصاب بعدوي‬ infected
cause disease or which prevent a wound from getting better
‫انتشار‬ when something bad like a serious disease or war starts outbreak
‫يجذب‬ if something attracts people or thing it makes them move towards it attract
‫جرثومة‬ a very small living thing that can make you ill germ
‫عــــــــــــــام‬ relating to all the ordinary people in a country or area public
‫معـــــــــدة‬ the part of your body where food is digested stomach
‫ذبابة‬ a common kind of insect with two wings a fly
‫ســـــــــــــــــــــــام‬ containing something that kill you or make you ill poisonous
‫النظافة‬ the practice of being clean or keeping things clean cleanliness
the practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean in
‫النظافة الشخصية‬ hygiene
order to prevent disease; (your own cleanliness)
‫النظافة العامة‬ the protection of people's health by removing and treating waste sanitation
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products, dirty water etc; (public cleanliness)

1- It is + adj. + for + object + to + inf. It's possible for humans to catch bird flu.
2- die of / from ‫يموت بسبب‬ = to stop living
He was about to die of bird flu.
die away ‫ يختفي تدريجيا‬/ ‫يزول‬ If something, especially a sound, dies away, it gradually
becomes reduced until it stops existing or disappears
The sound of his footsteps gradually died away.
die out ‫ ينقرض‬to disappear completely or no longer exist
Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.
3- strong :having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks
It tookfour strong mento lift the piano.
Powerful : having a lot of power to control and influence people and events
The President is more powerful than the Prime Minister.
4- recover from ‫ ُيشفى من مرض‬My uncle is recovering from heart operation. - recovery ‫شفاء‬
5- infected ‫ملوث – ُم صاب‬ After the operation the wound became infected.
Infectious ‫ُم عدى‬ Malaria is an infectious disease.
6- good at ‫ نافع لـ‬/ ‫مفيد لـ‬ He is good at maths.
good to ‫ماهر فى‬ You should good to other people.
7- lie – lied – lied ‫يكذب‬ I would never lie to you.
lie – lay – lain ‫يستلقى – يرقد‬ We lay on the beach all morning.
lay – laid – laid ‫يضع – تبيض‬ He laid his hand on his shoulder.A hen lays an egg a day.
8- get + ‫ شخص‬+ to + ‫ يقنع‬: ‫مصدر‬ - I got him to join the school team.
9- By + ‫ فترة زمنية‬+ past perfect ‫ماضى تام‬: - By last Friday he had spent all his money.
10- make + ‫ يجعل‬:‫ مصدر‬+ ‫مفعول‬ - The teacher made us do the homework again.
11- promise + to + ‫ يعد‬:‫مصدر‬ - My father promised to buy me a mobile.
12- ‫ فاعل‬+ can ‫ مصدر‬+‫ يستطيع‬: It's possible for + ‫ ضمير‬/ ‫ اسم‬+ to + ‫مصدر‬
- It's possible for you to buy a ticket in advance. = You can buy a ticket in advance.
13- Meanings of the verb "Catch"
1- catch ‫يمسك‬ The cat caught the fish with its mouth.
catch ‫يصطاد حيوان‬ Cats like to catch mice.The police caught the thief.
catch ‫يلحق بـ‬ We have to get up early to catch the first bus.
catch ‫يصاب بـ‬ It's easy to catch Bird Flu if you are not careful.
catch ‫ يشبك في‬-‫يعلق بـ‬ I caught my new T-shirt in a nail.
catch ‫يجذب‬ A: I'd like another drink. B: Try to catch the waiter's eyes.
catch ‫يلتقط النار‬ The wood caught fire.
catch ‫يسمع و يفهم‬ A: I didn't catch what you said. B: Could you say it again, please?
14- plate‫طبق يقدم فيه الطعام‬ Our new plates are made of silver.
dish ‫ طبق من الطعام‬.… ‫أكله‬ Grilled meat is his favourite dish.
Mahshi is a special dish that we put in a wooden plate.
15- include ‫يتضمن جزء أو أكثر من األجزاء المكونات و ليس كل المكونات‬
.The pair of glasses contains two lenses
comprise- consist of ‫يتكون من كل المكونات األساسيه‬
The United Kingdom consists of/ is composed/ comprises England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern
16- weather ‫حاله الجو من مطر و رياح و ثلوج في فتره معينه الطقس‬
What will the weather be like tomorrow?What was the weather yesterday?

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What is the weather today?
climate ‫المناخ‬ ‫حاله الطقس في مكان محدد‬
The climate of Egypt is fine all the year round.
atmosphere ‫الغالف الجوي‬ ‫ما يحيط األرض أو المكان‬
Ever since their quarrel, there has been an unpleasant atmosphere in the room.

1-What do you know about bird flu?

- It is a serious and infectious disease that birds, animals and people can catch.
2-Where did bird flu begin in 2003? - In Asia.
3-What kinds of birds can catch bird flu?
- All kinds of birds as well as farm birds ,like chickens, can catch bird flu.
4-Can humans catch bird flu? - Yes, they can.
5-What must you do if you come in contact with a bird infected with bird flu?
- I must wash my hands immediately.
6-What must you do if you have touched an infected bird?
- I must wash my hands immediately.
7-How can people protect themselves from bird flu?
- They must keep away from infected birds. If they have touched an infected bird, they must wash very
well. If they think they have the disease, they must see the doctor.
8-Why is cleanliness important? - It protects us from infections.
9-What is the difference in meaning between hygiene and sanitation?
- Hygiene is your own cleanliness but sanitation is public cleanliness.
10- How do infections of the stomach pass from one child to another?
- By a child with dirty hands passing germs to other children or to food.
11- How do some stomach problems begin?
- By a child with dirty hands passing germs to other children or to food.
12- What should you always do before a meal? - I should always wash my hands.
13- Why should you wash your hands before a meal? - My hands may be covered with germs.
14- How often should you bathe or wash?
- You should wash your hands before a meal and bathe more often in hot weather or after exercise.
15- Why is it dangerous if a child has dirty hands?
- Because the child can pass germs to other children.
16- When a child takes a sweet from a friend, can the sweet make the child ill?
- No, it is not the sweet but the germs from dirty hands.
17- Why mustn't you leave dirty dishes lying around?
- Because flies or insects may land on them and pass their germs on to you.
18- How you should keep food? - You should keep it clean and covered up.
19- Why is it so important to follow rules of hygiene?
- In order to look after your own health and so that you don't spread germs and diseases to other people.
20- What are the rules of hygiene that we have to follow?
- You should always wash your hands before a meal. - You should keep food clean and covered up.
- You should bathe more often in hot weather or after exercise - You must not leave pieces of
food or dirty dishes lying around. - You should always boil tap water before you drink it.
- You must never eat food that smells bad because it may be poisonous.
- Do not eat food from a tin if the tin is damaged because it might be bad.
21- What can go wrong if people don't follow rules of hygiene?
- They can become ill themselves and spread disease to others.
22- Why should you bathe more often in hot weather?
- Because people get hot in hot weather. This makes it easier for germs to multiply on the skin.
23- How can you make sure water is safe to drink? - By boiling it before drinking it.
24- Why should we boil tap water before we drink it? - To kill bacteria and germs.
25- Why shouldn't you eat food that smells bad? - Because it might be poisonous.
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26- What does a damaged tin of food tell you? - It tells me that the food inside is probably bad.
27- How can parents make sure that their children learn rules of hygiene?
- By teaching them the rules from a very early age.- by setting a good example themselves.
28- How do you think that we can make sure that children wash their hands?
- We should tell them as often as possible. - We should explain what may happen if they don't wash.
29- What do you think you should do if you are not sure whether the food is bad or not?
- I shouldn't eat it . - I should throw it away.
30- How do you think hospitals should be? - They should be clean, hygienic and well-equipped.
31- What should or shouldn't hospital workers do?
-They should keep the wards clean and healthy. They should wash their hands frequently.
-They should ask visitors to wash their hands before the visit.
-They shouldn't allow visitors to bring in food without being checked.
32- Why is it important to keep public places clean and healthy?
- So that people don't get infected and become ill.
Doctor Hamid’s online advice:
Dear Doctor Hamid,
My uncle often coughs, when he walks up the stairs to his flat, he often finds it difficult to
breathe. When he was younger, he loved playing tennis and running. He was healthy and always
ate lots of fruit and vegetables. Now he doesn’t do any sports. He says he prefers to smoke
cigarettes. What advice should I give him?
Dear Ali,
Smoking is bad for your lungs, which is why your uncle coughs and finds it difficult to
breathe. Perhaps that is why your uncle stopped playing sports. Smoking is also bad for your
heart. Did you know that thousands of people die because they smoke?
It is also bad for you to breathe someone’s cigarette smoke. The smoke has got more than
4,000 chemicals in it and some of these are poisonous. They can make you ill.
My advice is that you should tell your uncle to stop smoking. There are many ways to stop.
He should look online. It might be difficult to stop smoking, but he will have a much healthier life.
Doctor Hamdi
1- When does Ali’s uncle find it difficult to breathe? When he walks up the stairs.
2- What did Ali’s uncle like doing when he was younger? He loved playing tennis and running.
3. What does Ali’s uncle prefer to do now? - He prefers to smoke. Cigarettes.
4. What did his uncle use to eat? - He used to eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
5- Why does Ali’s uncle cough? - Because he smokes cigarettes, which are bad for his lungs.
6- Why did Ali’s uncle stop playing sports?
- Because he smokes too much which made him ill and weak.
7- How many people die because they smoke? - Thousands of people die because they smoke.
8- Why is it bad for you to breathe someone’s cigarette smoke?
- Because the smoke has got 4, 000 chemicals I it and some of these are poisonous.
9- What advice does the doctor give?
- He advises him to tell his uncle to stop smoking and to look online to find the ways to stop.
10- What will happen to Ali’s uncle if he follows this advice?
- He will have a much healthier life.
11- Do you know any advertisements or posters that ask people to stop smoking? What do they
say? - Yes, there are many advertisements and posters such as:
- Smoking leads to death. Smoking is the main cause of lungs cancer.
- Stop smoking and enjoy a healthier life.
12- Do you think people should smoke in public places such as cafes and libraries? Why? Why
not? - No, people mustn’t smoke in public places as there are a lot of people in these places.

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13- Do you think everyone should stop smoking cigarettes? Why? Why not? - Yes, because
smoking is very harmful and can lead to death. People should enjoy a healthier life instead.
14- What would you say to a friend who started to smoke?
- I should tell him about the harms of smoking and that he should stop it before it is too late.

Modals of obligation and necessity

‫األفعال الناقصة التى تعبر عن اإللزام و الضرورة‬
should / ought to::
.should / shouldn't + inf ‫ نستخدم‬-1
‫ لتقديم اقتراحات‬-‫أ‬
- You should play tennis – you'd enjoy it. - You should buy Ahmed a new CD.
)advice( ‫ للنصيحة‬-‫ب‬
-You shouldn't eat crisps – they're bad for your health.
- You’ve got a nasty cough. You shouldn’tsmoke.
‫ إلعطاء النصيحة‬.ought / ought not to + inf ‫ كما نستخدم‬-2
- You ought to work harder. - You ought not to eat crisps.
- This is a really good book. You ought toread it.
. must ‫ ليست قوية مثل‬should ‫ الحظ أن‬-3
- You should stop smoking. = It would be a good idea.
- You must stop smoking. = It’s necessary to stop.
.‫ بدال منها‬should ‫ كثيرا في النفى و نستخدم‬ought to ‫ ال تستخدم‬-4
- You shouldn’t drive. You’re too tired.
 must / mustn’t + ‫مصدر‬
.must / mustn't + inf ‫ نستخدم‬-1
.You mustn't smoke in hospitals - ‫ للتعبير عن قاعدة أو قانون‬-‫أ‬
.You must wash your hands before you eat - ‫ للتعبير عن نصيحة قوية‬-‫ب‬
.‫ بمعنى ممنوع أو غير مسموح كما تعنى أن هناك قواعد و قوانين يجب إتباعها و المخالفة تعرضك للعقاب‬mustn't ‫ أحيانا نستخدم‬-2
mustn't = be not allowed to + ‫مصدر‬ ‫غير مسموح بـ‬
be forbidden to + ‫مصدر‬ ‫ممنوع من‬
be prohibited / banned from + v. + ing ‫ممنوع من‬
- You mustn’t park here. = You aren’t allowed to park here.
= You are forbidden to park here. = You are prohibited from parking here.
= You are banned from parking here.
‫ للتعبير عن ضرورة عمل شيء من وجهة نظر المتكلم وتستخدم في حاالت مثل تقديم نصيحة قوية لشخص أو‬Must‫ كما مكن اتتستخدم‬-
:‫دعوة أو نذكر أنفسنا بضرورة عمل شيء أو حتي للتعبير عن المضايقة‬
 You must come and see us at the weekend. (a warm invitation)
 You must wash your hands before you eat. (strong advice)
 We must buy souvenirs for our friends. (strong reminder)
 Must you listen to this loud music ? Don't you see that I'm studying my lessons (Annoyance)

UNIT 7 Health and Safety ( Workbook )

1 Read and match.
a Can humans catch bird flu? 1 No, I'm afraid not It is still with us.
b Where did the 2003 outbreak of flu begin? 2 If you have touched an infected bird,
you must wash very well.
c Has the disease disappeared? 3 In Asia.
d What kinds of birds can catch bird flu? 4 Only chickens and other farm birds.
5 The simple answer is, "Yes, they can." e What should people do to
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protect themselves?
6 Al l kinds of wild birds and farm birds.
Read and find the words in the puzzle. Write the words.
a The beginning of something bad, like an illness, which many people catch……………….
b Another word for illness………………………….
c The cut on my leg is getting worse: it is dirty and has become …………………………..….
d Not clean…………………………………….
e An illness that birds, people and other animals can catch………….
f A sense- you use your fingers for it………………………
g Lions and elephants are examples of this kind of animal……………
1 Give advice using should / shouldn't , must / mustn't.
a I want to go to the cinema, but my grandfather is in hospital.
b That man is driving at 130 kph because he's going to be late for work.
c I love chocolate, but I know it isn't good to eat too much of it.
d I touched a wild bird. I hope it is not infected.
e That car nearly hit me when I was crossing the road.
f I o1dn't have any breakfast this morning, so I'm really hungry.
g I don't feel well. I have a headache.
h My little sister fell over in the park. She cut her knee.
Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions.
in of on to with
a Cleanliness protects us…………… infections.
b Infections can pass very quickly from one person…………… another.
c Children's hands may be covered …………… germs.
d You should wash more often …………… hot weather.
e You should try to stop insects from landing …………… your food.
f The rules hygiene are very simple.
Use the article on page 43 to find a word in the same family as the word in brackets.
a Personal ………… is important if we want to stay healthy. (clean)
b Bad ……………, like dirty kitchens for example, can spread diseases. (sanitary)
c Washing can stop people from catching…………… s. (infect)
d You should not leave …………… dishes lying around. (dirt)
e Food that smells bad may be ……………. (poison)

)‫ ال يوجد مفعول مطلق فى اللغة اإلنجليزية ( بدال من ذلك نستخدم الفعل يليه الحال‬-1
.Egypt is greatly interested in education .‫تهتم مصر بالتعليم أهتمامًا كبيرًا‬
.Smoking affects health badly .‫يؤثر التدخين علي الصحة تأثيرًا خطيرًا‬
:)‫ قد يختلف حرف الجر فى اللغتين (حرف الجر يترجم مع ما سبقه‬-2
contribute to ‫يسهم فى‬ fond of ‫مغرم بــ‬
believe in ‫يؤمن بــ‬ object to ‫يعترض على‬
prefer .... to ... ‫يفضل على‬ pleased with ‫مسرور من‬
)‫ بعض األفعال فى اللغة اإلنجليزية ال يأخذ حرف جر (بينما تأخذ فى اللغة العربية‬-3
admire ‫يعجب بـ‬ celebrate ‫يحتفل بـ‬
contain ‫يحتوي علي‬ affect ‫يؤثر على‬
enjoy ‫يتمتع بـ‬ feel ‫يشعر بـ‬
overcome ‫يتغلب على‬ fear ‫يخاف من‬
:)‫ يجب مراعاة زمن الجملة وصيغتها (مبنى للمجهول أم مبنى للمعلوم‬-4
Tourism is considered an important source ‫تعتبر السياحة مصدرًا هاما‬
We consider tourism an important source ‫نحن نعتبر السياحة مصدرًا هامًا‬
:‫ أما ما زاد عن ذلك فيكتب ارقاما‬،‫ تكتب هجائيًا دائما‬9 ‫ إلي‬1 ‫ من‬:‫ ترجمة االرقام‬-5
.‫ شخصا أخرين‬112 ‫لقي تسعة أشخاص مصرعهم واصيب‬
Nine people were killed and 112 were injured.
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‫مع مالحظة انه عندما تبدأ الحملة االنجليزية بذكر العدد فانه يكتب هجائيا دائما ايا كانت قيمته‬
Seventy-six people were arrested.‫ شخص‬76 ‫تم القبض على‬.
.‫ إذا كانت الجملة اإلنجليزية في المبنى للمجهول يفضل ترجمتها للعربية فى المبنى للمعلوم‬-6
The operation was performed by a well-known surgeon.
.‫ تم اجراء العملية الجراحية بواسطة جراح مشهور‬/ .‫قام جراح مشهور بإجراء العملية الجراحية‬
Test yourself
Translate into Arabic:
1- It would be quite‫ كبير‬wrong to believe liars‫ كذابين‬.
2- Do not eat tinned‫ ُم علب‬food if the tin‫ علبة‬looks swollen.
3- It took him a very long time to learn French.
4- You should always boil‫ تغلى‬tap water‫ مياه الحنفية‬before you drink it.
5- The children get a lot of pleasure‫ مرح‬out of‫ بسبب‬computer games.
6- The average‫ متوسط‬life expectancy‫ متوقع‬used to be about60 ‫ حوالى‬years old.
7- Man is free‫ ُح ر‬by nature‫ بطبيعته‬, and freedom‫ الحرية‬is his first and dearest‫ أغلى‬thing. It gives
him the right to think, as he likes.
8- A good citizen‫ مواطن‬is the one who does his best to achieve‫ يحقق‬progress and prosperity
‫ الرخاء‬to his country.
9- In the past Sinai was only a dry desert‫ صحراء جافة‬. Now it has become one of the most
attractive‫ جذابة‬places in the world.
10- The family was poor and wore‫ يرتدون‬old clothes and they did not have much to eat even their
cat was thin.

‫يخاطـــــــر بـ‬ risk ‫ُج نــــــــدى‬ soldier ‫بكل تأكيـــــــد‬ definitely

– ‫يسل‬ entertain ‫ُينقــــــــذ‬ save ‫مســـــــرح‬ theater
‫خجـــــــالن‬ ashamed ‫يأســــــــر‬ capture ‫نموذج كرة‬ globe
‫خشبة المسرح‬ stage ‫سجــــــــن‬ prison ‫أرضيةقفازات‬‫صانع‬ glove maker
‫حريـــــــص‬ cautious ‫ يؤمن‬/ ‫ُيصدق‬ believe ‫مالــــــــــي‬ financial
‫فرقة مسرحبة‬ theatre group ‫ُيخاطــــــــر‬ risk ‫ابنــــــــــة‬ daughter
‫يتقاعـــــــــد‬ retire ‫خجــــــــول‬ ashamed ‫ُم مثـــــــــل‬ actor
‫يتجـــــــــول‬ wander ‫ُم ذنــــــــب‬ guilty ‫قصيـــــــــدة‬ poem
‫عاقـــــــــل‬ sensible ‫جامعــــــــة‬ university ‫ راعى‬- ‫كفيل‬ patron
‫يقاتل – قتال‬ fight ‫ريــــــــاح‬ wind ‫معــــــــروف‬ well-known
‫نهـــــــــاية‬ ending ‫مكتبــــــــة‬ library ‫ ُيمثل‬- ‫ُيؤدى‬ perform
‫ُس لطـــــــــة‬ power ‫ُلحسن الحظ‬ luckily ‫مجموعــــــــة‬ group
‫يستــــــــرد‬ take back ‫ُنقطة تحول‬ turning point ‫من المحتمل‬ probably
‫سجــــــــن‬ prison ‫مشاعــــــــر‬ feelings ‫ُيشارك فى ملكية‬ part-own
‫خاصــــــــة‬ especially ‫ ِميزة‬/ ‫سمة‬ quality ‫فنــــــــان‬ artist
‫بال هدف‬ aimlessly ‫حديــــــــث‬ modern ‫موسيقــــــــار‬ musician
‫يؤيد – يساند‬ support ‫ يشمل‬/ ‫يتضمن‬ include ‫ملــــــــك‬ king
‫امام الناس‬ in public ‫ عديد‬/ ‫ُم تعدد‬ several ‫ صاحب‬- ‫مالك‬ owner
‫يتعرف علي‬ recognize ‫تأثيــــــــر‬ effect ‫ ضخم‬- ‫كبير‬ large
‫ يطرد‬- ‫ينفي‬ send away ‫ ُم ضاد‬- ‫ُم قابل‬ opposite ‫مطــــــــار‬ airport
‫جنــــــــدي‬ soldier ‫ ُيدمر‬- ‫ُيتلف‬ damage (v. /n.) ‫ ُم صاب‬- ‫مجروح‬ injured
‫يهــــــــزم‬ beat ‫قــــــــرار‬ decision ‫حادثة طريق‬ road accident
‫العالــــــــم‬ globe ‫يكتشــــــف‬ discover ‫عنــــــــوان‬ address
‫عالمــــــــي‬ global ‫خطأ فظيع‬ terrible mistake ‫ُم فكرة يومية‬ diary
‫ال يهــــــــم‬ no matter ‫نــــــادم‬ regretful ‫دولــــــــة‬ country
‫يمـــــــــول‬ fund ‫مخــــــادع‬ deceitful ‫واضــــــــح‬ obvious
‫بالقــــــــوة‬ by force ‫كاتب مسرحي‬ playwright ‫يتجــــــــول‬ wander

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‫ الحقيقــــــــة‬truth ‫ مذنب‬guilty ‫ ُيــــــــدرك‬realise
‫من الواضح له‬ It's obvious to him + ‫جملة‬ ‫ حول‬/‫يتجول فى‬ wander around
... ‫يعرف كيف‬ know how to + inf. ‫غضبان من شخص‬ angry with
‫ُي غادر الى‬ leave for ‫ان‬... ‫يطلب من‬ ask …. to + inf. ...
‫يعيش على مال من‬ live on money from ‫ يرجع‬/ ‫يعود‬ come back
‫ يرتكب خطًأ‬/ ‫ُي خطىء‬ make a mistake ‫ مسابقة معلومات‬/‫يؤدى اختبار قصير‬ do quiz
‫يكون ثروة‬ make money ‫يكتشف‬ find out
‫يسجن شخص ما‬ put someone into prison ‫ُيعطى ُم لكه لـ‬ give his country to
‫ُيشير الى‬ refer to ‫يدخل‬ go into
‫يقول الصدق‬ tell the truth ‫يذهب فى أجازة‬ go on holiday
Adjective Noun Verb
‫ فن‬/ ‫عمل فني‬ art
‫ فنى‬artistic ‫فنان‬ artist ................
‫ فعال‬/ ‫ ُم ؤثر‬effective ‫تأثير‬ affect ‫ يؤثر‬effect
‫إدارة أموال‬/‫تمويل‬ finance
‫ مادى‬/ ‫ مالى‬financial ‫ممول‬ financier ‫ ُيمول‬finance
‫ العالم‬/ ‫األرض‬ globe
‫ عالمى‬global ‫العولمة‬ globalization ................
‫ ُم صاب‬injured ‫إصابة‬ injury ‫ ُيصيب‬injure
‫ ُم تزوج‬married ‫زواج‬ marriage ‫ يتزوج‬marry
‫ ممثل‬someone who performs in a play or film actor
‫ كفيل‬- ‫ راعي‬someone who supports or gives money to an organization, artist, patron
musical performer, etc.
‫ يمثل‬- ‫يؤدي‬ to do something to entertain people, especially in public perform
‫المسرح‬ a building with a stage where plays are performed theater
relating to money or how money is managed financial
‫واضــــــــــــــح‬clear; easy to see, recognize or understand obvious
‫ يهيم‬- ‫يتجول‬ to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or wander
direction (aimlessly)
‫ يهزم‬win a fight against someone beat

1- play ‫مسرحية‬ - Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's greatest plays.

story ‫قصة‬ - She read the story of Cinderella several times.
novel ‫رواية‬ - The stories of Charles Dickens are very great.
2- Theatre ‫مسرح‬ - King Lear will be performed in this theatre.
cinema ‫سينما‬ - I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.
stage ‫خشبة المسرح‬ - The actor was on the stage for hours.
3- address ‫عنوان‬ - I forgot to give Sami my address.
address ‫ يوجه‬- ‫يخاطب‬ - You should address your question to the chairman.
address ‫يوجه اإلهتمام بـ‬ - The issue of funding ‫ مسألة التمويل‬has yet to be addressed.
4- wander ‫يتجول‬ - I spent the night wandering around the village.
wonder ‫يتساءل‬ - I sometimes wonder why I trust him.
5- realize ‫ُيدرك‬ - They didn't realize the danger they were in.
Achieve ‫ُيحقق‬ - He will never achieve anything if he doesn’t work harder.
6- arrive: )‫يصل ( ال يليه مفعول به‬ - The plane has just arrived.
arrive at: )‫يصل إلى (مكان صغير محدود‬ - The plane arrivedat Cairo Airport on time.

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arrive in: )‫ مدينة كبيرة‬/ ‫ عاصمة‬/ ‫يصل إلى (دولة‬ - The plane arrived in Cairo on time.
reach: get to)‫يصل إلى (يليه مفعول به‬ - I won'treach the office till noon today.
7- capture ‫يأسر‬ - Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were captured.
Arrest ‫يقبضر على‬ - He was arrested when customs officers found drugs in his bag.
8- Patron ‫راعى‬ - Coca Cola is a well-known patron of several matches.
Breadwinner ‫عائل األسرة‬ - Men are often expected to be the breadwinner in a family.
9- quiz ‫مسابقة‬ - There is a very interesting quiz show on TV.
exam ‫امتحان‬ - How many pupils are taking the geography exam this term?
10- retire ‫يتقاعد‬ - People usually retire at the age of 60.
give up ‫ يستسلم‬- You'll never guess the answer - do you give up?
11- angry with ‫ يغضب من شخص‬- King Lear was angry with his daughter Cordelia.
angry about ‫ يغضب من شىء‬- The boy was angry about the way his father treats him with.
12- Verbs and nouns that go together
make do
make a decision ‫يتخذ قرار‬ do damage ‫يحدث ضرر أو تلف‬
make a mistake ‫يرتكب خطأ‬ do homework ‫يعمل الواجب‬
make money ‫يكسب ماال‬ do a job ‫يؤدى عمال‬
make a noise ‫يحدث ضوضاء‬ do a quiz ‫يعمل مسابقة‬
make a suggestion ‫يقدم اقتراح‬ do a sport ‫يمارس رياضة‬
make an effort ‫يبذل جهدا‬ do an exam ‫يؤدى امتحان‬
make the beds ‫يرتب الفراش‬ do enough revision ‫يعمل مراجعة كافية‬
13- so + ‫صفة‬ = very + ‫صفة‬ ‫جدا‬
- Mark is veryclever. (so) = Mark is so clever.
‫ فعل‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ so + ‫ صفة‬+ that + ‫ جدا لدرجة أن‬:‫جملة‬
- He is very strong. He can carry the heavy box. (so ……. that)
He is so strong that he can carry the heavy box.
such + a / an + ‫صفة‬: a very + ‫ اسمجدا‬+ ‫صفة‬
- It was a very wonderfulview. (such)
It was such a wonderful view.
‫ فعل‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ such a / an + ‫ اسم‬+ ‫ صفة‬+ that + ‫ جدا لدرجة أن‬:‫جملة‬
- It was a very easy exam. We answered all questions. (such…. that)
- It was such an easy exam that we answered all questions.
14-‫ جملة‬+ so that ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ حتى‬+ will / can / may + )‫ …… (فى حالة المضارع‬+ ‫مصدر‬
‫ جملة‬+ so that ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ حتى‬+ would / could / might + )‫ ……(فى حالة الماضى‬+ ‫مصدر‬
‫ جملة‬+ in order to / so as to / to ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫ لكى‬+ ……
- He studies hard. He wants to get high marks. (so that / so as to)
He studies hard so that he can get high marks.
He studies hard so as to get high marks.
- He studied hard. He wanted to get high marks. (so that / in order to)
He studied hard so that he could get high marks.
He studied hard so as to get high marks.
15- by + ‫وسيلة مواصالت‬: (by train / by car / by taxi / by plane / by boat)
on + ‫ وسيلة مواصالت‬+ ‫ ضمير‬/ ‫أداة‬: (on a train / on the plane / on my bicycle / on the boat)
in + ‫ ضمير‬/ ‫ أداة‬+ car / taxi: (in a car / in a taxi / in my car)

1-Why did Shakespeare have to leave school at the age of 14?

- Because his family had financial problems. - Because his family didn't have much money.
2-Why did Shakespeare become famous?
- Because one of his longest poems, "Venus and Adonis”, was so successful.
3-What would have happened if Shakespeare hadn't found a patron at this time?
- He wouldn't have become a famous writer.
4-Where were many of Shakespeare's plays performed?
- At the Globe Theatre near to the River Thames in London.
5-How did Shakespeare make a lot of money?

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- He part-owned The Globe Theatre, and made a lot of money from it.
6-What did Shakespeare buy in Stratford? - He bought a large house.
7-What was unusual about the date on which Shakespeare was born and died?
- It was the same date, April 23rd.
8-What did King Lear decide to do when he was old?
- He decided to give his country to his three daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.
9-What did Shakespeare want to know before he gave his money and land to his daughters?
- He wanted to know how much they loved him.
10- What did Goneril and Regan tell Lear? - They told him they loved him so much.
11- Why do you think King Lear believed Goneril and Regan?
- Because they told him what he wanted to hear.
12- Why was King Lear angry with his daughter Cordelia?
- Because she couldn't say how much she loved him.
- Because she didn't know how to describe her love to him.
13- What did King Lear do to his daughter, Cordelia? Why? - He didn't give her any of his
money and land and sent her away to France because she didn't tell him how much she loved him.
14- Why didn't Lear give any of his money and land to Cordelia?
- Because she didn't tell him how much she loved him.
15- What was the turning point in King Lear? - Lear found out he had made a terrible mistake.
16- When did Lear discover that he had made a terrible mistake?
- Soon after he had given his two daughters his money and his land
17- How do you think Lear discovered he had made a terrible mistake?
- He saw that Goneril and Regan didn't really love him.
18- What did King Lear find out about Goneril and Regan? - He found out that they loved him
only so that they could have his money and his country and they did not love him at all.
19- Why do you think Lear wanders around the country?
- He probably doesn't want to live with the two dishonest daughters.
20- Why did Cordelia come back to England with French soldiers?
- She wanted to try to help her father and save him.
21- How did Cordelia try to help her father? - She came back to England with French soldiers to
try to save him and to take his country back from her two sisters.
22- Who puts Cordelia and Lear in prison? Why?
- The English soldiers who are working for Goneril and Regan because Cordelia and Lear were
trying to take the power from them.
23- When did Cordelia tell her father how much she loved him?
- When they were captured and put into prison.
24- How do you think Cordelia feels when she hears what has happened to her father?
- She feels sad and sorry because she loves him.
25- "Cordelia should have left her father and not tried to save him." Do you agree? Why? Why
not? - No, because she must be kind to her father no matter what he does to her.
26- How do you think Lear feels when Cordelia tries to help him?
- He probably feels regretful and ashamed.
27- What does Lear realize in the end?
- He realizes that Cordelia really loves him more than his other two daughters.
28- How do you think Lear feels when he finds out how much Cordelia loves him?
- He feels ashamed, sorry, foolish and guilty.
29- What did Lear learn from his mistake?
- He learns that people can have feelings without talking about them.
30- What is the moral of King Lear story? - People can have feelings without talking about them.

The third conditional‫الحالة الثالثة‬

… past perfect…… , ……….would / might / could have + pp……..… If
= would / might / could have + pp…….. If ……..past perfect……
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- If I had (I'd) left home on time, I would (I'd) have caught the school bus.
I would (I'd) have caught the school bus if I had (I'd) left home on time.
- If you hadn't gone to Italy, you wouldn't have met Mario.
You wouldn't have met Mario if you hadn't gone to Italy.
.‫Ÿ تستخدم الحالة الثالثة للتعبير عن تعبر مواقف مستحيلة الحدوث أو التغيير فى الماض أو مواقف كنا نتخيلها فى الماضى كما تعبر عن الندم‬
- IfI'd run faster, I'd have won the race. = I didn't run faster so I didn't win.
- If you hadn’t gone to Italy, you wouldn’t have met Mario.
= You went to Italy and you met Mario.
if ‫Ÿ الحظ صيغة االستفهام مع‬
- What would you have done if you hadwon a lot of money?
‫ و يليها فاعل ثم تصريف ثالث‬if ‫ بدال من‬had ‫Ÿ يمكن أن نستخدم‬
- If he had played well, he would have won. (Had) Had he played well, he would have won.
‫Ÿ فى حالة وجود جملتين في الماضى نستخدم الحالة الثالثة و نحول النفى إلى إثبات و العكس‬
1-He got up late, so he missed the train. (If)
If he hadn’tgot up late, he wouldn’thavemissed the train.
2-He didn’t have a map, therefore he was lost. (If)
If he hadhad a map, he wouldn’thavebeen lost.
3-He failed because he was lazy. (If) If he hadn’t been lazy, he wouldn’t have failed.
4-He failed, as he didn’t work hard. (If)
If he had worked hard last year, he wouldn’t have failed the exam.
‫ و يأتى بعدها جملة مثبتة‬if ‫ بدال من‬unless ‫Ÿ يمكن أن نستخدم‬
- He worked hard, so he succeeded. (Unless)
Unless he hadworked hard, he wouldn’thavesucceeded.
.‫Ÿ الحظ التعبيرات التالية‬
If it hadn’t been for
Without + v.+ ing / noun + would have + pp
But for
- Without his hard work, he wouldn’t have succeeded. (If it ………)
If it hadn’t been for his hard work, he wouldn’t have succeeded.
UNIT 8 William Shakespeare ( Workbook )
1 Choose the correct word.
a A / An actor / patron works in films, on TV or in a theatre.
b You can watch films / plays in a theatre.
c Shakespeare wrote some great plays and poems / novels.
d The children are performing / writing in a famous play this afternoon.
2 Complete these sentences with the correct word (you do not need one). Li sten to
check your answers.
actor patron performed poem returned theatre
a The first thing Shakespeare wrote was a long…………………….
b Shakespeare first went to London because he wanted to be an …………………...
c Without his rich ……………….... , Shakespeare wouldn't have been a successful writer.
d Shakespeare often …………….…………in his own plays.
e ln 1611, Shakespeare left London and …………..………..to Stratford.
3 Match to make sentences.
a When he was seven, 1 one of his long poems was very
b We don't know what Shakespeare did right before 2 he went to London to become
an actor.
c Shakespeare became famous because 3 he moved back to Stratford .
d The King's Men was the theatre group that 4 Shakespeare started school.
e when Shakespeare retired, 5 Shakespeare wrote plays for.
1 Correct the mistakes.
a If he got earlier, he would have caught the first plane.
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b If he caught the first plane, someone would have met him at the airport
c He wouldn't go by taxi if someone had met him at the airport
d If he hadn't gone by taxi, he won't have been injured in the road accident
e He would n't have gone to hospital if he hasn't been injured.
f If he didn't go to hospital, he wouldn't have met the nurse who became his wife.
2 Write third conditional sentences.
a I wanted to come to see you, but I didn't know your address.
b I didn't have your mobile number, so I couldn't phone you .
c e forgot to write the time of the meeting in his diary, so he arrived an hour late.
d The flat was very expensive, so they didn't buy it
e You didn't do very well in the test because you didn't do enough revision .
f She went to bed very late. That's why she was so tired this morning.
3 Finish these sentences with your own ideas
a If you'd told me you were coming, I …………………….………………….…….…………….
b If I'd known you were busy, I ………………………………………………………..………….
c If I hadn't bought today's newspaper, I ………………………………………………………..
d If I hadn't missed the train, I ……………………………………………………..………………
e If they had moved to Alexandria, they………………………………….………………………
2 Put the words in the correct order.
a her father / Cordelia brings / French soldiers / to save
b how to describe / for her father / her love/doesn't know / Cordelia
c love him / their father / Goneril and Regan /tell/that they
d don't love him / that Goneril / Lear discovers / and Regan
e where / Lear sends / the king / Cordelia / she marries/to France
Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or make.
a I'm not good at …………….…. quick decisions.
b In his maths test, Abdullah didn't ………….…… any mistakes.
c What job would you like to …………….when you leave university!
d Try not to ………………any noise when you go into the library
e Last year Ali didn't …………….….much money, as he was still a student.
f What sports do you …………………….?
g Can I ………………..…..a suggestion? Why don't you your homework before you go out?
h Let's ………………… this quiz about animals.
I Two trees fell down in the wind, but luckily they didn't ……………..…..any damage

.‫ احفظ تصريفات األفعال الشاذة‬-1

‫لقد أصبح تطوير التعليم من أهم األهداف التى تسعى الحكومة إليها‬.
Developing education has become one of the most important aims, which our government
tries to achieve.
:‫ اختار اللفظ اإلنجليزي الصحيح‬-2
I held my bag when I left home. ‫أمسكت بحقيبتي حين غادرت المنزل‬.
I caught the thief before he escaped. ‫أمسكت باللص قبل أن يهرب‬.
:‫ الترجمة لغة التصرف‬-3
.‫عند وجود كلمة صعبة عليك أن تبحث عن كلمة قريبة منها و تؤدى نفس المعنى تقريبا‬
.‫ أفضل المنتجات الوطنية ألنها صناعة مصرية‬:‫فمثًال‬
I prefer the.)goods( ‫) عليك أن تبحث عن بديل قريب للمعنى مثل البضائع‬products( ‫افترض أنك ال تعرف كلمة المنتجات‬
.national goods as they are Egyption produce
:‫مثال آخر‬
We should insist on buying commodities “ made in Egypt” even if we have to pay a little
.‫يجب أن نتمسك بشراء الـ (سلع ـ بضاعة) (المصنوعة فى مصر) حتى ولو دفعنا ثمنًا أكثر قليًال‬
] ‫ [ رجع بخفي حنين‬:‫ الترجمة هي فن نقل المعنى وليس اللفظ‬-4
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.‫هذا المثل يضرب في الرجوع بالخيبة فهل سيفهمها اإلنجليز إذا ترجمت‬
 He returned with Honain’s shoes. (x) ‫و هذة ترجمة حرفيــــــــــــــــــــة‬
He returned empty-handed :‫والترجمة الصحيحة هى‬
Test yourself
1- We should be very careful about the food we eat and the water we drink.
2- Thanks to X-ray‫ أشعة أكس‬, doctors can take photographs of the inside of the human ‫ بشرى‬body
3- Do not forget to ask your colleague‫ زميلك‬to stay for dinner. I am going to be back‫ سأعود‬soon.
4- In some countries, people cannot eat all the food they produce‫ ينتج‬.
5- The secretary is very efficient‫ كفء‬. She does her work exactly‫ تماما‬well and is skilful‫ ماهرة‬at
using the computer.
6- Because the witness‫ الشاهد‬decided that the motorist‫ السائق‬was responsible for‫ مسئول عن‬the
accident, he was punished.
7- Experts estimate‫ ُيقدر‬that cars powered by‫ التى ُتدار بـ‬fuel cells‫ خاليا الوقود‬may be on sale‫معروضة للبيع‬
by the year 2020.
8- Sometime in the future, we will need a new form‫ شكل‬of energy because the world’s supplies
‫ احتياطى‬of oil will dry up‫ ينُض ب‬.
9- Scientists help improve people's lives and solve problems all over the world.
10- Tell me who your friends are, I tell you what you are or as the proverb‫ المثل‬says "Birds of
feather flocks together".
11- Television is a great invention. It is a good means‫ وسيلة‬of culture‫ الثقافة‬, knowledge‫ المعرفة‬, and
entertainment‫ التسلية‬.


’‫منظمــــــ‬ organization ‫مشاركــــــــة‬ participation ‫يلهــــــــم‬ inspire

‫فى كافة انحاء‬ throughout ‫يشــــــــارك في‬ share in ‫الهـــــــام‬ inspiration
‫جائــــزة‬ award (n.) ‫دورة رياضية‬ tournament ‫شجــــاع‬ brave
‫معلم خصوصى‬ tutor ‫بــــــــدال من‬ instead of ‫شجاعـــــة‬ bravery
‫المكفوفين‬ the blind ‫يواجــــــــه‬ face ‫شبــــــاب‬ young people
‫ينظــــــــــم‬ organise ‫تحــــــدي‬ challenge ‫يمارس الكنغ فو‬ do Kung fu
‫يدمــــــــــج‬ integrate ‫ اعاقة‬- ‫عجز‬ disability ‫مدرس تربية‬ PE teacher
‫يتغلب علي‬ overcome ‫حياة كاملــــــــة‬ full life ‫ كوبري‬- ‫بدنية‬ ‫جسر‬ bridge
‫تعويضيـــة‬ prosthetic ‫ كفيف‬- ‫أعمي‬ blind ‫دكتور عالج‬ physiotherapis
‫أجهزة‬ devices ‫َعَم ـــــــــى‬ blindness ‫طبيعىطبيعي‬ ‫عالج‬ t
‫شاطىء‬ shore ‫أصــــــــم‬ deaf ‫طبــــــــي‬ medical
‫جـــــــــاروف‬ spade ‫يحــــــــدث‬ happen ‫عـــــالج‬ treatment
‫بـــــــــالج‬ beach braille ‫طريقة بريل‬ ‫عضــــــــالت‬ muscles
‫صناعـــــــــي‬ industrial ‫نــــــوع للمكفوفين‬ type : sort : ‫ ينجز‬- ‫يحقق‬ achieve
‫اقتصـــــــــادي‬ economic ‫طباعــــة‬ kind
printing ‫انجـــــــأز‬ achievement
‫اقليمـــــــــى‬ regional ‫معــــــــا‬ together ‫يسقط من علي‬ fall off
region ‫مدهـــــــــش‬ amazing ‫يصطدم بــــ‬ crash to
‫ يغير‬/ ‫يصبـــغ‬ dye ‫ مذهل‬-‫ال يصدق‬ incredible ‫بطــــــــل‬ champion
‫بطريقة مدهشة‬ amazingly ‫بشكل ال يصدق‬ Incredibly ‫صعـــــب‬ difficult
‫ قحط‬/ ‫جفاف‬ drought ‫مناطــــــــق‬ rural area ‫صعوبــــــــة‬ difficulty
‫ يربي‬- ‫يرفع‬ raise ‫مقروية‬
‫ــــــــرض‬ illness ‫يمــــــــارس‬ practice
prejudice ‫المريــــــــض‬ patient ‫كرسي متحرك‬ wheelchair
‫ثقــــــــــــــة‬ confidence ‫صبــــــــر‬ patience ‫يدرب – يتدرب‬ train
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‫لسوء الحظ‬ unfortunatel ‫ يلمس‬- ‫لمس‬ touch ‫متــــــــدرب‬ trainee
‫الطبيعة البشرية‬ y
human ‫عديــــــد‬ several ‫مــــــــدرب‬ trainer
‫مظهـــــر‬ nature
appearance ‫ خريج‬- ‫يتخرج‬ graduate ‫ينــــــــافس‬ compete
‫قاضي – يحكم‬ judge ‫تخــــــــرج‬ graduation ‫منافســــــــة‬ competition
‫شخصيــــة‬ character ‫في وقت الحق‬ later ‫منافــــــــس‬ competitor
‫يتصـــــــــرف‬ behave ‫يعمــــــــل لدي‬ work for ‫يعانــــــــي‬ suffer
‫سلوك – تصرف‬ behaviour ‫مؤسســـــــــة‬ foundation ‫معانــــــــاة‬ suffering
‫ببساطـــــــــة‬ simply ‫يشجــــــــع‬ encourage ‫ َم كاَن َـــــة‬- ‫يصنف‬ rank
‫معــــــــــــوق‬ handicapped ‫تشجيــــــــع‬ encouragement ‫يشارك في‬ participate in
‫ماهر فى‬ good at ‫يعمل لدى‬ work for
‫مفيد لـــ‬ good for ‫يعمل على اصالح‬ work on
‫عطوف على‬ good to ‫يخطط أن‬ plan to
‫صبور مع‬ patient with ‫خطه لـــ‬ plan for
‫بمساعدة‬ with the help of ‫يتواصل مع‬ communicate with
‫يتخذ قرار‬ make up his mind ‫يشارك فى‬ take part in
‫علي الجانب اآلخر‬ on the other hand ‫يقاتل من اجل‬ fight for
‫عالج لــــ‬ treatment for ‫يتلقى اخبار عن‬ hear about
‫بالقرب من‬ near to ‫يسمع عن‬ hear of
‫ بــــ‬/ ‫يقاتل مع‬ fight with ‫يستيقظ‬ wake up
‫مناسبة‬....‫فى‬ on…..occasion ‫يبحث عن‬ look for
‫محبوب لدي‬ popular with ‫صعب لــــ‬ difficult for
‫يسافر باالتوبيس‬ travel on a bus ‫التربية البدنية‬ PE : physical education
‫فى اجازة‬ on holiday ‫مجاملـــة علي‬ compliment….on
‫سبب لــــ‬ reason for ‫يهنئ علي‬ congratulate….on
Adjective Noun Verb
‫ أعمـــــــــــــي‬blind ‫الَع مـــــــــي‬ blindness ‫يعمــــــي‬ blind
……………. ‫انجـــــــــــاز‬ achievement ‫يحقـــــق‬ achieve
‫ مندهـــــــــــش‬amazed ‫دهشـــــــــــة‬ amazement ‫يدهــــــش‬ amaze
‫ منظــــــــــــم‬organised ‫منظمـــــــة‬ organisation ‫ينظــــــم‬ organise
‫ ملهــــــــــــم‬inspired ‫الهـــــــــــام‬ inspiration ‫يلهـــــــم‬ inspire
‫حياة مهنية‬ a job that you plan to do for a long time. career
‫صعوبة‬ a problem (have difficulty ‫) لدية صعوبة‬ difficulty
‫رياضة الكنغ فو‬ a Chinese sport in which people fight with their feet or hands. Kung fu
‫العالج الطبيعى‬ a medical treatment for muscles, using exercises. physiotherapy
‫كرسى متحرك‬ a chair with wheels, used by people who cannot walk. wheelchair
‫ ال يصدق‬/ ‫ال يعقل‬ amazing incredible
‫ ينجز‬/ ‫يحقق‬ to succeed in doing something. achieve
‫يلهم‬ To make someone want to do something. inspire
‫طريقة برايل‬ a type of printing with raised round marks that blind people can braille
read by touching.
‫ يتخرج‬to pass exams at university. graduate
a group that a lot of people belong to so that they can meet and
‫منظمة‬ organisation
do something together.
‫ معلم خصوصى‬a teacher of one person or a small group of people. tutor
‫ فى كافة انحاء‬all over throughout
‫ يمنح جائزة‬/ ‫ جائزة‬Prize or to give prize. award

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1- We can use seem + infinitive to say that we t hink something is true:
.seem to + Inf ‫للتعبير عن الراى او عما نعتقدة يمكن استخدام‬
Markus Rehm seems to be a better long-jumper = I think Markus Rehm is a better long-jumper
- I think that the horse is hungry. = The horse seems to be hungry.
- Look out of the window. I think it's raining. = It seems to be raining.
- I think you're unhappy today. = You seem to be unhappy today
- They all look happy. I think your team are winning.= Your team seem to be winning
- Ali doesn't like shopping. I don't think he ever wants to buy anything .
= Al i never seems to want to but anything.
2- instructor ‫معلم‬ : someone who teaches swimming / diving.
- tutor ‫ مدرس خصوصي‬: someone who teaches privately
- professor ‫أستاذ جامعي‬ : someone who teaches at university.
3- subject ‫مادة دراسية‬ - Maths is my favourite subject.
- course ‫دورة دراسية‬ - Ali is doing a computer course for beginners.
4- To compliment someone ‫يمتدح – يثني علي‬
- something that you say or do to show that you admire them
( doing a good job / showing a skill )
- To congratulate ‫يهنىء على شىء حدث‬
- tell someone that you are happy because something good has happened to them
( passing a test / having a new baby / buying something new / getting married )
5- life ‫الحياة عموما‬ - Life is full of troubles.
- the life of ‫حياة شخص معين‬ - The life of my uncle is full of troubles.
- a life ‫نوع الحياة‬ - She leads a happy life.
6- It is + ‫ صفة‬+ for + ‫ فاعل‬+ to + ‫مصدر‬ - It is difficult for me to win the game.
7- aged 87 = at the age of 87 - She died, aged 87 in 1968.
- She died at the age of 87 in 1968.
8- rural ‫ريفى‬ - She was born in a rural area of the USA.
- Urban ‫مدنى‬ -They prefer urban life to rural.
9- illness ‫تعب او مرض‬ - She suffered from illness most of her life.
- disease ‫اسم او نوع المرض‬ - Cancer is a serious disease.
10- Learn to / how to + ‫مصدر‬ - Helen learnt how to read using Braille.
- teach … sb. … to / how to + ‫مصدر‬ - She taught her (how) to read and write
11- ‫ فاعل‬+ is / was the first to + ‫مصدر‬ - She was the first person to reach the top.

1- Which sport was Mahmoud Mohamed Youssef very good at? He was very good at Kung fu.
2- Why does he have to use a wheelchair?
- He broke his back after a bus’s accident. He could not walk again.
3- Why didn’t Mahmoud teach tennis before his accident?
- Because he was good at doing Kung fu.
4- What happened to the bus M. M. Youssef was travelling on?
- It fell off 6th October Bridge and crashed to the ground.
5- What did the doctors tell M. M. Youssef at the hospital?
- They told him that he would never walk again.
6- How did he try to get better?
- He decided to practice another sport using his hands instead of his legs.
7- Why is tennis a good sport for people like Mahmoud?
- Because players use their hands not their legs at this sport.
8- What does Mahmoud’s story teach us?
- It teaches us that: - Nothing is impossible and there is no ends.
- Don’t ever say that your life has no meaning. - Whatever the difficulty we have to face it.
- How we could challenge our difficulty \ disability.
9- What problems do blind people have? - They cannot see.
10- What problems do deaf people have? - They cannot hear.
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11- How hard would it be to be blind and deaf? - Life would be impossible. It would be very
difficult to communicate with and understand the others around us.
12- How old was Helen when she died? - She was 87.
13- What made Helen blind and deaf? - Because of an illness she had when she was a baby.
14- Who was Anne Sullivane? - She was a nurse and Helen’s tutor.
15- Why do you think Anne was very patient with Helen?
- Because Helen herself could not see well which made her feel Helen’s suffering.
16- How did Anne teach Helen to communicate?
- Anne used touch to teach her communicate with her hands.
17- What two important things did Helen achieve at university? - She became the first blind,
deaf person to graduate. - She wrote her first book, The Story of My Life, there.
18- How did Helen help other people who were blind?
- She worked for the American Foundation for the Blind, an organization which helps the blind all
over the world. She also travelled 35 countries.
19- Are you surprised that Helen Killer achieved so much in her life? Why\ Why not?
- Yes because Helen was blind and deaf.
20- In what ways do you think Helen inspired people?
- She taught them that nothing is impossible and how to challenge their difficulty / disability.
21- How do you think we can help people like Helen Killer and Mahmoud Youssef?
- We should encourage them and integrate them with us in life.
22- How can technology help people who have a lost leg or are blind or deaf?
- By inventing devices that could help them overcome their difficulty.
23- How do you think technology will improve for these people in the future?
- It will help them live a better life by providing them with substitutive devices.
24- Do you admire Helen Killer’s character? Say why or why not.
- Sure I admire her very much. Although she was blind and deaf, she graduated from the university
and could write many books. She taught me that nothing is impossible.
25- What lesson do you learn from reading about Helen Killer?
- I learn from reading about Helen Killer that nothing is impossible and life has no ends.
Another incredible person
In 2016, Markus Rehm jumped 8.40 metres at an athletics long-jump competition in Doha,
Qatar. In 2012, Greg Rutherford won a gold medal for jumping 8.31 metres at the 2012 London
Olympics. Markus Rehm seems to be a better long-jumper. Amazingly, he only has one leg.
Some people say that his other leg, which is made from a type of metal, helps Markus to jump
further. They say that he should not be able to jump with athletes like Greg Rutherford
because of this. Markus, however, wants to be able to win his own Olympic gold medal.
Revision C
1- How can pollution damage our health and our environment?
To move people away from other big cities which are crowded with people.
2- What are scientists doing to help the problem of car pollution?
New cities will be new in every aspects, houses, schools, hospitals…etc. Even life will be new.
3- What can you do to help the environment?
Yes, I’d like to live in a new city. There I can start a new life with new people.
4- Why is Mexico city one of the most polluted cities in the world?
Because there mountains all round the city and there isn't much wind.
5- Why have the Mexicans planted trees along the roads?
To produce pollution as trees produce Oxygen and help to keep the air clean.
6- Why are the new traffic rules in Mexico not successful?
Because poor people did not go to work on days when they could not drive their cars and rich
people bought another car with a different colour.
7- How can we reduce the number of cars in big cities?
By using Public transport and making drivers pay to drive into the city centre.
8- What is prejudice?
It is judging people before we have enough information to judge them correctly.

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9- How can we judge people?
We should never judge people by their appearances but by their behaviours and actions. We
should give them time to show their real character.
10- Why should not we judge people by their appearances? Because the person we have
judged is not what we first thought. We should give them time to show their real character

Compliments ‫ اإلطراء‬/ ‫المجاملة‬

- I must say it’s great that…………. ‫يجب أن أقول أنه لشيء عظيم أن‬.....................
- I’d like to compliment you on……… ‫ أود ان ُأثنــــي علي‬...............
- You’ve done very well. ‫لقد أبليت بالءا حسنا‬....................
- That’s excellent. ‫انه ألمر ممتاز‬...........................
- You’ve always been good at……… ‫لقد كنت دائما ما تجيد‬.......................
* Replies:
- I ‘m glad you like it. - You’re very kind.
- Thank you. - That’s very kind of you.
- That’s kind of you to say so.
Congratulations ‫التهانى‬
- Congratulations! - I must congratulate you on…………
- Many congratulations. - Well done.
* Replies:
- Thank you, I’m very pleased. - I hope the same to you.
- Thanks, I can’t believe it.

Indefinite and definite articles ‫أدوات النكرة و المعرفة‬

The indefinite articles ( a / an ) ‫أدوات النكرة‬
. ‫ ) قبـل االسـم المفـرد الذي يعـد المبـدوء بصوت سـاكـن‬a ( ‫تستخـدم‬ 
a boy – a girl – a woman – a hand – a lamp - a car - a farm . a university – a uniform.
. ‫ ) قبـل االسـم المفـرد الذي يعـد المبـدوء بصوت متحـرك‬an ( ‫تستخـدم‬ 
an apple – an egg – an inkpot – an orange – an elephant. - an hour – an honest man.
‫ مع التعبيرات الدالة على العدد و الثمن و السرعة‬a / an ‫ تستخدم‬
two pounds a kilo / sixty kilometres an hour
‫ لإلشارة إلى‬a / an ‫ نستخدم‬
‫ شيء ألول مرة‬
- A bird can work in a team.
‫ واحد من مجموعة‬
- He's a player in that football team.
‫ وظيفة شخص‬
- She is a civil engineer.
‫ ) ال تستخدم قبل األسماء الجمع و األسماء إلي ال تعد و األسماء المعنوية‬a – an (‫ الحظ أن‬- ‫هــــــــــــــــام للغاية‬
- Boys are stronger than girls. - Tables are made of wood. - She is full of hope.
The definite article ‫أداة المعرفة‬
.‫ تعد أو ال تعد‬، ‫ مفرد أو جمع‬: ‫ مع كل أنوع األسماء‬the ‫ يمكن أن نستخدم‬
: the ‫ نستخدم‬
‫ عندما نتحدث عن شيء سبق اإلشارة إليه من قيل‬
- A bird was put in a cage with some food. The bird could see the food but couldn't reach it.
‫ لإلشارة إلى شيء هو الوحيد من نوعه أو إذا كنا نقصد الشيء كفكرة عامة‬

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the sun / the moon / the world‫ العالم‬/ the Earth‫ األرض‬/ The country ‫الريف‬/ the countryside ‫ الريف‬/ the
town ‫المدينة‬/ the sea / the sky ‫ السماء‬/ the ground‫ األرض‬/ the Pyramids ‫األهرامات‬/ the Cairo Tower ‫برج‬
- Cairo is the capital of Egypt. - During the war, Golding was a sailor in the British navy.
.The man who lost his money was very sad ‫ قبل االسم الذي تتبعه عبارة بها ضمير وصل‬- 
‫ لإلشارة إلى اختراع أو نوع من حيوان ما بشرط أن يكون مفردا‬-
- The computer says the lion is a member of the cat family.
) the ( ‫ أما اذا كان االختراع او نوع الحيوان جمع فال يسبق بــ‬-
- Elephants live more than lions. - Computers store a lot of information.
‫ مع أسماء البحار و المحيطات و األنهار و السالسل الجبلية و مجموعات الجزر و البحيرات و الصحارى‬
- the Pacific Ocean ‫المحيط الهادي‬ - the Atlantic Ocean ‫المحيط األطلنطي‬
- the Mediterranean Sea ‫البحر المتوسط‬ - the Nile ‫نهر النيل‬
- the Himalayas ‫جبال الهمااليا‬ - the Alps ‫جبال األلب‬
- the Sahara ‫الصحراء الكبرى‬ - the Bahamas ‫جزر البهـاما‬
- the Great Lakes ‫البحيرات العظمي‬ - the Andes ‫جبال االنديز‬
)‫ مع أسماء بعض الدول (عادة الدول المركبة‬
The United Arab Emirates ‫ اإلمارات المتحدة‬- the united kingdom ‫ المملكة المتحدة‬the United States of
America ‫ الواليات المتحدة األمريكية‬- the Sudan ‫السودان‬ The European Union ‫االتحاد األوروبي‬
)‫ مع وسائل الترفيه (السينما و المسرح و الراديو و االنترنت‬
- We went to the theatre last night. - I found the information on the internet.
)the( ‫) في سيــــــــــــاق المشاهـــــــــــــدة فال تأخذ‬television( ‫ عند استخدام كلمة‬-
- We often watch football matches on television.
‫قبل بعض الصفات لتحويلها إلى أسماء جمــع تدل علي كل من يحمل هذة الصفــــــــــــــــة‬
the poor ‫الفقراء‬ the rich ‫األغنياء‬ the young ‫الصغار‬
the old ‫كبار السن‬ the dead ‫الموتى‬ the living ‫األحياء‬
‫ قبل صفات التفضيل و العبارات الدالة على المقارنة‬
-Ali is the tallest boy in class. Dalia is the most intelligent girl in class.
-The more you practise, the better you get.
-If you work hard , you will get high marks. (The)
-The harder you work, the higher marks you will get.
play / practice ‫ قبل أسماء األدوات الموسيقية إذا جاءت مع أفعال مثل‬
the piano ‫ – البيانو‬the guitar ‫الجيتار‬ the lute ‫العود‬ – the violin ‫الكمان‬
)the( ‫ أما عند الحديث عنها علي أنها آالت أو أجهزة فال تأخذ‬-
- I want to buy a piano.–She found an old guitar in her grandfather’s house.
The English – The British – The French :‫ مع بعض الكلمات الدالة علي الجنسية‬-
- The Japanese / the Chinese/ the Sudanese…….. etc.
:‫ قبل أسماء الصحف و الكتب المقدسة‬-
The Times‫صحيفة التايمز‬ The Koran / The Bible
‫ عندما يكون االسم الذي تستخدم قبله واضحا للقارئ أو السامع‬-
- Your mum comes to your bedroom and tells you:
- Make the bed and open the window. (You know which bed and window your mum is talking about)
Go to sea / be at sea = go / be on a voyage -)the ‫(بدون‬ ‫ يذهب في رحلة بحرية‬-‫الحـــــــــــــظ‬
‫) عند اإلشارة إلي البحر كمكان‬the( ‫ لكن الحظ أننا نستخدم‬-
- I'd like to live by the sea.
No Article :‫ال نستخدم أداة‬
.‫ مع األسماء الجمع عندما نعبر عن أفكار عامــــــــة مثل الناس و الطعام والوظائف والنباتات‬
- Women usually live longer than men. - Beans are good for you.
- Scientists have to study hard. - Trees don’t grow without water.
’the‘ ‫ولكن عندما نحدد أى ناس أو أشياء فإننا تستخدم‬
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 72
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- The people in my street are friendly.
‫ مع األسماءالتي ال تعد عندما تستخدم بمعنى عــــــــام مثل الطعام و الشراب و المواد الخام‬
Meat-water – oil - If you're thirsty, drink water.
‫ مع أسماء القارات و المدن الكبيرة و الصغيرة و معظم الدول و أسماء األعالم و أسماء البحيرات المفردة و الجبال المفردة مثل‬
Africa – India – London – Yusef- Lake Naser – Everest
- Luxor / London / Egypt / Turkey
Running is good exercise.- Football is a popular - ‫ مع األنشطة و األلعاب الرياضية‬
)‫ مع األسماء المجردة أي المعنوية (عندما تستخدم بمعنى عــــــــــــــــــــــام‬
democracy ‫ الديمقراطية‬- beauty ‫ الجمال‬love - truth ‫الحقيقة‬- happiness ‫ – السعادة‬sadness ‫الحزن‬
- We had fun on holiday.- Work can be tiring.
‫ مع المواد الدراسية و اللغات‬
- I love history.- My father can speak French as well as Arabic.
the(( ‫) ) نستخدم‬language ‫الحظ أنه إذا جاءت بعد اسم اللغة كلمة‬-
The English language / the French language
breakfast – lunch – dinner – supper ‫ قبل أسماء الوجبات‬-
- I usually have breakfast at 7 o’clock?
) ‫مع أسماء الوجبات في حالة التحديد ( التخصيص‬the ‫يمكن أن نستخدم‬
- Will you go to the dinner we are having at the restaurant tomorrow?
.go - return - come - arrive ‫ خاصة مع أفعال الحركة‬home - work - bed‫ قبل كلمة‬-
-He returned home late last night. - When did you arrive at work? - When do you go to bed?
‫ و نستخدم‬، ‫ عندما تستخدم في الغرض الذي بنيت من أجله‬school - prison - hospital - church - mosque ‫ قبل‬-
.‫ إذا تم الذهاب إلى هذه األماكن للزيارة‬the
-He went to prison. = He is a prisoner, a soldier or an officer.
-He went to the prison. = He went there to visit someone.
) ‫) قبل أسماء المواد ( الخامات‬the( ‫ ال تستخدم‬-
- wood / wool / metal / milk / iron / plastic / meat……etc.
‫) قبل فصول السنة و أسماء الشهور و أيام األسبوع‬the( ‫ ال نستخدم‬-
- Monday / Friday / January / April/ summer……..etc.
‫ ) قبل األلقاب المتبوعة باسم شخص و قبل أسماء األعياد‬the( ‫ الحظ عدم استخدام‬-
- King Ramses built a lot of temples.- President Sadat was a great politician.
- I do not go out at Christmas.
UNIT 9 Amazing people ( Workbook )
Complete the sentences with these words.
achieved career difficulty incredible inspired kung fu physiotherapy
a Some old people have ………………… with seeing in the dark.
b Hassan's broken leg is nearly better, but now he
needs to have ……………………
c My grandmother has ………………so much in her life. She was a doctor and had four
d Nabila felt ……………..to learn a new language after watching a TV programme about a
woman who can speak eight languages!
e Mr Taha spent most of his …………………….as a teacher.
f You must read this book. The story is ……………………
g I saw an interesting Chinese film about some ………..………… fighters.
Match to make compound nouns. Which is two words?
a wheel 1 mistress
b pass 2 fumes
c under 3 word
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 73
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d head 4 ground
e exhaust 5 chair
Complete these sentences from the listening text with the correct prepositions.
at for in of off to
a We look ………… men and women who have achieved things ………………. their lives
despite great difficulties.
b Ths was very difficult …………… him because before the accident, he had been a
champion………………… kung fu.
c Suddenly, it fell ………. the 6th of October Bridge and crashed ………….. the ground
d After many hours ……… practice and a lot of hard work, Mahmoud became very good at it.
Answer these questions for yourself.
a What have you achieved in your life?...................................................................................
b What can be difficult for you? ……………………………………………………………………
c What do you need many hours of practice to be good at/ Think of three things
d What are you very good at?.................................................................................................
1 Complete the sentences with the articles a, an or the.
a His cousin is …………….. journalist. He works for ……………….. ne spaper n Cairo.
b I think this is ………... best museum in Alexandria . Is there ……….. museum in your town?
c She wants to have ………….….. holiday next to …….…….. sea.
d He had ……..…….. dream last night. In ………..….. dream, he was ten metres tall!
e Adel is …………….. space scientist. At the moment, he is studying …….…….. moon.
f …………... engineer has …….…….. interesting job.
2 Find and correct the mistakes in these sentences.
Some people say that a best Olympic stadium ever built is the Beijing Olympic Stadium. The
architects built it with the help of the artist called Ai Weiwei, who designed the stadium to look
like the bird's nest. An unusual design is a symbol of China 's art and culture.
A 60-metre-high building opened in 2008 and is now a very popular place for tourists to visit
from all over a world.
Complete the sentences with the correct article.
When ……..… person has broken ……..… leg, it can take ……..… few months before ……..
… leg is better again. However……..… person will probably need physiotherapy to
make……..… leg strong again. ……..… best way for ……..… person to get better is to do
exercises two or three times ……..… day. The person can have this
physiotherapy in ……..… good hospital.
Match the words and expressions with the same meaning.
a award 1 more than a few
b graduate 2 all over
c several 3 pass your exams at university
d throughout 4 a teacher of one person or a small group of people
e tutor 5 prize
Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1.
a Hamid won an ……………. for helping out with a lot of different charities.
b You will find people who speak English ……………. the world.
c ……………… students got all their answers right in the test.
d Amal's sister will ……………… in medicine this year
e Mona wants to learn Chinese, so her parents have found her a Chinese………………
Rewrite the following sentences with the words think or seem so that they have the
same meaning.
a I think Omar has got all the answers right.
b I think there is some sand in my bag.

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c It seems your cousin always smiles !
d I think it's cold outside because people are wearing coats.
e I don't know, but it seems this is the answer.
1 Choose the best expressions to reply to these situations.
a I've just passed my exams!
A Thank you. B (Congratulations!)
b Our football team won 8-0.
A That's excellent. B I'm glad you like it.
c I must congratulate you on getting into the university.
A Congratulations. B Thank you
d I love this poem that you wrote.
A I'm glad you like it. B You've always been very good.
e I'd like to compliment you on your drawing.
A That's very kind of you. B Well done!
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations.
a Your older cousin says he / she is getting married this year.
b A friend shows you a photograph he/she took on holiday. It is very good.
c A friend of your family's has got a very good job in Cairo.
d Your eacher says your English is now very good .
e A young cousin bakes you some cakes. They are very nice.
Revision c
Finish the following dialogue:
Walid I passed the English exam with 100 percent'
Ka rim …………………………………………………………………..
Walid ……………………………………………………………………?
Karim Yes, I drew it.
Walid I can't draw, but I can take good photographs.
Karim Yes, you can. …………………………………………………
Walid They are having a photography competition in the library next week. I have two
photographs that I think are quite good………………………..……?
Karim You should join the competition of course'
Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
a You want to congratulate your sister because she has passed her driving test.
b A friend shows you an article they wrote . Compliment him.
c You are going to have lunch with your young brother. He has been playing outside. Advise
d Your uncle is going on holiday in Britain. You want to remind him that they drive on the left.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord:
1 Flu is a……………….. that many people can catch .
a drought b disease c donation d disaster
2 Do not leave your food on the table or it will …………….. flies.
a attract b starve c take d hit
3 They have …………… the animal that ran from the zoo in a park.
a infected b depended c freed d captured
4 Who is the ……………………of that new blue car!
a patron b owner c author d researcher
5 The hotel ……………….. the Nile.
a opens b looks c overlooks d sees
6 There are ………………. post offices in the centre of the city.
a several b soft c obvious d wild
7 You ………………… touch that pan. It is very hot

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a should b must c mustn't d must not to
8 Ali is very tall. He………………….. play basketball.
a should b would c shouldn't d can't
9 We wouldn't have gone to the beach if we………. it was so windy
a knew b would know c had known d know
10 I would never ………………… Chinese food if we hadn't visited that restaurant.
a try b have tried c trying d tried
11 You must never look at …………………. sun.
aa b the c an d (no article)
12 Ahmed's father is……………….. teacher.
aa b the c an d (no article)
4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same
1 What do you advise me to do? (should)
2 Hana went to the doctor, as she wasn't feeling well. (If)
3 Omar read an interesting story. (The)
4 If Ali had been busy, he wouldn't have gone to the club. (because)
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1 It you want to avoid infectious, you must always wash your hands.
2 Mahmoud Youssef couldn't walk, so he used a swing.
3 Helen Keller was borne in a rural area.
4 Invitations, you just passed your exams.
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Hi Magda,
Thank you for your email and I'm looking forward to you visiting me here in the hospital. Your
mother says that you have never been to a hospital' When you arrive, you must wash your
hands before you come in. You should go to room 4 and ask to see me.
I am not bored here. Yesterday we watched a play. The actors performed for all the children
in the hospital. If you had visited me yesterday, you would have seen it It was very good!
The doctors think that my leg is nearly better. They will make a decision tomorrow about
when I can go home. I must use a wheelchair for a few weeks and I will also need
physiotherapy, but then I will be better'
1 Why do you think Magda must wash her hands before she visits Nahla?
2 Why wasn't Nahla bored yesterday?
3 What did the actors do?
4 What would Madga have seen if she had visited yesterday?
5 When will Nahla know when she can go home?
a tomorrow b in a few days
c in a few weeks d in one or two months
6 What will help Nahla to be stronger after she leaves the hospital7
a a wheelchair b her friends
c physiotherapy d some actors
7 Answer only FOUR of the following questions:
1 What did King Lear decide to do when he was old?
2 What would have happened if King Lear had known how much Cordelia loved him?
3 What lesson do you learn from reading about Helen Keller??
4 In your opinion, how is cleanliness the key to a healthy life?
5 People express their feelings in different ways. (Give two examples.)
6 In your opinion, what qualities does any person need to achieve his or her ambitions in life?
8 Answer only FOUR of the following questions:

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a What happened to Oliver when he was going to the bookshop?
b What did Mr Bumble tell Mr Brownlow?
c Why did Mr Sikes and Toby Crackit want Oliver to help them?
d Do you think Fagin is a good or bad person? Give a reason.
e Why were Mrs Maylie and Rose surprised when they saw the thief?
9 Write a paragraph of ninety words about only ONE (1) of the following:
a an amazing person that you know
b the importance of cleanliness
10 a Translate into Arabic:
1 People who can't see or hear should learn to depend on themselves.
2 Sanitation is very important for leading a healthy life.
b Translate into English:
‫ال يستطيع الكثير من الناس التعبير عن مشاعرهم بسهولة‬-

Translate English into Arabic and Arabic into English :-

1- Because Egypt suffers from an in creasing population we need to reclaim more land for
agriculture . water from lake Nasser will come to the Toshka valley .
. ‫ – أصبح العالم اآلن يقدرون قيمة العلماء المصريين‬2 . ‫ – أن الدكتور مجدي يعقوب من أشهر جراحي القلب في العالم‬1
2- In our everyday life , we meet different kinds of people . they take every chance to show
their kind feelings towards us .
. ‫ – أظن أن تعلم اللغة اإلنجليزية و الكمبيوتر موضوع حيوي هذه األيام‬2 . ‫ – من الضروري تناول الخضراوات و الفواكه الطازجة‬1
3 – Many people say that they are too busy to go swimming or to play football . but they
have to do special exercises to be fit .
. ‫ – أن الصحارى مساحات واسعة من األرضي الجافة‬2 . ‫ – تستخدم المياه الجوفية في ري الصحراء‬1
4- Thanks to modern inventions , life has become easy and comfort able . one can go from
one place to another place , by train or by plane .
. ‫ – بدأت بعض الدول اإلفريقية تهتم بتعلم اللغة العربية بمدارسها‬2 . ‫ – اشتريت الكتاب بعشرة جنيهات‬1
5- Every year millions of people start learning a foreign language . some people try at he me with
books and records .
. ‫ – أن لصديقي ذاكرة قوية‬2 . ‫ – كم تبعد محطة األتوبيس عن منزلك‬1

Soha : Let's do this quiz about famous people, shall we?

Leila : Good idea .
Soha : Ok, Leila, the first person is Nabawya Musa ,Why was she famous?
Leila : Because she was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school .
Soha: That's right. And, what did she do when she was older
Leila :She helped other women to succeed in education and work Did she write books?
Soha: Yes, she wrote a very famous book in 1908. It was about girls' Education. she also
became the headmistress of Al- Mohammadia School for Girls.
Leila : So she was a really important person .
Soha: Yes, she was. Now another question, this one is about a famous man. He 's called Dr
Mustafa EI Sayed. Do you know what he's famous for?
Lelia: Is he a scientist?
Soha: Yes, he is. He's one of the most famous scientists in the world.
Leila: I've seen him talking about science on television .
Soha: Yes, he sometimes speaks on radio and television programmes about science and he
often writes in science magazines.
Leila: Really?
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Soha: Yes. And do you know what his son does?
Leila: No. I don't.
Soha: Well, he 's an important surgeon and he wants to use his father 's work to help people.
Leila: How does he do that?
Soha:Dr Mustafa El-Sayed studies fhe smallest parts of things. Surgeons don't usually see
such small things, so his work can be very useful in medicine.
 Thank you Dr Farouk El-Baz Reading
It only rains every 20–50 years in the western Desert. However, two million years ago, very
heavy rain fell there and a huge quantity of water collected under the desert sand. Today we
need this water and the person we have to thank for finding it is one of Egypt's most famous
men Dr Farouk El-Baz
Remote sensing
Dr El – Baz, who is a space scientist and a geologist, is the Director of Remote Sensing at
BostonUniversity in the USA. He is the world's greatest expert in remote sensing: the use of
satellites to find water under deserts. Underground water was found in the western Desert
.and in Sinai thanks to photographs which he took from satellites
Space projects
From 1967 to 1973, Dr El-Baz worked on the American Apollo space project, which landed
men on the moon. He gave advice on where the astronauts should land, and told them how
.to collect rocks and soil on the moon
.Dr El-Baz was born in Zagazig in 1938 and was educated at Ain shams university

Have you heard of Charles Dickens? After Shakespeare, he is probably the most famous
writer in the English language. He is best known for his novels about life in nineteenth –
century Britain . Dickens was born in 1812 into a good family in the south of England when
he was still a young boy, his father went to prison because he had got into debt. Charles
went to London to earn money for the family. At the age of twelve, he was working for ten
hours a day in a London factory. He saw how hard life was for poor, and many of the ideas
for the stories of his novels and the characters in them came from this time. After he left the
factory, Dickens went to work as an office clerk, but he did not enjoy this. In 1834 he started
work as a newspaper journalist. While he was working for the newspaper; he was also
writing magazine stories about life in London. Instead of using his real name, he called
himself Boz for these stories. He want on to write Oliver twist in 1838 and Nicholas Nickleby
in 1839 David Copperfield followed in 1850, a Talc of two cities in 1859, and great
Expectations in 1861
In Oliver twist, Dickens shows the dark side of life in nineteenth- century London. He
describes the live of child workers and life in the workhouse , where very poor people were
sent to live and work .Dickens died in 1870. When he died, Dickens was 58 years.
England and its people at the time of Dickens :
In the nineteenth century when Dickens was writing, England was a rich country, but there
were many poor people. At this time, cities like London and Manchester grew very quickly.
Large numbers of people came to the cities to look for work because they had lost their jobs

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in the country. Men, women and children worked very long hours in factories to earn enough
money to live. There were not enough houses or flats for everybody, so many families
shared rooms in crowded buildings. Thousands of children, whose parents died, lived in the
streets of big cities. Many people died when they were young because they were ill or didn’t
have food
 The Cricket on the Hearth Reading
A cricket is a kind of jumping insect which makes a loud noise. In this book, a family has a
cricket living on the hearth in their house. In the past, people thought that if you saw a cricket,
good things would happen to you, so the family in the story is happy to have it in their home

Caleb Plummer and his blind daughter Bertha lived together in a little house. They made
toys and their house belonged to the businessman who they worked for, Mr. Tackleton.
Caleb and Bertha were very poor, but Caleb looked after Bertha very well.
Bertha had been blind since she was born. Her father wanted her to have a happy life, so he
didn't tell her what their life was really like. Bertha didn't know that the ceilings were cracked
and the plaster was falling off the walls She never knew that everything around her was old
and poor. She didn't realize that her father was a grey-haired old man. She thought that they
lived in a comfortable home; she thought that she had a well-dressed father and that Mr.
Tackleton was a good employer. Because her father was kind, Bertha was always happy.
This changed one day when she heard Mr. Tackleton talking to her father. Mr. Tackleton
was angry and was shouting at her father. Bertha was sad and didn't talk to her father all
Her father realized that she had heard the argument. “I have always tried to be good to you,
but I have failed," he said.
Bertha didn't understand her father's words. “Bertha, I wanted you to be happy, so since the
day that you were born I have hidden the truth from you. I have changed things, invented
things and told you stories that were not the truth."
“I have been really blind,” replied Bertha. “I had never realized until today how kind and
loving you have been."
Caleb looked at his daughter. He was very surprised by her words. Finally, she said, " I have
always been happy, but now I will be even happier."

Ali : What's your memory like , Ibrahim?

Ibrahim : I've got a very good memory for some things, for example . I'm good at
remembering names. This is very useful for me as I'm a teacher and I often need
toremember student's Names. So, if had 40 students in a new class tomorrow .I'd Know all
their names by the end of my second lesson with them.
Ali :That's very clever ! How do you do that?
Ibrahim : It's quite easy. I ask each student to say their name while I look At them. I repeat
the name, then I close my eyes and say the name three times to myself. After this I go round
the class. And say all the names aloud the students are very surprised if I get
their names right . what about you , Ali?
Ali : Well, I have a photographic memory for numbers. So, if I looked At a list of
people's telephone numbers. I could repeat them to you a few minutes later.
Mr B. M. Ghreeb 79
First Year Hello English First Term
Ibrahim : That must be very useful . How do you do that?
Ali : I don't know . I've always found it very easy.
Ibrahim : Can I test you ?
Ali : All right if you show me a list of ten names and phone numbers I'll look at them
and immediately say them back to you.
Ibrahim : Ok……….
Ali : thanks. Now hide the numbers and read out the name on the list.
Ibrahim : Ok, Azza.
Ali : Azza's number is 0856 ….
Ibrahim : and, finally . Nadia.
Ali : I know that number, too her number is 07529643861. Am I right?
Ibrahim : The human brain is really incredible, isn't ?
 You have 100,000,000,000 of these Reading
1- You have something that is more complex than the most powerful computer. With it you
can see and smell flowers, remember holidays, feel pain, hear your favorite singer's voice
and think . this thing . which is in your head and weighs a kilo , is your brain
2- Your brain has about a hundred billion (100,000,000,000) cells . and controls everything
you do. It receives information from your senses, analyses it, then sends messages .for
example, when you put your hand in hot water you think , that hurts and you take your
handout of water Your brine receives the message, "very hot '' from your hand , then
immediately sends a message back to your hand " take your hand out of the water"
3 - Our senses often work together. For example , try this experiment. Cut a piece of apple,
banana and orange. Close your eyes hold your nose, then taste the fruit. Can you taste the
difference between the fruits? Probably not. This is because when you eat something. Your
brain Receives message from your mouth eyes and nose.
4- Your brain also stores past memories and this makes learning and remembering
possible. At the same time, your brain controls your breathing, your heart, your body
temperature and your digestion .

Interviewer : Mike, can you tell us something about yourself?

Champion : Yes, sure.
Interviewer : Where are you from?
Champion : Well, I was born in Texas and lived there until I was 17. Now I live in New York.
Interviewer : And do you work there?
Champion : Yes, I do, but I also work in many other places.
Interviewer : And is it true that you earn all your money from your memory?
Champion : Yes, that's right. I do shows all over America and in other parts ofthe world.
Interviewer : So, what do you do in your shows?
Champion : Well, I answer people's questions. But before I begin, I introduce myself to
everyone who conies to the show. They tell their names and where they're from.
Interviewer : How many people come to your shows?
Champion : Oh, five or six hundred - sometimes more. Last night there were more than a
thousand people.

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Interviewer : Really?
Champion : Then / make a promise, I tell people that if they ask me a question and tell me their
name, I'll remember their name and use it when I answer their question. If I forget, I'll give the
person 1,00 dollars.
Interviewer : And how much do you have to pay at the end of a show?
Champion : Nothing. I've never had to give any money. At a show two weeks ago, I forgot
someone's name for a few seconds, but then Iremembered it.
Interviewer : Mike Champion, thank you very much for talking to me.
 My best friend Reading
Hi Pat,
I'd like to tell you about my best friend Ibrahim. We're the same age and I've known him all my
life. We always played together when we were children. Our families are good friends and
sometimes we all go on holiday together. Ibrahim and I go to the same school and we both
want to go to university and become teachers. We like doing the same things. For example,
we both enjoy athletics. But we're not good at the same school subjects. Ibrahim's good at
science and maths and I'm better at English. This means I can help Ibrahim with English and
he can help me with maths.
Our characters are not the same. Ibrahim's a calm, relaxed person, but I'm the opposite. I get
excited very easily and worry about everything. Ibrahim and I don't always agree with each
other: maybe that's why we are friends. I hope Ibrahim and I will always be best friends.
Maybe we will become parents and grandparents one day and our children and grandchildren
will be best friends, too.
Best wishes,
Today's street children
Homeless children like Oliver Twist, who lived on the streets of English towns and cities in the
time of Charles Dickens, were a real problem for society. This problem is still with us. Experts
think that there are now more than 100 million homeless children on the streets in the world
today. This is not only a problem in poor countries. There are also street children in rich
There are many different reasons why children live and grow up on the streets. One of the
most common reasons is poverty. Some very poor families who do not have enough money to
feed their children send them away to make a new life for themselves. Some children leave
unhappy homes to live with other children. Other reasons include war and disasters like
earthquakes, in which a child's parents are killed and children are left to look after themselves.
City streets can be violent, dangerous places and some children become thieves in order to
live. But many street children work hard to build a home for themselves, to make friends and
to earn money.
The problem of homeless street children will not disappear unless we do something about it.
Some homeless children have done well and even become successfUl in business, but
society needs to protect and look afte~ homeless children to help them have a better future.

 The national census Reading

Mr B. M. Ghreeb 81
First Year Hello English First Term
In 1800, two percent of the world's population lived in cities. Today, it is over 50 percent and
by 2030, it may increase to 60 percent. Across the world, about 180,000 people move to
cities every day. It is not easy for governments to know the country's population or how many
people are living in each part of large cities. For that reason, many countries carry out a
census to get correct information. This is a questionnaire in which all the people of a country
are asked questions about their lives.
The ancient Egyptians- started doing a census in around 2500 BCE, to find out how many
workers were available to build the Pyramids and how much land farmers could use along
the Nile. In Egypt today, the Central Agency for Population Mobilisation and Statistics
(CAPMAS) do a national census every ten years. The first modern census was in 1882 and
there have been 13 more since then.
Thousands of researchers visit people's houses across Egypt and ask people to complete a
form. The form asks for information about members of the family in the house, their
nationality, religion, education, work and health.
It also asks for information about the house: the number of rooms, if it has electricity or gas,
where the water comes from, etc. It is very important for people to complete these forms so
that the government knows how comfortably people are living and can help to solve any
The information from the census helps the government to plan how many hospitals and
roads they will need to build and where to build them. It also helps them to improve schools
or build new schools if needed. This will help us all to lead better and healthier lives in the


 The Gardener Reading

The gardener does not love to talk.

He makes me keep the gravel walk;
And when he puts his tools away,
He locks the door and takes the key.

Away behind the currant row,

Where no one else but cook may go,
Far in the plots, I see him dig,
Old and serious, brown and big.

He digs the flowers, green, red, and blue,

Nor wishes to be spoken to.
He digs the flowers and cuts the hay,
And never seems to want to play.

Silly gardener! Summer goes,

And winter comes with pinching toes,
When in the garden bare and brown,
You must lay your barrow down.

Well now, and while the summer stays,

Mr B. M. Ghreeb 82
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To profit by these garden days,
Oh how much wiser you would be,
To play at Indian wars with me!

Narrator (1)
Abd EL-Aziz: Next month I'm going to buy a new car - a really modern one with a computer
that controls the engine and reports any problems. It will also have a satellite navigation
system which will show the quickest route and tell me about any traffic jams.
Narrator (2)
Leila : Hi, it's me. We've just had some fantastic news. My sister is going to have a baby. All
the family's really excited about it. She and her husband already have a daughter, so they
hope it will be a boy.
Narrator (3)
Fahmy: The school inspector is coming on Thursday. He's arriving at ten o'clock. So your
student must all bring in their books. I 'll give the inspector some tea in my office, then we'll
visit the classrooms
Narrator: (4)
MrsZakariya: Don't forget that Lucy and Paul are coming this evening. I expect they'll stay
for dinner .Oh! that's them – I'll gel it
Narrator: (5)
Mrs El-Shazli: Look at the sky. It's really dark I think It's going to rain. Take your umbrella
with you or you'll get wet
 Cars without oil Reading
1 - Air pollutionis a big problem for people and the environment. If you sit in a traffic jam in
Cairo, your lungs will fill with the exhaust fumes from cars buses.and lorries. Air which is
polluted by exhaust fumes can damage your health as well as the environment.
2 - Scientists are working on the problem of exhaust pollution. Now, all cars burn petrol more
efficiently than in the past. Scientists have also designed engines which use natural gas, and
many buses in Cairo and other cities use these engines.
3 - Engineers also designed electric cars that use batteries. The batteries in early electric
cars could not store as much fuel as petrol vehicles. This meant that they could not travel as
far or as fast as petrol cars. Now, however, engineers have designed cars which use, both
electricity and petrol. When the battery is empty, the petrol engine takes over, and when the
car uses petrol, this recharges the battery. These cars can go further using the same amount
of Petrol as ordinary cars. This car uses electricity and petrol.
4- Scientists have also discovered that cars can run on vegetable oil, which means that
farmers will be able to "grow" fuel in their fields. And now engineers areworking on a new
type of car battery which makes energy out of hydrogen and oxygen. Experts believe that we
may be able to buy cars using these batteriesin the next ten years.

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5-We know that at some time in the future, there will be no oil in the world, so we need to find
a replacement for petrol as soon as possible.

 New Cities Reading

Egypt has the world's la rgest programme of city building. Between 1989 and 2009,the
country built 20 new cities and is now planning to build 45 more. Some of these cities are
popular with companies who want to open new offices near Cairo and want their workers to
live in comfortable conditions near to their place of work An example is Sadat City, a large
industrial city between Cairo and Alexandria. The government built these new cities because
the population of Cairo had become too large.

Until 1960, Rio de Janeiro had always been Brazil's capital. In 1960, a completely new
city in the middle of the country became the capital. Called Brasilia, the city now has a
population of about three million and is the home of the country's government. Many people
from all over the country helped to build Brasilia. When the city was finished, these workers
did not want to go home, so new villages were built near to the city where they could live.

Saudi Arabia also has a new city building programme and is going to build six new cities in
the next few years. The most important of these will be King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC).
It is on the Red Sea 100 km north of Jeddah and will be the country's most important port.
They started building KAEC in 2006. They hope to finish it in 2025. When it is complete, the
city will cover 388 square kilometres, be home to two million people and provide one million
 Fighting world hunger Reading
Oliver worked hard at the workhouse with these boys and quickly realised that his life was not
going to become any easier. His bed was very uncomfortable and the food was never
enough. All they ate was a thin soup . The boys he worked with were always hungry. After a
few months, they ose to starving that they made a plan . They decided they must have more
food, and they chose Oliver to ask for it
Hunger was common among poor people everywhere in Charles Dickens's time, and it is still
a big problem in many parts of the world. Charity workers think that there are about 925
million hungry people in the world today.
One charity, The World Food Programme, helps to feed more than 90 million malnourished
people in 70 different countries every year. Scientists say that there is enough food for
everyone in the world and that nobody needs to suffer from hunger. So why are there so
many hungry people? One reason is that there are poor harvests after a drought. Most crops
do not grow when there is not enough water. This means that the price of ordinary food, like
rice or bread, goes up in poorer countries. War or regional conflicts can also lead to food
So how are charities helping people? The World Food Programme has 30 ships, 70 planes
and 5,000 lorries which take food and other help to the areas that need it most. In recent
years, this charity, which depends on donations, has worked in East Africa, Pakistan,
Afghanistan and Sudan.
Charities do everything they can to help and scientists are growing new crops using genetic
engineering to produce more food. Still, hunger will continue to be a problem for many years.

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First Year Hello English First Term

Presenter: Today's programme is on a subject that is worrying many people: bird flu. We
have an expert on bird flu in the studio today, so let's have our first question.
Caller 1: Hello! my question is, can humans catch bird flu?
Expert: Hello! The short answer to your question is "Yes". In fact, by 2007,more than 300
people had caught the disease. But only about half of these people died. But you shouldn't
worry - it is very unusual for humans to catch this kind of flu. They have to be very near
infected birds. It is extremely unusual for humans to catch bird flu from other humans.
Presenter: And now caller two. can we have your question?
Caller 2: Good morning. I 'd like to know where the recent outbreak of bird flu began.
Expert: Experts believe it started in 2003 in Asia. 100 million birds were killed to try to stop
the disease, but by 2005 to 2006, there were new outbreaks in Africa, the Middle East and
Caller 2: And what's happening now? Has the disease disappeared?
Expert: No, I'm afraid not. It's still with us, but we believe it's under control.
Presenter: Can we have our third question, please?
Caller 3: Hi. Can you tell me what kind of bird can catch bird flu?
Expert: That's very easy: all kinds of wild birds as well as farm birds like chickens. But other
animals, like cats, can also catch it.
Presenter: We just have time for one more question. This is our last caller for today.
Caller4: Hello. What should people do to protect themselves?
Expert: Well most people who catch bird flu live very near to birds which have The disease.
If you have touched an infected bird, you must wash very well. If you think you may have the
disease, you must see your doctor.
 How to avoid illness Reading
Cleanliness is extremely important in protecting us from infections. Hygiene (your own
cleanliness) and sanitation (public cleanliness) are both important. Many infections of the
stomach pass from one person to another because of bad sanitation and hygiene. If a child
has dirty hands, they will be covered with millions of germs which we cannot see. If that child
gives sweets to another child, some of those germs will be passed to the other child. When
this child eats the sweet, he or she will eat some of the germs and may become ill. The
child's mother may say that it is because her child ate the sweet, but it is really because her
child ate the other child's germs.
These are some of the rules of hygiene. You should always wash your hands before a meal.
You should bathe more often in hot weather or when you have been running or been to the
gym. You should also be very careful about the food you eat and the water you drink. Make
sure that flies and other insects do not land on your food. Insects eat dirt and there are germs
in dirt. If insects land on your food, they may pass their germs on to you. You must not leave
pieces of food or dirty dishes laying around, because they will attract flies, You can protect
food from flies and germs by covering it. You should always boil tap water before you drink it.
Finally, you must never eat food that smells bad because it may be poisonous. Do not eat
food from a tin if the tin is damaged; the food will probably be bad.

A : let's do this Shakespeare quiz, shall we?

B : OK. what's the first question?
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A : When was Shakespeare born? Was it 1564..1764 or I 964?
B : It was a long time ago. It must be 1564.
A : OK, the second question is this: How old was Shakespeare when he left school? Was it
when he was 10, 12 or 14?
B : I think it was when he was 14.
A : I agree. He wouldn't have been such a good writer if he 'd left school when he was 10 or 12.
B : What's the next question?
A : What was Shakespeare's wife's name? Was it Anne, Mary or Jane?
B : I think it was Mary, but I'm not sure.
A : I think it was Anne. And question four: Which of these is not a play by Shakespeare?
Macbeth, Hamlet and Juliet, or King Lear.
B : Definitely Hamlet and Juliet. It was Romeo and Juliet, wasn't it?
A :Yes, of course. So here's the last question: What was the name of the theatre in London
where people could see Shakespeare's plays? Was it The Globe, The World or The Earth?
B : l have no idea.
A : l think it was The Globe, but I 'm not sure.
Guide : Welcome to Stratford where Shakespeare lived. I'd like to start by telling you something
about Shakespeare life. William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford in the
midlands of England . His father was a gloves maker. William went to school when he was ?
but had to leave at the age of 14 because his family had financial problems When he was 18,
Shakespeare married n farmer's daughter called Anne Hathaway William and Anne had three
children. After that. No one is sure what Shakespeare did but in 1592 lie he left his family and
went To Landon to become an actor Soon he started writing poems and one of his longest
Poem " Venis and Adonis" was so successful that it made him famous. If he hadn't found a
patron at this time. He wouldn't have become a famous writer. By 1594.
Shakespeare was a well known actor and writer who wrote and performed for a theatre group
called the king's Men Shakespeare had started writing plays in 1588 and for the next 17 years.
He wrote two plays a year Many of these were performed at the globe theatre near to the River
Thames in London His five most famous plays are probably Romeo and Juliet written in 1596. A
Midsummer Night's Dream in 1596. Hamlet in 1601.king Lear in 1606 and Macbeth in 1606
Shakespeare dart- owned the globe theatre and He made a lot of money from it He had enough
to buy A very large house in Stratford and he retired here in 1611 Shakespeare died on April 23
 KING LEAR Reading
Lear is the King of Britain. When he is old, he decides to give his country to his three
daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. But before he does this, he asks them to tell him
how much they love him. Two of the daughters, Goneril and Regan, say they love him much
more than they really do. The third daughter, Cordelia, does not say, very . much. She does
not know how to describe her love for her father. Lear is angry with Cordelia, and gives all
his money and land to Goneril and Regan. Cordelia is sent away and goes to live in France
where she' marries the king.
Lear soon discovers that he has made a terrible mistake. It is soon obvious to him
That Cordelia and Regan said that they loved Him only so that they could have his money
And his country. The truth is that they do not Love their father at all. Lear wanders around

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The country with his last two good friends Until they arrive in Dover. In FranceCordelia
hears what has happened To her father. She comes to England with Soldiers to try to save
him and to take his Country back from her two sisters. English Soldiers arrive in Dover and
beat the French. Cordelia and Lear are captured and taken to Prison here, Cordelia tells her
father how much she really loves him.

In today’s programme, we hear about a brave man whose story will inspire many
young people. The brave man’s name is Mahomoud Mohamed Youssef. He likes doing
Kung fu and decided to be a PE teacher. One day, the bus that Mahmoud was travelling on
made an accident. It fell off 6th October Bridge and crashed to the ground. Mahmoud woke
up in hospital. Doctors at the hospital told him that he would never walk again. This was
very difficult for him because before the accident, he had been a champion in Kung fu.
Mahmoud decided to practice another sport using his hands. He decided to be a wheelchair
tennis player. After many hours of hard work, Mahmoud became very good at it. He began
to train until he began competing in wheelchair tennis, ranked as Egypt’s top
second player. He recently participated in tournaments in Holland and Kenya.
 Helen Keller Reading
It is very hard for people who cannot see or hear. It is even more difficult to enjoy a full life if
you are both blind and deaf, but that is what happened to an American woman called Helen
Killer. Incredibly, Helen lived a busy life, wrote many books and travelled to many places
before she died, aged 87, in 1968.
Helen was born in a rural area of the USA. She could never see or hear anything
because of an illness she had when she was a baby. When she was seven, her parents
asked a nurse called Anne Sullivan to help their child. Anne couldn’t see well herself but
was very patient with Helen. She soon understood that this little girl was very intelligent.
Anne used touch to reach her to communicate with her hands. Helen then learnt how to
read using Braille and even learned several things.
When she was 20, Helen went to university and in 1904, she became the first deaf and
blind person to graduate. While she was at university, Helen also wrote the first of her many
books, called The Story of My Life.
Helen later worked for the American Foundation for the Blind, an organization that
helps people who cannot see throughout the world. As part of her work, she travelled to 35
countries. Helen inspired not only blind people, but others, too. Two films were made about
her life and she won many awards for her work.

A few years ago, scientists said that red meat was bad for your heart and that we should eat
more vegetables. Now, they are saying that we should eat meat because it has things in it
which we can't get from vegetables. The problem is that the scientists don't agree with each
other. So it's impossible for us to know what we should or shouldn't eat.

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@ It is very unhealthy to be in the same room as people who smoke. Now, people in
England can't smoke in public buildings. So, there's no smoking in cafés, offices, cinemas or
shops. Public places will be nicer for people who don't smoke.
@ Swimming and running are good for you.
@ Too much sun is bad for you. If you get burnt, it can be dangerous. When it's too hot, you
shouldn't be in the sun for more than about 15 minutes.
 Cars can damage your health Reading
Mexico City is one of the most polluted cities in the world. There are mountains all round the
city and there isn't much wind., so the pollution is not blown away. The people of Mexico
City have tried many things to cut the pollution, but nothing has made a difference. They
have moved factories from the centre of the city to land outside. They have planted trees
along the roads, because trees produce oxygen and help to keep the air clean. There are
new traffic rules so that there are fewer cars on the city's roads. The government put signs
of seven different colours on all Mexican cars. So people with green signs could not drive
their cars in the city on Mondays. People with blue signs could not drive them on Tuesdays,
etc. There was a different colour for every day. Unfortunately this system was not
successful. Poor people did not go to work on days when they could not drive their cars,
and rich people bought another car with a different coloured sign! This increased the traffic
and made the problem worse.
@ London used to have a problem like Mexico City. Now, drivers have to pay to drive into
the centre of London during working hours on weekdays. This has succeeded in cutting the
number of drivers who come into London every day. Many people now use buses and
trains. People who live in the centre do not have to pay and nobody has to pay in the
evenings or at weekends.
What is prejudice
When we hear something about someone, we often form an opinion of that person before
we see them. For example, if we hear that someone is rich or famous, we may think that th
is person will be wearing expensive clothes . The women who went to see Oliver were
surprised ed to see a quiet young boy because they thought that he would look more like a
thief. But thieves and rich people do not always look how you think they will.
In the same way, when we see someone for the first time. we often make up our minds
about the sort of peron they are very quickly. It is , unfortunately, part of human nature to
judge people by their appearance. Often, however, we have to change our minds because
the person we have judged is not what we first thought. For example, we may think that
someone is friendly when we first meet them , but then change our opinion
When that person does something that a friend would not do. Or, on the other hand, we
may think that someone is not very intelligent and then discover that we were wrong when
they do something that is very clever. There are many different ways in which we may judge
another person's character. For example, it may be the clothes that they wear or the way
they speak and behave. In many cases this is simply prejudice: we judge people before we
have enough information to judge them correctly. The next time you meet someone new, try
not to judge them too quickly. Give them time to show their real character.

Mr B. M. Ghreeb 88

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