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The author would like to express his gratitude to Allah SWT who has
given His grace and guidance so that the author can complete the Field Work
Practice Report (PKL) at the Tanjung Karya Workshop.
This report is based on the activities carried out by students while in the
business world/industrial world and the world of work (DUDIKA). This report is
prepared as a student's responsibility while carrying out the PKL and serves as a
reference in the exam which is carried out after the students carry out the PKL.
The implementation of this PKL can run smoothly because of the support and
good cooperation from various parties. On this occasion the author would like to
1. Mr. M.Yusuf, S.Pd as head master of SMK Negeri 1 Bireuen
2. Mr. T.Satria Budi, ST as head of the Mechanical Engineering Skills
3. Mr. Mulyadi as head of Bengkel Karya Tanjung.
4. Mr. Ridha was the guide during the implementation of the PKL
5. Mr. Muhammad Yusuf, ST as the supervising teacher for PKL Reports at
6. All employees of Bengkel Karya Tanjung
7. The entire Board of Teachers for their guidance while the author was
studying at SMK Negeri 1 Bireuen
8. Thank you to my parents who have showered their love and sincere prayers
9. My friends helped me to complete this PKL report
The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings that must be
addressed in preparing this report. Therefore, the author really hopes for
constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this report in the
Finally, the author apologizes for all errors and shortcomings. Hopefully
this PKL report can be useful for all parties.

Bireuen, 06 February 2024


M. Noval


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