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Discover one of the fun new playable Anima races of Moonsoon!

Cappy are a furred, semi-aquatic ancestry
who have a well-deserved reputation as
being among the friendliest and most
outgoing people in all Tooj. Some go so
far as to suggest that they are far t oo
trusting and lack any caution in dealing
with outsiders - a trait that has led to tragedy
more than once.
Despite this, cappy society never loses its
optimistic glimmer for long as steadfast refusal to
judge the many by the few stands as one of the pillars of
their community. Though repeat offenders are given little
leeway before enough is enough and even the cappy are
driven to anger.
They are uniformly vegetarian, highly social and seem
to possess a natural affinity for the simple creatures that
exist alongside them. Cappy populaces are usually gentle
and unassuming communities, rarely committing to
violence in any meaningful way, but are often made up of
farmers, fisherfolk, priests and affable wayfarers offering
aid to wayfarers in need.

Water Lovers
Cappy communities are almost exclusively located
near large bodies of fresh water, in which family groups
spend much of their time each day. Those rare few that are
located elsewhere have large common bathing facilities
Bathing areas are important community locations
that utilize water conjured by magic or simply carried
where cappy villagers meet and make collective decisions
by hand overland. Cappy kept away from
in a relaxed environment. Decisions are by consensus,
their beloved baths for
and the cappy are known for never explicitly arguing – an
too long are prone to
atmosphere that can be either relaxing or infuriating
to a participant, depending on their stake in what is
irritability brought
being discussed.
about by parasites
or skin lesions.
Kin to All
Cappy have an innate empathy for living creatures that
puts beasts as ease around them. Even normally danger-
ous, wild creatures have been known to traipse into and
laze about their villages without any hint of aggression
towards the villagers or other creatures in the vicinity. For
their part, the cappy welcome these visits as minor bless-
ings from the Asura and happily allow these creatures to
come and go as they please.
Cappy can learn to use their natural affinity for animals
to communicate with and to some extent direct animals’
behavior, though they avoid doing so if it will cause the
animals to come to harm. If threatened, a cappy often
calls upon nearby animals to distract and harass their ene-
mies, allowing them to escape or otherwise avoid danger.

Only to Defend
A cappy community’s response to aggression is
consistent with their members’ earnest
and peaceful disposition; they far prefer
flight to fight and usually try to with-
draw rather than cause harm. Though
when circumstance forces the issue, a
cappy takes up arms as readily as any
- but usually only long enough to give
them and their comrades a chance to flee.
Cappy martial artists are even renowned across
Tooj for specializing in techniques that misdirect or delay
foes rather than cause injury.
Harming or even killing another creature is seen as a dire
taboo by many cappy, with those who commit such acts –
even accidentally – often withdrawing from their commu-
nities in penance.
Due to this philosophy, cappy are rarely found adventur-
ing. When they are, it’s usually as healers or sages with
practical views regarding the necessity of their and their
companions’ work, or they were raised outside of cappy
communities. In rare cases, they might even be pariahs
who have turned away from cappy culture at large in the
face of a dire threat.

Cappy Traits
Favored Ability Score. Wisdom and Charisma. Increase
one by 2 and the other by 1.
Age. Cappy mature quickly, reaching adulthood in 10
years. They are also relatively short-lived with a lifespan of
about 60 years.
Alignment. Friendly and outgoing, cappy tend toward
good alignment, and are usually more concerned with
fairness and neutrality when it comes to law versus chaos.
Size. Cappy average about three and a half feet in height
and around 70 pounds in weight. Your size is Small.
Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet and a swim-
ming speed of 15 feet.
Animal Empathy. As an action, you focus on one beast
within 30 feet of you. Through gentle murmurs and calm
movements, you convey simple ideas to the beast and gain
a sense of what the beast most wants in the situation. You
might be able to persuade a beast to perform a small favor
for you, at your GM’s discretion.
Beast Whisperer. As an action, you may utter soothing
words towards a nearby animal. Choose one beast that
can see you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom
saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier. If the creature fails its saving
throw, it is charmed by you for 1 minute or until it takes
damage. While it is charmed by you, it is friendly to you
and your allies.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and one language of your choice.
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