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Assignment no 1

CS 605
Student Id: Bc190403160


Which software development lifecycle model you will use to develop this
application and why it will be useful in this scenario? Justify your answer with solid reasons
(at least 5 points).


Step-by-Step Building: Agile lets us build the app gradually. We start with the basics, like
letting users see products and buy them. Then, we add more features as we go along, making
sure each part works well before moving on. This way, we can show progress to the client
early and keep improving the app as we go.

Easy Changes: With Agile, we can easily adjust to changes. If the client wants something
new or changes their mind about a feature, we can quickly update our plan and keep moving
forward. This flexibility helps us stay on track and deliver what the client wants without

User Happiness: Our goal is to make the app easy and enjoyable for users. Agile allows us to
get feedback from real users throughout the development process. By showing them
prototypes and getting their input, we can make sure the app meets their needs and
preferences, ultimately leading to a better user experience.

Keeping it Safe: Security is a top priority for us. With Agile, we integrate security testing
into each step of the development process. This means we're constantly checking for
vulnerabilities and addressing them early on, reducing the risk of security breaches once the
app is live. By prioritizing security from the start, we can build trust with users and protect
their sensitive information.

Sticking to Deadlines: Even with a tight deadline, Agile helps us stay organized and focused.
We break the project into smaller tasks and prioritize them based on their importance. This
allows us to deliver key features early on and continue working on the rest of the app while
meeting the deadline. Agile also encourages communication and collaboration within the
team, making it easier to identify and address any obstacles that may arise along the way.

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