40 G6 10.09.23 Sum 1

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Q-1, Summative 1 Grade 6 Date:

Name: Total marks: 30

Section A:
It’s an Alien! (10 M)
You are going to read a passage about a boy named Ashley who meets an alien in his
Paragraph 1:
The school holidays had come to an end. Ashley had enjoyed the month-long holiday
but he had spent the last day alone at home playing his computer games. He gazed
outside at the night sky and sighed at the thought of going back to school. Suddenly,
there was a bright spark of vibrant colour. Then, a silver trail streaked downwards. He
thought he saw a shining object falling down onto the field that faced his bedroom. He
squinted into the distance, trying to make out if anything had fallen. Suddenly, a
strange creature popped up outside his window! “It’s an alien!” Ashley thought to
himself in disbelief. Ashley blinked his eyes to make sure he was not seeing things but
the alien continued to hover just outside his window. It was very small, had only one
eye and changed into a different shade of green every second and it was seated in a
bowl-shaped vessel. There was a screen and the vessel was covered with buttons.
“HELLO” the screen read. “I NEED HELP. PLEASE FOLLOW ME.” Ashley opened the
window quietly and climbed out, running after the alien that moved very quickly. They
reached a clump of bushes in the field and behind it was a small spacecraft, quite
similar to those Ashley had seen in the movies. "I-N-E-E-D B-A-T-T-E-R-I-E-S" the
words flashed on the screen. "DO YOU HAVE ANY?" There was a covered box at the
bottom of the spacecraft. Ashley slid the cover open and saw that it looked like eight
large batteries.
Paragraph 2:
"Wait right here!" Ashley said excitedly, hoping that the alien could understand him. He
ran back to his bedroom, a stream of thoughts racing through his mind. Was all this
real? Was it really an alien? Would his batteries work? Luckily, he had bought new
batteries just a few days ago. Fortunately, they were large batteries that he had needed
for his remote-controlled airplane. He grabbed a packet and hurried back to the
spacecraft. He slowly fitted the batteries in and replaced the cover. They fit perfectly!
Ashley and the alien waited for a few moments before a few lights on the craft started
blinking. The engine started whirring soon after. The alien was overjoyed and spelt out
"THANKYOU" in colored lettering on the screen. "COME INSIDE!" continued the alien.
Ashley hesitated for a moment and then excitedly went into the spacecraft as it
prepared for take off. He guesses that it was the alien's way to thank him.
Paragraph 3:
Ashley felt exhausted when he woke up. It was the first day of school and he did not
want to be late. He dressed quickly and ran across the field towards his school. He was
still wondering about the night before. Was it his imagination? Too many computer
games probably,” he thought. Then, he spotted two dark patches on the ground. The
marks were exactly where he had seen the spacecraft land. And there was the battery
packet, now empty. Ashley scratched his head and smiled broadly.
Read the passage above and write the answers in full sentences.
From Paragraph 1
1) How did Ashley spend the last day of his holiday? (1)
2) How did the alien communicate with Ashley? (1)
3) What did the alien want from Ashley? (1)
From Paragraph 2
4) How did the alien reward Ashley for his help? (1)
5) Why do you think Ashley hesitated before going into the spacecraft? (1)
6) If you were Ashley, would you have gone into the spacecraft? Give a reason for your
answer. (2)
From Paragraph 3
7) Find synonyms for the following words from paragraph 3: (0.5X2=1)
tired _______________________
noticed ______________________
8) Write the meaning of the following words: (2)
a) gazed- _______________________________________________________________
b) hover- _______________________________________________________________
Section B:
1. Read the paragraph below and find examples of metaphor, simile,
onomatopoeia, personification and alliteration. (1X7=7)
Jody woke from her sleep to a faint crackling sound outside her bedroom. Narrowing
her eyes on the door, she noticed smoke billowing in from the edges. As a panic
response, she opened it to see a bright burning blaze wrapping its arms around the
hallway leading to her room. Jody let out a screech, hoping her parents could hear her.
Streams of water fell down her cheeks as the hear drew closer and closer. Though she
was unable to see from the smoke in the room, she heard a crash from the window. A
fireman, her savior, scooped her up in his arms and brought her down the ladder to
2. Context Clues (1X3=3)
Description: Sometimes we do not need to look up the words we don't know. The first
thing to do should be to look at the words around the difficult words and try to guess
the meaning of the word.
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word from the sentence.
1) After the heavy rains, the stream became murky; in fact, the water was so murky,
you couldn't see the bottom.

A) cloudy B) bottomless C) clear

2) The debris on the stadium floor included numerous paper cups, torn ticket, and
cigarette butts.

A) products B) papers C) trash

3) Although Alex usually looks unkempt, he had a very neat appearance at his job

A) orderly B) handsome C) messy

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