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Chapter 27: Leaving Japan D. 1.

transitive; the country (direct object)

2. transitive; the Pacific (direct object)
A. 1. Passepartout was a. hungry and tired.
3. intransitive
2. Passepartout decided to d. sing in order to
earn money. 4. transitive; a job (direct object); the man
(indirect object)
3. Passepartout wanted to b. go to the United States.
5. intransitive
4. The placard was written in a. English.
6. transitive; something (direct object)
5. Batulcar’s faithful servants were his b. arms.
7. intransitive
6. Passepartout was given the job because he
was d. strong and could sing. 8. transitive; a sword (direct object)
B. 1. Passepartout thought that the Japanese loved E. 1. They ordered for three new shirts.
music because they had various drums and 2. Her face turned pale with fear.
they kept beating them all the time. 3. They told to me to apply for the job.
2. Passepartout had decided to sing in order to 4. It becomes terribly cold at night.
earn money. But he realised that he was rather 5. Run across the road and get the ball.
too well-dressed for a wandering artist. So, he 6. My favourite channel on TV is Animal Planet.
decided to exchange his clothes for poorer 7. Mohit prefers sweets to savoury items.
fare and some money. He obtained an old 8. Enter the room at your own risk.
Japanese coat and a faded, one-sided turban
from a local dealer in old clothes.
3. William Batulcar was the director of a troupe
of tricksters, jugglers, clowns, acrobats and
gymnasts. He ran shows with these performers
for a living.
4. When Batulcar realised that Passepartout was
French, he asked the latter if he knew how to
make faces. This annoyed Passepartout who
replied that the Frenchmen knew how to make
faces, but the Americans were surely better at it.
5. Batulcar offered the job of a clown to
Passepartout. He wanted Passepartout to sing
at the show, standing on his head, with a top
spinning on his left foot and a sword balanced
on his right foot.
6. Although it was ‘not a very dignified position’,
Passepartout took up the job because he
would be able to leave Japan with Batulcar's
troupe and be on his way to San Francisco,
within a week.
C. 1. foreign: that which comes from or relates to a
country other than one’s own
2. exhibit: show something in public
3. robust: strong or healthy
4. melodious: pleasant to listen to
5. wandering: travelling around rather than
staying in one place for a long time
6. immense: extremely large or great
7. trickster: (here) someone who does tricks at a show
8. adorned: decorated

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