Final literature (101)

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1. Jay and Neang A. a young giant, big and strong, a symbol of strength.
Ruot B. hard-working fisherman, set his traps made of bamboo
2. Mekala and reeds to catch the fish.
3. Riem Esau
4. Fisherman C. A young stupid couples, no commonsense in life.
5. Fisherman's D. pure and beautiful girl , a symbol of light.
E. was a very pretty woman but careless and untidy.
6. Merchant
7. Merchant's F. a trader who bought and sold cloth and household
Wife goods up and down the river.
8. Hunter G. A thrifty, careful and commonsense woman.
9. The Happy
Prince H. to hunt animals for food and business.
10. Hitchhiker I. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for
eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby
glowed on his sword-hilt.
J. a person who travels by asking for free rides in other
people's cars.

Write your answer here

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1. lost a. good care
2. take b. . in thought
3. lose c. a fever
4. get d. consciousness
5. do e. in love
6. long f. ago
7. catch g. to work
8. fall h. one’s best
Write your answer here
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. collect D. tatters G. couple J. mistress

B. exchange E. carelessness H. household k. beggars
C. thrifty F. hut I. vegetables l. sandalwood

The Fisherman's Wife and the Merchant's Wife

Once upon a time, long ago, there lived a very poor(1)_G_____. The husband was
a hard-working fisherman. Each evening he would set in the river his traps made of
bamboo and reeds and then, the next morning, he would (2) ____________the fish
caught in them. His wife was a very pretty woman but careless and untidy. Their small
hut on the river bank was never clean and as she was too lazy to mend their clothes both
of them walked around in(3) _____.
Every morning the couple would go out together to collect the fish caught during
the night. The husband would put them in a big basket his wife carried on her back while
he gathered in the traps. The basket had a hole in it which the lazy woman never
bothered to repair so that as she followed her husband along the river's edge many fish
fell out. This meant that although the couple always had enough fish to eat they never
had more than a few to sell at the market and so could not earn much money to buy(4)
____________, rice and clothes.
Another couple lived on the riverside. The husband was a trader who bought and
sold cloth and (5) _____________goods up and down the river. One day the fisherman
and his wife passed the merchant's boat, which was tied up at a jetty, and the merchant's
wife saw that about half the fisherman's catch fell out of the basket on his wife's back.
She felt sorry for the poor fisherman who worked so hard and whose fish were lost
because of his wife's(6) __________. With only a little effort both of them could be
much better off, she thought, so she said to the woman, ‘Why don't you take some reeds
and grass and mend the basket? It wouldn't take you long.’
When her husband heard her speak like this he was very angry. ‘Why do you
interfere?’ he said. ‘What they do is none of your business.’ Then he saw that although
the fisherman's wife was very untidy she was very, very pretty. ‘If you care so much for
that poor man,’ he told his wife, ‘you can go and live with him and I'll take his wife to
live with me.’ And the more he looked at the fisherman's wife the prettier she
seemed. ‘Shall we(7) _______________wives, fisherman?’ he asked. The poor
fisherman didn't know what to say. ‘It doesn't seem right. I have so little. How could I
keep a woman who is used to having everything she wants?’ ‘She's so concerned about
you she must like you,’ replied the merchant. ‘I am happy to exchange her for your
wife.’ And so the fisherman agreed and the merchant's wife went to live with him and the
fisherman's wife became the (8)______________of the trading boat.
Straight away the merchant's wife mended the fish basket and the next day, for the
first time in his life, the fisherman had a big surplus of fish to sell at the market. Every
day from then on the couple had plenty of fish to sell and soon they were able to leave
the(9) ______by the river and live in a good house.
The woman looked to the future too. She didn’t want her husband to remain a
fisherman all his life. She hoped he would find an easier job that brought in more money.
Because his previous wife hadn’t fed him well, he wasn’t very fit, so she prepared good
food for him and encouraged him to do exercises every morning and go for a run before
breakfast to build up his body. At the same time she showed him how to be(10)
______________. ‘When you run, don’t waste your time,’ she told him. ‘If you see and
small pieces of wood lying around pick them up and bring them back to me so that we
don’t have to buy wood to cook with.’
Soon the fisherman became strong and could run far into the forest each morning.
One day he brought back a piece of (11) _____________among the other sticks. Because
she had lived so long with the merchant the woman knew this perfumed wood was very
valuable and much in demand for making ornaments, fans and boxes. She sent her
husband back into the forest to look for sandalwood trees and very soon they stopped
earning their living from fishing. Instead, the husband cut down sandalwood that his wife
sold to merchants. She was so careful in the house and managed the selling so pleasantly
and cleverly that the business expanded and they could hire people to work for them.
They became very rich. And because they worked well together they were also very
In the meantime, the pretty, lazy woman, who had gone to live with the merchant
cared for nothing but herself. She didn’t clean the boat or help with the business. She
didn’t cook or make clothes, she just bought whatever she wanted and ate and slept her
life away. When she had a baby she didn’t even bother to wash its nappies but simply
threw the dirty ones away and cut new ones from the supply of cloth her husband had on
the boat. She was so careless and helped so little that the business went badly and the
husband had to sell his boat. Because he was the only one who worked and his new wife
didn’t look after the money he earned, they became poorer and ended up as(12)
One day, as they were begging along the street, they stopped at the home of the ex-
fisherman and his wife. The wife recognised her former husband who was now dressed
in rags. ‘Why are you so poor?’ she asked. ‘My second wife was no help to me,’ he
replied, ashamed, ‘and so I lost my business.’ The woman could not neglect the man who
used to be her husband and gave him a good sum of money before sending him and his
family on their way. Then the careful, clever wife and her hard-working husband lived
happily ever after.


1. What is the moral of the story above?

2. Personally, what do you learn from this story?

3. Who would you appreciate for? Why and why not?

4. Who makes all the important decisions in a story?

5. List three things which decide the relationship between the fishman and his new



Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Refer to
the text to check your answers when appropriate.
busy making guns and bombs. When the
Televisions show sounds and pictures. war was over, TV spread across the
They get data from cables, discs, or over- country.
the-air signals. They turn this data into
sounds and images. People watch news and
shows on them. You probably call them

John Baird made the first TV in 1925. It

had one color. It could only show 30 lines. By 1948 there were 4 big TV networks in
This was just enough room for a face. It America. They aired their shows from 8 to
didn't work well, but it was a start. 11 each night. Local shows were aired at
other times. Most of the time, nothing was
The first TV station was set up in 1928. It shown at all. TV was not "always on" like
was in New York. Few people had TVs. it is now.
The broadcasts were not meant to be
watched. Color TVs came out in 1953. They cost too
They showed a Felix the Cat doll for two much money for most. Also, shows were
hours a day. The doll spun around on a aired in black and white. By 1965, color
record player. They were experimenting. It TVs were cheaper. TV stations started
took many years to get it right. airing shows in color. People had to switch
if they wanted to see the shows.
By the end of the 1930s, TVs were working
well. America got its first taste at the 1939 Now most TVs are high-def. This means
World's Fair. This was one of the biggest that they have many lines on them. This
events ever. There were 200 small, black makes the image clear. TVs have come a
and white TVs set up around the fair. The long way since Baird's 30 line set. High-def
U.S. President gave a speech over the TVs. TVs have 1080 lines. There are state of the
The TVs were only five inches big but the art sets called 4K TVs. These TVs have
people loved it. 3,840 lines. Some people watch TV in 3D.
I wonder what they will come up with next.
They wanted TVs. But World War II was Smell-o-vision anyone?
going on during this time. Factories were
1. When did color TVs come out?

a. 1925
b. 1953
c. 1939
d. 1965

2. Which was not true about the first TV?

a. It could only show one color.

b. It only had 30 lines.
c. It did not have sound.
d. It did not work well.

3. When did networks start showing programs in color?

a. 1948
b. 1953
c. 1965
d. 1939

4. Why did the first TV station only show Felix the Cat for two hours a day?

a. They were running tests.

b. Felix the Cat was really popular.
c. Felix the Cat had been a big radio star.
d. Felix the Cat was the only show that they had.

5. Which of these events slowed the spread of TVs?

a. The World's Fair of 1939

b. The Civil War
c. The election of the U.S. President.
d. World War II

6. What is the author's main purpose in writing this?

a. He is trying to explain how a TV works.
b. He is telling readers how TVs became popular.
c. He is describing the history of the TV.
d. He is trying to get people to watch more TV.
7. Why did many families switch to color TVs in 1965?

a. Color TVs cost a lot of money.

b. Many shows were only shown in color.

c. Color TVs came out in 1965. d. World War II ended and troops returned
8. Why was 1939 an important year for TV?

a. Many Americans were introduced to TV. b. The first color TV was released.

c. The first TV station began broadcasting. d. John Baird created the first TV.

9. How many lines does a 4K TV have?

a. 30 b. 1,080

c. 4,000 d. 3,840

10. Which happened first?

a. The 1939 World's Fair b. The release of high-def TVs

c. The end of World War II d. The release of color TVs


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