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BIOTROPICA 33(3): 487–494 2001

Seed Dispersal of the Mistletoe Psittacanthus schiedeanus by Birds

in Central Veracruz, Mexico1

Lorena López de Buen2 and Juan Francisco Ornelas3

Departamento de Ecologı́a y Comportamiento Animal, Instituto de Ecologı́a, A.C., km 2.5 antigua carretera a
Coatepec, Apdo. Postal 63, 91000 Xalapa, Veracruz, México

Mistletoes are hemiparasitic plants that frequently depend on frugivores for seed dispersal; yet their seed dispersal
ecology is still poorly known. The mistletoe Psittacanthus schiedeanus (Loranthaceae) was studied for a five-month
period in cloud forest remnants in central Veracruz, Mexico, to determine its seed dispersal ecology. We hypothesized
that dispersal ecology of this mistletoe species is directly affected by the fruit-eating bird abundance, and asked if this
species is following the high-investment strategy as suggested by Godschalk (1983). To evaluate this, we determined
the morphological and nutritional characteristics of mistletoe fruit, the availability of ripe fruits along the mistletoe
fruiting phenology, and the abundance of fruit-eating birds. Because P. schiedeanus is dispersed by generalist rather
than specialist birds, we asked if this mistletoe species is ripening fruits during the fruit scarcity time (with highest
possibilities of being consumed and dispersed by birds). We compared P. schiedeanus ripe fruit production to the cloud
forest tree leaf fall and fruit production. Psittacanthus schiedeanus matures its nutritious fruits from November to April,
with a peak of abundance in January and February. We found a synchrony between the abundance of P. schiedeanus
ripe fruits and the abundance of Gray Silky-flycatchers (Ptilogonys cinereus) and Social Flycatchers (Myiozetetes similis);
however, this was not the case with Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum), although these birds play an important
role in the mistletoe dispersal. The fruiting pattern of P. schiedeanus, together with the fact that it is an important
food resource for generalist rather than specialist frugivorous birds, suggest that this mistletoe is using the nutrient
investment strategy to attract dispersers during a time of fruit scarcity.

Los muérdagos son plantas hemiparásitas que a menudo dependen de las aves frugı́voras para dispersar sus semillas;
sin embargo, sus estrategias de dispersión son poco conocidas. El muérdago Psittacanthus schiedeanus (Loranthaceae)
se estudió durante cinco meses en un remanente de bosque mesófilo de montaña en el centro de Veracruz, México,
para determinar la ecologı́a de dispersión de sus semillas por las aves. Presumimos que la ecologı́a de dispersión de
este muérdago está relacionada directamente con la abundancia de las aves frugı́voras; y nos preguntamos si esta especie
sigue la estrategia de alta inversión en nutrimentos sugerida por Godschalk (1983). Para evaluar esto, determinamos
las caracterı́sticas morfológicas y nutritivas de los frutos del muérdago, la disponibilidad de frutos maduros a lo largo
de su fenologı́a de maduración de frutos y la abundancia de las aves frugı́voras. Debido a que P. schiedeanus es
dispersado por aves generalistas, nos preguntamos si los frutos de este muérdago maduran cuando hay escasez de otros
frutos. Comparamos la producción de frutos maduros de P. schiedeanus con la caı́da de las hojas y la producción de
frutos en los árboles de bosque mesófilo de montaña. Psittacanthus schiedeanus madura sus frutos nutritivos de no-
viembre a abril, con un pico de abundancia en enero y febrero. Durante el perı́odo de estudio, encontramos sincronı́a
entre la abundancia de frutos maduros de P. schiedeanus y la abundancia de las aves Ptilogonys cinereus y Myiozetetes
similis; sin embargo, este no fue el caso con Bombycilla cedrorum, a pesar del papel importante que estas aves juegan
en la dispersión de este muérdago. El patrón de fructificación de P. schiedeanus, aunado a que es un recurso alimentario
importante para aves generalistas, en lugar de especialistas, sugiere que este muérdago está utilizando una estrategia
de alta inversión en nutrimentos para atraer dispersores durante el tiempo de escasez de frutos.

Key words: Cedar Waxwings; cloud forest; Gray Silky-flycatchers; mistletoe fruits; Psittacanthus schiedeanus; seed dispersal;
social flycatchers; Veracruz, Mexico.


1 Received 8 March 2000; revision accepted 22 August that draw water and mineral resources from their
2000. perennial host plants by means of haustoria (Kuijt
2 Current address: Centro de Ecologı́a y Pesquerı́as, Di-
1969, Burger & Kuijt 1983, Calder & Bernhardt
rección General de Investigaciones, Universidad Veracru-
zana, Km 3.5 Carretera Xalapa-Las Trancas, Avenida Dos 1983). Several studies have shown temporal and
Vistas s/n, 91000 Xalapa, Veracruz, México. spatial associations between fruit abundance and
3 Corresponding author: E-mail: ornelasj@ecologia. frugivore bird abundance (Levey 1988, Recher
edu.mx 1990, Rey 1995, Martı́nez del Rio et al. 1996).

488 López de Buen and Ornelas

Other studies have suggested the importance of dar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum Vielliot), Gray
fruit conspicuousness and nutritional rewards for Silky-flycatchers (Ptilogonys cinereus Swainson), and
the birds to choose mistletoe fruits and then dis- Social Flycatchers (Myiozetetes similis Spix) are the
perse them (Wheelwright et al. 1984, Willson & most important seed dispersers in the area (López
Whelan 1990, Willson et al. 1990, Avery et al. de Buen & Ornelas 1999).
1995). The establishment of mistletoes in host López de Buen and Ornelas (1999) have pro-
branches depends not only on seed and host char- posed that preference for some tree host species by
acteristics but also on the foraging behavior of the P. schiedeanus fruit-eating birds affects mistletoe dis-
birds consuming mistletoes (Reid et al. 1995, Ló- persal directly; they also suggested that these birds
pez de Buen & Ornelas 1999). Some mistletoes track the abundance of mistletoes because the black
have a set of specialized avian dispersers and main- ripe fruits have very conspicuous orange pedicels
tain a mutualistic relationship with them (Snow and most of the host species shed their leaves dur-
1981a,b; Davidar 1983; Reid 1989); i.e., avian dis- ing winter. In this paper, we examine the ecology
persers obtain nutrients from the succulent mistle- of P. schiedeanus seed dispersal and ask if the abun-
toe fruit pulp and then deposit the seeds with their dance of fruit-eating birds is associated with the
viscous endocarp onto an adequate site for their abundance of mistletoe ripe fruits and their re-
germination and establishment while defecating or moval. To answer these questions, we monitored
regurgitating them (Monteiro et al. 1992, Overton fruit ripening phenology and evaluated the size and
1994, Sargent 1995, López de Buen & Ornelas nutritional characteristics of ripe mistletoe fruits.
1999). Snow (1981a, b) proposed that mistletoes We then estimated the number of fruits presum-
should offer highly nutritious fruits for the spe- ably removed by the main consumers and assessed
cialized bird consumers to afford an almost mo- the relationship between mistletoe fruit abundance
nophagous diet during the entire fruiting period. and the abundance of the main avian consumers.
The continuum of seed dispersal strategies in Finally, we determined if this mistletoe is fruiting
flowering plants going from a ‘‘high investment in at a time with the highest probability of being dis-
nutrients’’ (one-seeded, large fruits with the pulp persed and compared the availability of mistletoe
being rich in proteins and lipids, and dispersed by ripe fruits to the phenological changes in leaf fall
specialized frugivores) to a ‘‘low investment in nu- and fruit production of the cloud forest trees in the
trients’’ (many-seeded, small fruits with the pulp area, to suggest that this mistletoe species is using
being rich in water and carbohydrates, and dis- the nutrient investment strategy to attract dispers-
persed by opportunistic–generalist frugivores) has ers during a time of fruit scarcity.
been suggested previously (Janzen 1970; McKey
1975; Snow 1971, 1981a, b; Howe & Smallwood
1982); however, the generality and usefulness of
this ecological paradigm has been recently ques- STUDY SITE.—This study was conducted from No-
tioned (Restrepo 1987, Howe 1993). vember 1996 to April 1997, in a cloud forest rem-
Godschalk (1983) proposed that among mis- nant of 100 ⫻ 900 m near Xalapa, Veracruz, Mex-
tletoes, the Loranthaceae family with large, one- ico (19⬚30⬘N, 96⬚57⬘W; 1300 m elev.). Mean an-
seeded, highly nutritious fruits (i.e., protein and nual precipitation is 1500 mm and mean temper-
lipids) dispersed by specialized avian frugivores ature is 18⬚C. The climate is mild and humid
should follow the high investment strategy; whereas throughout the year, with a dry and cool season
the Viscaceae with small, many-seeded, less nutri- from November to March (Williams-Linera 1997).
tive fruits (i.e., water and sugars) dispersed by more Liquidambar styraciflua var. mexicana Oested (Ha-
generalized avian frugivores should follow the low mamelidaceae), Quercus germana Cham. & Schldl.,
investment strategy. In this study, we provide an Q. leiophylla A. D. C. (Fagaceae), Platanus mexi-
alternative explanation to Godschalk⬘s (1983) pro- cana Moric. (Platanaceae), Acacia pennatula Cham.
posal in explaining the ‘‘high investment strategy’’ & Schltdl. (Leguminosae), Crataegus mexicana Mo-
of the mistletoe Psittacanthus schiedeanus (Cham & ciño and Sessé (Rosaceae), Persea americana Miller
Schiecht) Blume ex Schultes, a species in the Lor- (Lauraceae), and Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. C.
anthaceae. In central Veracruz, Mexico, this mistle- (Rutaceae), are the most common tree species (Cas-
toe is an abundant parasite infecting several tree tillo-Campos 1991, Williams-Linera 1997).
species at remnants of cloud forest (López de Buen
& Ornelas 1999). Several bird species have been STUDY SPECIES.—Cedar Waxwings are winter visi-
observed feeding occasionally on its fruits, but Ce- tors to the study site from January to April, in
Seed Dispersal in Mistletoe 489

flocks of 15 to 80 individuals; Gray Silky-flycatch- natula (1 mistletoe plant onto one tree, 80 infruc-
ers are common from November to March in pairs tescenses and 308 fruits), C. mexicana (15 mistletoe
or small groups of 3 to 6 individuals, but wander plants onto two trees, 160 infructescenses and
into adjacent habitats after winter; and Social Fly- 1017 fruits), and C. maxima (3 mistletoe plants
catchers are resident throughout the year in the onto two trees, 40 infructescenses and 152 fruits).
area in pairs or small groups (as Gray Silky-fly- We selected only the mistletoe plants in an area of
catchers; Howell & Webb 1995, López de Buen & 100 ⫻ 900 m that were accessible by a staircase.
Ornelas 1999). The three species consume the en- The initial number of mistletoe fruits was 1651,
tire fruit of P. schiedeanus. Cedar Waxwings and but numbers decreased as the fruiting season pro-
Gray Silky-flycatchers defecate complete and viable gressed.
seeds, whereas Social Flycatchers regurgitate com- The total number of each of the P. schiedeanus
plete viable seeds (López de Buen & Ornelas fruit-eating bird species (Cedar Waxwings, Gray
1999). Silky-flycatchers, and Social Flycatchers) was esti-
mated by counting the number of individuals fly-
FRUIT SIZE AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE.—Because the ing, perching, or feeding during the time of mis-
birds feed only on mature mistletoe fruits (López tletoe fruit production, in a 100 ⫻ 900 m area.
de Buen & Ornelas 1999), we measured the length Bird counting was done during a two-day intensive
and width of black ripe fruits (N ⫽ 600), with a bird search each week (0700–0900 h) when the
digital caliper. Fruit weight was estimated with an ripe fruit abundance was low (30 November 1996–
analytical balance. These fruits were weighted wet 10 January 1997, and 12–18 April 1997; 24 h of
(with and without seeds; N ⫽ 300) and dry (with- bird searching total), and seven days per week
out seeds; N ⫽ 300). (0700–0900 h) when the ripe fruit abundance was
Nutritional values of ripe fruits were deter- high (11 January–11 April 1997; 196 h of bird
mined from 1620 fruits (221.36 g of fruit pulp) searching total; N ⫽ 20 counts). We used the non-
collected from the forest floor beneath mistletoe parametric Spearman’s coefficient of rank correla-
plants growing on L. styraciflua trees. We selected tion to test if the abundance of P. schiedeanus fruit-
this host species because it is preferred by birds and eating birds (N ⫽ 20 counts) was correlated with
by P. schiedeanus (López de Buen & Ornelas 1999, the abundance of mistletoe ripe fruits and mistletoe
López de Buen 2000). Only the fruit pulp was ripe fruits removed (N ⫽ 20 counts). Because data
analyzed because it is the only part digested by were not normally distributed (Zar 1984), we
birds. Fruit pulp was separated into six samples square root (⫹0.5) transformed them for the anal-
(36.89 ⫾ 0.81 g) and dried by drying in cool ysis, but original data are reported in the figures.
(11.93 ⫾ 0.75 g pulp dry mass). Nutritional con-
tent (%) with pulp dry mass was estimated accord- MISTLETOE FRUIT PRODUCTION AND THE LOSS OF
ing to the following standard procedures: (1) pro- LEAVES IN THE HOSTS .—Because we expected that P.
teins by the micro-Kjeldahl method, (2) lipids by schiedeanus was using the nutrient investment strat-
the Soxhlet extraction method, (3) sugars by the egy to attract dispersers during a time of fruit scar-
Luff-School method, (4) crude fiber by the asbes- city, when the orange pedicels and black fruits were
tos-free method, and (5) ash by burning the ma- most conspicuous, we correlated the mistletoe ripe
terial (Horwitz 1980, Hart & Fisher 1991, Lees fruit production (MFR) with the fruit production
1994). and leaf loss of cloud forest tree species. The mean
number of mistletoe ripe fruits per month (MRF)
MISTLETOE AND FRUGIVOROUS BIRD ABUNDANCE.— was estimated as: ⌺MRFi/Ni, where ⌺MRFi ⫽ to-
From 30 November 1996 to 18 April 1997, the tal number of mistletoe ripe fruits per month i and
phenology and abundance of P. schiedeanus fruits Ni ⫽ number of fruit monitoring sessions in
were followed weekly by counting the number of month i. Fruit production and leaf loss of cloud
green immature (⬍10 mm long), red–green unripe forest tree species data were obtained from a phe-
(⬎10 mm long), black ripe, and removed (only the nological study conducted by Williams-Linera
peduncles left without the berry) fruits (N ⫽ 20 (1997) close to our study site (⬍500 m). She had
counts). We tagged 320 infructescenses from 20 followed 107 tagged individuals representing 24
individual mistletoe plants located between 2.5–3.5 tree species from cloud forest (9 species were tem-
m high in the host trees. These mistletoes were perate and deciduous, 1 temperate and evergreen,
growing onto L. styraciflua (1 mistletoe plant onto 11 tropical and evergreen, and 2 tropical and de-
one tree, 40 infructescenses and 174 fruits), A. pen- ciduous), and carried out monthly phenological
490 López de Buen and Ornelas

observations on leaf fall and fruiting for five years total solids (36.3% of total fruit weight ⫻ 8.7% of
(January 1990–December 1994). She scaled the total solids/100).
phenological stages from 0 to 100 percent in five Psittacanthus schiedeanus pulp was nutritious.
categories (0, 1–25, 26–50, 51–75, and 76–100%) Water represented 67.8 ⫾ 0.3 percent, and total
and averaged these values for each of the 24 tree solids constituted 32.2 percent ⫾ 0.29. Lipids rep-
species using a phenological index. We expected to resented most of the pulp dry mass (44.2% ⫾ 1.8),
find a positive correlation between the P. schiedean- followed by crude fiber (35.3% ⫾ 1.9), sugars
us ripe fruit abundance and the loss of leaves from (12.4% ⫾ 0.8), proteins (6.5% ⫾ 0.3), and ash
the 24 cloud forest tree species of Williams-Linera (1.6% ⫾ 0.1). Lipids were 3.6 times more than
and a negative correlation between the P. schiedean- sugars (44.2 and 12.4%, respectively). A sample
us ripe fruit abundance and the fruiting production size of six was used in all cases.
of the 24 cloud forest tree species reported by Wil-
liams-Linera (1997). We used the nonparametric MISTLETOE AND FRUGIVOROUS BIRD ABUNDANCE.—
Spearman’s coefficient of rank correlation because Ripe fruits of P. schiedeanus were available from
data were not normally distributed for both anal- December 1996 to early April 1997 (Fig. 1a); how-
yses of correlation (Zar 1984). ever, the highest abundance of ripe fruits was in
January and February. Highest ripe fruit removal
occurred in late January and March. Low numbers
of Gray Silky-flycatchers and Social Flycatchers
FRUIT SIZE AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE.—Psittacanthus were observed throughout the mistletoe fruiting
schiedeanus matures its fruits asynchronously dur- season; however, Cedar Waxwings were abundant
ing all its fruiting period. One mistletoe plant may in late January and then decreased as the fruiting
produce up to 21 infructescenses (x̄ ⫾ SD ⫽ 20.7 season progressed (Fig. 1b). Numbers of Cedar
⫾ 23.09; N ⫽ 20) with 5 fruits per infructescense Waxwings were highly variable by mid-March and
(5.16 ⫾ 3.05; N ⫽ 320), and each infructescence April.
has fruits in different ripeness stages. Fruits change Observed variation in mean abundance of the
in color and size from the green immature (length Gray Silky-flycatchers was positively correlated
7.5 ⫾ 2.1, width 5.5 ⫾ 1.5; N ⫽ 300) through with the variation in mistletoe ripe fruit abundance
the red–green unripe (length 12.4 ⫾ 1.2, width 8.4 (r ⫽ 0.75, N ⫽ 20, P ⬍ 0.001) and mistletoe ripe
⫾ 0.7; N ⫽ 300) to the black ripe (length 13.8 ⫾ fruits removed (r ⫽ 0.62, N ⫽ 20, P ⬍ 0.01).
0.9, width 9.5 ⫾ 0.7; N ⫽ 600) stages. Variation in mean abundance of Cedar Waxwings
In ripe fruits of P. schiedeanus, more than half was not correlated with variation in mistletoe ripe
of the fruit weight (63.6%) was constituted by the fruit abundance (r ⫽ 0.19, N ⫽ 20, P ⬎ 0.05)
fruit without seed (572.3 ⫾ 0.1 mg of wet fruit but was significantly correlated with ripe fruits re-
without seed ⫻ 100/899.1 ⫾ 0.1 mg of total wet moved (r ⫽ 0.27, N ⫽ 20, P ⬍ 0.05). In contrast,
fruit weight; N ⫽ 600 fruits without seeds). The a nonsignificant relationship was found between
single seed constituted 36.4 percent of total fruit mean abundance of Social Flycatchers in relation
weight (326.8 ⫾ 0.2 mg of seed ⫻ 100/899.1 ⫾ to the mistletoe ripe fruit abundance (r ⫽ ⫺0.05,
0.1 mg of total fruit weight; N ⫽ 300 seeds and N ⫽ 20, P ⬎ 0.05) and mistletoe ripe fruits re-
N ⫽ 600 fruits with seeds). moved (r ⫽ 0.22, N ⫽ 20, P ⬎ 0.05).
Water accounted for 91.3 percent of total fruit
weight (difference between wet and dry fruits). To- MISTLETOE FRUIT PRODUCTION AND THE LOSS OF
tal solids in the fruit were 8.7 percent. The outer HOST LEAVES .—Fruit ripeness of P. schiedeanus oc-
part of the pericarp and pulp constituted 5.5 per- curred mostly in winter when the cloud forest trees
cent (63.6% of total fruit weight ⫻ 8.7% of total shed their leaves and there were almost no other
solids/100), and seed comprised 3.2 percent of the ripe fruits available. As expected, we observed that

FIGURE 1. (a) Immature, unripe, and ripe abundance of Psittacanthus schiedeanus fruits, and number of ripe fruits
removed per mistletoe plant from November 1996 to April 1997, and (b) their relationship to the abundance of
Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum), Gray Silky-flycatchers (Ptilogonys cinereus), and Social Flycatchers (Myiozetetes
similis) during the same period. Data are means, and error bars indicate SE.
Seed Dispersal in Mistletoe 491
492 López de Buen and Ornelas

with a higher content of lipids than sugars belong

to the minority of plant species that produce high-
energy fruits (Herrera 1987), but are eaten and dis-
persed by generalist frugivores like the migrant Ce-
dar Waxwings (López de Buen & Ornelas 1999).
These migrant birds are able to subsist on fruits
with high sugar and low lipid contents for extended
periods without losing body mass, although they
also consume some lipid-rich foods (Stiles 1980,
McPherson 1987, Witmer 1996). In addition,
these migrant birds consume the mistletoe Phora-
dendron serotinum (Viscaceae) which have small
fruits (48–112 mg) with less protein (5.25%) and
lipids (6%) but more sugars (33%; McPherson
1987, Witmer 1996) than P. schiedeanus. In fact,
P. serotinum has been identified as one of the most
important fruits consumed by Cedar Waxwings in
temperate areas (McPherson 1987, Witmer 1996).
Among the other P. schiedeanus dispersers, Gray
Silky-flycatchers (López de Buen & Ornelas 1999)
are similar to Cedar Waxwings in also having a
high proportion of fruits in their diet; however,
they also consume insects (Howell & Webb 1995).
FIGURE 2. Relationship between the number of ripe Social Flycatchers include many insects in their diet
fruits of Psittacanthus schiedeanus mistletoe and tree leaf
fall and fruiting trees of cloud forest in an area nearest in addition to fruits (Kantak 1979, Wheelwright et
the study site. The tree fruiting and leaf falling data are al. 1984, Howell & Webb 1995). The dispersal
phenological index values obtained from a five-year study system of P. schiedeanus by these generalized fru-
by Williams-Linera (1997). Numbers of fruiting mistle- givorous birds provides no evidence for this mistle-
toes were also calculated as an index as described in the
text. Open squares represent number of ripe mistletoe toe species relying on specialized frugivores, and we
fruits and filled squares represent (a) falling leaves and (b) conclude that this study does not provide support
fruiting trees. Error bars indicate SE. for Godschalk⬘s (1983) proposal.
Psittacanthus schiedeanus fruits ripen during
winter when most of the trees shed their leaves and
the mistletoe ripe fruit production was positively other fruits are scarce (Williams-Linera 1997). Ripe
correlated with leaf fall (r ⫽ 0.77, N ⫽ 12, P ⬍ fruit production peaked in January and February,
0.01) and negatively correlated with the fruiting of simultaneously with the peak in leaf fall and ab-
cloud forest trees (r ⫽ ⫺0.77, N ⫽ 12, P ⬍ 0.01; sence of fruit production by most other trees in the
Fig. 2). area (Williams-Linera 1997). This may be an ad-
equate seed dispersal strategy developed by P. schie-
deanus, because its black ripe fruits with orange
DISCUSSION pedicels can be very conspicuous to frugivorous
Psittacanthus schiedeanus, because of its nutritious birds (López de Buen & Ornelas 1999) at a time
fruits (6% proteins, 44% lipids, and 12% sugars when most of the alternative food resources of for-
in pulp) and few fruits per infructescense during est trees are absent (Fig. 2). Removal of mistletoe
six months of the year (November–April), seems to ripe fruits by birds occurred continuously during
follow the seed dispersal strategy of high invest- the period of ripe fruit production, but fruit-eating
ment, as suggested by Godschalk (1983) for Lor- bird abundance was not always coincident with the
anthaceae mistletoes. More sugar than lipids in abundance and removal of the ripe fruits. In fact,
fruits appears to be the prevailing pattern in bird- fruit removal during the day cannot be attributed
dispersed fruits (Herrera 1987). In addition, con- entirely to avian consumers because we also ob-
trasting physiological mechanisms are required for served squirrels (Sciurus aureogaster Cuvier) eating
the digestion and assimilation of sugars and lipids ripe fruits.
(Martı́nez del Rio et al. 1989, Witmer 1996, Wit- Given that the abundance of Gray Silky-fly-
mer & Van Soest 1998). The P. schiedeanus fruits catchers varied proportionally with the abundance
Seed Dispersal in Mistletoe 493

of mistletoe ripe fruits and that ripe fruit removal to harbor zones, in spite of their physiological lim-
was positively correlated with the abundance of Ce- itations in sugar and lipid assimilation (Martı́nez
dar Waxwings, we suggest that P. schiedeanus fruits del Rio et al. 1989).
are an important resource to both resident and mi- Our data suggest that this mistletoe is produc-
gratory frugivorous birds. Other factors besides the ing fruits of a high nutritional value when some
availability of P. schiedeanus ripe fruits may have groups of avian seed dispersers are present and few
influenced the number of birds in the area (Levey fleshy fruit species are available. These results must
1988, Loiselle & Blake 1994). For instance, num- be interpreted with caution since both nutritional
bers of Cedar Waxwings vary over the fruiting sea- quality of fruits and phenology of fruit maturation
son and among years for reasons other than mis- may be strongly influenced by phylogenetic effects
tletoe fruit abundance (Brugger et al. 1994). We (Herrera 1992, Jordano 1995). In any case, to
have observed them in the study area every other demonstrate the matching between the high in-
year (observed during the 1996–1997 fruiting sea- vestment strategy in P. schiedeanus and the related
son, not observed during 1997–1998, observed ecological specialization of its frugivores, further in-
during 1998–1999, and not observed during formation on major consumers along its geographic
1999–2000; López de Buen 2000). Yet, the rela- range would be necessary.
tionship between the mistletoe ripe fruit removal
and Cedar Waxwing abundance at a time when ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
other resources are scarce, suggests the importance We thank M. C. Arizmendi, R. Dirzo, J. G. Garcı́a-Fran-
of the fruits as a resource for the migrant frugivo- co, C. Herrera, C. Lara, C. Martı́nez del Rio, P. Rey, V.
rous birds. J. Sosa, and two anonymous reviewers for their critical
Cedar Waxwings may represent a recent colo- comments on various versions of this paper. Thanks also
to S. Irissón and A. Martı́nez (Departamento de Ecologı́a
nization event into the mistletoe–bird interaction; de Suelos, Instituto de Ecologı́a, A.C. Xalapa, Veracruz,
however, they could be acting as good, long-dis- México) for help in fruit analyses. The Departamento de
tance seed dispersers because of their abundance, Ecologı́a y Comportamiento Animal, Instituto de Ecol-
flocking behavior, and daily movements (López de ogı́a, A.C., and a scholarship from CONACyT, México
(No. 95014) to L. López de Buen supported this study.
Buen & Ornelas 1999). Cedar Waxwings may be This work constitutes partial fulfillment of L.L.B. doc-
including the P. schiedeanus fruits in their diet and torate in Ecologı́a y Manejo de Recursos Naturales at the
increasing their lipid reserves for their flight back Instituto de Ecologı́a, A.C.

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