PLM Dictionary Cheat Sheet

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A Design for Manufacturing (DFM): Designing products that are optimized for efficient PLM Software: A digital solution designed to manage the entire lifecycle of a
manufacturing. product from inception, through engineering design and manufacturing, to service
AI-Enhanced PLM: Refers to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and disposal. It centralizes all product-related data and processes, enabling
into Product Lifecycle Management systems to improve efficiency, decision-making, Design for Serviceability: Designing products that are optimized for efficient efficient collaboration, version control, and process automation. PLM software
and innovation throughout the product lifecycle. maintenance. integrates various business systems, including CAD, CAM, ERP, and more, to
streamline workflows, improve data accuracy, and enhance decision-making. By
Approval Group: A designated team responsible for reviewing and authorizing Digital Twin: A virtual representation or model of a physical product, process, or providing a unified platform for managing product information, PLM software
requests within an organization. In PLM, approval groups play a crucial role in system. It is created using real-time data, simulations, and analytics to mirror the helps organizations accelerate product development, reduce costs, ensure
ensuring that changes, decisions, and activities related to product development, behavior and performance of the physical counterpart. Digital Twins are used for compliance, and drive innovation. some of the most commonly used PLM
manufacturing, and service adhere to established processes and standards. They design optimization, predictive maintenance, and performance monitoring. software solutions are Siemens Teamcenter, PTC Windchill, Dassault Systèmes
contribute to maintaining transparency, accountability, and control over the evolution ENOVIA, and Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle.
of products from conception to disposal. Document Management: Involves the storage, organization, retrieval, and sharing of
documents and files related to products, projects, and processes. It includes features Product Certification: Validating the product meets all necessary safety, quality
such as version control, access control, document indexing, and document lifecycle and regulatory standards.
Product Configuration: Refers to the process of defining and managing the
Bill of Materials (BOM): A comprehensive list of the components, parts,
E possible combinations and options of features or components within a product. It
and materials required to manufacture a product. PLM software often i
allows for the creation of customized product configurations based on customer
ncludes tools for creating, managing, and versioning BOMs.
Engineering Change Management (ECM): Features in PLM software facilitate the requirements or market demand.
tracking and management of changes to product designs, documents, and processes.
This includes change requests, approvals, and notifications. Product Customization: Involves tailoring a product to meet specific customer
requirements or preferences. It allows customers to personalize features, options,
Change Approval: Refers to the process of reviewing and approving proposed Engineering Change Order (ECO): A formal document used to authorize or configurations of a product to better suit their needs.
changes. This involves assessing the potential impact of the change, evaluating risks, and detail changes to the design of a product or system. The ECO
considering resource requirements, and ensuring alignment with organizational specifies the nature of the change, the reasons behind it, and the Product Data: Refers to the structured data and information related to a product,
objectives. Change Approval is typically carried out by designated individuals or impact on existing components, assemblies, and documentation. It such as part numbers, descriptions, dimensions, materials, and pricing. It is used
groups with the authority to approve or reject change requests. serves as a control mechanism to manage modifications and ensure that for managing and tracking product information throughout the lifecycle.
all relevant parties are informed and agree to the changes.
Change Control Board (CCB): A group of stakeholders, such as project managers,
Product Data Management (PDM): Centralized management and control of all
engineers, and quality assurance professionals, who review, evaluate, and approve or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Integrated system for managing business product-related data documents throughout the lifecycle, including CAD files,
reject proposed changes to a project or product. The CCB ensures changes are operations, including production planning, inventory, and financials. Some of the BOMs, specifications, and other technical documents.
systematically managed, documented, and implemented without compromising the most commonly used ERP software solutions are SAP S/4HANA, Oracle ERP Cloud,
product's integrity or project goals. and Microsoft Dynamics 365. Product Disposal: Refers to the process of properly managing the retirement or
disposal of a product at the end of its lifecycle. It includes activities such as
Change Impact (CI): Refers to the potential consequences of a proposed change on a F decommissioning, recycling, reusing, or disposing of products in compliance with
product, process, or system. It involves analyzing how the change could affect
environmental regulations and sustainability goals.
functionality, performance, cost, schedule, quality, and stakeholders, helping Functional Specification: Defining the product's intended functionality and technical
decision-makers assess risks and benefits. characteristics. Product Information: Refers to the data and content related to a product,
including specifications, features, attributes, images, documents, and marketing
Change Management: Processes and systems for proposing, evaluating, approving I materials. It is used to communicate product details to stakeholders, customers,
and implementing changes to product designs or processes.
and partners.
Implementation: Putting a plan or strategy into practice. In the context of PLM,
Change Notification: A communication sent to relevant stakeholders to inform them implementation involves deploying and configuring PLM software, establishing Product Lifecycle Analytics: Collecting, integrating, and analyzing data to gain
of approved changes. It typically includes details such as the nature of the change, the processes and workflows, training users, and transitioning from existing systems to insights and make informed decisions about products.
reason for the change, the expected impact, and any actions required by the new PLM solution. Implementation may also include customization, data
stakeholders. Change Notifications help ensure that stakeholders are aware of migration, testing, and ongoing support and maintenance activities. Successful Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): A systematic and integrated approach to
changes and can adapt their processes or activities accordingly. They can be sent to implementation of PLM requires careful planning, coordination, and stakeholder managing all aspects of a product's lifecycle from its conception, through design
the change notification group members via e-mail. engagement to achieve the desired objectives and realize the benefits of the PLM and manufacture, to service and disposal.
Change Order (CO): A formal document authorizing a change to a product, process, or Product Metadata: Additional descriptive information or attributes associated
project. It is issued after a change request (CR) has been approved and typically Integration: Combining different systems or technologies to work together with product data, such as last-modified date, and whether the file is currently
includes details such as the scope of the change, the rationale, any associated costs or seamlessly. In the context of PLM, integration involves connecting the PLM system checked out. Metadata provides context and enhances the understanding and
schedule adjustments, and instructions for implementation. Change Orders serve as a with other enterprise systems, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CAD usability of product data.
formal record of approved changes and provide guidance for executing the change. (Computer-Aided Design), CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing), or MES
(Manufacturing Execution System), to enable data exchange, process Product Modularization: A design approach that involves breaking down a
Change Order Approval Group: A Change Order Approval Group is similar synchronization, and collaboration across different functional areas of the product into modular components or modules that can be easily combined,
to a Change Request Approval Group but specifically focuses on reviewing organization. Integration helps streamline operations, improve efficiency, and interchanged, or upgraded. It enables greater flexibility, scalability, and
and approving Change Orders. This group ensures that approved changes ensure consistency and accuracy of information throughout the product lifecycle. customization in product design and manufacturing.
are properly documented, authorized, and communicated to relevant
stakeholders. The Change Order Approval Group may include individuals L Product Retirement: Planning and executing the end-of-life disposal or recycling
with the authority to assess the impact of changes on project scope, of a product.
schedule, budget, and quality, and to authorize adjustments accordingly. Lifecycle Phases: The key stages a product goes through, including concept, design,
prototyping, production, service, and retirement. Product Variant: A version of a product that differs in certain features or
Change Request (CR): A Change Request is a formal proposal to modify a product, attributes from other versions of the same product. Variants are typically created
process, or document. It typically includes details such as the reason for the change, License of Administrator: Grants users elevated privileges to configure, manage, and to meet specific customer needs or market requirements, such as different sizes,
the scope of the change, potential impact, and any supporting documentation. administer the PLM system. Administrators have access to advanced features and colors, configurations, or options.
Change Requests are typically submitted through a formal process and evaluated for settings, such as user management, security settings, workflows, and system
approval before implementation. configurations. R
Change Request Approval Group: A designated group of individuals responsible for License of Analyst: An Analyst License provides users with access to advanced data
Release: Refers to the process of making a product, component, or system
reviewing and approving or rejecting change requests. This group may include analysis and reporting capabilities within the PLM system. Analysts can perform data
available for production or market. This involves completing final testing, ensuring
representatives from various departments or functions, depending on the nature of queries, generate reports, and analyze product performance metrics to support
compliance with quality standards, and officially launching the product. A release
the change and its potential impact. The Change Request Approval Group ensures decision-making and optimization efforts.
can include new versions or updates to existing products, following a defined
that proposed changes are thoroughly evaluated and aligned with organizational
process to ensure readiness and adherence to specifications.
objectives before approval. License of Author: Provides users with the ability to create, edit, and modify product
data, documents, and information within the PLM system. Authors may include
Requirements Management: Capturing, documenting, and managing customer
Closed-Loop PLM: Integrating product performance data back into the design and engineers, designers, and other team members involved in product development
and stakeholder requirements.
development process for continuous improvement. and documentation.

Revision Control: Systematic approach to manage and track incremental changes

Cloud-Based PLM: Refers to Product Lifecycle Management software that is hosted License of Collaborator: Enables users to participate in collaborative activities within
and updates to product designs and documentation.
and accessed over the internet via cloud computing infrastructure. It offers benefits the PLM system, such as reviewing, commenting, and providing feedback on product
such as scalability, accessibility, collaboration, and cost-effectiveness compared to designs, documents, and processes. Collaborators may include external partners,
traditional on-premises PLM solutions. suppliers, or customers involved in the product development process. S

Collaboration: Enabling cross-functional teams to work together on product design, License of Concurrent: Provides shared access to the PLM system for multiple users, Simulation and Analysis: Using digital tools to test product designs before
engineering, and other lifecycle activities. with a limited number of simultaneous users allowed at any given time. Concurrent physical prototyping.
licensing helps optimize resource utilization and accommodate fluctuating user
Computer-Aided Design (CAD): 3D modeling software tools used for the design and demand within the organization. Supplier Collaboration: Engaging suppliers early in the product design process to
documentation of product geometry and features. optimize for manufacturability and cost.
License of Integration: Allows users to integrate the PLM system with other software
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE): Simulation and analysis tools used to validate applications, systems, or platforms within the organization's IT infrastructure. T
product designs and performance. It performs structural, thermal, and other Integrators may include IT professionals responsible for configuring and managing
simulations to validate performance. data exchange between PLM and other enterprise systems. Task: A specific activity or assignment that needs to be completed as part of a
larger project or process.
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM): Software used to control and automate License of Mobile: Enables users to access and use the PLM system on mobile
manufacturing processes like CNC machining. devices, such as smartphones and tablets, through dedicated mobile applications or Technical Specification: A detailed document that defines the requirements,
web-based interfaces. Mobile users can perform tasks, access information, and specifications, and standards for the design, development, and manufacturing of a
Computer-Aided Quality (CAQ): Integrating quality processes and data management collaborate remotely while on the go. product. It includes technical details such as dimensions, materials, performance
into the product development lifecycle. criteria, and testing requirements.
License of Viewer: Grants users the ability to view product data, documents, and
Concurrent Engineering: An approach to product development that emphasizes information within the PLM system but typically does not allow for editing or Traceability: Maintaining a record of all changes, decisions, and approvals
modifying data. Viewers may include stakeholders who need access to product throughout a product's development.
parallel and collaborative work among cross-functional teams throughout the
information for reference or review purposes.
lifecycle. It involves integrating design, engineering, manufacturing, and other
functions early in the process to reduce time to market and improve product quality. V
License Type of PLM User: Refers to the different levels or types of access and
permissions granted to users of PLM software. License types are viewer, author,
Configuration Management: Process of identifying, controlling and tracking changes Validation and Verification: Using digital tools to validate and verify product
administrator, collaborator, analyst, integration, mobile, concurrent.
to a product's configuration over its lifecycle. designs before physical prototyping.

D Version Control: Managing and maintaining different versions of product data,
designs, and documentation.
Mobile PLM: Refers to Product Lifecycle Management applications or solutions that
Data Security: Refers to the protection of data from unauthorized access, disclosure,
are designed to be accessed and used on mobile devices such as smartphones and
alteration, or destruction. It involves implementing security measures, protocols, and Virtual Prototyping: Simulating and validating the product design digitally before
tablets. It enables users to access product information, collaborate, and perform
technologies to safeguard sensitive information and prevent data breaches or physical prototyping.
PLM tasks on the go.
Design for Assembly (DFA): Designing products that are optimized for efficient
assembly. Workflow Automation: Involves the use of technology to automate and
Obsolescence Management: Identifying and mitigating risks from component or
streamline repetitive tasks, processes, and workflows within an organization. It
technology obsolescence.
Digital Thread: Refers to the seamless flow of digital information and data throughout helps improve efficiency, reduce errors, and accelerate the pace of work by
the lifecycle of a product, from design and development through manufacturing, automating routine tasks and decision-making.
operation, and maintenance. It provides a connected and integrated view of product
information across different stages and functions. Workflow Management: Defining, executing and monitoring the series of tasks
PLM Admin: Short for Product Lifecycle Management Administrator, refers to the and approvals required for product development.
individual or team responsible for managing, configuring, and administering the PLM
system within an organization.

Prepared by Serdar Akman - PLM & Configuration Engineer | MSc. PLM

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