Term 1

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Al Ain English Speaking School ‫مدرسة العين الناطقة باإلنجليزية‬

‘Achieving Excellence’


Name: Ayhan Naiman Tutor Group: 10B

Subject: Arabic 2 B Teacher: Miss A. Abdelazem

End of Year Target Grade: B Attitude to learning: Outstanding
Data Drop 1 B- Data Drop 2 A+ Term 1 Average B+
Ayhan's attitude to learning has been outstanding this term. He leads by example during lessons, in terms of behaviour, work ethic
and commitment. As a result, he has met his target grade. Ayhan shows an exceptional understanding of differentiating between
letters phonetically. In addition, he demonstrates a good understanding of using common phrases when speaking and writing, also
his overall understanding of using simple words and phrases when speaking has attained the required level of his stage, which will
show great development in the near future. His skills in creating new sentences using new vocabulary need to be developed

Ayhan needs to read around the topics covered to improve his knowledge and he should practice formulating clear analytical
paragraphs. In addition, he should apply greater accuracy to his written work. In addition, he has to work harder on understanding
the context of the texts presented during the term. This could be done by more reflection on the different meanings of the
vocabulary and using it to write short stories. Having a daily routine for reading could be very helpful.

Subject: Business Studies A* Teacher: Mr S. Quinnell

End of Year Target Grade: A* Attitude to learning: Outstanding
Data Drop 1 A Data Drop 2 A- Term 1 Average A-
Ayhan's approach to learning has been outstanding this year. He sets an example during lessons, displaying exemplary behaviour,
work ethic, and commitment. Unfortunately, he did not quite achieve his target grade, but he is on track to do so by the end of the
academic year. Ayhan's understanding of business studies subject content is excellent, and he consistently applies his knowledge
effectively to problem-solving. While covering various aspects of business studies, Ayhan has shown great promise in market
research (primary and secondary) and the marketing 4Ps (Product, Place, Price, and Promotion) elements of the syllabus. This
suggests that his longer-term subject retention is excellent.

By dedicating additional time to revising and consolidating his knowledge, Ayhan can expect to maintain and indeed improve his
grades in the future. While he achieved a grade A- in the midterms, there is still room for further enhancement. To make significant
progress, Ayhan should concentrate on thoroughly justifying his ideas and developing coherent evaluations. When answering
examination questions, he should look to further enhance his skills in applying his knowledge to the context of the question and
using real-world examples. These efforts promise not only increased progress but also heightened academic achievement
throughout the entirety of the academic year.
Al Ain English Speaking School ‫مدرسة العين الناطقة باإلنجليزية‬

‘Achieving Excellence’

Subject: Chemistry 8 Teacher: Miss H. Porter

End of Year Target Grade: 8 Attitude to learning: Outstanding
Data Drop 1 6+ Data Drop 2 9 Term 1 Average 7+
Ayhan works very quickly and has a strong desire to do well. He takes feedback on board very well and always seeks to improve his
answers. I am really impressed with Ayhan's work ethic and I think this hard work will continue to be reflected in his assessment
results. Ayhan enjoys applying his knowledge to trickier questions and never struggles to seek help and guidance if he needs it. He
is on track to achieve, if not exceed, his end of year target grade of a 8. Ayhan has a good understanding of the extracting metals
topic and just needs to sharpen up some of his answers surrounding properties of specified metals, which will come with practice.

Ayhan could possibly slow down the rate he completes tasks so that he can take more time and be more careful and thoughtful
with his answers, the first time around. Sometimes he overcomplicates his answers and although he knows the correct answer,
what he writes is something too complex which does get him the mark. Ayhan has shown he has a really strong base of knowledge
for the Year 10 content so now needs to practice his exam technique. By completing past paper questions divided up by topic and
then checking his answers against a mark scheme, he will start to pick out similarities in questions and learn which language the
examiners are looking for in his answers.

Subject: Computer Science A* Teacher: Mr M. Walker

End of Year Target Grade: A* Attitude to learning: Outstanding
Data Drop 1 A+ Data Drop 2 A* Term 1 Average A*-
Ayhan's learning approach this year has remained consistently outstanding. He consistently sets a positive example in terms of
behaviour, work ethic, and commitment during lessons, leading him to almost achievement of his target grade. His understanding
of computer science subject content is exceptional, and he consistently applies this knowledge to tasks in class. While exploring
various aspects of computer science, Ayhan has shown promise in the automated and emerging technologies and continues to
excel in our second topic, algorithms.

By spending time revising and consolidating his knowledge outside of class, Ayhan can expect to maintain his high grades in the
future. His performance so far this year, achieving a grade A*-, is a remarkable accomplishment, especially considering the
consistent effort he has demonstrated. This has nearly matched the grade expected for Ayhan. To sustain this high level, Ayhan
must ensure that he continues to actively engage in classes, as well as practice his practical skills at home.

Subject: English Literature 8 Teacher: Mr R. Hennig

End of Year Target Grade: 8 Attitude to learning: Outstanding
Data Drop 1 9 Data Drop 2 9 Term 1 Average 9
Ayhan's attitude to learning has been outstanding this year, so far. He leads by example during lessons, in terms of behaviour, work
ethic, commitment and willingness to share his ideas. As a result, he has exceeded his target grade. He has displayed an exemplary
appreciation of the key elements of poetry, such as commenting on language, tone, form and structure, analysis of the main
message of poems and formulating essay responses. Furthermore, he has shown a thorough and detailed knowledge of the play,
'An Inspector Calls', and the ability to comment on dramatic devices, characterisation, authorial intent, as well as making links to
the context in which the text was written.

To improve in English Literature, Ayhan must focus on familiarising himself with the format of the Literature exam papers. In
addition, he will benefit from revising themes and motifs of key texts, and ensuring key texts have been read thoroughly. His skills
and knowledge in the subject are exceptional, thus his focus should now be to maintain his high level of achievement.
Al Ain English Speaking School ‫مدرسة العين الناطقة باإلنجليزية‬

‘Achieving Excellence’

Subject: History A* Teacher: Mr S. Burnip

End of Year Target Grade: A* Attitude to learning: Outstanding
Data Drop 1 A* Data Drop 2 A* Term 1 Average A*
Ayhan's attitude to learning has been outstanding this term, so far. Ayhan leads by example during lessons, in terms of behaviour,
work ethic and commitment. As a result, Ayhan has met his target grade. This year, so far Ayhan is successfully developing his skills
in research, written and oral work. Ayhan shows exceptional understanding of Year 10 history. He has also shown a detailed
knowledge of the topics studied so far in Year 10. These topics include The Treaty of Versailles and The League of Nations. He is also
developing the ability to interpret historical evidence and form judgements.

By spending more time revising and consolidating his knowledge, Ayhan can expect to maintain his grades in the future. To make
further progress in history, Ayhan needs to read around the topics covered to improve his knowledge and he should study historical
sources, both written and political. In addition, Ayhan is advised to revise key topics studied during the course.

Subject: Islamic 2 B+ Teacher: Mr A. Abdelmohdy

End of Year Target Grade: B+ Attitude to learning: Good
Data Drop 1 B Data Drop 2 B+ Term 1 Average B
Ayhan's attitude to learning has been good this term. He is frequently attentive, courteous and motivated during lessons. As a
result, he has almost met his target grade. Ayhan shows emerging understanding of the meaning of the new vocabulary mentioned
in the verses. In addition, he demonstrates a good understanding of the general meaning of the verses. Ayhan's knowledge of the
connection between freedom and respecting the laws needs improvement.

Ayhan needs to read more about the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) and he should improve his knowledge of the Sunnah and
its importance. In addition, he is advised to expand his knowledge regarding Islamic Law. Moreover, he has to show the real-life
connection with Islamic ethics to ensure the development of behaviour based on the Islamic view extracted from authentic

Subject: Mathematics Teacher: Mr L. Cole

End of Year Target Grade: A* Attitude to learning: Outstanding
Data Drop 1 A* Data Drop 2 A+ Term 1 Average A*-
Ayhan's assessments this term have resulted in him getting an average grade of A*-, with him making expected progress. His
participation and behaviour in lessons have been amazing. He engages well with the lesson and consistently provides model
answers. He would benefit from seeking and attempting higher-order questions. He completes all assigned work on time and to a
high standard. This allows him to demonstrate a secure understanding of the content covered. Ayhan has clearly demonstrated a
secure understanding of the topics covered through his performance in assessments. This is a testament to his incredible work
ethic in and out of lessons.

Ayhan would benefit from drawing diagrams to help him understand contextual problems. This will allow him to visualise what is
being asked and help break down more complex problems. In terms of topics, he should revise implicit difference of two squares.
There are various resources available online for these topics, along with everything we have covered this year. Recommended
sources include looking through our Google Classroom, www.mathsgenie.co.uk or www.myimaths.com. He must be congratulated
for the depth of understanding he has demonstrated this term. His consistent efforts will allow him to continue to achieve the
grade he deserves.
Al Ain English Speaking School ‫مدرسة العين الناطقة باإلنجليزية‬

‘Achieving Excellence’

Subject: Physics 8 Teacher: Mr C. Young

End of Year Target Grade: 8 Attitude to learning: Outstanding
Data Drop 1 9 Data Drop 2 9 Term 1 Average 9
Ayhan has always been an outstanding student, but as he has moved through year 9 into year 10 his study skills and revision
strategies have developed and matured so that he is performing at the highest level possible. Every assessment so far this year in
physics has been scored at grade 9, the highest grade possible. Ayhan is therefore exceeding his target grade. He is always willing
and able to answer questions in class and his answers usually display an appropriate command of the terminology required.
Significantly, Ayhan will frequently ask questions to clarify and consolidate his personal understanding of the subject material.

The simple and obvious target for Ayhan is to continue to approach his classroom studies and his revision time in the same way
that he currently does. He has found a formula that brings him great success and he should maintain it with perhaps a little fine
tuning. Sometimes, in his desire to fully understand concepts, Ayhan tries to go too deep with his questioning. Sometimes it is
impossible to explain a concept to the depth Ayhan seeks as several other supporting concepts would simultaneously have to be
explained to a similar depth. On other occasions his thoughts are moving at a tangent to what we are covering and what he desires
to know is not relevant to the classroom situation.

Subject: Social Studies 2 A Teacher: Miss J. Davis

End of Year Target Grade: A Attitude to learning: Good
Data Drop 1 NA Data Drop 2 A- Term 1 Average A-
Ayhan has demonstrated a commendable initiative in researching beyond the prescribed curriculum, bringing in additional context
and enriching our discussions with relevant information about the history, traditions, and significance of Umm Al-Namir. This
proactive approach not only enhances Ayhan's own knowledge but also elevates the learning experience for the entire class.
I am impressed by Ayhan's commitment to uncovering the unique aspects of Umm Al-Namir, showcasing a mature and respectful
approach to the study of different cultures. I look forward to his continued contributions as we delve further into our exploration of
the UAE. Well done!

To make greater progress, Ayhan needs to use paragraphs correctly and effectively and he should develop an understanding of
command words. In addition, he is advised to apply greater accuracy and knowledge within written work.

Subject: Sociology A* Teacher: Mr D. Parks

End of Year Target Grade: A* Attitude to learning: Outstanding
Data Drop 1 C Data Drop 2 A Term 1 Average B+
Ayhan's attitude to learning has been outstanding this year, so far. He leads by example during lessons, in terms of behaviour, work
ethic and commitment. He listens to feedback and responds to it by making the necessary changes to improve his work.
Consequently, he is on track to achieving his target grade. His verbal understanding is exceptional and he is working on his written
answers which are now really beginning to develop. He uses his time in lessons effectively and works well with others. Ayhan shows
secure understanding of the Social Inequality topic, as well as the topic of Family. Moreover, constructing balanced arguments
needs to be developed further.

To improve his knowledge and skills, Ayhan needs to structure paragraphs correctly and effectively and he should use more
sociological material to support his responses. In addition, he is advised to practise exam questions and seek teacher feedback.
Al Ain English Speaking School ‫مدرسة العين الناطقة باإلنجليزية‬

‘Achieving Excellence’

Tutor Comment: Miss H. McHale

Ayhan is a pleasant and well-motivated student who gains much from school and gives much in return. He sets an
excellent example to his peers around him which makes him a joy to have in the tutor group. From looking at the
comments from his subject teachers, I can see that he is praised by many for his positive approach to learning. It is
particularly nice to see Ayhan doing so well in maths and physics. I look forward to seeing him continue to grow and
become the amazing student I know he can be. Well done, you have made excellent progress so far this year, with
outstanding attainment, Ayhan.

Number of school days : 69 Percentage attendance : 98.2

Deputy Principal of Secondary: Mr. R Rudling

Principal of Secondary: Mr. Z Abass

Al Ain English Speaking School ‫مدرسة العين الناطقة باإلنجليزية‬

‘Achieving Excellence’

Terms used in the report.


The grade that could be achieved by the end of the year, based on the student’s ability.

A check-in point which reflects the assessment data within a pre-determined period of time. Data Drop 1 represents
assessments before the mid-term break, and Data Drop 2 represents assessments after the mid-term break.

The grade evaluation in the subject based on the assessments across all of Term 1.


A grade has not been entered as the course did not have an assessment, or the student transferred between courses.


A grade has not been entered as the student was not able to complete the assessment. This may be due to persistent

Attitude to learning incorporates the following criteria
• Being punctual, prepared and attentive in lessons.
• Completing all tasks in lessons by following instructions
• Being courteous to peers and to the teacher
• Following school rules
• Completing homework tasks neatly and within deadlines.

A student with an outstanding attitude to learning consistently meets all the criteria and: is considered to be a role
model, leads by example, offers to support others and the class teacher, and produces high-quality responses to
homework indicative of the time spent on the task.

A student with a good attitude to learning consistently meets all the criteria.

A student with a satisfactory attitude requires teacher intervention to meet some of the criteria.

A student with a poor attitude to learning consistently fails to meet most of the criteria and requires regular teacher
Al Ain English Speaking School ‫مدرسة العين الناطقة باإلنجليزية‬

‘Achieving Excellence’

Report Information: Academic Standards and Grading

Al Ain English Speaking School (AAESS) is a registered private school with the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and
Knowledge (ADEK). The school follows the National Curriculum of England and offers subjects under the Cambridge
and Pearson examination boards in Years 9 to 13. As a registered private school in Abu Dhabi, Arabic Language,
Arabic Social Studies, Moral Education, and Islamic Studies are compulsory subjects. Islamic Studies is compulsory for
Muslim students only.

The school uses a grading system to report attainment from Year 7 to Year 13 in accordance with the grades used by
the Cambridge and Pearson Examination Boards. The Cambridge Examination board uses the letter grades A*-U up to
Year 11 whereas the Pearson Examination board uses the number grades 9-1. In year 12 and 13 both exam boards
use letter grades A-U. The table below captures these grades and shows the expected progression of students as they
move from Key Stage 3 (Year 7,8) and Key Stage 4 (Year 9,10,11) to Key Stage 5 (Year 12,13).

Progression from KS3/KS4 to KS5

KS3 (Y7,8) and KS4 (Y9-11) Grading KS5 (Y12-13) Grading

Curriculum Outcomes
CIE Pearson CIE and Pearson

Working towards: has an emerging

understanding of concepts covered within the F to D 2 to 3 U to E
age-related expectations for the child's age
Meeting: has a secure understanding of most
concepts covered within the age-related C 4 to 5 D to C
expectations for the child's age
Exceeding: has a deep understanding of
concepts covered within the age-related B to A* 6 to 9 C to A*
expectations for the child's age
Expectation for an average-ability student.

Grade Comparison Table for KS3 and KS4

Cambridge Pearson
A 7
B 6

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