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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №1 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Listen to the radio programme and choose the correct answer.
0:00 / 3:50

What did Daniel think of the overall research results?

А) They were interesting. Б) They were worrying

В) They were surprising.

? Запитання №2 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Listen to the radio programme and choose the correct answer.
Who visits art galleries the most?

А) tourists Б) schoolchildren

В) local residents

? Запитання №3 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Listen to the radio programme and choose the correct answer.
What is interesting about museum visitor numbers?

А) They are seasonal. Б) They are dropping.

В) They are always high.

03.07.2024 1/13 vseosvita.ua

(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №4 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Listen to the radio programme and choose the correct answer.
What is the most expensive cultural activity?

А) going to the theatre Б) going to sports events

В) seeing live music

? Запитання №5 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Listen to the radio programme and choose the correct answer.
What did people use to do in the past?

А) go to fewer cultural events Б) pay more for cultural

В) go to the theatre more

? Запитання №6 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Listen to the radio programme and choose the correct answer.
What did people use to do in the past?

А) go to fewer cultural events Б) pay more for cultural

В) go to the theatre more

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №7 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Listen to the conversation. Match the statements with the speakers.

Write only first name letters: Dave (D), Rachel (R) or both (B).

0:00 / 3:07

feels guilty

is emotional about their possessions

isn’t prepared for tomorrow

wants to eat less meat

offers to make a meal

has worked a lot recently

? Запитання №8 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Listen again and write true (T), false (F) or no information (NI).

Rachel hasn’t been able to sleep.

Rachel threw the jeans away by accident.

Dave demands Rachel replace the jeans.

Service at the Thai restaurant is slow.

Dave likes restaurants that offer value for money.

Dave doesn’t think he spends enough time with Rachel.

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №9 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
The charity ______________ to support elderly people in the community.

А) set up Б) did set up

В) was set up

? Запитання №10 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
Here is the painting ______________ I bought last month.

А) what Б) that
В) where

? Запитання №11 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
I know it was his birthday, but he ______________ behaved so badly

А) shouldn’t have Б) couldn’t have been not

В) mustn’t be

? Запитання №12 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
The concert was so dull that ______________ of the audience left early.

А) every Б) most

В) plenty

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №13 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
Could you imagine ______________ on a desert island?

А) live Б) to live

В) living

? Запитання №14 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
______________ he’s managing the team, they won’t win a match!

А) As long as Б) Unless
В) As soon as

? Запитання №15 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
If I ______________ you, I’d get a new job.

А) am Б) were

В) be

? Запитання №16 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
I’ll probably still ______________ off this loan in ten years’ time!

А) have paid Б) be paying

В) pay

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №17 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
I can’t see Mark. I guess he ______________ left the office.

А) must have Б) should have

В) can't have

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №18 (на встановлення відповідності)

Match the halves to create the sentences.
1) The managers will definitely А) unlikely to agree with you.
agree Б) across the latest sales report.
2) He will be in trouble for his totally В) the sales team for this.
3) Head Office is highly Г) unacceptable opinions in that
4) I thought the company was doing meeting.
well until I came Ґ) to discuss your promotion.
5) We should probably blame Д) that deadline next week.
6) We’ve got a good chance of

Вкажіть відповідність:

? Запитання №19 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

There is one extra verb.

come cost get let make (x2) see take

My brothers have never eye to eye on anything.

My homework was hard, but I on with it!

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

a profit is hard for most small businesses.

I really want to buy that coat, but it an arm and a leg.

Aydin is in Istanbul this week, so Lara will his place in the meeting.

This maths homework doesn’t sense to me.

Politicians always say that they won’t people down, but it’s difficult to

please everyone

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №20 (з вибором правильної відповіді у тексті)

Choose the correct alternatives

Luke really thinks he knows more than everyone else. He’s so

[arrogant, stubborn].

I don’t know the answer. Could you help me and give me a [clue,


Management need to handle [conflicts, praise] in the

workplace carefully.

Alana was the best [acquaintance, flatmate] I’ve ever had.

She was so quiet and clean.

It’s easy to [theorise, assume] possible solutions, but will they

work in practice?

Most countries [ban, enforce] traffic laws to keep the roads safe.

I found the dog [betrayed, abandoned] on the road.

My grandfather receives a [pension, budget] from the company

he used to work for.

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №21 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Read the text about binge-watching and for questions, choose the
correct answers.
Binge-watching has become a popular way of consuming television and
movie content, with streaming services making it easier than ever to
marathon entire seasons or movie franchises in a single sitting. With the
growing number of original series and the convenience of on-demand
viewing, binge-watching has transformed how we watch television and has
become a ubiquitous part of popular culture.
This week, we wanted to provide a unique look into the different experiences
and perspectives on binge-watching within families. So, we talked to various
members of the Evans family to discuss their habits and attitudes towards
this trend.
13-year-old Amelia admits to being a huge binge-watcher. She says, ‘For me,
it’s an important part of fitting in. My friend Denise isn’t allowed to watch
loads of television at home, and that makes joining in conversations really
hard’. So now, Denise comes to the Evans house to binge-watch. Amelia
admits that she doesn’t do much besides watching films and series. Once
keen on ballet, she gave that up years ago and hasn’t picked up anything
else since. However, Amelia knows that her grades at school are crucial in
determining her ability to continue her TV-viewing habits.
Her mother, Karen, realises that Amelia is getting into a bad habit, but hasn’t
done anything about it. ‘If I stopped her, then I would have to cut down on
the amount that I watch to set a good example, and to be honest, I don’t
want to,’ she says. ‘After a hard day doing work and chores, who doesn’t love
chilling out for a few hours with some episodes of a good drama? Besides, it’s
not like I could do anything else instead, like join an evening class. I rarely get
a chance to sit down before eight o’clock’.
Kyle, aged 17, usually has a video playing in his room. ‘I wouldn’t call myself a
binge-watcher, though,’ he says. ‘I’m not one of those people who watch all
the latest series as soon as they are released. For me, it’s just background
noise while I’m getting on with my hobbies. I just let it play whatever comes

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

up next. I’ve seen all sorts of interesting stuff that I’d never choose for myself.
I once saw a guy teaching how to cut up different fish. That was really cool.’
Father, Rob, sees it in financial terms. ‘The monthly fee for streaming services
is quite expensive, but in terms of the amount of entertainment we get, it’s
good value. And the more you watch, the cheaper it gets. It’s much less than
going out to the cinema, and everyone can watch whatever they like. Plus,
even though movies or series are often bad, you can just switch to something
else. Some of my friends have stopped paying for streaming services recently,
saying they’re too expensive. That’s their loss’.
Rob’s mother, Gill, is less enthusiastic, despite once enjoying watching back-
to-back episodes of her favourite classic drama while bedridden due to
illness. ‘I remember having to wait a whole week for the next episode of that
series to come out,’ she says. ‘And months for the next series. You got the
excitement of wondering what was going to happen next. Nowadays, you get
everything as soon as you want it, not like old-fashioned TV, and I think you
lose something as a result’.
Meanwhile, Karen’s brother Kevin is interested in the intelligent design of
streaming platforms. ‘They make recommendations based on what you’ve
enjoyed, and often the recommendations are right up your street, so I guess
that encourages binge-watching. Some people say that this limits what you
watch. I’m not sure I agree, though. As a sci-fi fan, live-streaming services
have introduced me to some great foreign and low-budget movies and series
that I wouldn’t have known about. I’m sure that up-and-coming filmmakers
worldwide are benefiting from that promotion.’

Which of the following has resulted from Amelia's binge-watching habit?

А) She has poor conversation Б) She does not have any
skills. hobbies.
В) She has problems fitting in. Г) She has improved her
grades at school.

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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №22 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Read the text about binge-watching and for questions, choose the
correct answers.
What is Karen’s attitude to watching series on television?

А) She'll try to watch less Б) She watches television

television, to set a good before eight.
В) She watches a lot of Г) She plans to do an evening
television as a way to relax. class to reduce television

? Запитання №23 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Read the text about binge-watching and for questions, choose the
correct answers.
What does Kyle enjoy watching?

А) Series, although not the Б) Instructional videos related

most recent ones. to his hobbies and
В) Videos that he didn’t pick Г) Programmes that his
himself. friends have recommended.

? Запитання №24 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Read the text about binge-watching and for questions, choose the
correct answers.
What does Rob think about streaming services?

А) They are well worth the Б) They aren’t as enjoyable as

money if you are a binge- going out to the cinema.
В) They aren’t worth it Г) He may stop paying for
because the movies and them soon because they
series are often bad. are too expensive.
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(B2) Final Exam Test_ROADMAP

? Запитання №25 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Read the text about binge-watching and for questions, choose the
correct answers.
Gill thinks that binge-watching...

А) is good entertainment for Б) is better, as you don’t have

people with long-term to wait to find out what
illnesses. happens.
В) results in people wasting a Г) prevents people from
lot of their time. enjoying a sense of

? Запитання №26 (з однією правильною відповіддю)

Read the text about binge-watching and for questions, choose the
correct answers.
Kevin feels that live streaming platforms...

А) only recommend videos Б) prevent people from

that they is trying to watching a wide range of
promote. videos.
В) are helping people new to Г) aren’t very good at
the film industry to get recommending things to
attention. watch.

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