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IMDb Pro account content

Opening an IMDb Pro account is a great step for our production company, even if we don't have
any films released yet. IMDb Pro allows us to showcase our company's information and the
projects we’re working on. Here's a list of information we should consider adding to your IMDb
Pro account:

1. Company Information:

 Company Name: AL DJAZAIRI For the production, distribution & exploitation of

the Emir Abdelkader film.

 Company Logo: (Upload a professional logo to represent the company.)

 Company Bio: (Write a brief but engaging company description): Al Djazairi is a

public establishment for the production, distribution, and exploitation of the Emir
Abdelkader film. The establishment was created by the presidential decree N°21-
413 and placed under the supervision of the Prime Minister in order to produce a
feature film entitled “Emir Abdelkader Al Djazairi”

Rewriting history… one could say that this is the initial aim of the establishment
but we would rather say that it is to tell history in a different way which would allow
giving credit where credit is due.

Hence, the ultimate aim is to create a universal emotion and to transmit through
this production a new reading of history.

Striving to realize the best cultural but also commercial product which will take
place, we hope, among the great productions of the cinematographic industry.

2. Contact Information:

 Email:

 Website:

 Phone Number: +213661919164

3. Filmography:

(Listing the upcoming project about Emir Abdelkader, even if it's in development)

Al Djazaïri was entrusted with the preparation and development of the scenario
dedicated to this great hero of the Great Book of Algeria, unique in its resistance
in the history of colonization, his determination and persistence have marked his
time and grant him an immortal glory, “The founder of the modern Algerian State”
who reunited his people, and propelled the nation and his society into the
contemporary world. His audacity but also his wisdom, opened him, during his
lifetime, the doors of universality.

The challenge is to render, in a cinematic language, the multidimensionality of this

strategist, the man of war, the thinker, the humanist, the man of God who wielded
the sword and the “kalam”, with the same subtlety.

In order to translate the multiple qualities of Emir Abdelkader, and the stature of
his person, to restore to memory, the facts and acts of his life that, in his time, have
aroused the admiration of his contemporaries throughout the world, the Algerian
State is committed and engages in this enterprise, exhilarating for those, nationals
or foreigners, who have the delicate mission of bringing back to life one of the
most important figures of the 19th century. For our pride, his name was
“Abdelkader Al Djazaïri”.

4. Links and Social Media:

 Facebook:

 Instagram:

 X (twitter):

 Youtube:

5. The Team:

 Add key team members, such as the company founder, producers, directors, and
any other notable crew members.

 Include headshots and biographies for each team member.

6. Photos and Videos:

 Upload photos related to your production company, any behind-the-scenes shots,

or concept art for your upcoming film.

 Share any promotional videos or trailers you may have for your project.

7. News and Updates:

 Share any news or updates related to your company or projects. This could include
announcements, press releases, or awards your team has received.

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