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The Last Sorrow of the Blessed Mother

We reflected on the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Mother. All the sorrows have
said something to me. However, I decided to focus on the last sorrow of the
Blessed Mother since I believe that it resonated with me deeply. I am referring to
the event when our Lord was laid on the tomb. [John 19, 40-42]. The Church just
celebrated the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus yesterday and today, we
celebrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Vatican News announced that Pope
Francis is working on a document about the Sacred Heart of Jesus for a world that
seems to be losing its heart. It is an invitation to love as a way of following our
Lord and the Blessed Mother.
I am amazed about the new tomb that was not yet used. I often overlook that detail.
I was focused on the other details. However, when you mentioned that it connotes
“newness”. I am overjoyed because it seems that this course was an experience of
the deepening and renewal of my personal relationship with the Blessed Mother.
Incidentally, the new tomb will later become an empty tomb. Renewal will lead to
becoming empty and be filled with the love and light from our Lord through the
Blessed Mother.
Sharing in the Joys and Sorrow of our Lady
I believe that we cannot fully share in her joy unless we also embrace her sorrows.
This is very timely for me because it seems that some people in the parish do not
appreciate and see the importance of what the parish is doing. We encourage them
about prayer and some prefer outings and enjoyment. We do our best to help the
poor but some insist on spending our resources on beautifying the Church. It is also
needed but we need to focus more on works of mercy. What we do must be the
fruit of our prayer and discernment.
In the midst of my sorrows, the lessons and reflections reminded me about several
The Blessed Mother is my mother who prays with me and accompanies me toward
her Son. In praying, I have to bring and surrender all my sorrows and joys and lay
it before God. The praying of the Rosary is a very effective way of praying. During
this time, the children are on vacation. We have catechism lessons in the
communities and we teach them to pray the Rosary. We even printed Rosary guides
for them.
Just as I laid everything, God will raise it up and transform me. It will be an
experience of renewal and rising again. My sorrows will not be the last say. God
will lead me to everlasting joy.
Mary as my mother nourishes me and never leaves me alone. She remains with me
at every moment of my life. If I face the challenges alone, I will be defeated but
when I stay with my Mother, I am secure. I have to stay at her side always.
My Mother sings the Magnificat in order to glorify God. I also experience God’s
greatness and God has done so many things for me. I have to join my Mother in
proclaiming God’s greatness. It is always God who does miracles. I have to put my
trust in God just like the Blessed Mother.
The Blessed Mother is inviting me to remain in the light and not to choose
darkness. She has done wonders in the life of Blessed Bartolo Longo and
Alessandro Serenelli and so many others. Great sinners can become great saints.
I will remember all these lessons so that it will guide me in my personal life and
ministry as a priest. I believe that God and the Blessed Mother continue to form
me. I have to be open and to trust so that my formation will continue.
The motto of the Diocese of Novaliches where I belong is “Nova omnia facio” or
simply “I make all things new.” [Revelation 21, 5] In the movie, the Passion of the
Christ, there is a scene when our Lord was carrying the cross while at the same
time being punished by the soldiers, he meets the Blessed Mother and in the midst
of both their sorrows, our Lord said to her, “See Mother, I make all things new.” It
points out to me that it is the Lord who will transform everything. At that moment,
light and love overshadowed darkness and hatred. It is true that he makes me new
through the help of the Blessed Mother.

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