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Improvement Proposal to Reduce the Total Cycle Time in

Production through the Application of SLP, 5S and TPM under a

DMAIC Approach in a Peruvian Textile SME
Luis André León-Ludena Camila Diestra-Medroa Alberto Flores-Perez∗
Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura,
Universidad de Lima, Perú Universidad de Lima, Perú Universidad de Lima, Perú
20182788@aloe.ulima.edu.pe 20180609@aloe.ulima.edu.pe alflores@ulima.edu.pe

ABSTRACT Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3587889.

Over the last years, the textile industry, representing 26.2% of the 3587971
manufacturing employed population, has been going through a
process of growth after the economic crisis caused by Covid-19.
The company under study in the present investigation suffers from
long cycle times in the production process due to inefficiencies. This In recent years, the textile sector has gone through a process of reac-
problem generates delays in deliveries to customers and negatively tivation and growth after having suffered the impact of a pandemic.
affects the company’s image. Furthermore, it results in expensive Its growth is of vital importance, since this sector in Peru concen-
labor and electricity costs. This article proposes a model to face trates approximately 400,000 jobs, which represented 26.2% of the
the mentioned problem by applying an integrated model of Lean manufacturing employed population in 2019. Antonio Castillo, the
Manufacturing with the tools Systematic Layout Planning (SLP), manager of the Institute of Economic and Social Studies (IEES) of
5S and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), complemented by the National Society of Industries (SNI), argued that the textile in-
the DMAIC methodology to improve the production management, dustry represents the third manufacturing sector with the highest
reducing cycle times in production and obtaining a competitive contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), since it repre-
advantage among other companies belonging to the textile sector. sents 6.4% of it. Likewise, it seeks to promote the sale of national
The validation of this model was done through Arena simulator products in Peru, increasing the productivity and production ca-
achieving notable results where the cycle time in production was pacity of SMEs. Therefore, time and resources must be worked
reduced form 12.24 days to 7.29 days, the OEE increased by 30% effectively.
and the production capacity significantly improved by 27%. These The problem identified in the company under study is the long
results confirm that the proposed model is effective in decreasing cycle time in production starting from the order of dyeing the fabric
cycle times in a textile company. until it is bagged. This is caused by the lack of preventive main-
tenance, disorder and lack of cleanliness and an inefficient plant
CCS CONCEPTS layout. This problem is also noticed in other companies. For exam-
ple, in the case of a company in the textile sector, where there was
• Applied computing; • Command and control; a manufacturing time of 487 seconds, producing 58 t-shirts per day.
After simulating the implementation of a Lean model, daily produc-
KEYWORDS tion increased to 81 polo shirts and polo shirt production times were
Lean Manufacturing, 5S, Total Productive Maintenance, Systematic reduced by 77% [1]. Also, in the case of a garment manufacturing
Layout Planning, Textile Sector company where it is considered that one of the biggest problems
ACM Reference Format: in that industry is long waiting times, after the implementation of
Luis André León-Ludena, Camila Diestra-Medroa, and Alberto Flores-Perez. Lean tools there was a 34% reduction in the production cycle time,
2023. Improvement Proposal to Reduce the Total Cycle Time in Production a 14% reduction in the inventory time, and a 32% decrease in the
through the Application of SLP, 5S and TPM under a DMAIC Approach in a non-value added time [2]. Finally, in the case of another company
Peruvian Textile SME. In 2023 The 10th International Conference on Industrial in the textile sector that had a high number of defects and a high
Engineering and Applications (ICIEA-EU 2023), January 09–11, 2023, Rome, value of waiting times due to lack of standardization and preventive
maintenance, the implementation of a Lean model reduced up to
∗ Corresponding Author. 300 seconds the manufacturing process time, moreover, the quan-
tity of defective products was reduced by 5% [3]. Therefore, it is
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed apparent the need of the present investigation and the proposal of
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation an improvement model that includes Lean tools. In this way, the
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the observed problem of high cycle time in production is attacked. Con-
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission sequently, it is important that the textile dyeing industry must be
and/or a fee. Request permissions from permissions@acm.org. more efficient in the use of time and resources in order to satisfy its
ICIEA-EU 2023, January 09–11, 2023, Rome, Italy projected demand. For this article, a company in charge of dyeing
© 2023 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9852-7/23/01. . . $15.00 fabrics for its clients was studied, which reflected high cycle times
https://doi.org/10.1145/3587889.3587971 in production due to different types of Lean waste. The most critical

ICIEA-EU 2023, January 09–11, 2023, Rome, Italy Luis Leon-Ludena et al.

are waiting times and unnecessary movements which generated a the proximity qualification scores between departments [10]. With
monetary loss of almost 20% in operator costs and electricity costs. these two perspectives, a new plant distribution design is put to-
The importance of this study is reflected in the objective of closing gether increasing productivity and reducing production times. The
an existing gap due to the lack of scientific articles that specifically application of SLP, managed to reduce lead time by up to 33% and
talk about the reduction of cycle times in production in a fabric a significant decrease in unnecessary movements in plant [11].
dyeing company.
This scientific article has been divided into the following sections: 3 CONTRIBUTION
State of the Art, where different approaches from other authors
who comment on the identified problem are presented; Contribu- 3.1 Rationale
tion, where a proposed theoretical model is explained; Validation, After carrying out an analysis of the studied cases, a comparison
where the results after and before the intervention are described; was made between the tools and methodologies used in order to
Discussion and Conclusion. choose which ones would be the most appropriate for the mentioned
problem. The proposed model seeks to innovatively implement var-
2 STATE OF THE ART ious engineering tools together. This model was raised under the
2.1 Lean Model in the Manufacturing Sector DMAIC methodology for the improvement, optimization and con-
trol of processes, combined with SLP, 5S and TPM, aiming to reduce
Lean Thinking focuses on the reduction of aspects that do not cycle times in production. Table 1 shows the process followed for
add value in a process, while the integration of Lean techniques defining the components of our improvement model.
provides an organized work model which is used in the reduction
of production times [1]. Among these techniques are 5S, SMED,
Poka Yoke, VSM and more. In other matters, a Lean model can 3.2 Proposed Model
be complemented by the DMAIC methodology, originated from Figure 1 shows the improvement model formed by the Lean tools of
Six Sigma, with the objective of improving processes, reducing 5S, TPM and SLP, complemented by the DMAIC methodology. The
defects and increasing the quality of an organization [4]. A case of main advantage and innovation of this model is the support of the
success can be seen in a proposed model conformed by 5S, Standard application of Lean tools through the DMAIC methodology. Like-
Work and preventive maintenance resulting a reduction of 4.38% in wise, it includes concepts such as control, where it is ensured that
the production time of the company under study [3]. Additionally, the improvement made is sustainable in the future through control
response time of a process under study decreased in 56.16% product activities. The proposal of combining Lean tools and DMAIC assist
of a model conformed by DMAIC, 5S and Standard Work [5]. the manufacturing industries to achieve zero defects, optimum pro-
duction performance, improved product quality and fast delivery
2.2 5S / Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) [4].
5S, according to Osada in 1991, is conformed by the following stages:
Seiri (sort), Seiton (set in order), Seiso (shine), Seiketsu (standard- 3.3 Model Components
ize) and Shitsuke (sustain). By applying 5S and TPM together, a The model starts with the Define, Measure and Analyze activities.
productive and efficient work environment is achieved [6]. Total The first two activities are about the identification of the problem
Productive Maintenance (TPM) seeks to optimize the conditions and the recollection of data in order to define indicators. Then,
and workflow to increase the performance of the components in for the Analyze activity, a Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Pareto
the production plant, through autonomous and preventive main- Diagram, Ishikawa and 5 Why tools were used to identify the root
tenance [7]. Likewise, TPM is based on avoiding machine failures causes of the problem. Figure 2 shows the designed VSM.
and breakdowns with the early detection of problems. With this, On the other hand, the Improve activity is made up of two phases:
appropriate measures can be taken in order to control and manage
the identified causes. For the implementation of TPM, this must 3.3.1 Phase 1: Redesign of Plant Layout. A methodology for the
be applied having a solid base of the 5S method, since this method redesign of the plant was proposed, in which the approximations
improves order and cleanliness in work areas and generates a disci- between the stations were considered for a correct flow of materials
pline base in workers, a key element for the application of TPM. The and a more orderly production process. In this way, all the activities
effect of combining both tools is notable in a case study where the involved in the process and the relationships between them were
production rate increased in 18.4% and the availability of machinery identified. The indicators used to measure the performance of the
increased in 11% [8]. proposal were the level of effort and productivity.
To put this tool into practice, it was necessary to follow the
2.3 Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) sequential steps explained below. In first place, a process activity
In order to obtain a more efficient plant layout, SLP must be im- diagram and a flow diagram of the current plant design were made
plemented. Such tool is mainly used for two purposes. The first in order to evaluate the current flow of materials.
approach is quantitative since it is based on minimizing distances Secondly, a diagram and relational analysis of activities were
between departments to reduce costs. It seeks to reduce the costs made to determine the importance of closeness between the sta-
of the flow of materials, since these represent between 30% to 70% tions and to know the limitations of the plant [9]. Finally, with
of the total cost of production [9]. The second is qualitative, which the information collected in the previous stages, two new design
refers to a proximity function with the purpose of maximizing proposals were formulated with a route matrix for each one [12].

Improvement Proposal to Reduce the Total Cycle Time in Production through the Application of SLP, 5S and TPM under
a DMAIC Approach in a Peruvian Textile SME ICIEA-EU 2023, January 09–11, 2023, Rome, Italy

Table 1: Comparative Matrix of Components of the Proposal vs. the State of the Art

Authors / Objectives Application of preventive Reduction of disorder and Redesign of plant layout
maintenance cleanliness improvement
Andrade, Y., Cardenas, L., Viacava, G., 5S, Kanban and Lean
Raymundo, C., & Dominguez, F. (2019) Manufacturing
Quispe-Roncal, H., Takahashi-Gutierrez, TPM SLP
M., Carvallo-Munar, E.,
Macassi-Jauregui, I., &
Cardenas-Rengifo, L. (2020)
Lista, A. P., Tortorella, G. L., Bouzon, M., Lean Manufacturing and
Mostafa, S., & Romero, D. (2021) SLP
Morales Méndez, J. D., & Rodriguez, R. TPM 5S
S. (2017)
Proposal Total Productive Maintenance 5S Systematic Layout Planning

Figure 1: Proposed Improvement Model

The chosen proposal will be the one with the least effort level and Best Practices Manual. Lastly, in Shitsuke (sustain), a focus on the
higher productivity. adoption of the habit of complying with the procedures and rules
established in the 5S Procedures and Best Practices Manual was
3.3.2 Phase 2: Discipline and Maintenance. The 5S program was made. Likewise, the 5S Committee was defined, made up of employ-
developed in the following order. First, Seiri (sort) was the separa- ees. Also, three pillars were designated for the sustainability of 5S:
tion of unnecessary objects from necessary objects, by assigning participation and commitment of leaders and workers, learning and
red cards to unnecessary objects and defining an action plan to continuous improvement and constant rewards for workers who
said objects: repair, transfer or eliminate. Second, in Seiton (set in carry out good practices. Lastly, the 5S Board was created, which
order), the objects from Seiri phase were arranged in specific places includes the 5S Procedures and Best Practices Manual, the cleaning
depending on their frequency of use, function, weight, or size. Also, schedule, results of the last 5S evaluation (includes observations),
tools, equipment, workstations and machines were labeled. Finally, Pillars for Sustainability and Improvement opportunities.
areas were delimited with red adhesive tape. Third, Seiso (shine) re- For the application of TPM, the scope of the TPM program was
ferred to restoring any object or area to its optimal condition. Since defined: dyeing machines. The TPM pillars included in the program
no object required to be restored to its optimal state, a cleaning are Training and Education, Focused Improvements, Autonomous
schedule was designed. Fourth, in Seiketsu (standardize), documen- Maintenance and Planned Maintenance.
tation and maintenance of the current state achieved was addressed. For the Education and Training pillar, workers were trained on
In this way, procedures and best practices were documented, to be the following topics: TPM pillars, The 6 Big Losses, Defect and
able to gather enough information and create the 5S Procedures and

ICIEA-EU 2023, January 09–11, 2023, Rome, Italy Luis Leon-Ludena et al.

Figure 2: VSM of the Production Process before Improvements

Figure 3: FMEA Tool

Failure Management, Autonomous Maintenance and Planned Main- equation was used:
tenance. For the pillar of Focused Improvements, multifunctional
𝑇 = 𝑀𝑇 𝐵𝐹 − 𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜 𝑓 𝑠 tan 𝑑.𝑑𝑒𝑣 ∗ 𝑆 tan 𝑑.𝑑𝑒𝑣 𝑜 𝑓 𝑀𝑇 𝐵𝐹
groups used the 5W1H tool for identifying and analyzing problems
= 6 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠
in the dyeing machines. Also, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
(FMEA) tool was used to analyze failures related to machine opera- Being the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) 11 hours per fail-
tion and propose corrective actions, this tool is observed in Figure ure, the quantity of standard deviations 3 (represents a confidence
3. level of 99,87%) and the standard deviation of MTBF 1,66 hours per
In the case of the Autonomous Maintenance pillar, workers were failure, every 6 hours a preventive maintenance intervention will
instructed to carry out the following activities: inspection, cleaning occur in order to replace mechanical seals.
and lubrication. Finally, in the Planned Maintenance pillar, before
designing the Preventive Maintenance plans for the dyeing ma- 4 VALIDATION
chines, the following time for systematic preventive intervention
4.1 Initial Diagnosis
Currently, the textile industry represents 26.2% of the employed
manufacturing population in Peru. However, when studying the

Improvement Proposal to Reduce the Total Cycle Time in Production through the Application of SLP, 5S and TPM under
a DMAIC Approach in a Peruvian Textile SME ICIEA-EU 2023, January 09–11, 2023, Rome, Italy

Figure 4: Problem Tree

company of the present article, it was identified that the main prob- 4.3 Improvement – Simulation Proposal
lem was the high cycle time in production. This represented a loss With the simulation in Arena software, it was possible to obtain
of $13,407 per day for electrical and operator costs. The main causes the following indicators: availability of dyeing machines (used for
of this problem were long waiting times and unnecessary move- the calculation of OEE), daily production capacity, the cycle time
ments. In the first place, it was found that 30.43% of the causes in production and the total production time. The optimal size of
corresponded to long waiting times in the production process. This runs for the simulation was 11. The difference between the current
is mainly due to the absence of preventive maintenance and disorder and improved model was that SLP was implemented shortening
and lack of cleanliness in the factory. To attack the first root cause, distances between stations and decreasing movement times. On the
TPM was used, focused on the pillars of Education and Training, other hand, due to the application of TPM, preventive maintenance
Focused Improvements, Autonomous Maintenance and Planned was configured in the system.
Maintenance, and for the second root cause the 5S tool was applied. For the improved model, the simulation starts when fabric rolls
On the other hand, the second most important cause was unnec- in raw condition enter the system. These rolls are weighed on a
essary movements with 17.39%, this is due to an inefficient plant scale by two workers. The weighed rolls are moved to the dyeing
distribution and for this, SLP was applied, intending to redistribute area, taking a time of 40 seconds. 56% of the weighed rolls must
the machines, optimize the material flow and organize the work- be dyed with a light color, while 44% of the weighed rolls must
place in the plant. The described situation can be observed in Figure be dyed with a dark color. In the case of a light color, it takes a
4. uniform distribution of 13 to 16 minutes per roll. On the other hand,
dyeing a dark color takes a uniform distribution of 22 to 25 minutes
per roll. The dyeing process is made up of 14 dyeing machines, if
the first dyeing machine is busy, the roll will be attended by the
second machine as long as it is not busy. This logic is carried out
4.2 Validation of the Design and Comparison for the 14 dyeing machines. Because each machine has a different
capacity for rolls, depending on what line the roll is moving on,
with the Initial Diagnosis
it will be grouped in the amount needed by the dyeing machine,
For the present investigation, the validation was carried out using only after that, the dyeing process will begin. The dyeing process
the Arena software. Within the proposed tools, SLP, 5S and TPM, consists of setting and loading up the dyeing machine, dyeing a
only SLP and TPM will be able to be simulated within Arena. How- batch of rolls in a time that depends on the color requested and
ever, it is considered that the 5S tool was simulated through the unloading the dyeing machine. After the dyeing process, rolls are
changes suggested in the previous chapter and the results were grouped in batches of 20 and transported in a time of 30 seconds to
obtained after a 5S audit. The simulation of the system starts when the spin-dried stations. Next, the batch is transported in a time of 11
a roll is weighed and ends when these rolls are bagged and then seconds to the cutting station. Before entering the cutting process,
gathered in batches of 20 rolls. In the actual system, current dis- the batch is separated in individual rolls. Afterwards, the rolls are
tances and travel times were considered. Likewise, the Mean Time grouped in batches of 20 and transported in a time of 16 seconds
Between Failures (MTBF) and the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) to the heat setting process. Then, the batch of 20 rolls is separated
that arise as a result of a reactive maintenance are considered. Then, and enters the bagging process. Finally, the rolls are grouped in a
for the proposed system, the distances and travel times improved batch of 20 and are transported in a time of 25 seconds to the end
after the application of the SLP tool were considered. On the other of the system. Figure 5 shows the representation of the simulation
hand, in the case of maintenance, the application of preventive in Arena.
maintenance product of the application of TPM was considered too.

ICIEA-EU 2023, January 09–11, 2023, Rome, Italy Luis Leon-Ludena et al.

Figure 5: Representation of the Simulation in Arena

Figure 6: Indicator Board

An additional scenario was simulated where the systematic in- On the other hand, the results obtained from the proposed addi-
tervention of preventive maintenance was altered. The confidence tional scenario showed a decrease in the cycle time in production.
level was changed from 99.87% to 84%. This made the number of With these alterations, the total cycle time would be reduced to
standard deviations reduce from 3 to 1, causing the up time in the 7.43 days. This shows an improvement of 65% from the initial state
simulation to change from 6 hours to 9.34 hours. This meant that if these changes were made.
preventive maintenance would take place every 9.34 hours. Lastly, another set of tools could also be added to the proposed
Figure 6 shows the indicators from the actual state and the results model to obtain even more improvements in the production man-
after the simulation from the proposed improvement model. agement. A Lean model could be used based on Heijunka, Kanban
and JIT techniques to improve workflow by eliminating waste [15].

The results obtained through the proposed model could be achieved The proposed improvement model conformed by Lean tools under
in the same way in other companies of the textile sector that present a DMAIC approach in the textile industry had the main objective of
similar problems related to high cycle time in production, inefficient solving the problematic of high cycle time in production. From the
plant distribution, inability to meet orders on time and constant diagnosis of the problem, it was concluded that the company under
failures in machinery. This proposal integrates the tools SLP, 5S study had a technical deficit of 20% in its cycle time in production.
and TPM to attack the root causes of the problem. According to the results obtained from the simulation model, the
Among the presented results, the main indicator demonstrates an cycle time in production improved from 12.24 days to 7.91 days, de-
improvement over the diagnosed problem. For the main indicator, creasing by 54.7%. Similarly, an improvement in the OEE is observed
production cycle time was reduced from 12.24 days to 7.91 days. after the successful application of TPM, this indicator increased
The mentioned improvement was achievable due to the application from 45% to 70%, directly improving the production capacity from
of preventive maintenance in the simulation model, product of this, 362 rolls per day to 461 rolls per day. Therefore, it is evident the
the OEE increased from 45% to 70%. application of the improvement model was successful.
These improvements resulted in an increase in production capac- The redesign of plant layout and application of 5S were critical for
ity. Since the cycle time of production is shorter, the plant will have the success of this model, being the last of these a fundamental step
the capacity to produce up to 461 rolls per day [13]. Likewise, the for applying TPM. As for the other indicators, effort was reduced
production cycle time reduction was possible due to improvements by 35.1% and traveled distance decreased from 167.8 m to 109.1 m,
in the plant layout [14]. This can be observed in the reduction of the attacking the root cause of inefficient plant layout. In the case of
distance traveled from 167.8 meters to 109.1 meters. Consequently, disorder and lack of cleanliness, the application of 5S improved the
effort was also improved by approximately 33%. 5S compliance from 58% to 93%.

Improvement Proposal to Reduce the Total Cycle Time in Production through the Application of SLP, 5S and TPM under
a DMAIC Approach in a Peruvian Textile SME ICIEA-EU 2023, January 09–11, 2023, Rome, Italy

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