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Year 5

English Language Performance Tasks

School : ........................................ Name : ........................................

Class : ........................................ Date : ........................................

My perfect room
Egyptian houses are great. There are many rooms where we like to
relax, sit, eat, or sleep. Write about:
- What is your perfect room?
- Describe it.
- Why do you like it?
- Draw a picture of your favorite room.

I live in a big apartment with my family. We have three

bedrooms and two bathrooms. We have one living room and
one dining room. My mom likes the kitchen. My favorite room
is the living room. There is a big television. There are four
armchairs and three couches. I like staying with my family
and watching TV there. There is also a big balcony with a
great view.

School : ........................................ Name : ........................................
Class : ........................................ Date : ........................................

Ancient Egyptian Homes

Ancient Egyptians were very clever. They could make homes using
different materials. Write about:
- What did they use to build their homes?
- How was the furniture?
- Draw a picture of a home from Ancient Egypt.

In Ancient Egypt, many people made their homes near the

Nile. They used its water for drinking, cooking, and washing.
They also used mud from the river to make bricks for their
houses. The mud bricks made very strong walls. Many of
them didn’t have couches or armchairs. There were reed
mats to sit and sleep on. To keep their homes from insects,
they used papyrus to cover the windows and doors. Ancient
Egyptian homes were very special.

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