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For General Tar Qsestlons

Gorrtect KRA Call Centnt

KENYA REVENUE PIl,l Gsfficde Tel: +2*l {020} /1999 999
6S AUTHORITY Gell: +254{07t1}SC 99s
Email: callcenta@*ago,ke

Garfllcab Data: 2BlOZl2023

Perlronal ldenlifi cedon ilrynber

This is to certify that taxpayer shown herein has been registered with Kenya Revenue Authority

Taxpeyer llt*srr**tisn
Tapryal{*te lu*u =L il4WAURA GACHIJNG*
ErlsdlAddroea L.COM

Register# *ddrees
L*.**lalk: *rlldEng: It{asbeth
$!ffi!*sad:Cosmas Ndeti 8i$lTo*m: Nairobi
Catrnty; Naircbi :X*&lct : Embakasi District
Te=*rm: Ersrbakasi Hst : East *f Nairabi
f-€-tex: ?* FoS=ICad*: *S1**

Tax Obligatian{s} *egi**ation Details

Sr.t*& Tzx O$lgdc*{=} Effirt*ftwrl I!** TIll Date Stats
Incame Tax - Resident =Hne
* 2Si*:f?cz3 t\:.4. Active

Tl'*e**cve PIN r*ust appear an all yaur tax inveices and ccrrespcndences with Kenya Revenue Authority. your
a*c*t-*r*li*g e*d date is 3'tst Secember as per lhe pr*visions stated in the lncome Tax Act unless a char:ge has
be*'* *ppr*u+d by ti:e C*n:mi*si**er-ila*?estic Tax*s Departme*t.The stat*s af Tax Cbligatic*{si wirh
'Dcrmant' status will automatically change to 'Active' on date mentioned in "Effective Till Date', or any
transaction done during the period. This certificate shall remain in force till further updated.

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