Fidaylus academy of the Arcane

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Fidaylus academy of the Arcane

Fidaylus academy was founded by Dr. Draelynn Fidaylus and is its own independent
institution separated, on its own series of islands, from the politics of the rest of Caeloria.
The current headmaster is Regus Korenreed

There are four quads that the students can join based on their interests and studies.

The Cerberus Quad is full of students who strive for knowledge and excellence. Many of
these students become doctors, powerful archmages or even inventors and tinkerers. Their
lead professor is Dr. Edward Kraithus

The Ajax Quad is full of those who understand that magic and physical prowess go hand in
hand. Dabbling in the Arcane to make them a force in combat or to enhance a trade they
wish to work in. Raxaius Zardith is the teacher in charge of this quad

Those within Avitus Quad are curious about ancient magics and tales lost to time. These are
the students who invest in religion and study lost artifacts and cultures. This quad is
overseen by Madame Leylus Xaryn.

Musicians, artists and entertainers alike come from the Zenacious Quad. These students
strive to use their magic to bring joy and light into the world. Many famous Bards and fortune
tellers trace their roots back to Zenacious. Seamus O'Reilly is the professor that leads this

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