Geography Notes

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[Begs | 0 Nebu aw Rypottnc (kext and Laplace) 796 EX Sel avons cnbrads dood. . Cewtrifuget force dire bas w Yotabe Ser Proto — son, ( Central tans J as coe Ring foros Wels plea seeps oF: TS Van 2 aha @ First . A yeors resp ceepp ed aie mahler f ouiverse Pecans ¢ ek -_ OEE ® Slaw Formation x Te Vee [> & Usvds § qas Diturbance lags disturbed cowses dame eee by We gravity forme + drow e coe & vetebe 4 Mary phinonunon we lo a dese of =o Pe F dost Cc vc disc rolala pater Se eg 8 cA hot enoun oe Halve ee Le v tse plant es imols © ener t% @) Earth, * Uiweke cones 4 Latitudes Fa Bhar 2g S Propertica. O bid, Koepid, Gas © \\ & ewervede = stretd sqveezc_ © Foster nm Ter alent = ——S ee ee ee Baa eran te oO “Tateri ow Eath, Coates Marten) Mantle Mantle Core © Upper G Ges Moo * Catinent at) Distant ganic SIAL: wlica 2 Dewaly: 2.7 Adewing, we divdig Une blu Ort a Wwowier Gusk'C Beattie) maak ‘Sima ( SiWca, iven, . ; dwaser vecles wok 4 Qemnty> 2.0 — oliviw, © Rode Gyde van Retry ic wersny ay aN Sedimedtary lgveous) Rem naka; Maka i admorig/ mor pn ope Goue te > Hectaparpric a Remata neorphitonr © anthy Ted onic Mates (Map Not scale, a @ Plate ter action th Atlantic Octtae Ierdlge, YD Diver gewk ccm wees. > ae ASU Sprrendig Ske rok, ye Ty, > wuk For wiry Z Combs tive Edge t \celand: Win vidpe rises Aleve tea Vw +s ishamda bow. Ht Hyican Rit Valley > divergence. Riricam® ay Gomali Plat es ai) Meltoy > Magen Wat grakes vpwand, £ Vo\ comic 0 caleg are formed, Conver (ev boundary. Zone 4 bwh duction Gomreft Zon, Es Plate w/ higher CUnwatg tbduck ~ B: Weak £ pressuve 4 = wk Mes Seclimmt hegim Wire as lower Aonity War wontle rock, - Voluamic island anes. Ocean Crust Demer bulo ducks 4. S Nazca plate wbducts beneabn S$. America S Tuan de Fuca beneath NW. Rwericaw 2) Vapan s Pacikic plate Weer under Enreni e. Andlos 2 Roclarex fo loutinerdal - Leinental lellidon, Fold Louwdasiy ‘ @ Ro © Andes © A\ps DO wimalayos © Ati « (Check Mae ) @ Wi) Vramjorn, Eder. Seorthqve Seated | a. Sam hwdrens Feud: _ Cauce Loire -s Radio active DetOg & Gre duty (O-O 3 > Ogeonie (Bivec at) >i Hotspots. Cay Howes) i Coe Cas iglond 4 tht war Whee sem at Type A Island Favret o~ 1) Vol came Hotspots | Mayhe Plum. \Nawie - Whronve eg, Howwett, Revwien @ Fors Rasoltic Anddesitic scuill > ExPlosive Wicd ocean) > Vol aves sot seat & Wrowtai ¢ (9 Vol. Plateaus Batol, a tot Mot Vel tame an Cowuknental # Deccan Traps (Particg over Rumion Wigion ever lager Eorlior] Met. a RE Flows|cpa + Rosattic Evuphion (s) J AINSI * Pinakviod vole cone ® ae 4 Nacanos pleleal emt. bed by CO : Niscoug Laws idk on Uinder Come Pade - 0 ; ee a. Mules, Rugrats Eads wun ovvpi \ WY ne Oe pa ii onde to Vewvius. lempowte Gre (3 Higleest Vol Camo ) Viscoust FWid Cary aeners: —Yoro - wekery silica = Yellows tow, D tae ie Got Soe Gidew “ee 1) Diver gence : es Ww) STramsverce o-¢ WV) Miu plahes Woordany ( Sdn : A Miditave near Audveas Fault rl heft over Tuthys Sea) S Wat C stable orvst) we Le , a Seacivalia 4 aa folt ge age bad ced aertrvoir et Fikethsok pol > Wining ee -Wudear Tat. Tenant 4 uv AS wz EQ om Ocem orest t v x i Sta wekew wecede . Oru | ak shove Fee coun (700 uy Broug w ra wornul _ Ion Vardle ware Tend OO ENA AGinyle VT. F Woven Get bier ay S> Osull Ur wake ek Allow, Osaheasr i © Fad otain 7 —> Peres Sebduction ea geo syncing Z Gee bywdine C0" Elomated Riv nevvow ails deprevion ae om Loutinent ol acumen gp wader Untenst Ot + Rodei ey , Ruder es arate practve, sediment spittle ped Siew Ee ae => lenprohm (® Blode bs ; Type J (teeny: G— leading Vplited: Horst chee wsed Svabben ‘ (Rak wall eae ea < item « eon = co Tere 3 Congr 8 eine Grabber , Europe O Ni hAlega, Gttuva ( Blode) Tdi (5) Plateaw (Table land) Type 2 Raised duving ME lori Ling Corea Shevteniy) Evoded We & Evoded Mr Banke: a: Gavhwal plat can. — Turmah — Expeminn ook haated (Ras Traps (Vitlres prove a: Deccom, wopidl) Chom (My ommrnow ) I er ase (ys Kok Uosifivadn See as Wee Tse a | 7 Piedmont 4: toe platenn . Cowbinedok dation) ures ka 6. Mararnst on a | ©) Plain Depp uti oral Exononel, “Ac a ~ Pane ( igh met ere sim) Raver a Khadr Shaper oe ~widk & sg ~ Gamal ( othe - Marine ey. & comst : C im $5) adi « Wind ( Peds pla) “Roest C Yugo slovia ® frwo oplre- steak (a “DD EXO pl: Sere! Trsrne woe twour gan but v. hot ( Posse Mune sree loon bean, no GAB, yoo Pace (ox Cenk. O, alowerbs Wat CUV)t He duvlence 7 Wud air A —~ |Peuse vives + cold Hives, Tropeyplur “ @-¢o 6) aa Tepe - io 3 overlaps pipe pats a ee Nr mosplive erovpure over logs v/ Kroes Y sronles ark aloyevhs ooryy Waa ret oslre © Solos a : *e 30 a | Tervestvial, < Troee poe tg Wool Witter Mgnt, (+ phan a~eas) R Weot 4 day radiated spraved aaa at et - wm Meow ming Fav, looler Thaw ain alosve, ( werd of Wid Untthede a eiuti og theme Vefions (enditides 4 an drainage. (idd ows down dee array ity) pile un Acep poclests & velly - a Slope — Warm: prost prebecty, Ohee Geoilrophic Winds J Cua Upp tropes ple) Neamber ing Rowby Wowen) sae Onicha a, oo peak (weer por 5 e —>s a cenrt\ a ( Cra 5 Si Pyeby we 60oN DV Tet stvcams * Voraarelling Deprerineny Hori zed | X Yet wi Meander. Temp emte Weodhu- WO Wopits 3 Heat coy 4 Ee hr Gey @ Teup-> deferit Hea 30) Aiy Masa se ea ade wi herizont ne *¢ sg! Qwi levels temp , Ywonaidity ee ‘ted + Up mame | frertie'e Cups wod-eaen) = Frmadeih Rarefot 4 Acapir © proper 4 Gourte negAset + theg move © wwe we lovkak w/ One aro Q Ay Fronds . border {Wwe OWN O4d 4 4 | Gal Fro: tld vty G@ld faster Sis War wa Dry. Warns Upwear cg Hoit 3 Nope cheep waden uplytrmnt Wwmvloni — py Ware Front: Cylon rain Warm mise jaster Aotle ope = to sudden _ Unify a vain— dire opt Ment (QD Frowbel Cyclone /Extve Tropiual a 24, vsstis ae A cool te Pr ico ae ey 7 4FoaGold 4 Raa 4 Dy _ — A , ne i ri fae wh clodle wire Ho wh Z es Uusyeetk Tsdhog type ge? VY Le. pols poley elt ai es sda Oceluded Freed. ) Freowtolyss / skeqes A Ware Cyclone D Wind Sume D) Wdeid ction bua oy © foes" Rees ta , AO ( < ~@ w\ i? war 6 (old wh ©) i Soe ed (3) Distipstin. UPD worm. ‘ 5) 2 Q recat, 4 i 2 es i Pali 4 Twp Cadone 3 Always, W & E ( Sarone 4 — BB DisteCeuy A Temp Gyclon a SS @) Tropical Cydlome adi, \ OD Lege Sea Surface wf temp 927% (onditin\ @ CoriolisFavte. Cue cquahet (D Srnatt dills tm Vertical Wind Speed, 6 Pre - ex wede LP ox low lev Cptlome formetion © Vpper diversence dame SH level uee eee + 30-v0" Wek ia Seed . ee age co : i; ra 9 pre : i + Gra dud be Qvide —_— Dire chen, MO-® lead p aa laud (Sistribn J es C4 el nen < Eat Ge wed My & ah <\ my ( beg OF t ® a dont -OF Se \ Eat Wwe Seo. : LN — Aree 4 ev. hvatrian bea 0 Trop cok Waker £908 © Worn Wrve bh 4 Mexice (DT im Sea brface Tema 6) Avopiiak (4 done Woow Caso earl ee = is Nowing | Guten > Reg snal Specialited Mucrobopea fibre, x ose Gorge “a Donor nrg l Rice w Sea ea ree Wore || sea bed ig Shallow apr eatedt Killers Coast + Sol few: E) Word tees GOVE erads evnlermary Mekyve ne > ae | wurlOus ee w Sree. oh gy TF bis 1a | Re ty i : Lipltening —S twwmdee = shee Ueu duce oe oe \ towe tr & owe we dane ak higher 2 lower altitode CY do wa, wey so womy —> Lic Mtenirg Bere, ee As Uxddevinn, deatins Wormer dinates + dia vroin heat tw Gade none thon ae + Deatha Ter im tote Whe cpend Eat Wave Bima ode Ce age wie — temthvvekion Feld Mee pr Ughteniny gy ce ae ak tte ph in Bare mehr venday 4 Wit hiking) @) Polev Vortex > lav (e scale cyclone, twat Oncivcler qe ography cah pola d eartn ype \voposplwré or ttrabosphure On. buiukey C SMarp temp diff event blu pile R cavator) * Dev J Polar Might Tet Streane 4 Taupe d Rerclon, > wand | e 4 Sree meee aru | Svetorphwie Cloeds 305 ia } Winte Ae © Pilor vertey Dea Tome ~70° (12-22 em Wa) sabe, Mita Aeid, lglg Me v reas} cet wPU > Q neh Frat wm Novth: wede oa ; a Goth: Ozone et — undulating ¥y ne Wy J Rod L ae se Osci\\aha Amid. ever 2-3 years > END a Waker Thurme wi" Ypulig Ry, \ dine Fishass Ow E i r es > pn of pla vp “ a ee ee Wate Ufo (wat @Puv > desconsls dersierling a Ata. Peo! Gi = aotsert &) E\ Nimo Year: CWatleer coh ee eee Biwerety © o. Equistond - f9 Quek wees Ph rate Wind “a O weale plirgs Dro oe et es saiilaiaiai ne > Bown wri ; hus sc ega (Mohal —- More \ Wing) Wommay, LaNina, <= (= 7 oe ’ * Drought ta a Payiea. & Good Fie Evvepe > fy ts Hoeaicien, < S.Am 3 w.Pgae > \whtia > Peru ( Price Crash. La Ning Nom Hwrivanes L Hurricams om Corvib can Sereaansetay Brosh Flos in Mug Gummer: TS UND Wirdtr ~ “naires Wder ¢ bt 69) Ocean (ovlinedal Uowqivd. Shall > > WOO ; phobic 2eme_ [ooding plamktow PTAA aaa aii belies (rete) Webbe ws ¢ rca) Roporvees > prolean 08 subdued Moyssak (owe ivi, Pl aive HUN CLOS 3 decidiy terviboviek Wahers ((1 vem) adipte F Cord ervovs — 6 (alicmad wer” pr Coastal count rig Spi yuh b& Stabe be erplove ¢ ext yeack Wad wrels / Produc energy F Types 3 elandy Cowdinwdal, = Omee prt A Urge gf: Madagucar, re SLi % Vo\ Usa a : Huvile, Aleerian Ceriel Seti a: LAlaldivcen Samd bb. mm whe Cunha 4 Sarnol _ Lov \slencl Guy) hear Loa “S* a Cor ak ~ Wewine ecology tatty indi color, Vittoy ‘ 4 Weed-duin fowee 4 wreat Ro divers (erat tiny $a Amento ney Polyps Cite 1G teem cea See SRebeton jermation One gen ding OM previous Gen Symdriotic Yel Zoe xathabee. Photo syutresis wrrokede joo A g corel londiles for growth O whwewine thallow plat bm @ Tene: 28- 27°C (© Omd + wow Le (D weren, tropical, Lav Kite wate. @ Sabiwty - Bot o © % Moth J viver, X tevbslent water. © Gee er wottw rah Blea chirg : Wim te a A cxpek eae b Ge nak, Wor imiy dee 2% d ' Stem ae — Rudi ficte honce 1 bleaciy Al cok Bloom TV sediment pew River Ss XS Bil soil Clarine Poluahe wer gins 4 tom tinherk = H a Reed pee ex wation 3 oS . — —> Arv\\ rai Js \slawd, \eey wiry Are\| \agooa oC island _ Vow Maxine Polly Wa ON sei\\ Maine Che deveid gd Sunlige 20. Row- off from > Eso phi cathy » Ai gel Bloon Rw meet TS Ocean Radi biccla Domi @ towing A Harme Mmavine Lile Beles tic water lye 4 Rrodive veity ho eat a. oalls : Lamps oh parel eum. \S veaotn Hoi w/ Italueter. (9 W ows ke yh Breas wi > eee ee we 2 marrow £ shallow lupt> 500 boxcwolkk eS 4 waler dv culating clergy OLEAN Wargid > Heat Distribio rom Pols k Equator. ss ea «ty S Covidlis oe { =) Gravity W Foxces: Wind Cc ~— ae Wann, Bee) it agai foe tie % ne | westalis ce Lindy AU MIE Tes Lem tg (equator > rain scadindt ‘ leas sabi lA > Were Sling ee Coas\ Vins & lpriolig Force > Modi} pote . Har LT diornal trea ety a) KES ney [Wr bam Thorwel Plume | a] + Dome cot Re ZFS —> nity. —- . e Ucb R&R Plume Conse a tot At Orton ery bold ue Cenk Pop Lint ae kre ae ed “fh IC Elfeck © Abryfr Rue & teup, neal Ware 4 Plume © Cea brace _, slecme. Hewbivg O Polar lee Melby. (vimpartor global © UimatiL Prades aon > Oren voahteps Sreps eal S wler po Lvefte chon » Road Lhreysh) & Smandr City Plenwits oT im 2214. | Bok vo Probe Cyclone “.\ votiy @ SST MDigher mw BoB CAS rieny by Lec © Flow 4 Wabre Gana, Brelnaputra) oc ee 0.710) © frasan Se = End tien Wry = ne ee Beg s en wo ley Whe ene © Source le w ve 5 é eve. ea wh Wat Pack Meet > Worhomes suf bellow ‘bars! G Axis help Shes Weve >dinlt + reuse poutcd wali fron aboot 3 TWdal oan yy fy Randle 1 Dremond Have (BoB) © Tider Free Bareyie altel TVorhane Se ets Pore 3S Sui 4 carrey, hutch’ sik Sunduvbanr, oN. wove wink 4 how ° Weak Tibet Prateavs LP “ed xv Aye Ress + Create TET eleowe Tibel nb are inusert Mas covery ont. 14 yh, he Gomi Ter > quis winds le Welio, = . Winker = Himalages aX “Vropicek w. Tet Sivan! ad ae eee — GZ — Eady Sow Nporcas ts, Ww, ws CS. Vovanch : Seely oRaie) Sumer — Enively Vert. J Mow Wenteen ovadk (4 bolern bvemes eect Menten Break Wdian Ocean Rrecte. Clngemge Pay bd nrortoon) Siwong Western 4 Brent Mascavend Hit Paalic Pool AD ge Je <— aN \se OD Fliudvaliu oy Mawgoon 3 Ip ITCe dow ust cle a5 Coyihoviel #e trout, docs ek wor wege w/ ITCZ 7S. branch § STW T ve-ale 3 Weale Mas cevrene Haga Ss ElNMins ¢ lod) Rebrre olivy Merson, oe 4 i + Wittdrav| 4 Sw CIS tester than Webley ) Jv Vig Sea Grvbace Temp. CTropicek dydlenne ) J : — foe one —S Muu B.OBs — - a Western ol tuvlanes —_——— rene bre, Ne ic = * #15 Tropes Tet Ctvean fl CMorstuve Grew Medi tare oem) Pre =Mideiem, Pree ” Sury 2» head Heakivg, Comect inal i Roi * kepkla aisha’ ¢ we) Vengo SVewer, Tee bueng & W thevet ey Try Devidvors YB “or wn ER Tree. Eveeen Q Sent Evegreen Fl Monta £ Alpive (poate step aes STERIC Re: Weatery Gutorhauce ee ee + Extra “Trepi cal Temperate Cadenes "HR Nea Ulead, ColA hiv wae comida Uni EL NiWO Tune - hus, ELN\fo Climate drpacts. December Feb Tropical Dens et 2 He Belb i E : Boimarg ee Wink: by tee windtendtin Yorn & be weit Ory. aie > Deviccatiry Heck 4 Udd oceanic Corvews on W coals pS ue loutimentel Deel : lnterier ef Lerge land. No Rain beary Winds 4 Leeward Gide 4 Mts, a Mics Mo Oune “a High Panuah Temp Rengt. Voluamoes 2 avn qualecs. & WA -Lomtinedtt BAt 5S Tidiaut bfrican Wit A subdued 'y saree belaw Eynantenn, rane ied Wagenre) A lowe me. 4 Ne ee Meditorecan plata, Eon mawdlee Cuivre Prat! Groom ~Pacikie Belt C Ring dh Five} Subdeetw G Pale Pebe wea bene eRe + Cevies deep Cream Trenclis subduction . . FUL § total Eorth walresal World. jmidia 4 Continent 2 octam mmeging b Zon 4 yo Fld wks tow hy adive volcanos, INDIA - PHYSICAL AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES. F ig ‘ : © ~ oo: Pah y INDIAN BOOK DEFOT (MAP HOUSE? 2007 Bahaape Road Doren, Scnrmgeooesan | Uoak 4 Location Widw ly cx D Warmed lok Mins {s Vindliyadal temmce, MP © Lowk hom ligula a a Neyvelilinite Grp, © Tron Creed ; takig Comk + TISC0, Bia Tamshedpur : Thenia Look rene B Ruwminvay + Rawike Relinty © Hindalin, + Cook prom Talalre) Q Other imdustereg 3 fertilize, Ds ste Uns tal, papers MSE Wad Dependiney Lig’ O Freiguk Equalisation Plug Cwbviclry troupe Latls) © Lower touk por cocks (D Tern: 0, converter provers © Vawatete es S. Ales G3 Uval® * OLA Fok ; wo PH Pepaladnian * "eke = a welt) ebioeel Heater tate hamse ret —Poli 4. Loam 4 Pharnme _Wadust ey : é © Raw tuctaial » 707 imported CAPE) -. wear pots 4: Wares, Vidamapsinane eam dnag daikts * Expeck Cwdek US Europe, tie) Ly Harloar , GunPharima O bor Radde Boretiela- Vala gerh (BN) Pols indwitviah aren Hi BR Ue SoEts pa 9 Capital (New leo} epry Avaldli\S = —5 Bharat Biotech , Hyd ® Botan > Chilled Lebovy (South bio) Ae be. Reddys lols, Hay lomdwarer > “PLT, © Cimete Shales plow wnn partes aH: Same om Weack f Wor bows > Rawnatoda | prgetine, Prt | aero Raj, Sy = yine, Wile thug BAA AO dha ; Onathis gor ue OM™ logesk ‘ Udine + Higranlonn

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