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To determine the Boiling Point of the given sample.


a) Chemicals Requirement:

Liquid Paraffin

b) Glassware Requirement:

Thiele's Tube ,Thermometer, Fusion tube, bunsen burner, spatula, Tongs, Stand , etc. as


Boiling Point :

The temperature at which the liquid phase convert into it's vapour phase by absorbing latent
heat of boiling or vaporisation is called Boiling point of a liquid.

Boiling occous when the vapour pressure of a liquid is equal to the atmospheric pressure thus ,
It depends on the pressure but usually given for a standard pressure.
For example - Boiling Point of water to its vapour phase is 100°C at 1 atmospheric pressure.

A liquid boil when a temperature is reached at which the thermal energy of the particles is great
enough to overcome cohesive forces that hold these particles together.

Pure substances have a distinct boiling points , thus boiling point can be use as an
indentificatory physical property of a substance , also to determine the purity of a given


1) Clean all the glsswares and dry them.

2) Now , take a fusion tube and fuse one end of it by directly heating on bunsen burner , when it
gets red hot, gently tap the end of tube on solid base, if it is open at both sides.
3) Fill the sample into the fusion tube carefully by gently tapping alongside so that it react upto
it's bottom.
4) Now, fill the thiele's tube with liquid paraffin.
5) Tie fusion tube to thermometer with the help of thread so that its end is just slightly above the
bulb of thermometer.
6) Set up the stand , thiele's tube , thermometer along with fusion tube as previously done in
melting point determination.
7) Start heating thiele's tube with the help of bunsen burner and note down the temperature
when the compound starts to boil.


The boiling point of given sample compound is determined.

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