x history cycle 2 solution

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DURATION: 16 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 Cycle No._2

1. Explain the consequences of the Vienna congress

• The Bourbon dynasty was restored in France,
• A number of states were set up on the boundaries of France.
• Prussia was given important new territories, Austria got control of northern Italy, Russia
was given part of Poland.
2. Why the 1830s were the years of great economic hardship in Europe
The 1830s were the years of great economic hardship in Europe due to the following reasons :
(i) There was enormous increase in population all over Europe.
(ii) There were more seekers of jobs than employment.
(iii) People migrated from rural areas to the cities to live in overcrowded slums.
(iv) There was stiff competition between the products of small producers and products imported
from England where goods were made by machines as industrialisation had already taken place
(v) Peasants’ condition was bad due to burden of feudal dues and obligations.
(vi) The prices of food had risen due to bad harvest. This had resulted in widespread pauperism
in town and country.
3. How was the history of nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe?
Ans: In Britain, the ethnic groups consisting of the English, Welsh, Scot and Irish had their own
culture and political tradition.
The English parliament had seized power from the monarchy in 1688. The act of union made
Scotland to come under England. Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in
The symbols of New Britain, the British flag, the national anthem the English language were
actively promoted.
4. . Explain the different stages of unification of Germany.
Ans: Germany was group of small states before its unification.
The liberal initiative to Nation building failed and was taken over by Prussian empire.
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Ottovon Bismarck was the chief architect in German Unification.

He led three wars against Austria, Denmark and France which ended in Prussian victory. In
1871 Prussian King William I, was declared German Emperor.
.5.Briefly explain the unification of Italy, highlight the value you learn from this.
Ans: During the middle of 18th century, Italy was divided into seven states of which Sardinia
and Piedmont were under princely states.
North, under Austria, Centre ruled by Pope and South ruled by Spain.
The main leaders were Victor Immanuel II of Sardinia, Chief Minister Count Cavour Mazzini
and Garibaldi.
With their initiative in 1861 Victor Emmanuel was declared king of united Italy.
Value highlighted in this is love and unity
6. Briefly explain Balkan Issue.
Ans: Balkan was region of Geographical and ethnic variation comprising of Romania Bulgaria,
Albania Greece, and Macedonia, Croatia "Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and
Montenegro who were all together called slaves.
Till the last part of 19th century, this was under Ottoman Empire.
The disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and emergence of Romantic Nationalism made this
region a land of conflict.
Balkan nations tried to capture more territories from neighbouring places.
It also became a scene of big power rivalry like Russia, Germany, England and Austria,
Ultimately it led to open wars and finally led it to the First World War
7. Why was Frankfurt National assembly convened? Why did it fail?
Ans: It was convened in 1848 to vote for an all-German National Assembly. It drafted a new
constitution for a German Nation headed by monarchy. It failed because King of Prussia joined
other monarchs who were against parliament. The parliament was dominated by middle classes
who resisted the demands of workers and artisans. At the End troops were called to disband the
8. What was Romanticism? How did romanticism seek to develop a particular form of
nationalist sentiments during the 19 th century? Explain.
Ans: Romanticism referred to a cultural movement which sought to develop a particular form of
national sentiment. They focussed on emotions, intuition and mystical feelings. Their effort was
to create a sense of a shared collective heritage, a common cultural past as the basis of a nation
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9. What was the Zollverein?

Ans: The Zollverein, or German Customs Union, was a coalition of German states established
to administer customs and economic policies within their respective borders. It was formally
inaugurated on January 1, 1834, as a result of the Zollverein treaties of 1833. However, its roots
had been laid since 1818, with the formation of several custom unions among German states.
By 1866, the Zollverein had enlisted the support of the majority of German states.

The Zollverein was the first time in history that sovereign states completed a genuine economic
union without simultaneously forming a political federation or union.
10 What was the impact of the Act of Union on Scotland?
Ans The Union altered Scotland in other more subtle ways. Though the country retained many
of its pre-existing intellectual, economic and religious links with continental Europe, the
kingdom was increasingly influenced by English trends. The country was also re-interpreted in
geographic terms as 'North Britain'.

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