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Saptakoshi Development Bank Limited

Condensed Statement of Financial Position

As on Quarter ended Aswin 30, 2080

Immediate Previous
Assets This Quarter Ending
Year Ending
Cash and cash equivalent 568,853,770.28 1,000,728,091
Due from Nepal Rastra Bank 231,489,305 229,591,177
Placement with Bank and Financial Institutions - -
Derivative financial instruments - -
Other trading assets - -
Loan and advances to B/FIs 142,869,397 52,006,259
Loans and advances to customers 3,769,388,403.67 3,700,585,857
Investment securities 715,801,466 775,516,671
Current tax assets 34,429,807 35,789,580
Investment in subsidiaries - -
Investment in associates - -
Investment property 2,487,155 2,487,155
Property and equipment 156,239,337.57 159,216,793
Goodwill and intangible assets 2,377,600 2,501,277
Deferred tax assets 10,225,779 9,310,531
Other assets 190,954,147 188,171,597
Total Assets 5,825,116,167 6,155,904,987
Due to bank and financial institutions 187,980,087 220,393,680
Due to Nepal Rastra Bank - -
Derivative financial instruments - -
Deposits from customers 4,858,693,854 5,006,934,697
Borrowing - -
Current tax liabilities - -
Provisions - -
Deferred tax liabilities - -
Other liabilities 319,588,452 316,327,108
Debt securities issued - -
Subordinated Liabilities - -
Total liabilities 5,366,262,393 5,543,655,485
Share capital 834,338,432 834,338,432
Share premium - -
Retained earnings (499,935,548) (352,920,170)
Reserves 124,450,890 130,831,240
Total equity attributable to equity holders 458,853,774 612,249,502
Non-controlling interest -
Total equity 458,853,774 612,249,502
Total liabilities and equity 5,825,116,167 6,155,904,987
Saptakoshi Development Bank Limited
Condensed Statement of Profit or Loss
For the Quarter ended Aswin 30, 2080

Current Year Previous Year
Up to This Up to This
This Quarter Quarter (YTD) This Quarter Quarter (YTD)
Interest income 128,151,844 128,151,844 155,315,363 155,315,363
Interest expense 104,318,829 104,318,829 100,471,697 100,471,697
Net interest income 23,833,015 23,833,015 54,843,666 54,843,666
Fee and commission income 7,821,522 7,821,522 5,997,337 5,997,337
Fee and commission expense - - - -
Net fee and commission income 7,821,522 7,821,522 5,997,337 5,997,337
Net interest, fee and commission income 31,654,537 31,654,537 60,841,002 60,841,002
Net trading income - - - -
Other operating income 150,192 150,192 588,576 588,576
Total operating income 31,804,729 31,804,729 61,429,578 61,429,578
Impairment charge/(reversal) for loans and
other losses 103,400,681 103,400,681 146,129,322 146,129,322
Net operating income (71,595,952) (71,595,952) (84,699,744) (84,699,744)
Operating expense
Personnel expenses 27,689,484 27,689,484 28,968,206 28,968,206
Other operating expenses 16,153,166 16,153,166 14,326,848 14,326,848
Depreciation and amortization 3,780,632 3,780,632 2,802,789 2,802,789
Operating Profit (119,219,233) (119,219,233) (130,797,587) (130,797,587)
Non operating income - - - -
Non operating expense - - - -
Profit before income tax (119,219,233) (119,219,233) (130,797,587) (130,797,587)
Income tax expense
Current Tax - - - -
Deferred Tax - - - -
Profit for the period (119,219,233) (119,219,233) (130,797,587) (130,797,587)
Saptakoshi Development Bank Limited
Statement of Distributable Profit or Loss
For the period ended Aswin 30, 2080

Current Period Previous Period
Particulars (Upto this qtr YTD) (Upto this qtr YTD)
Opening Retained Earning (adjusted) (365,688,003.38) (71,012,136.75)
Net profit for the period ended Aswin 30, 2080 (119,219,233) (135,352,682)
a. General reserve - -
b. Capital redemption reserve - -
c. Exchange fluctuation fund - -
d. Corporate social responsibility fund - -
e. Employees' training fund - -
f. Other - -
Profit or loss before regulatory adjustment (484,907,237) (206,364,818)
Regulatory Adjustment
a. Interest receivable (-)/previous accrued interest received (+) (15,028,311) (20,100,083)
b. Short loan loss provision in accounts (-)/reversal (+) - -
c. Short provision for possible losses on investment (-)/reversal (+) - -
d. Short loan loss provision on Non Banking Assets (-)/reversal (+) - -
e. Deferred tax assets recognised (-)/ reversal (+) - -
f. Goodwill recognised (-)/ impairment of Goodwill (+) - -
g. Bargain purchase gain recognised (-)/resersal (+) - -
h. Actuarial loss recognised (-)/reversal (+) - -
i. Other (+/-) - -
- Gains/(losses) from investments in equity instruments - -
Distributable profit or (loss) (499,935,548) (226,464,901)
Statement of Comprehensive Income

Current Year Previous Year
Up to This Up to This Quarter
This Quarter Quarter (YTD) This Quarter (YTD)
Profit or Loss for the period (119,219,233) (119,219,233) (130,797,587) (130,797,587)
Other comprehensive income 497,648 497,648 (3,672,385) (3,672,385)
Total comprehensive income for the period (118,721,585) (118,721,585) (134,469,972) (134,469,972)
Profit attributable to:
Equity holders of the Bank (118,721,585) (118,721,585) (134,469,972) (134,469,972)
Non-controlling interest - - - -
Total (118,721,585) (118,721,585) (134,469,972) (134,469,972)
Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share (57.16) (15.68)
Annualized basic earnings per share (57.16) (15.68)
Diluted earnings per share (57.16) (15.68)
Ratios as per NRB Directive

Current Year Previous Year

Up to This Up to This Quarter
This Quarter Quarter (YTD) This Quarter (YTD)
Capital fund to RWA 10.74% 15.38%
Non-performing loan (NPL) to total loan 18.50% 14.19%
Total loan loss provision to total NPL 67.19% 50.96%
Cost of funds 8.37% 9.40%
Credit to deposit ratio 85.82% 95.52%
Base rate 12.39% 13.38%
Interest rate spread 4.54% 4.51%
1. Above unaudited Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with the Nepal Financial Reporting Standards (NFRS)
and certain carve -outs as issued by ICAN.
2. These figures may vary with the audited figures at the instance of statutory auditor and regulatory authorities.
3. Loans and advances are presented net of impairment charges.
4. Figures have been regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary.
5. NFRS adjustments which are subject to regulatory adjustments as per NRB directives have been shown as regulatory adjustments.
6. The detailed interim report has been published in the bank's website
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