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Registration No.

President: Yankteshwar Narayan
Phone: 780.905.9540
PO Box73068
Edmonton, AB
Secretary: Amit Lal
T5T 3X1
Phone: 780.909.3408

Edmonton Ramayan Geeta Congregation

Annual General Meeting 2021

Date: July 9th 2021

Location:16415 83Ave
Time: 7:15 p.m.

Members Present
List attached
Mr. Anil Raju ,Salen Naidu
The meeting started at 7.15 pm with prayer conducted by All members. President
Mr. Yankteshwar Narayan called the meeting to order. He thanked all Members
present and gave the over views for the year 2020.He also read the agenda and
told the secretary Mr. Amit lal to read the AGM minutes for the year 2020 AGM.

Secretary Report
Minutes if 2017 AGM was read by Secretary Mr. Amit lal. He also read the
important business previously designated for consideration at this meeting.
Moved as read seconded by Mrs tambu Naidu.
No Business arising by Secretary’s report

Treasurers Report
Registration No. 543081426
President: Yankteshwar Narayan
Phone: 780.905.9540
PO Box73068
Edmonton, AB
Secretary: Amit Lal
T5T 3X1
Phone: 780.909.3408

Report was read by treasurer My Ritesh Nair and copy of the report was handed
out to the members present. Report is attached for convenience.

Business Arising from Treasures Report

Mr. Armoham suggested to move more funds into GSI.
Mr. Nair responded saying we will look into it.
Mr. Nair also mentioned that the relief funds that gets donated every year will be
sent to Fiji for this current year.
Sanatan Update
Mr. Anil Raju was not present at the meeting but he did send a message for all
This mandali was very active and now seems to be fading away, very discouraging
to see mandali members lacking for pooja at the temple. If covid was an excuse
then what happened last week during mandalis turn at the mandir. Secondly
board members have been missing most of the time from mandir board meetings.
I hope everyone is not converting into Christianity and partying away from
Hinduism. I hope that the executive members can talk to the members and
encourage them to bring our attendance to where it was in the past few years.
Mr. president responded to this matter and said he will speak to Mr. Raju
personally about this situation. Unquote

General and Arising matters

Registration No. 543081426
President: Yankteshwar Narayan
Phone: 780.905.9540
PO Box73068
Edmonton, AB
Secretary: Amit Lal
T5T 3X1
Phone: 780.909.3408

Mr. tambu responded to Mr. Anils comment saying that there is a lot of older
members that don’t have the same energy as previous years to attend poojas,
and also covid is an issue.
Mr. Vijay Narayan also mentioned that he is very disappointed at Mr. Anil Raju’s
behaviour towards him at the board meeting at the Mandir when we was
personally invited to the meeting by Mr Raju and then was told that he cannot be
part of any conversation. He should be a little supportive towards our members.
Mr. President asked all members for their suggestion regarding membership fees.
Mr. Nagaiya Responded saying we should terminate the membership for the year
till we are fully active with mandali activities.
All members agreed to this motion.
Mr. President mentioned if restrictions are lifted, we will try and organized a
family fun day with members.
Mr. Ramaiya Suggested since there wasn’t any recent activities by the current
board that we should consider letting the current board of executives continue for
one more year.
All members agreed to this motion.

Board of directors for 2021 was dissolved at 8.10 p.m. Ramaiya Naidu was
appointed as a neutral chairman to Re-elect the same board for year 2021/22
Registration No. 543081426
President: Yankteshwar Narayan
Phone: 780.905.9540
PO Box73068
Edmonton, AB
Secretary: Amit Lal
T5T 3X1
Phone: 780.909.3408

Elected board was as follows

President Yanteshwat Narayan
Vice President Vijay Narayan
Secretary Amit lal
Assistant Secretary Salendra Naidu
Treasurer Ritesh Nair
Assistant Treasurer thrishna Reddy

Armoham Narayan
Anil Raju
Vinod Goundar
Ramaiya Naidu
Munesh Reddy

Auditors will be appointed by board of director

Representative to Vishnu temple

Registration No. 543081426
President: Yankteshwar Narayan
Phone: 780.905.9540
PO Box73068
Edmonton, AB
Secretary: Amit Lal
T5T 3X1
Phone: 780.909.3408

Anil Raju
Vijay Narayan
Armoham Narayan

The New Board was Reintroduced to the members. President thanked everyone
for their support in the congregation.
Shanti Paat(prayer ) by All members
Meeting concluded at 9.10 PM

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