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1 the fundamental process in the refinery that separates crushed oil into component is known as

(A) fractional distillation (B) petrochemical (C) Refining (D) evaluation. the liquid form of the unrefined petroleum or is the complex mixture of hydrocarbon.
(A) Crude oil (B) petroleum (C) gas (D) diesel.
3.The following are the uses of petrochemical except. (A) Fertilizer (B) Food additive
(C)cosmetics (D) hydrocarbon.
4...… a product of force and distance move in a direction (A) Work (B) force (C) power (D)
5.Both work and energy are measured in a unit call(A) metre (B) Joules (C)second (D)kilogram. energy possess by a moving body (A)kinetic energy (B)potential energy (C)simple
pendulum (D) motion.
7.the major advantage of using machine is that it make our works....(A) easier (B) stressful (C)
hard (D) enjoyable
8.the following are cares of machine except (A) greasing the moving part regularly (B)Regular
removal of dirt (C)The oil in the engine must be changed (D) use the machine until it spoil.
9.the simple machine use in making holes on hard materials such as wood an soft iron is called
(A) Screw (B) pliers (C) hammer (D) plane
10. The distance between two thread in a screw is called (A)pitch (B) effort (C) thread (D) plane.
11. One of them is not the essential part of the level (A) pitch (B) effort (C) load (D) Pivot
12. In ....... The fulcrum or pivot is between the effort and load (A) first class level (B) third class
level (C) second class level (D) third class level
13.what is the power of a child that has done a work of 50j in 10seconds (A) 5Watt (B) 7watt (C)
10watt (D) 20watt. define as the rate of doing work (A) power (B) distance (C)energy (D)force
15.the following are the various ways heat flows except (A) Transportation (B) convection(C)
conduction (D) Radiation
16.the point where two bone meet together is called (A)joint (B)bone (C) cartilage (D) skeleton. a change in positions of the body (A)movement (B) Dancing (C) singing (D) culture
18.the process by which food substance are broke down in our body to resease energy is known as
(A) respiration (B) irritability (C) nutrition (D)bronchitis
19.Turbaclosis is a disease of .......(A) lung (B) bronchi (C) intestine (D) head.
20.The following are blood vesels in circulatory system except.(A) Arteries (B) vein (C)plasma
(D) Capillaries of them is the function of heart (A)To pump blood (B) to restric the blood (C)to fight
disease (D) to cool blood
22.The circulatory system is made up of the following except. (A) blood (B)heart (C) blood vessel
(D) asthma.
23.sickle cell anemia is a............disease pass from parent to offspring (A) Hereditary (B)
Leukemia (C)white blood cell (D)hemophili
24.The identification of disease through carrying a blood samples is called(A ) blood test
(B) identification (C) sample test (D)chronic test. define as the part of the body which work together to produce offspring. (A)
Reproduction (B) respiration (C) movement (D) ovaries
26.A disease that can be transferred from one person to another is called (A) communicable
disease (B) insect disease (C) vector (D) tse tse fly
27.The practice of maintaining clean and healthy environment is known (A)Sanitation (B)
immunization (C) washing (D) cleaning
28.HIV stand for (A) Human immunodeficiency Virus (B) Human imprort virus (C)Human impact
virus(D) Human in virus
29.pollutant that affect the quality of our soil is called (A) land pollutant (B) Air pollutant (C)
water pollutant (D) wind pollutant.
30.the aquatic habitat refers to (A) land habitat (B) water habitat (C) school environment (D)
house environment.


1 write short note on the following
2a. mention three (3) important of of blood test
2b.define blood test
3. Write short note on the following
4a. Define crude oil
4b.mention three uses of petrochemicals
5.Define the following
6.mention 5 cares of machine.

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