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1. Employee Training Structure (Basics + Hospital Services)

Training will be split into two categories: Day 1 (HS Basics and Medlabs)
and Day 2 (GS Calls) After day 2 training, there will be three days where
you will have the possibility of getting used to the EMS work environment
before taking your exam to either HS or GS. The Head and Deans of
Training will identify the eligible candidates, test them according to the
exam they wish to take. If the trainee succeeds in their exam, they will be
granted their first promotion.

Let’s talk about our Hospitals:

We have only 2 hospitals in San Andreas:

Our PH Hospital: (Located in city)

Our SH Hospital: (Located in Sandy Shores)

Disclaimer: All the information given here

is to make training easier
(Don't think that you can go on duty after reading this).
Training Day 1

⦁ Appropriate uniforms - Refer to #dress-code under the staff section in email.

Put on your trainee uniform.
Once you are promoted you will be able to use the uniform for that
specific rank. (Intern, First Responder, etc…)

⦁ TRAINING UNIFORM (Wear this for your training)

You can add the dress to (Add to Favourites) to make it easier for next
time when going on duty.

- This uniform should be worn until your first promotion (Intern or

First Responder)
- If you leave EMS within 7 days after joining you will be fined 300k
according to EMS charter

Signing the Employment Contract:

- Now after joining the EMS, you have to sign the medical contract, to start
your Day 1 Training with our professors.

FTO: /me handing over the employment contract to trainee (This

command will only be done by Professors)

Trainee: /me signs the medical charter. (Trainee’s have to do this

command only for).

- Upload the screenshot to 💬│signature-signed and continue the


⦁ Warehouse - It is located at 2nd Floor of PH

Warehouse NPC:

⦁ Warehouse - It is located at Ground Floor of SH

- Warehouse NPC:
Functions of Warehouse:
We store here:
- Pills for diseases
- Health Insurance
- Body Armour
- Medical Mask and Medical Kits.

⦁ Refer to the #radio-codes under the staff section in email. The radio-codes
highlighted in red are commonly used in EMS mainly!

1. Invite new employee to EMS email and change

email nickname to “IC name | IC ID”.
2. Appropriate Uniforms – Refer to #uniforms under
staff section in email.
o Only wear uniform when on duty and never
AFK in your uniform!
3. Radio codes – Refer to #radio-codes under the
staff section in email.
o VERY IMPORTANT! If you fail to use radio
codes properly, it may lead to a strike and you
may be required to get training again.
4. If you leave EMS within 7 days after joining you
will be fined 300k according to EMS charter

--------IC Radio Codes---------


● When you are available for work, state in radio chat:
o “10-8 where am I needed?”

10-5 - ON DUTY
● When going on duty, state 10-5 and your current location.
o For example: “10-5 [current location]” or “10-5 PH, replacing xxx

o Also be sure to Clock In using your corresponding ROTA in


10-7 - OUT OF DUTY – Multiple steps:

● Before leaving your current duty, if you are in Lobbies (PH/SH), you
must ask for a replacement at least 10-30 minutes prior to leaving.
o In radio chat you will say:
▪ “10-7 PH, Need replacement in 10 minutes”
o You must also post this under #Replacement Log in email and
▪ For example: “@employees, need replacement in PH in
30 minutes”
● When ready to leave duty after waiting for replacement:
o If you have found a replacement, state:
▪ “10-7 PH, replaced by xxx” and remember to Clock Out

o If no replacement was found, state:

▪ “10-7 PH, no replacement found after 30 minutes, PH
now empty”
▪ And be sure to Clock Out


● State on radio chat when taking a break.
o For example: “10-9 [current location] 10 minutes”.
● Also must log this under #Break-room in email
● Maximum you can take a break in PH is 10 minutes, other places like
SH/Calls/Lab, you may take up to 10 minutes.
● If you are on a break in PH or SH, make sure to go to the break room,
you cannot be in a lobby while on break.
● Please make sure you change out of your uniform while on break,
just to avoid sleeping in uniform.

10-8 – Back from Break/Back from Code A

● Also used for when you return from a break.
o For example: “10-8 PH, back from break”
● Also used for when you return from a break.
o For example: “10-8 PH, back from Code A


● A High Command may say “May I get a 10-20 from all active units”
● If you are on duty, you must answer to a 10-20 with 10-4 and your
current location.
o For example: “10-4 SH/10-4 calls/10-4 labs


● Answer a 10-20 from a High Command by stating 10-4 and your
current location.
o For example: “10-4 PH”, “10-4 SH”, “10-4 calls”, or “10-4 lab”
o Only required to answer a 10-20 while on duty.
o Can also be used to answer for replacements with location.

● Used to deny something.


● If you have accidentally stated something on radio chat, state “10-6”
as in “nevermind”


● If you hear shots fired while on duty, you must leave the location and
state in radio 10-10 and the location
For example: “10-10 strawberry avenue”

10-17- ENROUTE
● If you are enroute from PH to SH/Medlabs while on-duty, you must
state in the radio - 10-17 current location to destination // vehicle
license plate
For example: “10-17 PH to SH // xxx”


● When you are in calls/labs if you lost your ambulance you can
request an ambulance by saying 10-55 location.


● Only respond if you are not currently working lobbies
● Report to HC to receive Armored Medical Vest (AMV)
● Remember to return AMV after situation is 10-99
● Maximum 2 HC - 2 Employees
● Take 2 vehicles - 1 must be an ambulance


Night Shift
● Night Shift starts From 00:00 TO 07:00

Minimum Time Commitment Per Week

● 8 hours from Trainee through Doctor
● 12 hours from Paramedic and up

---------OOC Radio Codes---------


● If game has crashed or you have lost connection while on duty, log it
under #code-a in email
● For example: “Code a PH coming back” or “Code a Calls, cannot
return” or “Code a SH, need replacement asap”


---------IC Radio Codes---------


● If you are being harassed while on duty you MUST keep bodycam
footage in case a forum is requested.
● First ask the patient if they require any medical care or
medications? If they do not reply or continue to harass you then
will ask them to leave the hospital.
● If the patient does not stop harassment, you then must call a god
by putting in a ticket stating, “harassment at ph.” (DO NOT BREAK

EMS RP Radio (IC):

-Anything relating to EMS ICly

-Radio Codes
-Needing training
-Needing vests
-May be used on or off duty as long as all terms and
communication is IC and relating to EMS

Examples of using EMS RP Radio:

-10-5 PH -Is anyone available to give Day 1 Training?

-Are there any HC available?
-Please wash vehicle XXX
-You can post your bodycam recording on the Government
website (EMS related) -Call a god (EMS related)
EMS Non-RP Radio (OOC):

-Anything relating to EMS OOC

-Using OOC terms if clarification is needed (EMS related)
-May be used on or off duty as long as it is relating to EMS

Examples of using EMS Non-RP Radio:

-Can anyone cover after server reset?

-Can someone recall vehicle XXX its glitched
-Check Discord, I made an Employee Announcement
-Post your POV on forums
-Call an admin

Switching on:
/me takes out the bodycam, switches it on and checks for the red light.
/me secures the bodycam to their uniform, ensuring it's snug and operational.
Ready for duty.

/do bodycam is recording and saving to sd card.

Switching off:
/me switches off the bodycam and checks for the green light
/do bodycam footage has been saved to sd card /me uploads the bodycam
footage to the ems cloud server

Very important:When turning on your bodycam you are required to do

the following /me and /do otherwise the bodycam will be invalid.
If we request bodycam and we notice that you have done the incorrect
rp commands, we cannot accept this as it would be invalid, therefore
you may be striked for failure to provide bodycam.

• Every time you go on duty either in PH,SH,CALL,LAB

• You need to update your start time and Location in the correct
Rota (Trainee-rota for trainees ect.)
• When you Go off duty you must edit and update your end time
• Night Shift From 00:00 TO 07:00 Clock In as Night PH and Night SH
(only Lobbies)

Strike System – 3
Following offenses will result in 1 strike on the employee:
● Excessive requests for promotion.
● Reckless driving whilst on duty or on the company’s property whilst off
duty or on duty.
● Misrepresenting EMS (behaving inappropriately in front of patients & the
general public).
● Sleeping on the job.
● Misuse of ROTA.
● Lack of communication.
● Failure to use radio calls properly.
● Disobeying or Disrespecting HC
● Creating/causing tension between employees.
● Disrespect towards colleagues.
● Lack of Professionalism.
● Abuse of company vehicles.
● Posing as or pretending to be management.
● Unresponsive to HC radio 10-20 requests.
● Weapon on duty.
● Interfering with other organizations and their operations.
● Failure to adhere to leave of absence procedure.
● Criminal charges.
● Extreme insubordination.
● Any form of corruption (selling medical supplies ie. masks, vests etc.-see
Article 3.4.3).
● Intentionally leaving lobbies empty to do other EMS job
-Please check Article 7 on the EMS charter for more information about

Other Information:

● Warehouse: how to check med kits stocks.

● Lock/unlock doors (warehouse and parking) using “E”.
● You may apply for Leave of Absence (LOA) under #leave-of-absence
if you plan on being inactive for a few days.
o If you plan on being inactive for more than 7 days, you must
speak to a HC prior to applying
● Post time-zones and approximate on-duty times in #timezone in email
● Read over #important-documents channel
● Daily Organization tasks: Not mandatory to complete. Just some
extra money.
● Immunity: EMS employees have immunity while on duty (cannot be
harassed, cannot be killed, cannot be robbed). If any gang member is
trying to kill, harass, rob you, summon a god or report them on the
● Employees MUST turn on their work radio while on duty (F5)
● Employees must maintain a high level of roleplay while on duty
● Employees must have bodycam turned on while on duty, especially
when on calls
● If you are taking a break while on calls (10-9) you must go to a
hospital and take the break in the breakroom.
● EMS Radio chat is used for radio codes and IC topics related to EMS
● EMS Non-RP Radio chat is for OOC topics related to EMS
Learn about what EMS can’t do:

o Do not go to black market even when off-duty, the only

exception to this rule is if you are there on official EMS duty in
which case Bodycam footage MUST be provided of the incident
once done.
o Do not go to the beach market/casino/post office/farm etc while
on duty except while receiving calls from there.
o Do not use any alcohol or illegal drugs while on duty.
o Do not refuse medical treatments to any citizen. (Unless it is a
10-10 situation with shots fired then you must leave the area. If
you were asked to not heal someone, you must leave as well.)
o Do not be on the phone all the time or calling someone while on
o Do not engage in any illegal activity while on and off duty.
o Do not carry ANY SORT OF WEAPONS on you while on duty.
o Do not AFK in your uniform.s
o Can’t be seen in ghetto on or off duty (no ghetto clapping)

EMS Priorities:

Where must be covered at all times prior to any other duties

1. Pillbox Hospital (PH)
2. Sandy Shore Hospital (SH)
3. Calls and Ambulance Services (“J” Muscle)
4. Lab (Making supplies and deliveries)

● You cannot ask to take over PH lobby, you may ONLY respond to a
replacement call to take PH lobby. Standing in the PH lobby waiting
to take coverage may result in a strike.
● If there are over 850 people in the city there are allowed 2 people on
duty at PH, the second person may enter the lobby without first
asking permission from whomever is on duty.

EMS Lobby Functions:

● Healing: “Z” to Heal patients

● Sell med kits: $1300 each
● Sell health insurance: $1500 for 7 days
o Functions of health insurance
▪ Requirement for gun license from the Capitol building.
▪ 50% off on all pills
● Sell three types of pills: $1000 without insurance/ $500 with insurance
o Stage 1 – mild – 1 pill required to cure.
o Stage 2 – progressive – 2 pills required to cure.
o Stage 3 – Severe – 3 pills required to cure.
o Only one pill can be taken in an hour
● Check disease
● Check for insurance
● Plastic surgery and Sex change in PH: Ground floor
● Plastic surgery: 4th floor (50k)
● Sex change: 2nd floor (70k)
● Adrenaline shots: (Only HC) check ID before administering the shots
and must be logged under #adrenaline-shots in email

Medruns (Humane Labs)

● Making medical supplies: #making-medical-supplies
o Upload a screenshot of the number of supplies before making
▪ You must show the yellow circle of the loading bay and
the server date and time
▪ Post the image and state “BEFORE”

o Count how many Captchas you have done while making

o After making supplies, post the updated image and state the
number of Captchas you did “AFTER XX Captchas”

MedLabs section must now include

specifically not to make medicine through the
glass, must go in through the door and press
E within the yellow circle as we will punish
PG if players are found doing this.
● Delivering Medicines:

o You may only delivery to Central Hospital unless other

organizations have requested you to deliver
o Upload screenshot of each delivery done in #medical-deliveries
▪ The image must include the delivery location, server
date/time, and the number of supplies in the truck.

Disclaimer: Please DON’T make Medicines through the
glass. If caught you will be punished as it will be
considered UB!
Training Day 2

Ambulance Service:

● Fear RP:
o if you are at gunpoint or in the ghetto region, always obey the
orders of the gang members whether it is to leave the area or
revive a specific person or not to revive a specific person.
Although any form of harassment or harm done to you can be
body-cammed and reported.
o When arriving at the site of the patient, check their surroundings
(are there shots fired? Are there people near the patient?)
o If someone is near the patient, ask them for permission prior to
helping the patient using (Z).
o If you hear shots fired, leave the area and report the 10-10
situation on radio using “10-10, [street name]”

RP situations
● Greetings: Introduce yourself with your name.
● Offers: I am here to provide medical assistance to you.
● Pre-checks: I am going to check you for a pulse and your
heartbeat rate.
● Imaginations: I will re-attach your legs. I am going to inject
morphine. Let me patch up these wounds with some band-aids.
● Once revived: ask them whether they need any further
assistance like driving them to a hospital.
o If not, wish them a good day and move on to the next call.
● If you cannot see the patients, go back into the ambulance, and
come back out. Wait for 30 seconds to one minute or summon
a god using (M) muscle. If gods are not responding, move on
and take the next call.

⦁You must take a vest from a warehouse by a HC before going on calls.

⦁You can’t go on calls without a vest/body armor. [1 Strike]

🔰│armor-logs in a correct format

⦁Fill up the #

⦁ Our garage: (Basics)

⦁Left Garage is only for personal vehicles
⦁Right Garage is only for EMS vehicles

Identifying the ambulance with license plate:

⦁You can see the license plate at the front of the ambulance.

Accepting Calls:

⦁You can access and accept calls by pressing (J) muscle.

⦁You can’t reject any calls at any cost. (Verbal or Strike)
⦁You can’t accept any calls further than 3000m (It is for ARD)
Steps to go on calls

⦁ 1st step: You must turn on your POV every-time when going on calls.

There are situations where you might have accidents while on calls
and end up injuring or killing someone.

- If you get a wanted star on you then you have to provide the POV of
that incident to a HC, If you fail to do that will result in blacklist from
the organization.

- Or if you loses your vest for some reason, then you can provide POV
of it in #armor-logs, if you fail to provide POV then you have to pay a
200k fine!.
⦁ 2nd step: Type 10-5 on GS calls //vehicle number)
⦁ 3rd Step: Fill up the #trainee-rota in correct respective format.

- Make sure you close the door whenever you leave parking of EMS by
pressing (E) muscle.

⦁ You must turn on sirens by pressing (E) muscle when-ever you

accept a call.
⦁ You can turn off the silent mode by pressing (B) muscle.
⦁ It is mandatory to put on a seatbelt by pressing (F6) muscle.

Refuel System:
⦁ You must have the refueling amount in your pocket
For e.g.: If fuel costs $1.200, you must have $1.200 on you.
- But it will be charged towards the state(GOV).
⦁ Please do not buy Repair kits/Canister along with fuel,cause the
money will get deducted from your pocket. (Unless, it's urgent.)
6. Salary and Reward System
6.1. Salary
6.1.1. The minimum salary per hour is $5000
6.1.2. Bonus on salary will be received for the following:
● $250 for every sold first aid kit
● $400 for every sold health insurance
● $300 for every sold pill (w/o health insurance)
● $150 for every sold pill (w/ health insurance)
● $22 for every 10 medical supplies produced
● $100-$2000 for every treated patient outside of hospital
6.2. Reward system
1. Every employee who is working more than what is required will be

The minimum salary per hour is $3000

6.1.2. Bonus on salary will be received for the following:
- $250 for every sold first aid kit
- $400 for every sold health insurance
- $300 for every sold pill (w/o health insurance)
- $150 for every sold pill (w/ health insurance)
- $22 for every 10 medical supplies produced
- $100-$2000 for every treated patient outside of hospital
6.2. Reward system
6.2.1. Every employee who is working more than what is required will be rewarded.
6.2.2. Daily rewards
● 1 hour on calls - $7.500
● 1 hour of lobby duty in SH - $15000
● 1 hour night shift SH between 0:00-07:00 - $20000.
● Making and delivering meds 1 captcha- 2000 and 1 Medrun -2000
● FTO’S will be rewarded as follows:
● For 1 training they will get 20,000
● For Exam- 3,000

6.2.3. Other rewards

● Employee of the week (Chosen by Chief) - $50000
6.2.4. Employee bonuses are calculated and paid out daily.
● High Commands will be receiving $50000 per week for paperwork.
Welcome to EMS!

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